Vanilla Refresh (香草刷新)
Vanilla Refresh 是一个模组,它为 Minecraft 添加了多达30多种QOL功能,如玩家坐在地上和一个计数器,所有这些功能都可以在设置菜单中进行配置。
Vanilla Refresh 是一个类似于原版的模组,它旨在通过添加小型功能来修复游戏中的一些小问题,并使游戏更加有趣。每个功能都可以根据您的喜好进行切换,因此您可以根据自己的意愿定制自己的 Minecraft 体验。
许多功能非常适合多人游戏时使用,比如玩家坐在一起,为您的氏族和团体装备头横幅,或者玩家之魂可以在死后安全地存储您的物品,不会被其他玩家获取。而且,Vanilla Refresh 采用了易于安装的方式,可以与现有的世界兼容。
Vanilla Refresh 还附带了创造模式工具!可以通过搜索特定标记的物品来查看物品菜单,您可以在物品搜索栏中搜索 #vanilla_refresh:来查看所有这些物品。您还可以使用魔杖,允许您立即传送到所选位置,立即清除生物,或清除周围的植被。进入旁观模式并使用各种操作,比如随机传送到一个玩家或赋予自己夜视。
- 在聊天中使用 `/function vanilla_refresh:_settings` 命令可以在设置菜单中切换功能。
- 在聊天中使用 `/function vanilla_refresh:_wands` 命令可以访问创造模式魔杖。
- 在聊天中使用 `/function vanilla_refresh:_item_sets` 命令可以访问创造模式物品套装。
- 运行命令 `/tag @s add refresh_debug` 可以查看特定的 Vanilla Refresh 调试视觉和日志。
Vanilla Refresh 拥有超过30种功能,并且还在不断更新中,使 Minecraft 变得更加完善。任何您不喜欢的功能都可以通过设置菜单随时禁用并重新启用。
### 默认启用的功能:
- 玩家坐在地面:朝向下方,蹲下并右键单击可以坐在任何地方。手上的槽必须为空。
- 生物血量显示:在你附近的生物的生命值显示在你的热键栏上方。
- 天数计数器:计算服务器的天数,并在每一天的开始显示它们。
- 家的经验宝珠:从远处杀死一只恶灵?这些宝珠将直接回到你身边,而不是掉入岩浆中。
- 圣地守护者在虚空中工作:手持圣地守护者图腾,跌入虚空会让你进入一个可控的漂浮模式,直到你到达陆地。
- 作物的经验:收获作物时,如小麦、南瓜、地狱疣等,你将有机会获得一点经验。
- 更忠诚的三叉戟:如果你的(忠诚)三叉戟掉入虚空,它将不会永远消失,而是会回弹回到你身边。
- 更好的盔甲架:他们现在有手臂,如果你在它们附近开关杠杆,它们会交换姿势,一些姿势受到基岩版的启发。第2和第3姿势可用于在墙上挂物品,使用隐身药水可以隐藏盔甲架。
- 玩家统计数据:使用 `/trigger stats` 命令,玩家将能够查看服务器记录的统计信息。
- 您可以使用命令 `/trigger stats set memberIDhere` 查看其他在线玩家的统计信息,将 `memberIDhere` 替换为在线玩家的成员ID。您可以使用 `/trigger stats` 命令来查找您的成员ID。您可以通过将它们设置为标签显示或名称下显示, 方便地访问成员ID
[1.21] ~ 1.4.23b Mod
- Item racks no longer have gravity
- Help message and glow effect added to new armor stand item racks to help players
[1.21] ~ 1.4.23b Datapack
- Item racks no longer have gravity
- Help message and glow effect added to new armor stand item racks to help players
[1.21] ~ 1.4.23a Mod
- Soul Link animations improved
- Setting the Soul Link expiration time to a very high number now displays with an infinity symbol in /trigger gamerules and when near a soul link
- When collecting multiple soul links placed in the exact same position, they'll no longer bug out or give empty bundles
- Soul link bundle issues fixed!
[1.21] ~ 1.4.23a Datapack
- Soul Link animations improved
- Setting the Soul Link expiration time to a very high number now displays with an infinity symbol in /trigger gamerules and when near a soul link
- When collecting multiple soul links placed in the exact same position, they'll no longer bug out or give empty bundles
- Soul link bundle issues fixed!
[1.21] ~ 1.4.23 Mod
- Reenabled by default again
- Particles are less now less frequent and spread. They should be less distracting now to the player as they won't block your screen anymore.
- Operator spectators can individually toggle off their particle ghosts from being rendered to themselves or others players within Spectator Mode UI Actions
- Improved Spectator Mode Actions UI to be less distracting
- Spectator animation made less prominent
- Added a new wand: Vertically Reposition Mob. Repositions mobs on the Y level by teleporting them 0.2 blocks upward
- Reorganized Wand Menus; made them neater
- Renamed many wands to be more concise and clear
- Optimized crops XP
- Fixed [Bug #9:]( Potatoes do not give crop XP when broken
[1.21] ~ 1.4.23 Datapack
- Reenabled by default again
- Particles are less now less frequent and spread. They should be less distracting now to the player as they won't block your screen anymore.
