丰富的探索与动物生活模组包 (Exploration and Animal Life Modpack)
Mod List 模组列表:
- Additiona Pipes
- Agricraft
- Ambeint Sound
- Animalum
- Animania
- Antique Atlas
- AppleSkin
- Aroma1997Core
- AromaBackup
- Back Tools
- Better Animal Plus
- Better Animation Collection 2
- BiblioCraft
- Buildcraft
- Carry On
- Chisel
- Corpse
- Crafting Tweaks
- Diet Hopper
- Dynamic Surroundings
- Dynamic Trees
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Fast Ladder
- Fast Workbench
- FTB Utilities
- Hats
- Hat Stand
- Inventory HUD+
- Inventory Tweaks
- Iron Age Furniture
- Iron Chest
- Iron Furnaces
- Just Enough Items
- Just Enough Resources
- Macaw's Furniture
- Millenaire
- Millenaire JEI Addon
- Mo' Bends
- Mob Dismemberment
- Mod Name Tooltip
- Mouse Tweaks
- Mr Crayfish's Furniture
- Nature's Compass
- Nether Ores Plus
- Nether Portal Fix
- The One Probe
- Paraglider
- Passable Leaves
- Project: Vibrant Journey
- Quark
- Quark Oddities
- Realistic Item Drop
- Roguelike Dungeon
- Simple Harvest
- Storage Drawers
- Storage Drawers Extra
- Traveler's Backpack
- Tropicraft
- Uppers
- YUNG's Better Caves
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts
- Zoo and Wild Animals
搭配 Millenaire 模组,作为基础的模组,探索与动物生活模组包加入了各种模组元素,包括但不限于建筑、探索、资源挖掘、动物互动等。
通过 Aroma1997Core,AromaBackup,FTB Utilities 等模组,你将拥有更多管理和存档的便利,同时,Ambient Sound 和 Dynamic Surroundings 模组将为你打造一个更加沉浸式的游戏环境。
此外,Animalum 和 Animania 提供了更加丰富的动物互动与养殖功能,而 Antique Atlas 和 Nature's Compass 则可帮助玩家更轻松地进行探索。
在你的探索之旅中,可能会遇到一些困难,而 Quark,Roguelike Dungeon 等模组为游戏增加了更多挑战性,并提供了更多玩法可能性。
总而言之,这一模组包将为你带来前所未有的游戏体验,提供了丰富的探索元素和动物生活互动,让你尽情享受 Minecraft 的乐趣。