- 全新的自定义地形生成。
- 全新的自定义生物群系布局。
- 39个新生物群系。
- 重新制作了每个原版生物群系。
- 全新的巨型自定义树木。
- 38个新的类似原版的装饰性方块。
- 巨大的洞穴,带有粗糙的天花板雕刻和地下熔岩河流。
- 以巨型矿石尖的形式进行自定义矿石生成。
- 向日葵、孢子花、蓝冰和火炬花现在会散发微弱的光。
- 基于噪声的方块着色系统,用于自然生成的方块,如石头、树叶和草,使它们在大尺度上看起来更加自然。
Biospherical Expansion 2.1.1
- Made calderas shorter.
- Introduced some very minor optimizations.
- Improved sandstone generation in deserts.
- Introduced some very minor optimizations.
- Improved sandstone generation in deserts.
版本: 2.1.1
支持游戏: 1.20.1, 1.20.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 5,184
Biospherical Expansion 2.1.0
- Reintroduced cubical terrain on cliffs and calderas.
- Added badlands terrain.
- Made cliffs taller on large biomes and biocubical large biomes world presets.
- Added noise based tinting to more stone-like blocks.
- Fixed instances of rivers getting cutoff.
- Fixed deep frozen oceans crashing the game.
- Fixed a vanilla bug that caused beehives to rarely crash the game when generated.
- Fixed an issue with river biome placement.
- Fixed issue with oceans sometimes leaking into caves.
- Added badlands terrain.
- Made cliffs taller on large biomes and biocubical large biomes world presets.
- Added noise based tinting to more stone-like blocks.
- Fixed instances of rivers getting cutoff.
- Fixed deep frozen oceans crashing the game.
- Fixed a vanilla bug that caused beehives to rarely crash the game when generated.
- Fixed an issue with river biome placement.
- Fixed issue with oceans sometimes leaking into caves.
版本: 2.1.0
支持游戏: 1.20.1, 1.20.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 160
Biospherical Expansion 2.0.0
- Terrain now generates as massive continents seperated by oceans.
- Added rivers.
- Added support for all world preset types.
- Added the biocubical large biomes world preset.
- Added custom terrain for the large biomes world preset.
- Biomes are now placed in a more 2d fashion to eliminate several issues previously caused by this mod.
- Rewrote the surface rules.
- Rewrote the biome source.
- Polished almost all existing biomes.
- Added the fungal hills, tropical hills, windswept highlands, sunflower hills, clover hills, prickly desert, scorching desert, wooded desert, eroded desert, gravelly river, himalayan shore, birch hills, frozen plains, sedimentary plains, popping plains biomes.
- Removed the sandstony shore biome.
- Remade the cave generation.
- Added an eroison effect visible on cliff faces near rivers and oceans.
- Removed noodle caves.
- Increased scale of temperature and humidity.
- Leaf piles are no longer collidable.
- Leaf walls are now able to be climbed.
- Removed custom mob spawner.
- Removed the lithospherical nether.
- Greatly polished some of the unique terrain areas such as swamps, volcanoes, and calderas.
- Some rocks that were previously circular are now cubes.
- Updated grass coloring in several biomes.
- Made the noise-based grass tinting overall more profound.
- Removed the temperature-based block tinting that dirt and stone-like blocks used.
- Added grass under overhangs.
- Fixed some blocks being tinted incorrectly.
- Fixed some items being tinted incorrectly.
- Removed all known sources of console spam.
- Improved the logic used to create the world spawn to avoid weird spawns like in calderas or on islands in the middle of the ocean.
- Rebalanced ore generation.
- Fixed biocubical terrain being comprised of 4x8x4 cubes instead of 4x4x4.
- Fixed some biomes not being tagged.
- Completely prevented oceans from leaking into caves.
- Removed all cave features from non-cave biomes.
- Removed all surface features from non-surface biomes.
- Removed the random blobs of granite, diorite, dirt, etc.
- Removed eroded cliffs terrain.
- Fixed various issues with the lithospherical world preset.
- Added rivers.
- Added support for all world preset types.
- Added the biocubical large biomes world preset.
- Added custom terrain for the large biomes world preset.
- Biomes are now placed in a more 2d fashion to eliminate several issues previously caused by this mod.
- Rewrote the surface rules.
- Rewrote the biome source.
- Polished almost all existing biomes.
- Added the fungal hills, tropical hills, windswept highlands, sunflower hills, clover hills, prickly desert, scorching desert, wooded desert, eroded desert, gravelly river, himalayan shore, birch hills, frozen plains, sedimentary plains, popping plains biomes.
- Removed the sandstony shore biome.
- Remade the cave generation.
- Added an eroison effect visible on cliff faces near rivers and oceans.
- Removed noodle caves.
- Increased scale of temperature and humidity.
- Leaf piles are no longer collidable.
- Leaf walls are now able to be climbed.
- Removed custom mob spawner.
- Removed the lithospherical nether.
- Greatly polished some of the unique terrain areas such as swamps, volcanoes, and calderas.
- Some rocks that were previously circular are now cubes.
- Updated grass coloring in several biomes.
- Made the noise-based grass tinting overall more profound.
- Removed the temperature-based block tinting that dirt and stone-like blocks used.
- Added grass under overhangs.
- Fixed some blocks being tinted incorrectly.
- Fixed some items being tinted incorrectly.
- Removed all known sources of console spam.
- Improved the logic used to create the world spawn to avoid weird spawns like in calderas or on islands in the middle of the ocean.
- Rebalanced ore generation.
- Fixed biocubical terrain being comprised of 4x8x4 cubes instead of 4x4x4.
- Fixed some biomes not being tagged.
- Completely prevented oceans from leaking into caves.
- Removed all cave features from non-cave biomes.
- Removed all surface features from non-surface biomes.
- Removed the random blobs of granite, diorite, dirt, etc.
- Removed eroded cliffs terrain.
- Fixed various issues with the lithospherical world preset.
版本: 2.0.0
支持游戏: 1.20.1, 1.20.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 93