- Operator spectators can individually toggle off their particle ghosts from being rendered to themselves or others players within Spectator Mode UI Actions
- Improved Spectator Mode Actions UI to be less distracting
- Spectator animation made less prominent
- Added a new wand: Vertically Reposition Mob. Repositions mobs on the Y level by teleporting them 0.2 blocks upward
- Reorganized Wand Menus; made them neater
- Renamed many wands to be more concise and clear
- Optimized crops XP
- Fixed [Bug #9:]( Potatoes do not give crop XP when broken
[1.21] ~ 1.4.22c Mod
- Fixed [Bug #8:]( Looping Jukebox breaks discs
[1.21] ~ 1.4.22c Datapack
- Fixed [Bug #8:]( Looping Jukebox breaks discs
[1.21] ~ 1.4.22b Mod
[1.21] ~ 1.4.22b Datapack
[1.21] ~ 1.4.22a Mod
- Added LS Defaults compat (better default settings compat)
- Allows for changing default settings in mod packs. [Click here for more info](
- Soul Links now display the user who the Soul is owned by
- Soul Link remaining time measurements have been abbreviated to single letters
- Gravestones now place a sign with a name of the player's grave
- Local death sound effect for lava can now be heard by players within 32 blocks
- Local death sound effect for explosion death no longer is heard globally
- Improved system for Jukebox Music Override
- Improved system for Mob Health / Spyglass Health detection
- Any entity tagged with `refresh_entity_show_info` will now reveal the entity name and distance when looking at it with a spyglass
- Any entity tagged with `refresh_entity_show_health` will display their health above the nearby players hotbar as a "???"
[1.21] ~ 1.4.22a Datapack
- Added LS Defaults compat (better default settings compat)
- Allows for changing default settings in mod packs. [Click here for more info](
- Soul Links now display the user who the Soul is owned by
- Soul Link remaining time measurements have been abbreviated to single letters
- Gravestones now place a sign with a name of the player's grave
- Local death sound effect for lava can now be heard by players within 32 blocks
- Local death sound effect for explosion death no longer is heard globally
- Improved system for Jukebox Music Override
- Improved system for Mob Health / Spyglass Health detection
- Any entity tagged with `refresh_entity_show_info` will now reveal the entity name and distance when looking at it with a spyglass
- Any entity tagged with `refresh_entity_show_health` will display their health above the nearby players hotbar as a "???"
[1.21] ~ 1.4.22 Mod
- (disabled by default) New Feature: Stop Music on Death. Makes currently playing music stop on death.
- Switched many @e checks to @n
- Killing all night mobs now also
Bugs Fixed
- Duplicate copied files causing console errors
- FSEE tags causing errors
- Baby zombie data slightly incorrect
[1.21] ~ 1.4.22 Datapack
- (disabled by default) New Feature: Stop Music on Death. Makes currently playing music stop on death.
- Switched many @e checks to @n
- Killing all night mobs now also
Bugs Fixed
- Duplicate copied files causing console errors
- FSEE tags causing errors
- Baby zombie data slightly incorrect
[1.21] ~ 1.4.21 Mod
- You can now teleport to your last death via spectator mode UI
- New admin command added for teleporting to last death location
- New admin command for shattering the nearest soul link
- Shattering all soul links now requires confirmation on UI
- Death Stats can now be previewed while disabled
- Fixed incorrect distance in lodestone tip
- Other smaller fixes
[1.21] ~ 1.4.21 Datapack
- You can now teleport to your last death via spectator mode UI
- New admin command added for teleporting to last death location
- New admin command for shattering the nearest soul link
- Shattering all soul links now requires confirmation on UI
- Death Stats can now be previewed while disabled
- Fixed incorrect distance in lodestone tip
- Other smaller fixes
[1.20.5/6] ~ 1.4.20b Mod
[1.20.5/6] ~ 1.4.20b Datapack
[1.21] ~ 1.4.20b Mod
- Split chat tips into minecraft tips and vanilla refresh tips
- Wands can no longer be used by non operators
- Echo shards can now be reobtained from a silenced mob by directly killing it
- Operators are now shown on /playerlist when gamemode category is selected
- Adjusted an armor stand pose (number 9)
- Totem of undying now works again in the void (broke in 1.21)
- Wither Head now works again (broke in 1.21)
- Meadows biome subtitle now no longer shows as a untranslated translate key
- Soul Link and Lodestone teleport fixes
[1.21] ~ 1.4.20b Datapack
- Split chat tips into minecraft tips and vanilla refresh tips
- Wands can no longer be used by non operators
- Echo shards can now be reobtained from a silenced mob by directly killing it
- Operators are now shown on /playerlist when gamemode category is selected
- Adjusted an armor stand pose (number 9)
- Totem of undying now works again in the void (broke in 1.21)
- Wither Head now works again (broke in 1.21)
- Meadows biome subtitle now no longer shows as a untranslated translate key
- Soul Link and Lodestone teleport fixes
[1.21] ~ 1.4.20a Mod
- Fixed issues with aiming and throwing an ender pearl at a lodestone
- Teleport lodestones now have a lowered range. Previously 96 blocks, now 80 blocks
- Lodestones can now be dyed white
- When lodestones are dyed white, gray, or black, the text display will be white
- Armor stand entity text is now a text display entity
- Added the new soul link configuration settings to gamerules
- `/trigger` commands no longer play an experience sound effect, except stats
[1.21] ~ 1.4.20a Datapack
- Fixed issues with aiming and throwing an ender pearl at a lodestone
- Teleport lodestones now have a lowered range. Previously 96 blocks, now 80 blocks
- Lodestones can now be dyed white
- When lodestones are dyed white, gray, or black, the text display will be white
- Armor stand entity text is now a text display entity
- Added the new soul link configuration settings to gamerules
- `/trigger` commands no longer play an experience sound effect, except stats
[1.21] ~ 1.4.20 Mod
**Vanilla Refresh has been updated to 1.21!**
There are also a lot of improvements and changes in this version, like reuseable invisibility potions on armor stands, new soul link settings and improvements, redone creative mode item sets, bug fixes, and more!
