MCI - Insane Heights (模组包名称)
欢迎来到 Insane Heights
在这里,你将体验到一个充满技术、农业、魔法和建筑模组的mc世界。探索所有地下城,挑战自我,看看你是否能在 Insane Heights 中生存下来。
- 包含多种技术、农业、魔法和建筑模组
- 丰富的模组列表,包括 Mekanism、Botania、Applied Energistics 等
- 目前安装了 125 个模组
- 刺激的探索体验,包含多个地下城
- Hexerei
- The Twilight Forest
- Traveler's Backpack
- Amplified Nether
- Apple Cows
- AppleSkin
- Applied Botanics Addon
- Applied Energistics 2
- Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals
- Architectury API
- Balm
- Better Villages
- Biomes O' Plenty
- BlockCarpentry
- Bookshelf
- Botania
- Budschie's Morph Mod
- Builder'S Delight
- Building Gadgets
- Champions
- Chance Cubes
- Chunk-Pregenerator
- Cloth Config API
- CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+
- CoFH Core
- Construction Wand
- CookieCore
- Cucumber Library
- Curios API
- Cyclic Dark Utilities
- Decorative Blocks
- Dense Ores Reborn
- Dungeon Crawl
- Easier Sleeping
- Easy Emerald Tools & More
- Ecologics
- Electrodynamics
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Ender Storage 1.8.+
- EnderTAnks
- Enlightened End
- Ensorcellation
- Entangled
- Extreme Reactors
- Fast Leaf Decay
- Give Me Hats!
- GraveStone Mod
- Grimoire of Gaia
- Guns, Rockets and Atomic Explosions
- Hole Filler Mod
- Iron Chests
- Iron Furnaces
- JourneyMap
- JourneyMap Integration
- Just Enough Items
- Just Enough Resources
- Library Ferret
- Loot Bag Mod
- Loot Beams
- Lootr
- Macaw's Doors
- Macaw's Furniture
- Macaw's Trapdoors
- M