- 放置在牧场中的兼容精灵会进行繁殖,即使彼此拥有不同的拥有者。
- 遗传个体值(IVs),包括力量道具和命运结的功能。
- 遗传性格,包括坚石的功能。
- 形态遗传(1)。
- 能力遗传(2)。
- 蛋招式遗传。父母曾学过的每个招式都包含在内,因此不需要在它们的招式中装备它们(3)。
- 精灵球遗传。
- 使用类似于玛修达或第二世代闪光育种的方法进行闪光狩猎。
- 能力减少孵化时间一半。
(1). 区域形态直接从父母那里继承,而不是检查生物群系。
(2). 有小概率随机获得精灵的隐藏特性!具有隐藏特性的父母可以正常地将其传递给它们的蛋。
(3). 由于未实现光之珠,皮丘可以在不需要任何条件的情况下获得伏特击。
- 成功繁殖后,蛋会在牧场方块中孵化。
- 可以用空手捡起牧场方块底部的蛋。
- 保持精灵蛋在库存中,随时间孵化(如果蛋不在玩家库存中,则停止计时器)。
- eggCheckTicks(默认值:12000):在每次尝试在牧场方块中产卵之间的多少个刻钟。
- eggCheckChance(默认值:0.5):尝试产卵成功的可能性有多大。
- eggHatchMultiplier(默认值:1.0):控制蛋的孵化速度。在1.0时,具有20个蛋周期的精灵的蛋大约需要10分钟孵化。该值越低,蛋孵化越快。
- shinyMethod(默认为"玛修达"):
- "禁用":精灵将以正常的闪光率孵化。
- "玛修达":如果产生蛋的两只精灵属于不同的训练师,那么闪光率将乘以闪光倍率。闪光倍率不能超过8192。
- "水晶":每个闪光父母都将蛋的闪光率乘以闪光倍率。闪光倍率不能超过80。
- "水晶玛修达":同时使用水晶和玛修达方法。闪光倍率不能超过20。
- shinyMultiplier(默认值为4.0):根据设置的闪光方法,将蛋的闪光率乘以闪光倍率。
- 基本自动化
- 如果具有隐藏特性的精灵进化成没有隐藏特性的精灵,然后再进化成应该具有隐藏特性的精灵,它将失去隐藏特性。
- Mooshtanks会生出普通的大便牛。
例如:绿毛虫(逃跑)-> 铁甲蛹(蜕皮)-> 巴大蝴(复眼)
Fixed 1.8.8 for Neoforge
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 198
Cobbreeding 1.8.8
### Fixes
- Added missing translations for some items
- Fixed a server crash that could happen when a player crashed
- Added `/givepokemonegg` command to give an egg through command in an easier way
- Fixed aspects inheritance
- Fixed egg moves inheritance and Mirror Herb not transfering moves that have been learned in very specific conditions if they never have been benched before
- Fixed broken mipmaps (causing a rendering issue)
- Fixed timer getting desynced between client and server if the player was using an ability to speed up hatching
### Configs
- Added `customColors` config to disable colored eggs if you don't like them
- Added missing translations for some items
- Fixed a server crash that could happen when a player crashed
- Added `/givepokemonegg` command to give an egg through command in an easier way
- Fixed aspects inheritance
- Fixed egg moves inheritance and Mirror Herb not transfering moves that have been learned in very specific conditions if they never have been benched before
- Fixed broken mipmaps (causing a rendering issue)
- Fixed timer getting desynced between client and server if the player was using an ability to speed up hatching
### Configs
- Added `customColors` config to disable colored eggs if you don't like them
版本: 1.8.8
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 3,834
Cobbreeding 1.8.7
- Added colors to pokemon eggs depending on their type. Eggs that already exist at the time of the update will have default colors.
版本: 1.8.7
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 1,108
Cobbreeding 1.8.7
- Added colors to pokemon eggs depending on their type. Eggs that already exist at the time of the update will have default colors.
版本: 1.8.7
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 10,470
Cobbreeding 1.8.6
- Fixed a crash with EMI, REI, JEI etc...
- Experimental fix for players not seeing the timer of their eggs on a server if they had a Pokemon with Flame Body, Magma Armor, or Steam Engine.
- Experimental fix for players not seeing the timer of their eggs on a server if they had a Pokemon with Flame Body, Magma Armor, or Steam Engine.
版本: 1.8.6
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 391
Cobbreeding 1.8.6
- Fixed a crash with EMI, REI, JEI etc...