[See full changelog on Github](
[1.21] ~ 1.4.20 Datapack
**Vanilla Refresh has been updated to 1.21!**
There are also a lot of improvements and changes in this version, like reuseable invisibility potions on armor stands, new soul link settings and improvements, redone creative mode item sets, bug fixes, and more!
[See full changelog on Github](
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19h Mod
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19h Datapack
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19g Mod
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19g Datapack
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19f Datapack
- Added a new prot 4 item set (accessible only through commands)
- New pack.png!
- Changed pack.mcmeta text color a bit
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19e Datapack
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19d Datapack
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19c Datapack
[1.20.2] ~ 1.4.19b Mod
- Soul Link items when retrieved will only fly towards the player for 30 seconds and then stop
- Soul Link items no longer despawn after being dropped
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19b Datapack
- Soul Link items when retrieved will only fly towards the player for 30 seconds and then stop
- Soul Link items no longer despawn after being dropped
[1.20] ~ 1.4.19a Mod
- Soul Link time now displays Hours as well
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19a Datapack
- Soul Link time now displays Hours as well
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19 Mod
- You can now configure the percent amount of XP soul links give back
- Soul Links now accurately add up current player levels and stored player levels when the soul link is collected
- Soul Links now drop their stored XP after shattering instead of erasing it
- When enabling Soul Links without keep inventory on, it'll now give a prompt to quickly enable Keep Inventory through a chat button
- Changed the level up animation a bit
- Health belowname display now shows with a ❤ icon (can be changed in settings)
- Health for players is now accurate with the tab and belowname health
- Added an extra page to Vanilla Refresh gamerules menu
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.19 Datapack
- You can now configure the percent amount of XP soul links give back
- Soul Links now accurately add up current player levels and stored player levels when the soul link is collected
- Soul Links now drop their stored XP after shattering instead of erasing it
- When enabling Soul Links without keep inventory on, it'll now give a prompt to quickly enable Keep Inventory through a chat button
- Changed the level up animation a bit
- Health belowname display now shows with a ❤ icon (can be changed in settings)
- Health for players is now accurate with the tab and belowname health
- Added an extra page to Vanilla Refresh gamerules menu
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.18f Mod
- Player head drops is now also invulnerable
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.18f Datapack
- Player head drops is now also invulnerable
[1.20] ~ 1.4.18e Mod
- Small changes to Soul Link animation
[1.20] ~ 1.4.18e Datapack
- Small changes to Soul Link animation
[1.20] ~ 1.4.18d Mod
- Optimization and bug fixes
- Added soul fire particles to enchantment table animation
- Beacon sounds (louder ones added by vanilla refresh) can now be disabled by using this command: `/scoreboard players set blockanims_beacon_sound refresh_settings 0`
[1.20] ~ 1.4.18d Datapack
- Optimization and bug fixes
- Added soul fire particles to enchantment table animation
- Beacon sounds (louder ones added by vanilla refresh) can now be disabled by using this command: `/scoreboard players set blockanims_beacon_sound refresh_settings 0`
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.18c Mod
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.18c Datapack
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.18b Mod
- Gravestones will now make several attempts to place at different nearby locations rather than just one attempt
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.18a Mod
- Gamerule keepInventory will now continue to check even if /trigger gamerules is disabled
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.18a Datapack
- Gamerule keepInventory will now continue to check even if /trigger gamerules is disabled
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.18 Mod
- Added biome titles for the biomes from [Blooming Biosphere](
- Added new biome titles for flower forest, snowy plains, terralith's shield and lush valley
- For every 100 days, a new, special daycounter animation now plays
- Added a new creative mode mob wand for disabling mob ai, sound, and vulnerability
*** ***
- Wands are now aligned to player eyes
- Opening the gamerules menu and playerlist now players an xp orb sound effect
- Fixed missing compass rotations for NESW
- Fixed a bug with switching to a new gamemode in spectator mode and being set to your previous instead
- Low Health Sound Effect now works when Mob Health is disabled
- Belowname Display is now set to Health by default
- When setting Tab Display to member ID, the (i) in the stats screen will give info letting the player know member IDs are on tab list
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.18 Datapack
- Added biome titles for the biomes from [Blooming Biosphere](
- Added new biome titles for flower forest, snowy plains, terralith's shield and lush valley
- For every 100 days, a new, special daycounter animation now plays
- Added a new creative mode mob wand for disabling mob ai, sound, and vulnerability
*** ***
- Wands are now aligned to player eyes
- Opening the gamerules menu and playerlist now players an xp orb sound effect
- Fixed missing compass rotations for NESW
- Fixed a bug with switching to a new gamemode in spectator mode and being set to your previous instead
- Low Health Sound Effect now works when Mob Health is disabled
- Belowname Display is now set to Health by default
- When setting Tab Display to member ID, the (i) in the stats screen will give info letting the player know member IDs are on tab list
[1.19.x] ~ 1.4.17c Mod
- Armor stands are now affected by mob brushes
[1.19.x] ~ 1.4.17c Datapack
- Armor stands are now affected by mob brushes
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.17c Mod
- Armor stands are now affected by mob brushes
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.17c Datapack
- Armor stands are now affected by mob brushes
[1.19.x] ~ 1.4.17b Mod
