不死僵尸 (ZombieOnDeath)
- 设置僵尸前缀。
- 允许僵尸掉落头颅。
- 可以使僵尸发光。
- 保存物品以便以后检索。
- 保存经验以便以后检索。
- 仅允许所有者对其造成伤害。
- 设置僵尸的健康值。
- 玩家死亡后生成僵尸的时间。
- 删除僵尸和箱子的时间。
- 在指定世界中生效。
############################################################# +------------------------------------------------------+ | Zombie On Death | | 4.3 - Plus! | +------------------------------------------------------+ ############################################################# ZombieOnDeath: Tag_Display: '&8&l[&2&lZombie&8&l] ' Head_Drop: true Glowing: false Recovery_Inventory: true Recovery_Exp: true Only_Damage_By_Owner: false Health: 40.0 Zombie_Spawn_in: 5 Delete_Zombie: 90 Delete_Chest: 10 In_Worlds: - world - world_the_end ZombieOnDeath_By_Drezed_Messages: Will_Spawn_Zombie: '&3 &7A Zombie will be spawn in the location you died.' No_Zombie: '&3 &7this zombie can only be damaged by its owner.' Killed_Zombie: '&3 &7You Zombie has ben killed by &f.' Will_Removed_Zombie: '&3 &7Zombie will &cremoved &7in &c &7seconds.' Spawn_Chest: '&3 &7This chest contains your old inventory. And will be &cremoved &7in &c &7seconds.' Recovered_Exp: '&3 &7You recovered &8[&e&8] &epoints &7of your experience.' No_Chest: '&3 &2this chest belongs to &3.' Chest_Removed: '&3 &7The chest has been removed.' Hologram: '&2This inventory is from'\/ZombieOnDeath or \/zod
permissions: zombieondeath.*: description: Give all the permissions. zombieondeath.zombie.*: description: Allows the zombie to be generated after his death. zombieondeath.chest.*: description: Allows to store experience and inventory. zombieondeath.cmd: description: Allows to use the plugin commands. zombieondeath.zombie.spawn: description: Allows a zombie to be generated after his death. zombieondeath.zombie.head: description: When the zombie is killed, he throws his head. zombieondeath.zombie.glowing: description: Your zombie may be glowing. zombieondeath.chest.exp: description: Allows you to store the experience. zombieondeath.chest.inventory: description: Allows you to store inventory.