- Experimental fix for players not seeing the timer of their eggs on a server if they had a Pokemon with Flame Body, Magma Armor, or Steam Engine.
- Experimental fix for players not seeing the timer of their eggs on a server if they had a Pokemon with Flame Body, Magma Armor, or Steam Engine.
版本: 1.8.6
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 2,364
Cobbreeding 1.8.5
### Changes
- Changed how the data is carried in the egg, which should lead us to cause way less errors whenever something needs to be changed.
- We now post the `HATCH_EGG_PRE` and `HATCH_EGG_POST` events
### Fixes
- Stopped the egg from flickering all the time when it was in your hand
- Changed how the data is carried in the egg, which should lead us to cause way less errors whenever something needs to be changed.
- We now post the `HATCH_EGG_PRE` and `HATCH_EGG_POST` events
### Fixes
- Stopped the egg from flickering all the time when it was in your hand
版本: 1.8.5
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 219
Cobbreeding 1.8.5
### Changes
- Changed how the data is carried in the egg, which should lead us to cause way less errors whenever something needs to be changed.
- We now post the `HATCH_EGG_PRE` and `HATCH_EGG_POST` events
### Fixes
- Stopped the egg from flickering all the time when it was in your hand
- Changed how the data is carried in the egg, which should lead us to cause way less errors whenever something needs to be changed.
- We now post the `HATCH_EGG_PRE` and `HATCH_EGG_POST` events
### Fixes
- Stopped the egg from flickering all the time when it was in your hand
版本: 1.8.5
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 2,262
Cobbreeding 1.8.4
### Version
Because of a technicality, this version is only compatible with Cobblemon 1.6.1.
### Changes
- Light Ball has been integrated to the breeding system. Pichu now needs one of its parents to hold it to obtain Volt Tackle.
### Fixes
- Timer format has been corrected to always display seconds on two decimals.
- Sirfetch'd and Perrserker's offspring form has been corrected to be Galarian.
Because of a technicality, this version is only compatible with Cobblemon 1.6.1.
### Changes
- Light Ball has been integrated to the breeding system. Pichu now needs one of its parents to hold it to obtain Volt Tackle.
### Fixes
- Timer format has been corrected to always display seconds on two decimals.
- Sirfetch'd and Perrserker's offspring form has been corrected to be Galarian.
版本: 1.8.4
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 498
Cobbreeding 1.8.4
### Version
Because of a technicality, this version is only compatible with Cobblemon 1.6.1.
### Changes
- Light Ball has been integrated to the breeding system. Pichu now needs one of its parents to hold it to obtain Volt Tackle.
### Fixes
- Timer format has been corrected to always display seconds on two decimals.
- Sirfetch'd and Perrserker's offspring form has been corrected to be Galarian.
Because of a technicality, this version is only compatible with Cobblemon 1.6.1.
### Changes
- Light Ball has been integrated to the breeding system. Pichu now needs one of its parents to hold it to obtain Volt Tackle.
### Fixes
- Timer format has been corrected to always display seconds on two decimals.
- Sirfetch'd and Perrserker's offspring form has been corrected to be Galarian.
版本: 1.8.4
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 8,518
Cobbreeding 1.8.3
- Fixes a crash that could happen when the client tried to fetch the config on a multiplayer server.
版本: 1.8.3
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 1,097
Cobbreeding 1.8.3
- Fixes a crash that could happen when the client tried to fetch the config on a multiplayer server.