- Remade the `night_mobs` tags and added one that includes and excludes zombie villagers
[1.19.x] ~ 1.4.17b Datapack
- Remade the `night_mobs` tags and added one that includes and excludes zombie villagers
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.17b Mod
- Remade the `night_mobs` tags and added one that includes and excludes zombie villagers
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.17b Datapack
- Remade the `night_mobs` tags and added one that includes and excludes zombie villagers
[1.19.x] ~ 1.4.17a Mod
- Iron Snout Trim and generally Snout Trim is now more common
- Added a rare Gold Silence Trim for leggings on Trimmed Armored Piglins
- Playerlist color coding removed; issues occured relating to commas and spacing of names
- Instead, a new setting has been added to the Playerlist Command that lets it display categories of either players and what gamemode they're in, or what dimension they're in
- Added the Vanilla Refresh version number to `/trigger gamerules`
[1.19.x] ~ 1.4.17a Datapack
- Iron Snout Trim and generally Snout Trim is now more common
- Added a rare Gold Silence Trim for leggings on Trimmed Armored Piglins
- Playerlist color coding removed; issues occured relating to commas and spacing of names
- Instead, a new setting has been added to the Playerlist Command that lets it display categories of either players and what gamemode they're in, or what dimension they're in
- Added the Vanilla Refresh version number to `/trigger gamerules`
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.17a Mod
- Iron Snout Trim and generally Snout Trim is now more common
- Added a rare Gold Silence Trim for leggings on Trimmed Armored Piglins
- Playerlist color coding removed; issues occured relating to commas and spacing of names
- Instead, a new setting has been added to the Playerlist Command that lets it display categories of either players and what gamemode they're in, or what dimension they're in
- Added the Vanilla Refresh version number to `/trigger gamerules`
[1.20.x] ~ 1.4.17a Datapack
- Iron Snout Trim and generally Snout Trim is now more common
- Added a rare Gold Silence Trim for leggings on Trimmed Armored Piglins
- Playerlist color coding removed; issues occured relating to commas and spacing of names
- Instead, a new setting has been added to the Playerlist Command that lets it display categories of either players and what gamemode they're in, or what dimension they're in
- Added the Vanilla Refresh version number to `/trigger gamerules`
[1.19] ~ 1.4.17 Mod
- **New Feature: Trimmed Armored Piglins!** Armored piglins now have a chance of spawning in with their armor pieces trimmed. About 8% of all piglins will have trimmed armor, and bastion remnants will have 16% of all piglins with trimmed armor.
- **New Feature: Playerlist Command!** Use `/trigger playerlist` to view a list of online players, the count of online players, and how many ever joined the server. Player names are color coded based on dimension (can be configured) and creative/spectator mode players are categorized.
** **
- The world's difficulty is now viewable in the gamerules menu on page 1 of the Minecraft gamerules
- Gamerules menu is now much more "compressed" with 8 gamerules displayed per page now instead of 5. This was done to prevent having to flip through so many pages, which the server can consider as spam and kick you out.
- Wands Menu has been decluttered a bit and two new mob related wands have been added
- /trigger stats command now displays your member join number if the world is multiplayer
- /trigger stats command added an XP stat (mainly for the viewing of other players)
- Page 1 of the viewable gamerules menu now displays the correct number of pages left (1/9 instead of 1/8)
- Tips are now entirely disabled by default
- Stats menu now displays time since last death and playtime with leading zeros on the hours and minutes count
- Member first join announcement now accurately displays the player's actual member join # number (prior it would show -1 of their actual join order number)
- Added missing description to multi-value vanilla refresh game rules (readable clocks for example)
- Added an Open Menu/Preview button to multiple settings
- Stats Preview no longer requires stats to be enabled to function
[1.19] ~ 1.4.17 Datapack
- **New Feature: Trimmed Armored Piglins!** Armored piglins now have a chance of spawning in with their armor pieces trimmed. About 8% of all piglins will have trimmed armor, and bastion remnants will have 16% of all piglins with trimmed armor.
- **New Feature: Playerlist Command!** Use `/trigger playerlist` to view a list of online players, the count of online players, and how many ever joined the server. Player names are color coded based on dimension (can be configured) and creative/spectator mode players are categorized.
** **
- The world's difficulty is now viewable in the gamerules menu on page 1 of the Minecraft gamerules
- Gamerules menu is now much more "compressed" with 8 gamerules displayed per page now instead of 5. This was done to prevent having to flip through so many pages, which the server can consider as spam and kick you out.
- Wands Menu has been decluttered a bit and two new mob related wands have been added
- /trigger stats command now displays your member join number if the world is multiplayer
- /trigger stats command added an XP stat (mainly for the viewing of other players)
- Page 1 of the viewable gamerules menu now displays the correct number of pages left (1/9 instead of 1/8)
- Tips are now entirely disabled by default
- Stats menu now displays time since last death and playtime with leading zeros on the hours and minutes count
- Member first join announcement now accurately displays the player's actual member join # number (prior it would show -1 of their actual join order number)
- Added missing description to multi-value vanilla refresh game rules (readable clocks for example)
- Added an Open Menu/Preview button to multiple settings
- Stats Preview no longer requires stats to be enabled to function
[1.20] ~ 1.4.17 Mod
- **New Feature: Trimmed Armored Piglins!** Armored piglins now have a chance of spawning in with their armor pieces trimmed. About 8% of all piglins will have trimmed armor, and bastion remnants will have 16% of all piglins with trimmed armor.
- **New Feature: Playerlist Command!** Use `/trigger playerlist` to view a list of online players, the count of online players, and how many ever joined the server. Player names are color coded based on dimension (can be configured) and creative/spectator mode players are categorized.
