BlueMap (蓝图)
BlueMap 是一个 Minecraft 地图工具,可以创建你的 Minecraft 世界的 3D 模型,并在 web 浏览器中显示它们。
BlueMap 是一个程序,可以读取你的 Minecraft 世界文件,并生成地图,同时也生成整个表面的 3D 模型。
通过 Web 应用程序,你可以在浏览器中查看这些地图,基本上可以像在游戏中一样查看世界!
BlueMap 以 Spigot/Paper 或 Sponge 插件的形式提供,以 Fabric 或 Forge 模组的形式提供,你还可以在没有任何服务器的情况下,
通过命令行作为独立工具使用 BlueMap。
如果作为插件/模组安装,BlueMap 将**异步渲染**到你的 Minecraft 服务器线程。这意味着 BlueMap 渲染时不会直接阻塞服务器线程。
只要你的 CPU 没有完全被使用,你的服务器在渲染 BlueMap 时不会被减速。
使用 BlueMap
你可以在这里看到有多少服务器在使用 BlueMap:
如果需要设置帮助,可以加入[Discord 服务器](
指标和 Web 服务器
BlueMap 使用 [bStats](
指标对于跟踪插件的使用情况非常有用,也有助于我保持动力!请打开它们 :)
bStats: bStats 收集的所有数据可以在这里查看:。
自己的指标: 除了 bStats,BlueMap 还发送一个超级小的报告到我的服务器,其中只包含 BlueMap 插件的实现名称和版本。我这样做是因为有一些其他的 BlueMap 实现(Fabric、Forge、CLI)不受 bStats 支持。这是一个示例报告:
{ "implementation": "sponge", "version": "0.0.0" }
Web 服务器: Web 服务器是这个插件的核心功能。因此,默认情况下启用,但可以在插件配置中禁用。默认情况下,Web 服务器绑定到所有网络接口('')的端口`8100`,并托管`./bluemap/web/`文件夹的内容。
待办事项 / 计划功能
问题 / 建议
你发现了一个 bug,或者有其他问题或建议吗?
欢迎加入[Discord 服务器](
2D (flat-only) map support (O.o)
..and a first iteration of support for custom block-renderers. :)
### Upgrading from 5.4
- Replace the bluemap.jar-file with the new one
- Delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp
- Move all contents (if any) of bluemaps `addons` folder into bluemaps `packs` folder and delete the `addons` folder.
*(Native addons now go into the packs folder alongside resourcepacks)*
- In your `webapp.conf`:
- Remove the `enable-free-flight` configuration, this config it is no longer used.
- Add the following lines:
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all map data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#map-data-root: ""
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all live data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#live-data-root: ""
- In each of your map-configs in the `maps` folder:
- Replace `save-hires-layer` with `enable-hires` *(setting has been renamed)*
- Add the following lines:
# Defines the initial sky-light-strength the map will be set to when it is opened.
# 0 is no sky-light, 1 is fully lighted.
# You can change this at any time.
# Default is 1
sky-light: 1
# Whether the perspective view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and free-flight view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-perspective-view: true
# Whether the flat (isometric, top-down) view will be enabled for this map.
# Having only flat-view enabled while disabling free-flight and perspective will speed up the render and reduce the maps storage-size.
# Default is true
enable-flat-view: true
# Whether the free-flight view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and perspective view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-free-flight-view: true
### Changelog since 5.4
- Added per-map view-settings and optimized flat-view only maps (2d-map support)
- Added loading of nested feature-datapacks
- Added support for pale_oak_leaves (custom tint-color)
- Added ability to configure the map and live data root url's of the webapp
- Added model for the conduit (thanks to TyBraniff)
- Merged `addons` folder into `packs` folder (native addons not go into `packs` instead of `addons`)
- First iteration of custom block-renderer support
- The webapp now uses the browser-language as default language if available (thanks to NikitaCartes)
- Added `-n` option to cli allowing to pass a custom path to load resources from (e.g. a servers mods-folder) (thanks to TechnicJelle)
- Fixed/removed the black void/hole that appeared where hires tiles could not be loaded
- Fixed duplicate region render-tasks in the render-queue
### Full Changelog
2D (flat-only) map support (O.o)
..and a first iteration of support for custom block-renderers. :)
### Upgrading from 5.4
- Replace the bluemap.jar-file with the new one
- Delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp
- Move all contents (if any) of bluemaps `addons` folder into bluemaps `packs` folder and delete the `addons` folder.