版本: 1.8.3
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 11,676
Cobbreeding 1.8.2
- Removed inheritence of the aspects "shiny", "male" and "female"
版本: 1.8.2
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 144
Cobbreeding 1.8.2
- Removed inheritence of the aspects "shiny", "male" and "female"
版本: 1.8.2
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 698
Cobbreeding 1.8.1
/!\ This version isn't compatible with the previous ones. Please remove any eggs and pasture blocks before updating
- Fixes
- Aspects are now inherited from parents
- Forms will be correctly inherited from parents agains
- Fixed some crashes happening when logging in or out
- Configuration
- `eggCheckChance` will now automatically reset to 1.0 if it has been set above 1.0 instead of resetting the whole config file
- Added `dittoAndDittoAllowParadox`, `dittoAndDittoAllowUltraBeast` and `dittoAndDittoAllowUndiscovered` to have more flexibility over Ditto Breeding
- Fixes
- Aspects are now inherited from parents
- Forms will be correctly inherited from parents agains
- Fixed some crashes happening when logging in or out
- Configuration
- `eggCheckChance` will now automatically reset to 1.0 if it has been set above 1.0 instead of resetting the whole config file
- Added `dittoAndDittoAllowParadox`, `dittoAndDittoAllowUltraBeast` and `dittoAndDittoAllowUndiscovered` to have more flexibility over Ditto Breeding
版本: 1.8.1
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 121
Cobbreeding 1.8.1
/!\ This version isn't compatible with the previous ones. Please remove any eggs and pasture blocks before updating
- Fixes
- Aspects are now inherited from parents
- Forms will be correctly inherited from parents agains
- Fixed some crashes happening when logging in or out
- Configuration
- `eggCheckChance` will now automatically reset to 1.0 if it has been set above 1.0 instead of resetting the whole config file
- Added `dittoAndDittoAllowParadox`, `dittoAndDittoAllowUltraBeast` and `dittoAndDittoAllowUndiscovered` to have more flexibility over Ditto Breeding
- Fixes
- Aspects are now inherited from parents
- Forms will be correctly inherited from parents agains
- Fixed some crashes happening when logging in or out
- Configuration
- `eggCheckChance` will now automatically reset to 1.0 if it has been set above 1.0 instead of resetting the whole config file
- Added `dittoAndDittoAllowParadox`, `dittoAndDittoAllowUltraBeast` and `dittoAndDittoAllowUndiscovered` to have more flexibility over Ditto Breeding
版本: 1.8.1
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 857
Cobbreeding 1.8.0-alpha
- Reworked pokedex compatibility to work with Cobblemon's implementation
- Eggs have lost their color
Note : You can update to 1.8.0 from 1.7.4 with no game breaking issue. Eggs that are the Pasture Blocks during the update will be broken but they will simply dissapear as they hatch
- Eggs have lost their color
Note : You can update to 1.8.0 from 1.7.4 with no game breaking issue. Eggs that are the Pasture Blocks during the update will be broken but they will simply dissapear as they hatch
版本: 1.8.0-alpha
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 8,705
Cobbreeding 1.7.4
- Fixes a server crash
版本: 1.7.4
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 7,913
Cobbreeding 1.7.4
- Fixes a server crash
版本: 1.7.4
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 16,465
Cobbreeding 1.7.3
- New dittoAndDittoRandomEgg configuration to allow two Ditto to breed for a random pokemon egg (credits to kd8lvt) (default to false).
- New dittoAndDittoAllowLegendary configuration to include legendary and mythical pokemon to hatch from an egg with two Ditto parents (defaults to false).
- Pokemon hatched from eggs now start with 120 friendship points.
- Improved performances of Pokemon Eggs ticking in player inventories.
- New dittoAndDittoAllowLegendary configuration to include legendary and mythical pokemon to hatch from an egg with two Ditto parents (defaults to false).
- Pokemon hatched from eggs now start with 120 friendship points.
- Improved performances of Pokemon Eggs ticking in player inventories.
版本: 1.7.3
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 4,930
Cobbreeding 1.7.3
- New dittoAndDittoRandomEgg configuration to allow two Ditto to breed for a random pokemon egg (credits to kd8lvt) (default to false).
- New dittoAndDittoAllowLegendary configuration to include legendary and mythical pokemon to hatch from an egg with two Ditto parents (defaults to false).
- Pokemon hatched from eggs now start with 120 friendship points.
- Improved performances of Pokemon Eggs ticking in player inventories.
- New dittoAndDittoAllowLegendary configuration to include legendary and mythical pokemon to hatch from an egg with two Ditto parents (defaults to false).
- Pokemon hatched from eggs now start with 120 friendship points.
- Improved performances of Pokemon Eggs ticking in player inventories.