** **
- The world's difficulty is now viewable in the gamerules menu on page 1 of the Minecraft gamerules
- Gamerules menu is now much more "compressed" with 8 gamerules displayed per page now instead of 5. This was done to prevent having to flip through so many pages, which the server can consider as spam and kick you out.
- Wands Menu has been decluttered a bit and two new mob related wands have been added
- /trigger stats command now displays your member join number if the world is multiplayer
- /trigger stats command added an XP stat (mainly for the viewing of other players)
- Page 1 of the viewable gamerules menu now displays the correct number of pages left (1/9 instead of 1/8)
- Tips are now entirely disabled by default
- Stats menu now displays time since last death and playtime with leading zeros on the hours and minutes count
- Member first join announcement now accurately displays the player's actual member join # number (prior it would show -1 of their actual join order number)
- Added missing description to multi-value vanilla refresh game rules (readable clocks for example)
- Added an Open Menu/Preview button to multiple settings
- Stats Preview no longer requires stats to be enabled to function
[1.20] ~ 1.4.17 Datapack
- **New Feature: Trimmed Armored Piglins!** Armored piglins now have a chance of spawning in with their armor pieces trimmed. About 8% of all piglins will have trimmed armor, and bastion remnants will have 16% of all piglins with trimmed armor.
- **New Feature: Playerlist Command!** Use `/trigger playerlist` to view a list of online players, the count of online players, and how many ever joined the server. Player names are color coded based on dimension (can be configured) and creative/spectator mode players are categorized.
** **
- The world's difficulty is now viewable in the gamerules menu on page 1 of the Minecraft gamerules
- Gamerules menu is now much more "compressed" with 8 gamerules displayed per page now instead of 5. This was done to prevent having to flip through so many pages, which the server can consider as spam and kick you out.
- Wands Menu has been decluttered a bit and two new mob related wands have been added
- /trigger stats command now displays your member join number if the world is multiplayer
- /trigger stats command added an XP stat (mainly for the viewing of other players)
- Page 1 of the viewable gamerules menu now displays the correct number of pages left (1/9 instead of 1/8)
- Tips are now entirely disabled by default
- Stats menu now displays time since last death and playtime with leading zeros on the hours and minutes count
- Member first join announcement now accurately displays the player's actual member join # number (prior it would show -1 of their actual join order number)
- Added missing description to multi-value vanilla refresh game rules (readable clocks for example)
- Added an Open Menu/Preview button to multiple settings
- Stats Preview no longer requires stats to be enabled to function
[1.19] ~ 1.4.16h Mod
- Clicking the spectator mode action "Appear" now puts you in your previous gamemode
[1.19] ~ 1.4.16h Datapack
- Clicking the spectator mode action "Appear" now puts you in your previous gamemode
[1.20] ~ 1.4.16h Mod
- Clicking the spectator mode action "Appear" now puts you in your previous gamemode
[1.20] ~ 1.4.16h Datapack
- Clicking the spectator mode action "Appear" now puts you in your previous gamemode
[1.20] ~ 1.4.16g Mod
[1.20] ~ 1.4.16g Datapack
[1.19] ~ 1.4.16g Mod
[1.19] ~ 1.4.16g Datapack
[1.19] ~ 1.4.16f Mod
- Elytra and firework rockets are now given in the creative mode armor sets
- A few performance optimizations to clocks and other features
[1.19] ~ 1.4.16f Datapack
- Elytra and firework rockets are now given in the creative mode armor sets
- A few performance optimizations to clocks and other features
[1.20] ~ 1.4.16f Mod
- Elytra and firework rockets are now given in the creative mode armor sets
- A few performance optimizations to clocks and other features
[1.20] ~ 1.4.16f Datapack
- Elytra and firework rockets are now given in the creative mode armor sets
- A few performance optimizations to clocks and other features
[1.18.x] ~ 1.4.16e Mod
[1.18.x] ~ 1.4.16e Datapack
[1.19] 1.4.16e Mod
- Daycounter no longer shows whilst fighting the Ender Dragon
- Audible distance of jukebox loop is now larger
[1.19] ~ 1.4.16e Datapack
- Daycounter no longer shows whilst fighting the Ender Dragon
- Audible distance of jukebox loop is now larger
[1.20] ~ 1.4.16e Mod
- Daycounter no longer shows whilst fighting the Ender Dragon
- After a loop, jukeboxes now continue showing note particles
- Audible distance of jukebox loop is now larger
[1.20] ~ 1.4.16e Datapack
- Daycounter no longer shows whilst fighting the Ender Dragon
- After a loop, jukeboxes now continue showing note particles
- Audible distance of jukebox loop is now larger
(1.19) 1.4.16d Mod
(1.19) 1.4.16d Datapack
1.4.16d Mod
1.4.16d Datapack
v1.4.16c Mod
- Optimized raycasts for placing certain blocks with Vanilla Refresh features
v1.4.16c Datapack
- Optimized raycasts for placing certain blocks with Vanilla Refresh features
(1.19) v1.4.16c Mod
- Daycounter now by default plays when a player joins a server or multiplayer for the first time for that player. This can be changed in the settings if wanted.
