OpsyDistance (ZeDistance)
- 为每个玩家启用/禁用距离检查器(/pvpd on/off)
- 取消攻击,如果超出最大攻击距离
- 当玩家超出最大攻击距离时,向玩家和管理员发送警报
- 当距离超出时执行命令
- 具有小型数据库功能以保存已激活的玩家
- 通过配置文件和消息文件进行完全自定义
- 下载插件的最新版本
- 将下载的 .jar 文件放入您的服务器插件文件夹中
- 启动服务器
- 享受游戏!
- 启用/禁用攻击距离检查器
- /zedistance on - 启用攻击距离检查器
- /zedistance off - 禁用攻击距离检查器
- /zedistance help - 显示插件帮助页面
- /zedistance reload - 重新加载插件
prefix: "&c[&aOpsyDistance&c] " hit-checker-enabled: "&2You &denabled &2the hit distance checker!" hit-checker-disabled: "&2You &cdisabled &2the hit distance checker!" plugin-help: - "&2\/pvpd &4» &dToggle OpsyDistance" - "&2\/pvpd on &4» &dEnable OpsyDistance" - "&2\/pvpd off &4» &dDisable OpsyDistance" - "&2\/pvpd help &4» &dShow the help page" - "&2\/pvpd reload &4» &dReload the plugin" plugin-reloaded: "&2Plugin reloaded successfully!" alert: over-max: - "&2The player \\\"&b{attacker}&2\\\" hurt you." - "&2Distance of the attack &c» &4&l{distance} &cblocks." - "&4Cheat &c&o(Probably)&4 ? Bug ? Lag ? &c» &2Contact a staff member!" under-max: - "&2The player \\\"&b{attacker}&2\\\" hurt you." - "&2Distance of the attack &c» &a&l{distance} &eblocks." staff-alert: - "&2The player \\\"&b{attacker}&2\\\" hurt \\\"&b{victim}&2\\\"." - "&2Distance of the attack &c» &4&l{distance} &cblocks." - "&4Cheat &c&o(Probably)&4 ? Bug ? Lag ?" errors: not-a-player: "&cYou must be a player to use this command!" already-enabled: "&cYou already enabled the hit distance checker!" already-disabled: "&cYou already disabled the hit distance checker!" command-distance-under-max: "&cYou set the command distance under the max distance!" - "&cPlease, change it to be more or equal to it!" kick-distance-under-max: "&cYou set the kick distance under the max distance!" - "&cPlease, change it to be more or equal to it!" not-enough-permissions: "&cSorry, you don't have enough permissions to do that!"
# Max distance in blocks for a legit hit max-distance: 5.00 kick: # Enable/Disable kick when the attacker is over the kick distance enabled: true # Kick distance in blocks to trigger it (need to be over the max-distance value) distance: 5.8 # Player ping threshold to avoid player lag false positives (in ms) ping-treshold: 80 # Server TPS threshold to avoid server lag false positives (in tps value up to 20) tps-threshold: 18.0 # Kick message message: "&cReach is not authorized on this server!" command: # Enable/Disable command when the attacker is over the kick distance enabled: true # Command distance in blocks to trigger it (need to be over the max-distance value) distance: 5.2 # Player ping threshold to avoid player lag false positives (in ms) ping-threshold: 80 # Server TPS threshold to avoid server lag false positives (in tps value up to 20) tps-threshold: 18.0 # Commands to execute on trigger execute: - "broadcast {attacker} has attacked {victim} from {distance} blocks!" # Cancel the damage if the attack is over the maximum distance cancel-damage: true # Enable the pvp-distance checker on join on-join-enable: false # Disable the pvp-distance checker on leave on-leave-disable: false # Send an alert to a staff member with "pvpdistance.alert" permission while a player exceed the max hit distance staff-alert: true
- 使用/zdistance on和/zdistance off命令
- 使用/zdistance reload命令
- 接收超出攻击距离警报
- 添加带有tps/lag检查的自动踢出功能