* Fixed discarpet loading events too early, causing log spam with modded entities ([#42](https://github.com/replaceitem/carpet-discarpet/pull/42))
* Removed `__on_command_executed` in favor of builtin `__on_player_command`
* Server voice channels can now be used for sending messages into the buildin text-in-voice channel
* Added suppress_notifications to the message content parsable
* Updated to minecraft 1.19.3
* Added support for user, channel, mentionable and role select menus
* Added new `component_type` property to select menu interaction values for distinguishing between different select menus
* Added `nsfw` property to channel values
* Changed docs to be more consistent and correct for interaction value types
* Added [`dc_create_thread` function](https://replaceitem.github.io/carpet-discarpet/functions/create-thread/)
* Added [`thread` parsable](https://replaceitem.github.io/carpet-discarpet/parsables/thread/)
* Improved error message in some cases for parsables
* Using new internal enum parser for parsables
* Updated to Minecraft 1.19.1
* Fixed webhook profile and webhook profile updater parsable throwing an error when not using an avatar
* The `text` argument `__on_system_message` is now a formatted text value, which allows for better parsing using `encode_json(text)`
* Improved config loading by adding missing config entries on startup
* Fix errors when events trigger when the server is starting or stopping
* Bumped dependency versions (This fixes the server not fully terminating after the world saved)
* Intents are no longer boolean values, but a list of strings instead (See Setup)
* `dc_get_global_slash_commands` got renamed to `dc_get_global_application_commands` and now returns all types of commands
* `dc_create_slash_command()` got renamed to `dc_create_application_command()` and has an additional `type` argument, and returns the application command value instead of a boolean now
* `slash_command~'id'` now returns the interaction id, instead of the slash command id. Use `slash_command~'command_id'` instead
* The string representation of all discord values is now no longer the type name, but a custom string
### Other changes:
* Added `message_context_menu_builder` and `user_context_menu_builder` parsable
* Added `dc_message_context_menu` and `dc_user_context_menu` values
* Added `dc_message_context_menu_interaction` and `dc_user_context_menu_interaction` values
* Added `ephemeral` and `suppress_embeds` fields to `message_content` parsable
* `dc_create_application_command` now works with message context menu and user context menu commands
* Fixed modal parsable internally being called `embed`
* Internally, renamed `instant` parsable to `timestamp` to match docs
### Revamped documentation
* The docs have moved to https://replaceitem.github.io/carpet-discarpet/
* All functions, values, parsables, events and examples have their own page now
* Added internal parsable names to the docs
* Added documentation on `dc_get_global_application_commands()` which was missing
* Many many more changes and polishes to docs
* Added support for modals
* Added **Modal** parsable
* Added new component: **Text input** parsable
* `dc_respond_interaction` now supports responding with a modal using `RESPOND_MODAL` type
* Added `dc_modal_interaction` value
* Added `__on_discord_modal(interaction)` event
* New [modal example](https://github.com/replaceitem/carpet-discarpet/blob/master/docs/Examples.md#modals)
* Added `dc_set_name` function for renaming channels, emojis, roles, servers and webhooks
* Added `locale` property to all interactions. Returns the language code like `en-US`
* Slash command interaction options now work with the `attachment` option type for submitting attachments as a slash command argument (Updated the [slash command example](https://github.com/replaceitem/carpet-discarpet/blob/master/docs/Examples.md#slash-commands))
* The `reason` argument on `dc_add_role` and `dc_remove_role` is now optional
* Added optional `reason` argument to `dc_set_nickname` and `dc_delete`
* Added `dc_timeout` function
* Removed `__on_chat_message` event due to it being in fabric-carpet now (`__on_player_message`).
* `__on_system_message` no longer provides an entity, since it only triggers from non entity bound actions now. A lot has changed with this event, many things that previously did, may no longer trigger this