- Local Death Sound now supports Cause of Death as an option
- When anvils fall on blocks that break into their item original forms (diamond blocks, packed ice) they now stop for a moment before going to the next block below
- Fixed a bug related to the sit feature
- Jukeboxes have an even cooler block animation now
- Ender Chests now have an opening block animation
- Removed the advancement `zblock` (prior caused errors in console and minecraft output log)
- The "dragon" is now referred to as the Ender Dragon in multiple settings descriptions
- Ender Dragon health now shows correctly instead of sometimes doing "Health: - /" for parts of the dragon entities without health
- Anvils can now grind Compressed Wood Blocks like Spruce Wood blocks
- Anvils can now grind wood plank slabs when placed into a full block back into a full plank
- Ore blocks like diamond blocks and iron blocks can now be grinded with an anvil
- Mob Health has been optimized to only store the max health of a mob if it has neared a player within 64 blocks
- Absorption health is no longer is part of max health
- You can no longer see the health of players in Spectator Mode via the Mob Health feature
- Spectator Ghost is now set to "Visible Only to Others" by default
- Optimized raycasts for placing certain blocks with Vanilla Refresh features
(1.19) v1.4.16c Datapack
- Daycounter now by default plays when a player joins a server or multiplayer for the first time for that player. This can be changed in the settings if wanted.
- Local Death Sound now supports Cause of Death as an option
- When anvils fall on blocks that break into their item original forms (diamond blocks, packed ice) they now stop for a moment before going to the next block below
- Fixed a bug related to the sit feature
- Jukeboxes have an even cooler block animation now
- Ender Chests now have an opening block animation
- Removed the advancement `zblock` (prior caused errors in console and minecraft output log)
- The "dragon" is now referred to as the Ender Dragon in multiple settings descriptions
- Ender Dragon health now shows correctly instead of sometimes doing "Health: - /" for parts of the dragon entities without health
- Anvils can now grind Compressed Wood Blocks like Spruce Wood blocks
- Anvils can now grind wood plank slabs when placed into a full block back into a full plank
- Ore blocks like diamond blocks and iron blocks can now be grinded with an anvil
- Mob Health has been optimized to only store the max health of a mob if it has neared a player within 64 blocks
- Absorption health is no longer is part of max health
- You can no longer see the health of players in Spectator Mode via the Mob Health feature
- Spectator Ghost is now set to "Visible Only to Others" by default
- Optimized raycasts for placing certain blocks with Vanilla Refresh features
1.4.16b Mod
1.4.16b Datapack
1.4.16a Mod
1.4.16a Datapack
1.4.16 Mod
- Local Death Sound now supports Cause of Death as an option
- When anvils fall on blocks that break into their item original forms (diamond blocks, packed ice) they now stop for a moment before going to the next block below
- Fixed a bug related to the sit feature
- Jukeboxes have an even cooler block animation now
- Ender Chests now have a opening block animation
- Removed the advancement `zblock` (prior caused errors in console and minecraft output log)
- The "dragon" is now referred to as the Ender Dragon in multiple settings descriptions
- Ender Dragon health now shows correctly instead of sometimes doing "Health: - /" for parts of the dragon entities without health
1.4.16 Datapack
- Local Death Sound now supports Cause of Death as an option
- When anvils fall on blocks that break into their item original forms (diamond blocks, packed ice) they now stop for a moment before going to the next block below
- Fixed a bug related to the sit feature
- Jukeboxes have an even cooler block animation now
- Ender Chests now have a opening block animation
- Removed the advancement `zblock` (prior caused errors in console and minecraft output log)
- The "dragon" is now referred to as the Ender Dragon in multiple settings descriptions
- Ender Dragon health now shows correctly instead of sometimes doing "Health: - /" for parts of the dragon entities without health
1.4.15f Mod
- Minor optimizations to block animations
1.4.14a Mod
1.4.14a Datapack
1.4.15f Datapack
- Minor optimizations to block animations
(1.20) 1.4.15e Mod
- Relic now loops and ends correctly with looping jukeboxes
- Animation improved for treasure discs when inserted into the jukebox
(1.20) 1.4.15e Datapack
- Relic now loops and ends correctly with looping jukeboxes
- Animation improved for treasure discs when inserted into the jukebox
(1.20) 1.4.15d Mod
(1.20) 1.4.15d Datapack
(1.20) 1.4.15c Mod
(1.20) 1.4.15c Datapack
(1.20) 1.4.15b Mod
- Spellbound Weapons and Scorched aligned crafting table and cauldron items no longer sparkle
(1.20) 1.4.15b Datapack
- Spellbound Weapons and Scorched aligned crafting table and cauldron items no longer sparkle
(1.20) 1.4.15a Datapack
(1.20) 1.4.15a Mod
(1.20) 1.4.15 Mod
- Added a Cherry Grove biome display
- Added an animation for inserting disc relic into a jukebox
- Upgraded `used_item_on_block` and `placed_block` to 1.20
- Ugpraded predicates `alternative` to 1.20 (now `any_of`)
- Anvil Ungrinding for Cherry Wood, Stripped Cherry Wood, Bamboo Mosaic, Bamboo Slabs, and Cherry Slabs
**Non 1.20 changes**
- Added a new feature, Item Sparkle: Mob drops and items are given a white sparkle particles, making them a lot easier to see at night or behind tall grass
- Added a new feature, Item Sparkle: Mob drops and items are given a white sparkle particles, making them a lot easier to see at night or behind tall grass
- Anvils can now grind Compressed Wood Blocks like Spruce Wood blocks
- Anvils can now grind wood plank slabs when placed into a full block back back into a full plank
- Ore blocks like diamond blocks and iron blocks can now be grinded with an anvil
- Mob Health has been optimized to only store the max health of a mob if it has neared a player within 64 blocks
- Absorption health no longer is part of max health