*(Native addons now go into the packs folder alongside resourcepacks)*
- In your `webapp.conf`:
- Remove the `enable-free-flight` configuration, this config it is no longer used.
- Add the following lines:
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all map data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#map-data-root: ""
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all live data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#live-data-root: ""
- In each of your map-configs in the `maps` folder:
- Replace `save-hires-layer` with `enable-hires` *(setting has been renamed)*
- Add the following lines:
# Defines the initial sky-light-strength the map will be set to when it is opened.
# 0 is no sky-light, 1 is fully lighted.
# You can change this at any time.
# Default is 1
sky-light: 1
# Whether the perspective view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and free-flight view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-perspective-view: true
# Whether the flat (isometric, top-down) view will be enabled for this map.
# Having only flat-view enabled while disabling free-flight and perspective will speed up the render and reduce the maps storage-size.
# Default is true
enable-flat-view: true
# Whether the free-flight view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and perspective view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-free-flight-view: true
### Changelog since 5.4
- Added per-map view-settings and optimized flat-view only maps (2d-map support)
- Added loading of nested feature-datapacks
- Added support for pale_oak_leaves (custom tint-color)
- Added ability to configure the map and live data root url's of the webapp
- Added model for the conduit (thanks to TyBraniff)
- Merged `addons` folder into `packs` folder (native addons not go into `packs` instead of `addons`)
- First iteration of custom block-renderer support
- The webapp now uses the browser-language as default language if available (thanks to NikitaCartes)
- Added `-n` option to cli allowing to pass a custom path to load resources from (e.g. a servers mods-folder) (thanks to TechnicJelle)
- Fixed/removed the black void/hole that appeared where hires tiles could not be loaded
- Fixed duplicate region render-tasks in the render-queue
### Full Changelog
2D (flat-only) map support (O.o)
..and a first iteration of support for custom block-renderers. :)
### Upgrading from 5.4
- Replace the bluemap.jar-file with the new one
- Delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp
- Move all contents (if any) of bluemaps `addons` folder into bluemaps `packs` folder and delete the `addons` folder.
*(Native addons now go into the packs folder alongside resourcepacks)*
- In your `webapp.conf`:
- Remove the `enable-free-flight` configuration, this config it is no longer used.
- Add the following lines:
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all map data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#map-data-root: ""
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all live data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#live-data-root: ""
- In each of your map-configs in the `maps` folder:
- Replace `save-hires-layer` with `enable-hires` *(setting has been renamed)*
- Add the following lines:
# Defines the initial sky-light-strength the map will be set to when it is opened.
# 0 is no sky-light, 1 is fully lighted.
# You can change this at any time.
# Default is 1
sky-light: 1
# Whether the perspective view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and free-flight view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-perspective-view: true
# Whether the flat (isometric, top-down) view will be enabled for this map.
# Having only flat-view enabled while disabling free-flight and perspective will speed up the render and reduce the maps storage-size.
# Default is true
enable-flat-view: true
# Whether the free-flight view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and perspective view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-free-flight-view: true
### Changelog since 5.4
- Added per-map view-settings and optimized flat-view only maps (2d-map support)
- Added loading of nested feature-datapacks
- Added support for pale_oak_leaves (custom tint-color)
- Added ability to configure the map and live data root url's of the webapp
- Added model for the conduit (thanks to TyBraniff)
- Merged `addons` folder into `packs` folder (native addons not go into `packs` instead of `addons`)
- First iteration of custom block-renderer support
- The webapp now uses the browser-language as default language if available (thanks to NikitaCartes)
- Added `-n` option to cli allowing to pass a custom path to load resources from (e.g. a servers mods-folder) (thanks to TechnicJelle)
- Fixed/removed the black void/hole that appeared where hires tiles could not be loaded
- Fixed duplicate region render-tasks in the render-queue
### Full Changelog
2D (flat-only) map support (O.o)
..and a first iteration of support for custom block-renderers. :)
### Upgrading from 5.4
- Replace the bluemap.jar-file with the new one
- Delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp
- Move all contents (if any) of bluemaps `addons` folder into bluemaps `packs` folder and delete the `addons` folder.
