Better Harvesting (Better Harvesting)
Adds various harvesting features, enables right-click harvest, fast leaf decay, and more.
Config Commands
- /betterharvesting
- Gets the value of all config items
- /betterharvesting [reload]
- Reloads the config from file
- /betterharvesting [AllowFastLeafDecay] []
- Enables/Disables Fast Leaf Decay
- /betterharvesting [AllowRightClickHarvest] []
- Enables/Disables Right Click Harvest
- /betterharvesting [AllowAutomaticSaplingReplant] []
- Enables/Disables Automatic Sapling Replanting
- /betterharvesting [AllowTreeCapitator] []
- Enables/Disables Treecapitator
- /betterharvesting [AllowVeinMining] []
- Enables/Disables Veinmining
- /betterharvesting [AutoPlantSaplingAfterTicks] []
- Sets the delay in ticks after a sapling falls it replants
- /betterharvesting [TreeCapitatorRequiresTool] []
- Sets if Treecapitator requires an axe to work
- /betterharvesting [VeinMineOnlyWhenSneaking] []
- Sets if Veinmine only works when sneaking (note: This does not affect client side)
- /betterharvesting [VeinMineRange] []
- Sets how many blocks veinmine mines
- /betterharvesting [TreeCapitatorRange] []
- Sets how many blocks are mined using TreeCapitator
- /betterharvesting [VeinMinePreventToolBreaking] []
- Sets if Veinmine/Treecapitator should stop before your tool breaks
All features are able to be modified via the config.
1. RightClickHarvest
2. FastLeafDecay
3. TreeCapitator
4. VeinMining
Fabric 0.0.5
- Config could not be set in single player
- Veinmined/Treecapitatored blocks will teleport to block break position with non-silktouch tools
- Changed config to Simple Mod Config
- Added modmenu support
Forge 0.0.5
- Config could not be set in single player
- Veinmined/Treecapitatored blocks will teleport to block break position with non-silktouch tools
- Changed config to Simple Mod Config
- Added modmenu support
Forge 0.0.4
- Updated to 1.19.1 - 1.19.4