版本: 1.7.3
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 9,246
Cobbreeding 1.7.2
- Fixed Mr. Rime crash
- Added the sound of a chicken laying an egg when a pokemon egg appears in the pasture block
- Pokemon obtained from egg should now be registered to the pokedex
- Added the sound of a chicken laying an egg when a pokemon egg appears in the pasture block
- Pokemon obtained from egg should now be registered to the pokedex
版本: 1.7.2
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 13,342
Cobbreeding 1.7.2
- Fixed Mr. Rime crash
- Added the sound of a chicken laying an egg when a pokemon egg appears in the pasture block
- Pokemon obtained from egg should now be registered to the pokedex
- Added the sound of a chicken laying an egg when a pokemon egg appears in the pasture block
- Pokemon obtained from egg should now be registered to the pokedex
版本: 1.7.2
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 42,333
Cobbreeding 1.7.1
- Fixed Basculin form inheritance
- Fixed a compatibility issue with Relics
- Cobbreeding's configuration can now be reloaded with `/reload`
- Fixed a compatibility issue with Relics
- Cobbreeding's configuration can now be reloaded with `/reload`
版本: 1.7.1
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 12,832
Cobbreeding 1.7.1
- Fixed Basculin form inheritance
- Fixed a compatibility issue with Relics
- Cobbreeding's configuration can now be reloaded with `/reload`
- Fixed a compatibility issue with Relics
- Cobbreeding's configuration can now be reloaded with `/reload`
版本: 1.7.1
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 22,386
Cobbreeding 1.7.0
- Updated the Masuda Method to use pokemon OT if available. If the pokemon doesn't have an OT, its current trainer will be used instead.
- Improved Mirror Herb to allow evolved pokemon to learn eggmoves, too
- Pokemon Eggs can now be harvested from Pasture Blocks using Hoppers
- Fixed chunk resetting when the Ability NBT couldn't properly be read
- Improved Mirror Herb to allow evolved pokemon to learn eggmoves, too
- Pokemon Eggs can now be harvested from Pasture Blocks using Hoppers
- Fixed chunk resetting when the Ability NBT couldn't properly be read
版本: 1.7.0
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 7,811
Cobbreeding 1.7.0
- Updated the Masuda Method to use pokemon OT if available. If the pokemon doesn't have an OT, its current trainer will be used instead.
- Improved Mirror Herb to allow evolved pokemon to learn eggmoves, too
- Pokemon Eggs can now be harvested from Pasture Blocks using Hoppers
- Fixed chunk resetting when the Ability NBT couldn't properly be read
- Improved Mirror Herb to allow evolved pokemon to learn eggmoves, too
- Pokemon Eggs can now be harvested from Pasture Blocks using Hoppers
- Fixed chunk resetting when the Ability NBT couldn't properly be read
版本: 1.7.0
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 21,841
Cobbreeding 1.6.2
- Implemented Mirror Herb
- Fixed a crash caused when the offspring somehow inherited a nameless ability
- Fixed form inheritance, as it broke when updating to Cobblemon 1.5
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause whole chunks to reset in some cases because of NBT corruption. Update to the next stable version.
- Fixed a crash caused when the offspring somehow inherited a nameless ability
- Fixed form inheritance, as it broke when updating to Cobblemon 1.5
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause whole chunks to reset in some cases because of NBT corruption. Update to the next stable version.
版本: 1.6.2
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 1,240
Cobbreeding 1.6.2
- Implemented Mirror Herb
- Fixed a crash caused when the offspring somehow inherited a nameless ability
- Fixed form inheritance, as it broke when updating to Cobblemon 1.5
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause whole chunks to reset in some cases because of NBT corruption. Update to the next stable version.
- Fixed a crash caused when the offspring somehow inherited a nameless ability
- Fixed form inheritance, as it broke when updating to Cobblemon 1.5
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause whole chunks to reset in some cases because of NBT corruption. Update to the next stable version.
版本: 1.6.2
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 2,468
Cobbreeding 1.6.1
- Fixed a crash when the ability weren't properly resolved.
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause clients to crash in some cases, at least when playing on servers. Update to the next stable version.
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause clients to crash in some cases, at least when playing on servers. Update to the next stable version.
版本: 1.6.1
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 1,733
Cobbreeding 1.6.1
- Fixed a crash when the ability to inherit weren't properly resolved
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause clients to crash in some cases, at least when playing on servers. Update to the next stable version.
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause clients to crash in some cases, at least when playing on servers. Update to the next stable version.
版本: 1.6.1
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 3,067
Cobbreeding 1.6.0
Update for Cobblemon 1.5
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause clients to crash in some cases. Update to the next stable version.
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause clients to crash in some cases. Update to the next stable version.
版本: 1.6.0
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 970
Cobbreeding 1.6.0
Updated version for Cobblemon 1.5
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause clients to crash in some cases. Update to the next stable version.
**Caution:** This version suffers from a bug that will cause clients to crash in some cases. Update to the next stable version.
