烛光晚餐 (Candlelight Dinner)
一套新的盔甲(仅用于外观 - 穿戴它不会给您带来任何好处)
例如,您正在用给您即时生命的药水烹制猪排 -> 您将获得带有即时生命效果的猪排
它们可以通过杯子和餐巾纸进行扩展 - 您可以通过右键单击拿着食物放在盘子上。从盘子吃东西会给您额外的饥饿和饱和度。
嗯 - 您应该邀请您的所有朋友来参加晚餐!您可以使用便笺手写所有邀请,或者您可以制作一个打字机,用便笺装满它,并以风格书写。
一套新奇的烹饪盔甲,什么也没有。但是你穿着它看起来会很棒!还有一个金戒指,会给你一个特殊的效果……或者你可以把它用作订婚戒指?是的 - 如果你有一个但不打算使用它,你可以把它存放在类似劳力士的珠宝盒中。
[Let's Do] Candlelight 1.2.13
* Items cooked with chicken no longer give the 'Hunger' debuff.
[Let's Do] Candlelight 1.2.13
* Items cooked with chicken no longer give the 'Hunger' debuff.
[Let's Do] Candlelight
* Fixed Villagers on Forge
[Let's Do] Candlelight 1.2.12
* Updated to DoAPI 1.2.10
[Let's Do] Candlelight 1.2.12
* Updated to DoAPI 1.2.10
[Let's Do] Candlelight 1.2.11
* Fixed a Sound Issue with Drawers / Cabinets
* Fixed Sandstone Kitchen Sink loottable
* Fixed Bamboo Kitchen Sink cullface
* Fixed Cobblestone Kitchen Sink cullface
* Fixed Sidetable loottable
* Fixed GoldenApple Advancement
* Improved Cook Armor
* Improved Cooking Pan
* You can now also place lamps on Sidetables
* Updated Russian translation
* Updated Chinese translation
[Let's Do] Candlelight 1.2.11
* Fixed a Sound Issue with Drawers / Cabinets
* Fixed Sandstone Kitchen Sink loottable
* Fixed Bamboo Kitchen Sink cullface
* Fixed Cobblestone Kitchen Sink cullface
* Fixed Sidetable loottable
* Fixed GoldenApple Advancement
* Improved Cook Armor
* Improved Cooking Pan
* You can now also place lamps on Sidetables
* Updated Russian translation
* Updated Chinese translation
[Let's Do] Candlelight 1.2.10
* Fixed Cooking Pot Container Item
* Fixed Cooking Pan Container Item
* Fixed missing Textures for Table Bowl
* Fixed missing Texture for Sandstone Kitchen Sink
* Fixed missing Texture for Bamboo Kitchen Sink
* Fixed all Kitchen Sink loottables
* Fixed Glass break Particles
* Fixed Cooking Pan Damage
* Fixed Cooking Pan will reset its damage value after placing and picking it up again
* Fixed Painting will restore hunger when changing Pictures
* Fixed the possiblity to fill buckets on the kitchen sink faucet
* Fixed a MixinError (Forge)
* Removed PushReaction for all KitchenSinks (set to ignore)
[Let's Do] Candlelight 1.2.10
* Fixed Cooking Pot Container Item
* Fixed Cooking Pan Container Item
* Fixed missing Textures for Table Bowl
* Fixed missing Texture for Sandstone Kitchen Sink
* Fixed missing Texture for Bamboo Kitchen Sink
* Fixed all Kitchen Sink loottables
* Fixed Glass break Particles
* Fixed Cooking Pan Damage
* Fixed Cooking Pan will reset its damage value after placing and picking it up again
* Fixed Painting will restore hunger when changing Pictures
* Fixed the possiblity to fill buckets on the kitchen sink faucet
* Fixed a MixinError (Forge)
* Removed PushReaction for all KitchenSinks (set to ignore)
[Let's Do] Candlelight 1.2.9
* Updated DoAPI to 1.2.9
* Reworked Cook Armor - it's now dyeable
* Reworked Kitchen Sink
* Reworked Tooltips
* Reworked Jewelry Box
* Reworked Side Table
* Reworked following Sounds:
Kitchen Sink, Cooking Pot, Drawers, Cabinets, Cooking Pan
* Reworked following Textures:
Chocolate, Plate, Gold Ring, Mozzarella, all Bags, Banner, Cooking Pan, Butter, Dough, Pasta, Tool Rack, all Food Items, Chefs Pants & Shoes, Food Blocks,
* Fixed CompostableRegistry - you can now properly compost Candlelight Items
* Fixed Stoves hurting Villagers
* Added Sounds for the Typewriter
* Added Trinket Integration (fabric)
* Added new Food
* Added a Config for disabling Set Bonuses & Crops
* Splitted the Creative Tabs in 2 separate Tabs: Furniture & Food
* Removed Pizza
[Let's Do] Candlelight 1.2.9
* Updated DoAPI to 1.2.9
* Reworked Cook Armor - it's now dyeable
* Reworked Kitchen Sink
* Reworked Tooltips
* Reworked Jewelry Box
* Reworked Side Table
* Reworked following Sounds:
Kitchen Sink, Cooking Pot, Drawers, Cabinets, Cooking Pan
* Reworked following Textures:
Chocolate, Plate, Gold Ring, Mozzarella, all Bags, Banner, Cooking Pan, Butter, Dough, Pasta, Tool Rack, all Food Items, Chefs Pants & Shoes, Food Blocks,
* Fixed CompostableRegistry - you can now properly compost Candlelight Items
* Fixed Stoves hurting Villagers
* Added Sounds for the Typewriter
* Added Trinket Integration (fabric)
* Added new Food
* Added a Config for disabling Set Bonuses & Crops
* Splitted the Creative Tabs in 2 separate Tabs: Furniture & Food
* Removed Pizza
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.8
* Villagers can now not only take on the profession of the butcher but also that of the cook! The Cook Villager uses the Cooking Pot as a workstation
* Fixed an Issue with FoodItems getting the Hunger Effect
* Roses won’t deal damage anymore
* Fixed a Thread Safety Error
* You can now duplicate Roses by using Bone Meal on them
* The Cook Armor will now give Fire Resistance II as a full set bonus
* FarmersDelight Stove can now be used as a heat source for Pans and Pots
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.8
* Villagers can now not only take on the profession of the butcher but also that of the cook! The Cook Villager uses the Cooking Pot as a workstation
* Fixed an Issue with FoodItems getting the Hunger Effect
* Roses won’t deal damage anymore
* Fixed a Thread Safety Error
* You can now duplicate Roses by using Bone Meal on them
* The Cook Armor will now give Fire Resistance II as a full set bonus
* FarmersDelight Stove can now be used as a heat source for Pans and Pots
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.1.9
* Toolrack has been added. You can hang up to 3 items on it. It accepts any Tiered Tools, although it may look a bit strange on those with their own models, as it is primarily configured for tools without customization.
