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    TownyGUI | SodaMC - Minecraft-Server插件收录

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    It seems like you've provided the source code and details for a plugin called TownyGUI for Minecraft servers. This plugin aims to simplify town management by providing a graphical user interface (GUI) for players to interact with instead of relying on memorizing commands.

    Here's a breakdown of its features and usage:

    ### Features:
    - Ability to set the type of item being displayed.
    - Option to add glow to items (for versions 1.8 or higher).
    - Customize the title and lore of items.
    - Create and arrange icons on menus.
    - Interactive chat dialogues.
    - Change command on item click.
    - Supports Minecraft versions 1.7.9 or higher.

    ### Usage:
    - The main command for the plugin is `/tgui` or `/townygui` with the permission node `towny.gui.open`.
    - Signs will be added to open menus, and there will be a command parameter to open specific menus soon.

    ### Configuration:
    - The configuration includes setting up various menus like Main, Towny, Plot, Resident, Town, Nation, etc.
    - Each menu has its own title, size, material, lore, and icons with associated commands or actions.

    ### Commands:
    - Commands are categorized under different menus like Towny Menu commands, Plot Menu commands, Resident Menu commands, etc.
    - Each command has a title, permission, material, and lore explaining its function.
    - Some commands also have arguments for customization.

    Overall, TownyGUI appears to be a comprehensive plugin designed to streamline town management within Minecraft servers, offering a user-friendly interface for players.

    TownyGUI | SodaMC - Minecraft-Server插件收录

    TownyGUI | SodaMC - Minecraft-Server插件收录



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