紫色梦境RPG (The Dreams of purple Rpg)
更新说明:新的龙似乎正在帮助挣扎的玩家应对与开放世界中的一些更危险的方面的互动,更重要的是与来自火与冰的龙的互动,因此它将一直存在。我将添加请求的模组Extra Utilities,并希望今天稍后能添加一个传送实体的方法,如果测试顺利进行。
更新说明:Princess Azula—08/09/21 Mini Changes 8/9 *Neptune's Justice * Creeps Oh Creepers Creeper but small a displeasure to everyone so your spawn rate shall fall [From 80 to 20] Sea Serpents 11 nerf in counting they are still menacing everyone their base damage is going from 7 to 4 [a Reduction of 15 for the tier 5 variant] Sea Serpents spawn chance is being lowered from 200 to 75 to make them much more rare and less like interfere with sea travel Sea Serpents " Base" is being lowered by 100 to 500 from 600 Fire and Ice dragons are getting additional 50 "BASE" health to make it a harder for Dragon mounts to easily 1v1 them without buffing their damage Most Extra Golems Have received sweeping buffs all around
更新说明: CurseForge版本的模组包已修复,现在可以正常启动,对于更新的延迟,我们深感抱歉。