版本: 1.6.0
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 4,676
Cobbreeding 1.5.4
- Fixed refmap conflicts which prevented the mod from loading with some other mods that don't name their refmaps (basically fixed weird mod conflicts that made no sense but were there by the power of dark magic)
- Fixed shiny odds issues: now you can set any number as multiplier and the mod won't crash or reset your config. ~~a negative multiplier should logically make all eggs shiny so long as a shiny condition is present, but that wasn't tested… make of that what you will~~
- Made forced abilities ignored by default: now parents with forced abilities don't force their eggs to have the same ability.
- Added a configuration option to pass down forced abilities (restores previous behaviour)
- Added a configuration option to not randomly pass down hidden abilities unless the ancestor already has it (base Pokémon games behaviour)
- Fixed shiny odds issues: now you can set any number as multiplier and the mod won't crash or reset your config. ~~a negative multiplier should logically make all eggs shiny so long as a shiny condition is present, but that wasn't tested… make of that what you will~~
- Made forced abilities ignored by default: now parents with forced abilities don't force their eggs to have the same ability.
- Added a configuration option to pass down forced abilities (restores previous behaviour)
- Added a configuration option to not randomly pass down hidden abilities unless the ancestor already has it (base Pokémon games behaviour)
版本: 1.5.4
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 7,005
Cobbreeding 1.5.4
- Fixed refmap conflicts which prevented the mod from loading with some other mods that don't name their refmaps (basically fixed weird mod conflicts that made no sense but were there by the power of dark magic)
- Fixed shiny odds issues: now you can set any number as multiplier and the mod won't crash or reset your config. ~~a negative multiplier should logically make all eggs shiny so long as a shiny condition is present, but that wasn't tested… make of that what you will~~
- Made forced abilities ignored by default: now parents with forced abilities don't force their eggs to have the same ability.
- Added a configuration option to pass down forced abilities (restores previous behaviour)
- Added a configuration option to not randomly pass down hidden abilities unless the ancestor already has it (base Pokémon games behaviour)
- Fixed shiny odds issues: now you can set any number as multiplier and the mod won't crash or reset your config. ~~a negative multiplier should logically make all eggs shiny so long as a shiny condition is present, but that wasn't tested… make of that what you will~~
- Made forced abilities ignored by default: now parents with forced abilities don't force their eggs to have the same ability.
- Added a configuration option to pass down forced abilities (restores previous behaviour)
- Added a configuration option to not randomly pass down hidden abilities unless the ancestor already has it (base Pokémon games behaviour)
版本: 1.5.4
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 11,231
Cobbreeding 1.5.3
- Fixed specific regional evolution making eggs of their pre-evolution in their original form.
- Added time remaining before the egg hatches to its tooltip.
- Shiny hunting methods can now be combined by setting `shinyMethod` to "crystalmasuda". Using this method, the shiny multiplier cannot be set above 20.
- Added time remaining before the egg hatches to its tooltip.
- Shiny hunting methods can now be combined by setting `shinyMethod` to "crystalmasuda". Using this method, the shiny multiplier cannot be set above 20.
版本: 1.5.3
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 3,802
Cobbreeding 1.5.3
- Fixed possible invisible eggs by forcing the Pasture Block to load as a built-in Resource Pack.
- Fixed specific regional evolution making eggs of their pre-evolution in their original form.
- Added time remaining before the egg hatches to its tooltip.
- Shiny hunting methods can now be combined by setting `shinyMethod` to "crystalmasuda". Using this method, the shiny multiplier cannot be set above 20.
- Fixed specific regional evolution making eggs of their pre-evolution in their original form.
- Added time remaining before the egg hatches to its tooltip.
- Shiny hunting methods can now be combined by setting `shinyMethod` to "crystalmasuda". Using this method, the shiny multiplier cannot be set above 20.
版本: 1.5.3
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 12,391
Cobbreeding 1.5.2
Fixed eggs from 1.5.0 becoming bad eggs in 1.5.1.
Eggs that got broken from upgrading 1.5.1 and haven't hatched or been thrown away should get fixed.
Eggs that got broken from upgrading 1.5.1 and haven't hatched or been thrown away should get fixed.
版本: 1.5.2
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 403
Cobbreeding 1.5.2
Fixed eggs from 1.5.0 and before becoming bad eggs in 1.5.1.
Eggs that got broken from upgrading from 1.4.4 or 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 and haven't hatched or been thrown away should get fixed.
Eggs that got broken from upgrading from 1.4.4 or 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 and haven't hatched or been thrown away should get fixed.