*(Native addons now go into the packs folder alongside resourcepacks)*
- In your `webapp.conf`:
- Remove the `enable-free-flight` configuration, this config it is no longer used.
- Add the following lines:
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all map data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#map-data-root: ""
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all live data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#live-data-root: ""
- In each of your map-configs in the `maps` folder:
- Replace `save-hires-layer` with `enable-hires` *(setting has been renamed)*
- Add the following lines:
# Defines the initial sky-light-strength the map will be set to when it is opened.
# 0 is no sky-light, 1 is fully lighted.
# You can change this at any time.
# Default is 1
sky-light: 1
# Whether the perspective view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and free-flight view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-perspective-view: true
# Whether the flat (isometric, top-down) view will be enabled for this map.
# Having only flat-view enabled while disabling free-flight and perspective will speed up the render and reduce the maps storage-size.
# Default is true
enable-flat-view: true
# Whether the free-flight view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and perspective view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-free-flight-view: true
### Changelog since 5.4
- Added per-map view-settings and optimized flat-view only maps (2d-map support)
- Added loading of nested feature-datapacks
- Added support for pale_oak_leaves (custom tint-color)
- Added ability to configure the map and live data root url's of the webapp
- Added model for the conduit (thanks to TyBraniff)
- Merged `addons` folder into `packs` folder (native addons not go into `packs` instead of `addons`)
- First iteration of custom block-renderer support
- The webapp now uses the browser-language as default language if available (thanks to NikitaCartes)
- Added `-n` option to cli allowing to pass a custom path to load resources from (e.g. a servers mods-folder) (thanks to TechnicJelle)
- Fixed/removed the black void/hole that appeared where hires tiles could not be loaded
- Fixed duplicate region render-tasks in the render-queue
### Full Changelog
2D (flat-only) map support (O.o)
..and a first iteration of support for custom block-renderers. :)
### Upgrading from 5.4
- Replace the bluemap.jar-file with the new one
- Delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp
- Move all contents (if any) of bluemaps `addons` folder into bluemaps `packs` folder and delete the `addons` folder.
*(Native addons now go into the packs folder alongside resourcepacks)*
- In your `webapp.conf`:
- Remove the `enable-free-flight` configuration, this config it is no longer used.
- Add the following lines:
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all map data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#map-data-root: ""
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all live data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#live-data-root: ""
- In each of your map-configs in the `maps` folder:
- Replace `save-hires-layer` with `enable-hires` *(setting has been renamed)*
- Add the following lines:
# Defines the initial sky-light-strength the map will be set to when it is opened.
# 0 is no sky-light, 1 is fully lighted.
# You can change this at any time.
# Default is 1
sky-light: 1
# Whether the perspective view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and free-flight view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-perspective-view: true
# Whether the flat (isometric, top-down) view will be enabled for this map.
# Having only flat-view enabled while disabling free-flight and perspective will speed up the render and reduce the maps storage-size.
# Default is true
enable-flat-view: true
# Whether the free-flight view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and perspective view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-free-flight-view: true
### Changelog since 5.4
- Added per-map view-settings and optimized flat-view only maps (2d-map support)
- Added loading of nested feature-datapacks
- Added support for pale_oak_leaves (custom tint-color)
- Added ability to configure the map and live data root url's of the webapp
- Added model for the conduit (thanks to TyBraniff)
- Merged `addons` folder into `packs` folder (native addons not go into `packs` instead of `addons`)
- First iteration of custom block-renderer support
- The webapp now uses the browser-language as default language if available (thanks to NikitaCartes)
- Added `-n` option to cli allowing to pass a custom path to load resources from (e.g. a servers mods-folder) (thanks to TechnicJelle)
- Fixed/removed the black void/hole that appeared where hires tiles could not be loaded
- Fixed duplicate region render-tasks in the render-queue
### Full Changelog
2D (flat-only) map support (O.o)
..and a first iteration of support for custom block-renderers. :)
### Upgrading from 5.4
- Replace the bluemap.jar-file with the new one
- Delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp
- Move all contents (if any) of bluemaps `addons` folder into bluemaps `packs` folder and delete the `addons` folder.
