这款全新的沉浸式车辆模组是由 Minecraft 飞行模拟器的团队带来的!这个模组是一年多努力的成果,也是 Minecraft 飞行模拟器的延续和未来。
- 官方车辆包:一小部分车辆的精选。每辆车都设计得展示沉浸式车辆的功能,同时仍符合 Minecraft 的美学。
- Waywardcraft车辆包:Waywardcraft Flansmod包的移植。经典的 Minecraft 车辆体验。需要另一个包来获取引擎/座椅/车轮。
UNU品牌。来自 Dr_prof_Luigi
- UNU零件包:适用于 Dr_prof_Luigi 的所有包。包含关键零件,如引擎、座椅和贴纸。
- UNU民用包:汽车、公共汽车、卡车、摩托车等。几乎任何你能想到的城市用车辆。
- UNU军事包:UNU民用包的军事版。当你需要一把枪配合你的车辆时。
- 扩展的UNU宇宙包:一组后启示录车辆。如果你要去一个疯狂最大风格的地图。
- 空冷包:科维尔、大众甲壳虫等经典空冷车辆。
- 经典电影车辆包:曾经梦想拥有你自己的Ecto-1?现在机会来了!
- 真实物理:真的很真实。飞机起飞就像真正的飞机一样,耗尽燃料不会让你像石头一样掉下来,地面物理不仅仅是车辆在冰上滑动。飞行考虑速度、俯仰、攻角、重量、引擎寿命、螺旋桨俯仰等。车辆受速度、光滑表面、爆胎甚至触地的车轮数量影响。
- 操纵杆和鼠标支持:想在 Minecraft 中使用那灰尘满身的飞行杆?现在你可以了!想把 IV 变成《赛车大师》配备方向盘?也可以。IV 让你完全控制任何被识别为操纵杆的控制器的车辆。如果你是那种认为用控制器玩 Minecraft 是一种罪恶的人,但仍想比键盘控制更快,那就试试内置的鼠标操纵系统。虽然不完美,但它提供了一种如果你用过Flan's或MCHeli就会熟悉的飞行体验。
- 游戏内手册:没人愿意离开 Minecraft 去Wiki上查东西。因此,IV 配备了一个手册,详细介绍了模组中的所有内容。从如何建造你的第一辆车,到引擎保养的细节,以及为什么你的引擎冒黑烟,手册都是 IV 的权威指南。请务必阅读,因为你可能会学到一些东西。
- 完全可定制:也许你想要一架飞机,把你和你的朋友从主要基地运到新的基地。也许你想在空中运输矿石以避免毁掉你的一切的爬行者。IV 理解,并且可以选择是否
来自ModrinthImmersive Vehicles - 1.16.5 - 22.17.0
Immersive Vehicles-1.16.5-22.17.0.jar下载22.17.0#Release## FIXES:
- Fixed Java 8 computers not being able to boot the mod.
- Fixed debug profiler crashing the game.
- Upped max entity radius to not cull entities as much. Mainly for blimps.
- Fixed blimps rotating funny ways they shouldn't.
- Fixed traffic signals not loading from chunk data properly.
- Fixed some instruments not displaying properly.
- Fixed CME crash from multi-threaded collision checkers.
- Fixed cameras not being change-able from joysticks.
- Fixed some dumb log spam for OCP pack.
- Tweaked player sitting position (again), and fixed CNPC sitting position.
- Added a config to allow ReplayMod to work in 1.16.5
- Made rain not render in vehicles in 1.16.5
展开版本: 22.17.0支持游戏: 1.16.5类型: ForgeRelease下载次数: 17,231Immersive Vehicles - 1.12.2 - 22.17.0
Immersive Vehicles-1.12.2-22.17.0.jar下载22.17.0#Release## FIXES:
- Fixed Java 8 computers not being able to boot the mod.
- Fixed debug profiler crashing the game.
- Upped max entity radius to not cull entities as much. Mainly for blimps.
- Fixed blimps rotating funny ways they shouldn't.
- Fixed traffic signals not loading from chunk data properly.
- Fixed some instruments not displaying properly.
- Fixed CME crash from multi-threaded collision checkers.
- Fixed cameras not being change-able from joysticks.
- Fixed some dumb log spam for OCP pack.
- Tweaked player sitting position (again), and fixed CNPC sitting position.
- Added a config to allow ReplayMod to work in 1.16.5
- Made rain not render in vehicles in 1.16.5
展开版本: 22.17.0支持游戏: 1.12.2类型: ForgeRelease下载次数: 9,540Immersive Vehicles - 1.16.5 - 22.16.0
Immersive Vehicles-1.16.5-22.16.0.jar下载22.16.0#Release## FIXES:
- Fixed not being able to click beacons to edit their text.
- Fixed manuals not opening when clicking them on blocks.
- Added warning about modernfix borking some stuff.
- Fixed not being able to boot the game if users were running Java 8 (they would have needed Java 17)
- Fixed pellet guns becoming TF2 rocket launchers for knockback.
- Fixed particle alpha-fading. Fixed propellers not being placable on some engines.
- Fixed hand-held guns not updating properly for some things.
- Fixed not being able to middle-click fuel pumps and have them keep their data.
- Fixed some part tone logic. Removed some log spam.
- Fixed NPCs having the aim of storm troppers when manning guns.
- Fixed CNPC seat positioning.
- Fixed tickets not working when clicking the main vehicle.
- Fixed tickets working TOO well and loading players. They shouldn't.
- Fixed some server-specific bullet code causing phantom bullets.
- Fixed roads crashing when rendering.
- Fixed hand-held guns not playing holstering sounds.
- Fixed sounds not playing for some seats.
- Fixed electric lights not dimming for low battery on parts.
- Fixed some dropper funky stuff.
- Fixed purple checker items with some mods on 1.16.5.
- Fixed particles being purple checkers for bullet hits or just not showing up.
- Fixed seats crashing servers if they were dumb enough to install Vanilla Fix which crashes on bad packets.
- Fixed electric furnaces still taking power if they aren't crafting.
- Fixed instruments on parts not linking properly to some other part informations.
- Fixed not being able to move modded fluids out via unloaders.
- Removed Universal Tweaks compat notice on 1.12.2 since there's no longer an incompat.
- Added seperate volume for radios vs the rest of the sounds.
- Mr. Mulle added new fancy bench sounds. Check them out!展开版本: 22.16.0支持游戏: 1.16.5类型: ForgeRelease下载次数: 887