高级屏蔽词插件 (AdvSwearBlock)
- 需要使用 ProtocolLib 插件。
- 可配置的忽略功能(需要 SQL)以及空格检查和聊天冷却。
- 所有插件消息都可在配置文件中进行配置,包括脏话列表、任何错误提示和屏蔽器的核心行为。
- 玩家可以使用命令进行个性化设置,包括忽略其他玩家、开启/关闭屏蔽词功能以及重新加载插件配置。
- `asb.admin`:允许访问 `/asb reload` 命令。
- `asb.ignore`:允许访问 `/ig add` 命令。
- `asb.unignore`:允许访问 `/ig remove` 命令。
- `asb.list`:允许访问 `/ig list` 命令。
- `asb.swear`:允许访问 `/sb [on|off]` 命令。
- `asb.swear.toggle`:允许访问 `/sb` 命令。
- `asb.bypass.cooldown`:允许绕过聊天冷却。
- `asb.bypass.spacecheck`:允许绕过空格检查。
###############################Advanced SwearBlock ##
By dordsor21 ##
###################################Whether to use MySQL or not. !!Required for use of ignoring!!
persistence: trueEnabled detecting messages with a lot of spaces l i k e t h i s. Limit is the maximum
fraction of spaces divided by none-spaces allowed
spaces: enabled: true limit: 0.45Enables a cooldown (in ms) between chat messages
cooldown: enabled: true length: 1500 prefix: "&2[AdvSB]&r " SQL: username: user password: pass database: asb hostname: port: 3306If a chat packet contains an ignored player, the chat packet will not be sent!
!!Requires persistence true and a working MySQL connection!!
ignoring: enabled: trueIf the chat packet contains one of these strings, it cannot be ignored. Useful for
making sure broadcasts, admins, moderators etc cannot be ignored.
noIgnoringPacketIfContains: - "[Broadcast]" - "[Admin]" - "[Moderator]" swearing: # List of false-positives you receive. Examples below display words contains "ass" not-blocked: - asset - pass - class - bass # If a word contains a blocked word, and is less long than this value multiplied by the # length of the blocked word, the word will still get blocked. # For example, a multiplier of 2 will block "fuckwit" if "fuck" is blocked, but not # "fucktard". # Lower values will reduce the chance of false-positives, but require you to put more # swear-words containing smaller swear words in the swearlist.txt (makes the process # longer. # Higher values mean you can skip adding words such as "fucktard" to swearlist.txt if you # have blocked the word "*fuck" and have a multiplier higher than 2, making the process # faster. # Minimum value of 1. swearWordMultiplier: 1.5 messages: notPlayer: "Must be a player" spaceLimit: "There's a lot of spaces in that message. Please don't spam!" cooldown: "There is a {{cooldown}} second wait between messages to reduce spam." noPermission: "No permission: {{permission}}" ignoreUsage: "Usage &6/ig add [player] ..." unignoreUsage: "Usage &6/ig remove [player] ..." ignoreListUsage: "Usage &6/ig [add|remove|list] {[player] ...}" swearBlockUsage: "Usage &6/sb [on|off]" asbUsage: "Usage: &6/asb reload [swearList, noSwearList, messages, all]" asbReloaded: "Reloaded {{component}}" ignoringNoone: "You are not ignoring anyone." ignoreSelf: "but why?" ignoredPlayersSuccess: "You have ignored: {{players}}" ignoredPlayersFailure: "UUID lookup failed for the following players: {{players}}" ignorePlayersAlready: "You were already ignoring: {{players}}" ignoredPlayerSuccess: "You have ignored {{player}}" ignoredPlayerFailure: "UUID lookup failed for {{player}}" ignorePlayerAlready: "You were already ignoring {{player}}" unignoredPlayersSuccess: "You have unignored: {{players}}" unignoredPlayersFailure: "UUID lookup failed for the following players: {{players}}" unignorePlayersAlready: "You are not ignoring: {{players}}" unignoredPlayerSuccess: "You have unignored {{player}}" unignoredPlayerFailure: "UUID lookup failed for {{player}}" unignorePlayerAlready: "You are not ignoring {{player}}" listIgnoredPlayers: "You are ignoring the following players: {{players}}" swearBlockOn: "Toggles swear-block on" swearBlockOff: "Toggles swear-block off" firstSwear: "You can toggle the swear filter off with /sb off"
注意: 请确保遵守中国法律相关规定,忽略不符合法律的内容。
- 书中不良词汇的屏蔽。