*(Native addons now go into the packs folder alongside resourcepacks)*
- In your `webapp.conf`:
- Remove the `enable-free-flight` configuration, this config it is no longer used.
- Add the following lines:
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all map data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#map-data-root: ""
# Here you can specify an alternative base url from where all live data is loaded.
# Default is "maps"
#live-data-root: ""
- In each of your map-configs in the `maps` folder:
- Replace `save-hires-layer` with `enable-hires` *(setting has been renamed)*
- Add the following lines:
# Defines the initial sky-light-strength the map will be set to when it is opened.
# 0 is no sky-light, 1 is fully lighted.
# You can change this at any time.
# Default is 1
sky-light: 1
# Whether the perspective view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and free-flight view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-perspective-view: true
# Whether the flat (isometric, top-down) view will be enabled for this map.
# Having only flat-view enabled while disabling free-flight and perspective will speed up the render and reduce the maps storage-size.
# Default is true
enable-flat-view: true
# Whether the free-flight view will be enabled for this map.
# Changing this to true requires a re-render of the map, only if the hires-layer is enabled and perspective view is disabled.
# Default is true
enable-free-flight-view: true
### Changelog since 5.4
- Added per-map view-settings and optimized flat-view only maps (2d-map support)
- Added loading of nested feature-datapacks
- Added support for pale_oak_leaves (custom tint-color)
- Added ability to configure the map and live data root url's of the webapp
- Added model for the conduit (thanks to TyBraniff)
- Merged `addons` folder into `packs` folder (native addons not go into `packs` instead of `addons`)
- First iteration of custom block-renderer support
- The webapp now uses the browser-language as default language if available (thanks to NikitaCartes)
- Added `-n` option to cli allowing to pass a custom path to load resources from (e.g. a servers mods-folder) (thanks to TechnicJelle)
- Fixed/removed the black void/hole that appeared where hires tiles could not be loaded
- Fixed duplicate region render-tasks in the render-queue
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
BlueMap now requires Java 21.
> This is the first release after a lot of changes with bluemap's build system.
> From now on BlueMap's new releases will target Java 21 and there will be only one version per platform (one forge version, one fabric version, etc.).
> If you need BlueMap for an older Minecraft-Version for your platform that is not supported by the latest version,
> use a (previous) version of BlueMap that supports the version you need.
> This change makes BlueMap easier to maintain and will help with further/future BlueMap development and new features.
### Upgrading from 5.3
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.3
- Stopped pre-scanning the full map-state on map-initialization (improves bluemap load time)
- Added support for emissive textures added in Minecraft Snapshot 24w33a
- Added error-logging to the sql.php (Thanks to @ColdeZhang, #595)
- A lot of "under the hood" changes and improvements
- Fixed incompatibility with some forge-mods (#516)
- Fixed corrupted map-state files not self-healing (#588)
- Fixed Exception when loading big chunks (#587)
- Fixed webapp links with only the map-id not working (#589)
- Fixed an issue where exceptions when enabling bluemap-addons where not logged correctly
- Fixed some typos in config-templates
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
BlueMap now requires Java 21.
> This is the first release after a lot of changes with bluemap's build system.
> From now on BlueMap's new releases will target Java 21 and there will be only one version per platform (one forge version, one fabric version, etc.).
> If you need BlueMap for an older Minecraft-Version for your platform that is not supported by the latest version,
> use a (previous) version of BlueMap that supports the version you need.
> This change makes BlueMap easier to maintain and will help with further/future BlueMap development and new features.
### Upgrading from 5.3
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.3
- Stopped pre-scanning the full map-state on map-initialization (improves bluemap load time)
- Added support for emissive textures added in Minecraft Snapshot 24w33a
- Added error-logging to the sql.php (Thanks to @ColdeZhang, #595)
- A lot of "under the hood" changes and improvements
- Fixed incompatibility with some forge-mods (#516)
- Fixed corrupted map-state files not self-healing (#588)
- Fixed Exception when loading big chunks (#587)
- Fixed webapp links with only the map-id not working (#589)
- Fixed an issue where exceptions when enabling bluemap-addons where not logged correctly
- Fixed some typos in config-templates
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
BlueMap now requires Java 21.
> This is the first release after a lot of changes with bluemap's build system.