版本: 1.5.2
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 731
Cobbreeding 1.5.1
- Implemented Magma Armor, Flame Body and Steam Engine to reduce hatching time
- Gravelmon will make Gravelmon eggs and Cobblemon will make Cobblemon eggs
- Fixed eggmoves, again
- Added Pokeball Inheritance
- Implemented shiny hunting methods (see below)
### New configuration values
- shinyMethod (default to "masuda") :
- "disabled" : Pokemon will hatch with a normal shiny rate.
- "masuda" : If the two pokemon making an egg belong to different trainers, the shiny rate will be multiplied by shinyMultiplier.
- "crystal" : Each shiny parent multiplies the shiny rate for the egg by shinyMultiplier.
- shinyMultiplier (default to 4.0) : Multiplies the shiny rate of the egg depending of the shinyMethod that has been set.
Adding new config values will reset you current configs. Make sure to set them back!
- Gravelmon will make Gravelmon eggs and Cobblemon will make Cobblemon eggs
- Fixed eggmoves, again
- Added Pokeball Inheritance
- Implemented shiny hunting methods (see below)
### New configuration values
- shinyMethod (default to "masuda") :
- "disabled" : Pokemon will hatch with a normal shiny rate.
- "masuda" : If the two pokemon making an egg belong to different trainers, the shiny rate will be multiplied by shinyMultiplier.
- "crystal" : Each shiny parent multiplies the shiny rate for the egg by shinyMultiplier.
- shinyMultiplier (default to 4.0) : Multiplies the shiny rate of the egg depending of the shinyMethod that has been set.
Adding new config values will reset you current configs. Make sure to set them back!
版本: 1.5.1
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 390
Cobbreeding 1.5.1
- Implemented Magma Armor, Flame Body and Steam Engine to reduce hatching time
- Gravelmon will make Gravelmon eggs and Cobblemon will make Cobblemon eggs
- Fixed eggmoves, again
- Added Pokeball Inheritance
- Implemented shiny hunting methods (see below)
### New configuration values
- shinyMethod (default to "masuda") :
- "disabled" : Pokemon will hatch with a normal shiny rate.
- "masuda" : If the two pokemon making an egg belong to different trainers, the shiny rate will be multiplied by shinyMultiplier.
- "crystal" : Each shiny parent multiplies the shiny rate for the egg by shinyMultiplier.
- shinyMultiplier (default to 4.0) : Multiplies the shiny rate of the egg depending of the shinyMethod that has been set.
Adding new config values will reset you current configs. Make sure to set them back!
- Gravelmon will make Gravelmon eggs and Cobblemon will make Cobblemon eggs
- Fixed eggmoves, again
- Added Pokeball Inheritance
- Implemented shiny hunting methods (see below)
### New configuration values
- shinyMethod (default to "masuda") :
- "disabled" : Pokemon will hatch with a normal shiny rate.
- "masuda" : If the two pokemon making an egg belong to different trainers, the shiny rate will be multiplied by shinyMultiplier.
- "crystal" : Each shiny parent multiplies the shiny rate for the egg by shinyMultiplier.
- shinyMultiplier (default to 4.0) : Multiplies the shiny rate of the egg depending of the shinyMethod that has been set.
Adding new config values will reset you current configs. Make sure to set them back!
版本: 1.5.1
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 1,068
Cobbreeding 1.5.0
- Forge!
版本: 1.5.0
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 256
Cobbreeding 1.5.0
- Alternative forms get their correct eggmoves
- Logs when an egg spawns are now in debug logs
- Removed Fabric Language Kotlin dependency
- The mod now depends on Architectury API
- Logs when an egg spawns are now in debug logs
- Removed Fabric Language Kotlin dependency
- The mod now depends on Architectury API
版本: 1.5.0
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 305
Cobbreeding 1.4.4
- Fixed another crash caused by calculating the ability to inherit from parents
版本: 1.4.4
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 747
Cobbreeding 1.4.3
- Fixed a crash happening when breeding a pokemon having its second slot ability but the species can only have one common ability.
版本: 1.4.3
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 68
Cobbreeding 1.4.2
- Added a fix when if an hatched pokemon never had an eggmove in its benched moves it wouldn't transmit it to its children
版本: 1.4.2
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 672
Cobbreeding 1.4.1
- Fixed crash when eggs had some missing informations.
版本: 1.4.1
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 115
Cobbreeding 1.4.0
版本: 1.4.0
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 89