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    清理聊天插件 (ClearChat)

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    清理聊天插件 (ClearChat)


    - 清除全局聊天:管理员可以清除服务器中的全局聊天记录。
    - 匿名清除全局聊天:管理员可以匿名清除服务器中的全局聊天记录。
    - 清除个人聊天:玩家可以清除自己的聊天记录。
    - 重新加载配置:方便更新消息而无需重新加载服务器。
    - 禁用/启用全局聊天:管理员可以禁用或启用服务器中的全局聊天。
    - 消息发送到管理员:当有新的更新时,插件可以发送消息通知给管理员。


    Here you can change the plugin prefix, will be displayed before each command!
    #Here you can change the message that is displayed when a staff member uses the \/cc command
    ClearChatGlobalMessage:'&cThe chat was cleared by &e%player%'
    #Here you can change the message that is displayed when a staff member uses the \/acc command
    ClearAnonChatGlobalMessage:'&cThe chat was cleared by &ea staff member'
    #Here you can change message that is displayed when a user uses the \/cmc command
    ClearMyChatMessage:'&cYour chat was cleared'
    #Here you can change message that is displayed to the staff that uses \/ccr command
    CCReloadConfig:'&cReloaded config!'
    #Here you can change the message that is displayed when a person tries to talk while the chat is disabled
    YouCantTalk:'&cSorry! The chat is disabled'
    #Here you can change the message that is displayed to the server when a staff member uses the \/ccdisable command
    MuteEnabledMessage:'&e%player% &chas disabled chat'
    #Here you can change the message that is displayed to the server when a staff member uses the \/ccenable command
    MuteDisabledMessage:'&e%player% &chas enabled the chat'
    #Here you can change the message that is displayed to the staff that uses \/ccdisable command
    AdminMuteMessage:'&cYou have disabled the chat correctly'
    #Here you can change the message that is displayed to the staff that uses \/ccenable command
    AdminUnMuteMessage:'&cYou have enabled the chat correctly'
    #Here you can change the message that is displayed to the server when a staff member uses the \/accenable
    MuteAnonEnableMessage:'&eA staff member &chas disabled the chat'
    #Here you can change the message that is displayed to the server when a staff member uses the \/accdisable
    MuteAnonDisableMessage:'&eA staff member &chas enabled the chat'
    #Here you can change the message that is displayed to the staff that has the permission cc.admin.updated when they join and the plugin has an update
    JoinPluginUpdate:'&cThe plugin has an update! Please download it at'
    #Here you can change the blocked commands message
    BlockedCommands:'&cSorry! You do not have permissions to do this.'

    - 使用指定命令执行相应操作,如清除全局聊天、禁用聊天等。
    - 可以根据配置文件修改插件前缀、消息内容等。

    - cc.bypass.mute:绕过禁用聊天的权限。
    - cc.admin.updated:当有新的更新时发送通知的权限。
    - cc.plugins.bypass:绕过被阻止命令的权限。


    清理聊天插件 (ClearChat)

    清理聊天插件 (ClearChat)



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