> From now on BlueMap's new releases will target Java 21 and there will be only one version per platform (one forge version, one fabric version, etc.).
> If you need BlueMap for an older Minecraft-Version for your platform that is not supported by the latest version,
> use a (previous) version of BlueMap that supports the version you need.
> This change makes BlueMap easier to maintain and will help with further/future BlueMap development and new features.
### Upgrading from 5.3
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.3
- Stopped pre-scanning the full map-state on map-initialization (improves bluemap load time)
- Added support for emissive textures added in Minecraft Snapshot 24w33a
- Added error-logging to the sql.php (Thanks to @ColdeZhang, #595)
- A lot of "under the hood" changes and improvements
- Fixed incompatibility with some forge-mods (#516)
- Fixed corrupted map-state files not self-healing (#588)
- Fixed Exception when loading big chunks (#587)
- Fixed webapp links with only the map-id not working (#589)
- Fixed an issue where exceptions when enabling bluemap-addons where not logged correctly
- Fixed some typos in config-templates
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
BlueMap now requires Java 21.
> This is the first release after a lot of changes with bluemap's build system.
> From now on BlueMap's new releases will target Java 21 and there will be only one version per platform (one forge version, one fabric version, etc.).
> If you need BlueMap for an older Minecraft-Version for your platform that is not supported by the latest version,
> use a (previous) version of BlueMap that supports the version you need.
> This change makes BlueMap easier to maintain and will help with further/future BlueMap development and new features.
### Upgrading from 5.3
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.3
- Stopped pre-scanning the full map-state on map-initialization (improves bluemap load time)
- Added support for emissive textures added in Minecraft Snapshot 24w33a
- Added error-logging to the sql.php (Thanks to @ColdeZhang, #595)
- A lot of "under the hood" changes and improvements
- Fixed incompatibility with some forge-mods (#516)
- Fixed corrupted map-state files not self-healing (#588)
- Fixed Exception when loading big chunks (#587)
- Fixed webapp links with only the map-id not working (#589)
- Fixed an issue where exceptions when enabling bluemap-addons where not logged correctly
- Fixed some typos in config-templates
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
BlueMap now requires Java 21.
> This is the first release after a lot of changes with bluemap's build system.
> From now on BlueMap's new releases will target Java 21 and there will be only one version per platform (one forge version, one fabric version, etc.).
> If you need BlueMap for an older Minecraft-Version for your platform that is not supported by the latest version,
> use a (previous) version of BlueMap that supports the version you need.
> This change makes BlueMap easier to maintain and will help with further/future BlueMap development and new features.
### Upgrading from 5.3
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.3
- Stopped pre-scanning the full map-state on map-initialization (improves bluemap load time)
- Added support for emissive textures added in Minecraft Snapshot 24w33a
- Added error-logging to the sql.php (Thanks to @ColdeZhang, #595)
- A lot of "under the hood" changes and improvements
- Fixed incompatibility with some forge-mods (#516)
- Fixed corrupted map-state files not self-healing (#588)
- Fixed Exception when loading big chunks (#587)
- Fixed webapp links with only the map-id not working (#589)
- Fixed an issue where exceptions when enabling bluemap-addons where not logged correctly
- Fixed some typos in config-templates
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
BlueMap now requires Java 21.
> This is the first release after a lot of changes with bluemap's build system.
> From now on BlueMap's new releases will target Java 21 and there will be only one version per platform (one forge version, one fabric version, etc.).
> If you need BlueMap for an older Minecraft-Version for your platform that is not supported by the latest version,
> use a (previous) version of BlueMap that supports the version you need.
> This change makes BlueMap easier to maintain and will help with further/future BlueMap development and new features.
### Upgrading from 5.3
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.3
- Stopped pre-scanning the full map-state on map-initialization (improves bluemap load time)
- Added support for emissive textures added in Minecraft Snapshot 24w33a
- Added error-logging to the sql.php (Thanks to @ColdeZhang, #595)
- A lot of "under the hood" changes and improvements
- Fixed incompatibility with some forge-mods (#516)
- Fixed corrupted map-state files not self-healing (#588)
- Fixed Exception when loading big chunks (#587)
- Fixed webapp links with only the map-id not working (#589)
- Fixed an issue where exceptions when enabling bluemap-addons where not logged correctly
- Fixed some typos in config-templates
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Mostly bugfixes.
