-added an alternative diamond block
-added an portal to the alternative Dimension, you can build it with alternative diamond blocks as frame and an alternative diamond as igniter
Alternative ore generation has been enhanced, with increased spawn rates and a broader range of spawning from height 0 to 20. Prepare to discover even more of this valuable resource in your mining expeditions!
Moonflowers, previously exclusive to the alternative dimension, have found their way into the overworld as well.
This change ensures that the tree generation remains consistent across dimensions, offering a more cohesive and seamless gameplay experience.
The crafting recipe for shifting diamonds has undergone a transformation.
It now requires the combination of 4 moonflowers and one alternative dimension.
Get ready to harness the power of these precious gems and embark on your dimensional adventures!
We hope you enjoy these updates and that they enhance your gameplay experience. Stay tuned for more exciting features and improvements in future updates!
Feel free to provide feedback and suggestions for further enhancements to the mod. Your support and engagement are greatly appreciated!
-Added the ability to craft Alternative Diamonds using 1 Emerald and 4 Diamonds.
-Introduced a new gamerule called "canShiftDimDefaultValue" to control whether players can shift dimensions upon joining the world,
allowing for customization of default dimension shifting permissions.
-Implemented a new gamerule called "NeedsItemToShiftDimension," which,
when set to true, requires players to possess the Shifting Diamond
in order to shift dimensions.
-Added the Shifting Diamond item, which can be crafted using 4
Alternative Diamonds or traded from wandering trader.
Right-clicking with the Shifting Diamond
allows players to shift dimensions.
thanks to OnioTheSeal (https://www.reddit.com/user/OnioTheSeal/)
for the ideas
We hope you enjoy these new features and improvements to enhance your Minecraft experience!