远地 (Beyond Earth)
- 两个太阳系中的五个行星/卫星:月球、火星、金星、水星和冰川行星
- 载具:四种不同的火箭级别和一辆漫游车
- 机器:发电机、精炼机和工作台,以安全地穿越太空并建造火箭
- 100多个方块
- 氧气管理和自定义重力系统
- 游戏内文档指南
- 还有许多功能等待你去发现!
请放心将此模组放入您的模组包中 - 无需询问。
v7.0-prerelease-06 forge 1.20.1
Change :
- Uranium motor upgrade craft is now more logic
Fix :
- Jei now show good machine icon
- Machine no longer crash
- Uranium motor upgrade craft is now more logic
Fix :
- Jei now show good machine icon
- Machine no longer crash
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 3,052
Beyond Earth (Forge) 7.0-PRERELEASE
Add :
- uranium ingot and raw uranium recipes
- missing translation key
- config value to set the distance at which you get the radioactivity effect
- glacio uranium ore to the creative menu
- recipe to smelt glacio uranium ore
Change :
- Change the color of the radiation effect to be more coherant
- Steel, desh, ostrum, calorite, uranium and raw uranium block now require iron tool to loot
- Update license
- write space balise message above action bar
Fix :
- uranium and raw uranium block recipes
- hydrogen and uranium motor upgrade recipes
- NASA Workbench and Vehicle upgrader model on ground
- Optimize all radioactive block
- Space balise's message
- Planet overlay event
- NASA Workbench result slot is not centered
- Fuel tank in rocket and rover
- crash on orbit when you open the planet selection menu
- pickaxe not working
- vehicle upgrade/modifier tab name
- coal lantern is not translucent
- uranium ingot and raw uranium recipes
- missing translation key
- config value to set the distance at which you get the radioactivity effect
- glacio uranium ore to the creative menu
- recipe to smelt glacio uranium ore
Change :
- Change the color of the radiation effect to be more coherant
- Steel, desh, ostrum, calorite, uranium and raw uranium block now require iron tool to loot
- Update license
- write space balise message above action bar
Fix :
- uranium and raw uranium block recipes
- hydrogen and uranium motor upgrade recipes
- NASA Workbench and Vehicle upgrader model on ground
- Optimize all radioactive block
- Space balise's message
- Planet overlay event
- NASA Workbench result slot is not centered
- Fuel tank in rocket and rover
- crash on orbit when you open the planet selection menu
- pickaxe not working
- vehicle upgrade/modifier tab name
- coal lantern is not translucent
支持游戏: 1.19.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 343
Beyond Earth (Forge) 7.0-PRERELEASE
Add :
- uranium ingot and raw uranium recipes
- missing translation key
- config value to set the distance at which you get the radioactivity effect
- glacio uranium ore to the creative menu
Change :
- Change the color of the radiation effect to be more coherant
- Steel, desh, ostrum, calorite, uranium and raw uranium block now require iron tool to loot
- Update license
- write space balise message above action bar
Fix :
- uranium and raw uranium block recipes
- hydrogen and uranium motor upgrade recipes
- NASA Workbench and Vehicle upgrader model on ground
- Optimize all radioactive block
- Space balise's message
- Planet overlay event
- NASA Workbench result slot is not centered
- Fuel tank in rocket and rover
- uranium ingot and raw uranium recipes
- missing translation key
- config value to set the distance at which you get the radioactivity effect
- glacio uranium ore to the creative menu
Change :
- Change the color of the radiation effect to be more coherant
- Steel, desh, ostrum, calorite, uranium and raw uranium block now require iron tool to loot
- Update license
- write space balise message above action bar
Fix :
- uranium and raw uranium block recipes
- hydrogen and uranium motor upgrade recipes
- NASA Workbench and Vehicle upgrader model on ground
- Optimize all radioactive block
- Space balise's message
- Planet overlay event
- NASA Workbench result slot is not centered
- Fuel tank in rocket and rover
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 494