### Upgrading from 5.2
Just replace the .jar-file :)
Optionally delete your `<webroot>/index.html` to make bluemap update the webapp.
### Changelog since 5.2
- Changed lowres-tile saving to be even more robust, reducing the probability of lowres-tiles corrupting even if
there are temporary issues when trying to save them (e.g. a short db-connection loss)
This also fixes an occasional tile-save error with databases when bluemap is disabling (or reloading).
- Reloading the webapp (F5) will now automatically trigger a map-refresh (thanks to @MicLieg)
- Fixed an error reading chunks that are larger than a certain threshold
- Fixed an NPE when the region-folder of a dimension isn't present for some time
- Fixed the debug-dump being named `dump.json.gz` but not being actually compressed -> renamed back to `dump.json`
- Fixed some leftover debug code spawning a random `teststate.json` on cli
- Fixed an incompatibility with some fabric/forge mods
- Fixed cli errors when using ctrl+c to stop
- Fixed exception when a player joins the server on fabric-1.20
- Fixed spigot version detection
- Fixed a `core.conf` typo (thanks to @monke8555)
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Faster map-data format, animated textures, refactored map-updates and world/dimension-handling,
new map-storage implementation AND BlueMap-native addons! =)
### Upgrading from 5.0 or 5.1
You were already using the latest 5.x snapshot/rc?
Then don't have to do anything! Just replace the .jar-file :)
### Upgrading from any other version (3.x or 4.x)
**A clean re-installation is highly recommended! You WILL need to re-render all your maps.**
- Shut down your server
- Make a backup
- Delete your current BlueMap-??-??.jar
- Delete the BlueMap config directory (`./plugins/BlueMap` or `./config/bluemap`, depending on your platform)
- Delete the BlueMap data directory (the `./bluemap` folder in your server root)
- Delete any existing BlueMap-databases (All tables on your db starting with `bluemap_`, only if you were using an sql-storage)
- Follow the usual [installation steps](
**If you are using an external webserver or any other custom setup:**
Revisit the wiki-pages and update your configuration accordingly!
Relevant changes:
- The `.json.gz` files are now `.prbm.gz` files
- The `textures.json` is now also compressed (`textures.json.gz`)
- The sql-tables have changed and the `sql.php` got updated accordingly
### Changelog since 5.1
- Updated sponge to SpongeAPI 11
- Fixed CLI still generating the old `resourcpacks` folder
### Changelog since 3.21 (condensed)
- Switched hires-model format from json to a custom binary format: prbm (slightly modified version of [prwm](
- Massive performance improvement when loading map-tiles in the browser
- Slightly smaller on the storage
- Slightly faster to render
- Added animated textures
- Refactored Chunk-Loading and World management
- Added dimension config to the map configs
- Removed world-sky-light config from the map configs
- Full rewrite of the map-updating system
- Chunk change detection is now fully based on chunk-timestamps instead a mix with region-timestamps
- BlueMap will now delete already rendered parts of the map if the world got trimmed or chunks got otherwise removed from the world
- Changing the map-edges is now possible without purging the map
- Added command to force-update only map-tiles on map-edges
- Added debug command for checking map-tile states
- Correctly separated ResourcePacks and DataPacks
- Biomes are now fully DataPack based (internally)
- Renamed `resourcepacks` folder to `packs` (still accepting both, resource- and data-packs)
- Removed support for bluemaps `biomes.json` file in resource/data-packs (use the datapack format to configure custom biomes)
- Full map-storage implementation rewrite
- Add first implementation of a native-addon loader
- Addon devs now have the ability to make their addon loadable by bluemap directly instead of depending on a mod/plugin loader
- A limited version of the API is now also available on the CLI implementation, which can be used with native addons
- Addons can also make use of BlueMapCore and BlueMapCommon for extended functionality
- Native addons are EXPERIMENTAL right now
- Downloading vanilla-resources now considers all available minecraft versions
- Added support for nested resourcepacks (introduced in 1.20.2)
- Added resources for signs, hanging-signs, banners, shulker-chests, bell, mob/player-heads, (decorated-)pots and cake
(thanks to @TyBraniff, #536)
- Allow texture-variables with missing # in certain situations to align with vanilla behaviour
(fixes loading of some resourcepacks/mods) (thanks to @glorantq, #525)