(1.20) 1.4.15 Datapack
- Added a Cherry Grove biome display
- Added an animation for inserting disc relic into a jukebox
- Upgraded `used_item_on_block` and `placed_block` to 1.20
- Ugpraded predicates `alternative` to 1.20 (now `any_of`)
- Anvil Ungrinding for Cherry Wood, Stripped Cherry Wood, Bamboo Mosaic, Bamboo Slabs, and Cherry Slabs
**Non 1.20 changes**
- Added a new feature, Item Sparkle: Mob drops and items are given a white sparkle particles, making them a lot easier to see at night or behind tall grass
- Added a new feature, Item Sparkle: Mob drops and items are given a white sparkle particles, making them a lot easier to see at night or behind tall grass
- Anvils can now grind Compressed Wood Blocks like Spruce Wood blocks
- Anvils can now grind wood plank slabs when placed into a full block back back into a full plank
- Ore blocks like diamond blocks and iron blocks can now be grinded with an anvil
- Mob Health has been optimized to only store the max health of a mob if it has neared a player within 64 blocks
- Absorption health no longer is part of max health
1.4.14 Mod
- Spyglass mob info identifies Villagers as the entity type "Villager"
- Spyglass mob info identifies the Wither and Ender Dragon as the entity type "Boss"
- New Tab Display and Below Name Display stat! Hours Survived, also known as Time Since Last Death, can be displayed in these 2 ways
1.4.14 Datapack
- Spyglass mob info identifies Villagers as the entity type "Villager"
- Spyglass mob info identifies the Wither and Ender Dragon as the entity type "Boss"
- New Tab Display and Below Name Display stat! Hours Survived, also known as Time Since Last Death, can be displayed in these 2 ways
1.4.13l Mod
- Made armor stand powering more consistent and less buggy
1.4.13l Datapack
- Made armor stand powering more consistent and less buggy
1.4.13k Mod
- Soul Links that entered the void now once again teleport to the highest possible point of land or y96 if there is no land
1.4.13k Datapack
- Soul Links that entered the void now once again teleport to the highest possible point of land or y96 if there is no land
1.4.13j Mod
- Beacon energy streaks now go up twice as fast and leave a longer trail
1.4.13j Datapack
- Beacon energy streaks now go up twice as fast and leave a longer trail
1.4.13i Mod
1.4.13i Datapack
1.4.13h Mod
1.4.13h Datapack
1.4.13g Mod
1.4.13g Datapack
1.4.13f Mod
- Fixed a bug related to switching gamemodes other than creative after being in spectator
1.4.13f Datapack
- Fixed a bug related to switching gamemodes other than creative after being in spectator
1.4.13e Mod
- New settings option for Chat Tips if you want only vanilla refresh tips to be enabled, not minecraft tips
- Tips are now set to "Vanilla Refresh Tips Only" by default in the settings menu
- Small file organization and technical changes
1.4.13e Datapack
- New settings option for Chat Tips if you want only vanilla refresh tips to be enabled, not minecraft tips
- Tips are now set to "Vanilla Refresh Tips Only" by default in the settings menu
- Small file organization and technical changes
1.4.13d Mod
1.4.13d Datapack
1.4.13c Mod
- Added more biome displays for terralith biomes; Fractured Savanna, Yosemite, Siberian Taiga, Cloud Forest, Glacial Chasm
- Added more biome displays for vanilla biomes; Ice Spikes, Snowy Taiga
- Settings intro message now has a hover text for the ⓘ information symbol
- Fixed a bug where the sitting tip would play on start of every day
1.4.13c Datapack
- Added more biome displays for terralith biomes; Fractured Savanna, Yosemite, Siberian Taiga, Cloud Forest, Glacial Chasm
- Added more biome displays for vanilla biomes; Ice Spikes, Snowy Taiga
- Settings intro message now has a hover text for the ⓘ information symbol
- Fixed a bug where the sitting tip would play on start of every day
1.4.13b Mod
- 4 Vanilla Refresh tips, specifically stats, gamerules, creative and sit tips will appear after the start of each minecraft day after day 1 individually
- Fixed a bug which could prevent you from powering an armor stand with a lever when in pose 2-3
- Snow is now considered a permeable block in vanilla refresh
1.4.13b Datapack
- 4 Vanilla Refresh tips, specifically stats, gamerules, creative and sit tips will appear after the start of each minecraft day after day 1 individually
- Fixed a bug which could prevent you from powering an armor stand with a lever when in pose 2-3
- Snow is now considered a permeable block in vanilla refresh
1.4.13a Mod
1.4.13a Datapack
1.4.13 Mod
- New Global Death Sound, which plays the sound based off the way in which the death occurred. This is now the default
- When starting a new world instead of the Daycounter starting with day 0, it starts with day 1. Keep in mind this does mean your server's f3 day tracker will be offset by 1 day forward than vanilla
- Fixed a bug which didnt teleport you to world spawn when using the spectator mode action for it in another dimension
- TNT minecarts now disappear when tnt explosions are disabled
- XP from the enderdragon no longer homes to the nearest player
- When clicking "Disable All" in the settings menu, it no longer disables tnt and end crystals
- Changed the name of the setting "Player Stats" to "/trigger stats Command"
- Added 2 new tips
- `/trigger gamerules` now shows the settings for Global and Local Death Sounds in words
1.4.13 Datapack
- New Global Death Sound, which plays the sound based off the way in which the death occurred. This is now the default
- When starting a new world instead of the Daycounter starting with day 0, it starts with day 1. Keep in mind this does mean your server's f3 day tracker will be offset by 1 day forward than vanilla
- Fixed a bug which didnt teleport you to world spawn when using the spectator mode action for it in another dimension
- TNT minecarts now disappear when tnt explosions are disabled
- XP from the enderdragon no longer homes to the nearest player
- When clicking "Disable All" in the settings menu, it no longer disables tnt and end crystals
- Changed the name of the setting "Player Stats" to "/trigger stats Command"
- Added 2 new tips
- `/trigger gamerules` now shows the settings for Global and Local Death Sounds in words
