- Reduced the duration of the Blind Effect the Wayfarer gives
- Added Fei'Ryun, The Last Obelisk
- Changed spawn weight of Lenny to 7
- Changed spawn weight of Gerald to 3
- Changed spawn weight of Grum to 9
- Changed spawn weight of Anima to 6, now only spawn in groups of 1 or 2
- Changed spawn weight of Watcher to 5
- Changed spawn weight of Wayfarer to 5, now only spawn in groups of 1
- Changed spawn weight of Umbral Imp to 8, now only spawn in groups of 1 or 2
- All Entities now belong under the "umbral_type" entity tag
- Gerald now drops Sigil Block instead of item form
- Added New Trees to Void Forest
- Added New Rock Feature to Void Forest
- Fixed spawning of Orion's Altar hopefully
- Added Obelisk Soul Fei'Ryun
- Changed Sigil to Ritual Stone (registry name also has changed to ritual_stone)
- Giant's Altar will no longer disappear after use
- Sigil block will now drop itself when broken
- Sigil block now needs a Ritual Stone to be activated
- Added a config file to disable/enable every mob from spawning. Orion and Figure entities cannot be disabled in the config
- Added JEI information for Obelisk Soul Fei'Ryun
- Fixed spelling mistake for Obelisk Soul Vayu
- Changed Information for Ritual Stone (formerly Sigil)
- Added JEI Information for Sigil Block
- Added Umbralic Edge Enchant
- Only works on Umbral Slayer and Damaged Umbral Slayer
- Added recipe to Ritual Stone (formerly Sigil)
**Added JEI Support for all recipes in custom recipe benches.**
- Added Great Obelisk Vayu
- Added The Figure 2 (For cutscene after defeating Obelisk Vayu)
- The Wayfarer
- Umbral Imp
- Umbralic Crafting Table
- Block of Hardened Spirit Iron
- Severely downgraded Damaged Umbral Slayer attack power
- Severely downgraded Umbral Slayer attack power and attack speed
- Added Obelisk Soul Vayu
- Added Potion of Umbral Poisoning
- Added Spirit Iron Upgrade Smithing Template
- Added recipe for Umbral Slayer
- Made Spirit Table perform better in terms of crafting hopefully
- Added Block of Hardened Spirit Iron recipe
- Added Umbralic Crafting Table recipe
- Changed Spirit Iron Recipe
**Loot Table:**
- Fixed Red Dust Loot Table
- Changed particles that spawn in Void Forest biome
- Made Void Forest very dark
- Added Umbral Poisoning effect
- Added overlay for Umbral Poisoning effect
- Added new Dark Bullet Projectile
- Vayu is summonable in the Giant's Altar using the Obelisk Soul Guu
- Vayu inflicts Umbral Poisoning on player when it attacks you
- Vayu is first moving obelisk that will actively try and attack you
- Second Cutscene with The Figure will instantly kill you once again
- Wayfarer will inflict Umbral Poisoning when colliding with player
- Great Obelisk Guu will now summon Umbral Imps instead of Zombies
I decided to take a break from updating this mod but now I am back. I also decided that I am just going to slowly add in the rest of the Obelisks creatures because I have something planned for them.
**Mobs Added:**
- The Figure
- Great Obelisk Ruu
- Added Furnace recipe with Dark Cobblestone
- Changed Spirit Iron recipe, now requires the Smithing Table
- Changed Spirit Table recipes, all recipes only require one of the item
- Obelisk Ruu can be summoned with the Altar of Giants using the Obelisk Soul Gyu as a catalyst
- The Figure will be summoned after you kill Ruu, special dialogue will take place which will result in you getting killed instantly. **Do not do this in Hardcore.**
This update took quite a while to do but I got it out but yet it only part 1! Still have to add more monsters in the next part!
**Mobs Added:**
- Great Obelisk Gyu
**Items Added:**
- Damaged Spirit Slayer
- Lesser Spirit Slayer
- Spirit Iron
- Hardened Spirit Iron
- Spirit Essence (Drops from Anima)
- Obelisk Soul Gyu, Vau, Ruu, Fei
- Mysterious Red Dust (Sometimes dropped from Redstone Ore)
**Blocks Added:**
- Giant's Red Marble
- Spirit Table
- Altar of The Giants
- Spirit Table is a special crafting station used to craft different items in this mod. Recipes can be viewed in the mod description
- Altar of the Giants is used to summon Great Obelisk Gyu
- Right-Click a Nether Star on the Altar of the Giants to Summon the Obelisk
- Only the Obelisk Soul Gyu is obtainable as I have yet to make the other Obelisk, will be in Part 2
- Lesser Spirit Slayer and Spirit Slayer are not yet obtainable, Only Damaged Spirit Slayer
- Added Watcher Entity
- Spawns in Void Forest, peaceful but shy creature, disappears when you get too close
- Added Orion Entity (does not spawn naturally, only be found on Orion's Altar)
- Added Orion's Altar Structure (only spawns in Darkness Dimension)
- Added Void Forest Biome
- Added Void Oak Log
- Added Void Oak Planks
- Added Void Oak Leaves
- Added Dark Stone
- Added Dark Cobblestone
- Added Darkness Dimension, floating islands made of Dark Stone
- Only biome is Void Forest Biome
- Revamped Model Texture on Sigil, actually circular now
- Fixed Hitboxes on Anima and Grum
- Added Spark of Darkness, used to get into Darkness Dimension
- Added Advancement for traveling into Darkness Dimension
- Fixed Wither Rose not being consumed when summoning Gerald on the Sigil
- Darkness Dimension portal frame blocks use blackstone
- Portal is setup like any other nether portal
- right-click Spark of Darkness on any blackstone to light the portal
- **Requires Geckolib 4.2.4 or above**
- **Join the discord to report any issues** https://discord.com/invite/pepvpCbtDj
- Additions:
- Mobs:
- Anima
- Grum
- Items:
- Sigil
- Other:
- Gerald now drops the Sigil Item
- Sigil can be placed on ground, when right-clicking it with a wither rose, it will summon Gerald
Grum can spawn anywhere, Anima only spawns in Dark Forests
The Sigil block texture may change in a later update since I am not all that happy with the design of it. So it may change at a later time.