- Removed the pretty-printing from the settings.json to discourage editing it manually
- Added `-m` flag to the cli which allows to specify certain maps that should be rendered
- Added `-e` flag to the cli which works similar as `-f` but only forces updating map-tiles on map-edges
- Add option to display chunk-borders on the map (thanks to @TechnicJelle, #542)
- Map-settings now load in parallel to speed up initial page-loading with many maps (thanks to @Salzian, #538)
- Added/Updated serbian, ukraine, russian, finnish, turkish, french and zh_CN translations
- Fixed render-issues with custom world-heights
- Fixed empty block-states having the wrong block-properties
- Fixed lowres-heightmaps not working below y0
- Fixed an error with self-healing when a textures file is corrupted
- Fixed unlisted markers being counted in the marker-set gui
- Fixed `sql.php` port config not being used
- Fixed grass-sides sometimes not being colored correctly (#492)
- Fixed popup-marker sometimes hiding behind other markers
- Fixed flickering with some animated textures introduced in 4.1
- Fixed webapp menu-title of player-markers not translatable
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Added implementations for 1.20.6
### Upgrading from 3.20
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.20
- Added a version supporting fabric 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting forge 1.20.6
- Added a version supporting neoforge 1.20.6
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Fixed bug which corrupts old grass-textures when updating from 1.20.2 (or lower) to 1.20.3 (or higher).
### Upgrading from 3.18
*(skip Version 3.19)*
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.19
- Fixed texture-gallery not preserving textures that are missing after a resource(pack) change
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
Added 1.20.3 and NeoForge support.
### Upgrading from 3.18
- replace your BlueMap.jar
### Changelog since 3.18
- Added 1.20.3 resources
- Added a NeoForge implementation
- Added PostgreSQL support to the built-in php-script for external webservers (Thanks to AlbusRex, #486)
- Fixed an issue with calculating the average-color if the image-format is a specific grayscale format
- Fixed key-size issues on some databases (for real now)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
There is now a configurable void (background) color for each map!
### Upgrading from 3.17
- replace your BlueMap.jar
- delete your `<webroot>/index.html` (usually `./bluemap/web/index.html`) to update the webapp
### Changelog since 3.17
- added a config to set the void (background) color of a map (Thanks to TechnicJelle, #477)
- the webapp now slows down the redraw frequency if nothing is changing -> no more high GPU usage while the webapp is open but idle
- migrated some mixins to use FabricAPI instead to improve version-compatibility (Thanks to NikitaCartes, #481)
- added a fixed collation the mysql table-creation to avoid collation related problems (#488)
- fixed the free-flight-option not being removed form the settings menu if disabled (#482)
- fixed an issue with block-properties not being loaded correctly from resource-packs
- fixed a (harmless) error in the paper-implementation that could occur on certain player-chat messages
- fixed the position-url anchor not being loaded correctly if in free-flight mode (#485)
- fixed an error when a map is purged that has already been fully purged (#490)
### Full Changelog
- SQL-Support (MySQL, MariaDB)
- Server-Network support (BungeeCord, Velocity etc.)
- improved API
- improved resource-loading (loading mods etc.)
- better configs
- much better zoom-out resolution
- much better zoom-out view-distance
- much faster zoom-out loading
### Full Changelog
- SQL-Support (MySQL, MariaDB)
- Server-Network support (BungeeCord, Velocity etc.)
- improved API
- improved resource-loading (loading mods etc.)
- better configs
- much better zoom-out resolution
- much better zoom-out view-distance
- much faster zoom-out loading
### Full Changelog
- SQL-Support (MySQL, MariaDB)
- Server-Network support (BungeeCord, Velocity etc.)
- improved API
- improved resource-loading (loading mods etc.)
- better configs
- much better zoom-out resolution
- much better zoom-out view-distance
- much faster zoom-out loading
### Full Changelog
- SQL-Support (MySQL, MariaDB)
- Server-Network support (BungeeCord, Velocity etc.)
- improved API
- improved resource-loading (loading mods etc.)
- better configs
- much better zoom-out resolution
- much better zoom-out view-distance
- much faster zoom-out loading
### Full Changelog