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    Resistance X

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    Resistance X

    Makes each Resistance Level worth 10% instead of 20%

    ResistanceX is a [Minecraft]( 链接) mod/plugin (this one is mod), that allows you to modify the resistance values of each resistance level effect. This mod is built for 1.7.10 and only serves this one functionality. You must use a MIXIN Mod to support this (UniMixins). However, there is a version that is embedded with a mixin and without one.

    Please use the plugin version!


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    [![Kofi]( 链接)]( 链接)

    [![Download CustomNPC+]( 链接+-0081CB?style=for-the-badge&logo=material-ui&logoColor=white)]( 链接)
    [![Download MPM+]( 链接+-0081CB?style=for-the-badge&logo=material-ui&logoColor=white)]( 链接)
    [![Download PluginMod]( 链接)]( 链接)
    [![ResistanceX (SOON)]( 链接)]()


    ⬇️ Downloads

    - Modrinth: [SOON]()
    - CurseForge: [SOON]().

    🔗 Want to check out my other projects?

    [CustomNPC+]( 链接) is a continuation mod of the famous CustomNpcs Mod for 1.7.10 Featuring various new qualities such as flight, 1.8 Skin Support, enhanced scripting GUIs, and backported features.

    [CustomNPC+ Dark Mode]( 链接) is a resource pack for CustomNPC+ that alters all GUIs within the mod to a dark variant that is both clean and pleasing to look at.

    [MorePlayerModels+]( 链接) is a continuation mod of the famous MorePlayerModels Mod for 1.7.10. Featuring backported GUIs, original parts and customizations, permission support and more!

    [Plugin Mod]( 链接) is a mod designed to add more aesthetic items for RPG and storytelling. It is compatible with CustomNPC+ and has many items intended to be used and wielded by created NPCs.

    [RPG Messenger]( 链接) is a bukkit plugin designed to allow operators to create messagable NPCs for RPG Servers. Allows a 'RPG Controller' to reply quickly as NPCs, form groupchats, and messagable parties.


    Resistance X


    ResistanceX [1.0-Spigot]

    ResistanceX [1.0-Spigot].jar下载1.0#Release
    版本: 1.0
    支持游戏: 1.7.2, 1.7.3, 1.7.4, 1.7.5, 1.7.6, 1.7.7, 1.7.8, 1.7.9, 1.7.10
    类型: bukkit spigot
    下载次数: 110

    ResistanceX [1.0-Forge]

    版本: 1.0
    支持游戏: 1.7.10
    类型: Forge
    下载次数: 226

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