* Increased Tomato Spawn Rate
* Reworked Kitchen Sink
* Reworked Cooking Hat
* Fixed LetterGUI
* Fixed Broccoli, Tomato and Carrot Recipe
* Saturation was slightly adjusted for some Candlelight Food items to make them competitive
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.1.9
* Toolrack has been added. You can hang up to 3 items on it. It accepts any Tiered Tools, although it may look a bit strange on those with their own models, as it is primarily configured for tools without customization.
* Increased Tomato Spawn Rate
* Reworked Kitchen Sink
* Reworked Cooking Hat
* Fixed LetterGUI
* Fixed Broccoli, Tomato and Carrot Recipe
* Saturation was slightly adjusted for some Candlelight Food items to make them competitive
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.7
* Note Paper is now placeable
* Wine Glass is now placeable
* You can now Right-Click on the small Painting to switch between Portraits
* Slight Texture update for many Blocks & Items
* Shelf rework - you can now place more Item on it, new Model
* Added biome tags to Crops spawn
* Fixed Lettuce loottable
* Implemented Advancements! Completing them will reward you with a Banner that grants you Fire Resistance in a 8 Block Radius
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.7
* Note Paper is now placeable
* Wine Glass is now placeable
* You can now Right-Click on the small Painting to switch between Portraits
* Slight Texture update for many Blocks & Items
* Shelf rework - you can now place more Item on it, new Model
* Added biome tags to Crops spawn
* Fixed Lettuce loottable
* Implemented Advancements! Completing them will reward you with a Banner that grants you Fire Resistance in a 8 Block Radius
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.1.8
Performance Improvements
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.1.8
Performance Improvements
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.4
Performance Improvements
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.4
Performance Improvements
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.3
* Adjusted following recipes: Cooking Pan, Beef with Broccoli
* Added Candlelight Rose to the small_flower tag
* Added water_bottles tag to following recipes: Dough, Mozzarella
* Reworked Rose Texture
* Reworked Stove and Sink Textures
* Reworked Typewriter Textures
* All Candlelight sound effects are now mono
* Kitchen Counter are now connectible
* Removed Kitchen Sink Tooltip
* Added a recipe remainder for the CookingPot
* Changed c:butter tag to c:butters for croptopia compat
* Added UA translation
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.3
* Adjusted following recipes: Cooking Pan, Beef with Broccoli
* Added Candlelight Rose to the small_flower tag
* Added water_bottles tag to following recipes: Dough, Mozzarella
* Reworked Rose Texture
* Reworked Stove and Sink Textures
* Reworked Typewriter Textures
* All Candlelight sound effects are now mono
* Kitchen Counter are now connectible
* Removed Kitchen Sink Tooltip
* Added a recipe remainder for the CookingPot
* Changed c:butter tag to c:butters for croptopia compat
* Added UA translation
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.1.7
* Adjusted following recipes: Cooking Pan, Beef with Broccoli
* Added Candlelight Rose to the small_flower tag
* Added water_bottles tag to following recipes: Dough, Mozzarella
* Reworked Rose Texture
* Reworked Stove and Sink Textures
* Reworked Typewriter Textures
* All Candlelight sound effects are now mono
* Kitchen Counter are now connectible
* Added a recipe remainder for the CookingPot
* Added UA translation
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.1.7
* Adjusted following recipes: Cooking Pan, Beef with Broccoli
* Added Candlelight Rose to the small_flower tag
* Added water_bottles tag to following recipes: Dough, Mozzarella
* Reworked Rose Texture
* Reworked Stove and Sink Textures
* Reworked Typewriter Textures
* All Candlelight sound effects are now mono
* Kitchen Counter are now connectible
* Added a recipe remainder for the CookingPot
* Added UA translation
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.2
Added JEI support - Big Thanks to Cristelknight
Added Bamboo Furniture
Added Cherry Furniture
Added Basalt Kitchen Furniture
Added Bamboo Kitchen Furniture
Added / reworked Tags
Seeds, Vegetables, Roses and FoodItems are now compostable
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.2
- Added JEI support - _Big Thanks to Cristelknight_
- Added Bamboo Furniture
- Added Cherry Furniture
- Added Basalt Kitchen Furniture
- Added Bamboo Kitchen Furniture
- Added / reworked Tags
- Seeds, Vegetables, Roses and FoodItems are now compostable
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.1.6 - Fabric
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.1.6 - Forge
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.1 - Forge
Let's Do: Candlelight 1.2.1 - Fabric