1.4.12e Mod
- Changed the description for Improved Spectator Mode to be more concise
- When disabling Mob Health Display, it will also stop tracking scores for health and max health
- A new self setting in the Player section can be enabled to give yourself permanent night vision
1.4.12e Datapack
- Changed the description for Improved Spectator Mode to be more concise
- When disabling Mob Health Display, it will also stop tracking scores for health and max health
- A new self setting in the Player section can be enabled to give yourself permanent night vision
1.4.12d Mod
- Fixed a bug which played the animation for entering spectator mode twice when clicking the spectator UI "random player" when not in spectator mode
1.4.12d Datapack
- Fixed a bug which played the animation for entering spectator mode twice when clicking the spectator UI "random player" when not in spectator mode
1.4.12c Mod
- Biome display also works again
- When dying for the first time, announce death stats will give a slightly different message
- Fixed a bug related to clicking the UI "appear" in spectator mode
1.4.12c Datapack
- Biome display also works again
- When dying for the first time, announce death stats will give a slightly different message
- Fixed a bug related to clicking the UI "appear" in spectator mode
1.4.12b Mod
- There is now a particle animation for exiting and entering spectator mode. Can be disabled by running this command: `/scoreboard players set spectate_animation refresh_settings 0`
- Wands now have custom model data
1.4.12b Datapack
- There is now a particle animation for exiting and entering spectator mode. Can be disabled by running this command: `/scoreboard players set spectate_animation refresh_settings 0`
- Wands now have custom model data
1.4.12a Mod
1.4.12a Datapack
1.4.12 Mod
- New Feature, Spectator Actions! When entering spectator mode, you'll be given UI actions that can be clicked to spectate a random player or exit spectator mode
- Added 14 new tips
- Changed the Spectate Players wand into a general spectate wand which takes you into spectator mode, allows you to swap between players but also reappear in your previous gamemode
- Wands can now only be used by server operators. To verify you're an operator, run the settings, wands, or item set menu commands in chat.
- To sit down you now must be facing completely straight down
- Removed the setting "Wands Useable In Survival" as this has been better replaced with the operator detection
- Fixed a bug with the sit feature where you were able to spawn a seat over an air block midair
1.4.12 Datapack
- New Feature, Spectator Actions! When entering spectator mode, you'll be given UI actions that can be clicked to spectate a random player or exit spectator mode
- Added 14 new tips
- Changed the Spectate Players wand into a general spectate wand which takes you into spectator mode, allows you to swap between players but also reappear in your previous gamemode
- Wands can now only be used by server operators. To verify you're an operator, run the settings, wands, or item set menu commands in chat.
- To sit down you now must be facing completely straight down
- Removed the setting "Wands Useable In Survival" as this has been better replaced with the operator detection
- Fixed a bug with the sit feature where you were able to spawn a seat over an air block midair
1.4.11c Mod
1.4.11c Datapack
1.4.11b Mod
1.4.11b Datapack
1.4.11a Mod
1.4.11a Datapack
1.4.11 Mod
- Reverted the @a selector system back to its unbranched state
- Block placement for crops and other block related features works even better now
- Teleporting with a lodestone now plays a teleport sound
- Breaking a lodestone with contents inside now drops its items in a random direction
- Igniting a party cake will now drop its wheat and sugar in a random direction
- Rewrote the descriptions for the settings categorizes
1.4.11 Datapack
- Reverted the @a selector system back to its unbranched state
- Block placement for crops and other block related features works even better now
- Teleporting with a lodestone now plays a teleport sound
- Breaking a lodestone with contents inside now drops its items in a random direction
- Igniting a party cake will now drop its wheat and sugar in a random direction
- Rewrote the descriptions for the settings categorizes
1.4.10a Mod
1.4.10a Datapack
1.4.10 Mod
- New Feature, Renewable Dragon Eggs: (Disabled by Default) The Enderdragon now drops an egg each time its killed, not just the first time its killed, allowing players to obtain their own dragon eggs and allow them to get the advancement for it too.
- Made the particle animation for the dragon dropping an elytra/egg even more elegant
- Dragon Eggs now have a custom block anim
- Block placement detection works a bit better now when placing the same block behind each other
- Changed the way the block anim for jukebox disc insertion is handled in the code
1.4.10 Datapack
- New Feature, Renewable Dragon Eggs: (Disabled by Default) The Enderdragon now drops an egg each time its killed, not just the first time its killed, allowing players to obtain their own dragon eggs and allow them to get the advancement for it too.
- Made the particle animation for the dragon dropping an elytra/egg even more elegant
- Dragon Eggs now have a custom block anim
- Block placement detection works a bit better now when placing the same block behind each other
- Changed the way the block anim for jukebox disc insertion is handled in the code
1.4.9e Mod
1.4.9e Datapack
1.4.9d Mod
- Block anims can be individually disabled now
1.4.9d Datapack
- Block anims can be individually disabled now
1.4.9c Mod
- You can no longer sit midair
1.4.9c Datapack
- You can no longer sit midair
1.4.9b Mod
- Beacon block anim is now much more interesting
1.4.9b Datapack
- Beacon block anim is now much more interesting
1.4.9a Mod
- Switching armor stand poses is slightly less buggy now
- Tips now actually display (for a while they haven't been working at all)
1.4.9a Datapack
- Switching armor stand poses is slightly less buggy now
- Tips now actually display (for a while they haven't been working at all)