<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yaml at main -->
## What's Changed
### Added
* Add config for disabling lightning strikes causing fire
### Changed
* Reorganize all of the configs to hopefully make things easier to find
* Move double stone slab crafting recipes to NowObtainableRecipes mod
* https://modrinth.com/mod/nowobtainablerecipes-stationapi
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yaml at main -->
## What's Changed
### Added
* Add config to enable log rotation by @telvarost in https://github.com/telvarost/MiscTweaks-StationAPI/pull/17
### Changed
* Fixed some configs not working anymore after the migration to GCAPI3
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yaml at main -->
## What's Changed
### Added
* Allow collecting ferns with shears
* BHCreative is required for this as b1.7.3 does not have an item for it
* Item is non-vanilla and will disappear if BHCreative is removed
* Allow ghast fireballs to insta-kill ghasts
* Add ability to enable different zombie pigman drops
* Select between: cooked porkchops, raw porkchops, brown mushrooms, gold sword, bone meal, brick, or nothing
### Changed
* Fix zombie pigman drops being effected by zombie drop selection
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yaml at main -->
## What's Changed
### Added
* ALlow collecting tall grass with shears
* Allow collecting dead bushes with shears
* Allow random chance for dead bushes to drop a stick
* The percent chance is the same as getting seeds from tall grass (12.5%)
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yaml at main -->
## What's Changed
### Added
* Add crafting recipe for double stone slabs (single stone slab above single stone slab in crafting grid)
* Remove features that overlapped with UniTweaks (these will be moved to a mod named GameplayEssentials)
* Removed overlapping `right-click` to equip armor
* Removed overlapping shapeless jack-o'-lantern recipe
* Removed overlapping change stairs output recipes
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yaml at main -->
## What's Changed
### Added
* Add multiplayer support with gcapi 2.0 by @telvarost in https://github.com/telvarost/MiscTweaks-StationAPI/pull/15
* Add config toggle for disabling TNT explosions
* Add config toggle for disabling all explosions
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yaml at main -->
## What's Changed
### Added
* Add ability to open chests even when a solid block is above them
* Add ability to equalize base armor durability (so that all pieces of a newly crafted armor set break at the same time)
* Add ability to use modern armor defense points (lower tier armor provides less defense, but durability does not affect defense anymore)
* Add ability to equip held armor with right click, default true
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yaml at main -->
## What's Changed
### Added
* Add percent chance for apples to drop from oak leaves.
* Note: There currently seems to be a bug with GlassConfigAPI where Integer configs need to be saved twice to take effect
### Changed
* Updated mod icon to be more legible/prettier
### Removed
* Dispenser changes moved to DispenserTweaks
* See: https://github.com/telvarost/DispenserTweaks-StationAPI
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yaml at main -->
## What's Changed
### Added
* Allow editing signs with a feather (feather is consumed on use), default false.
* Allow coloring signs with dye (dye is consumed on use), default false.
* Allow defusing TNT with shears (use left-click to defuse), default false.
### Changed
* Fix all explosions being disabled even when creeper and ghast explosions are enabled.
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yaml at main -->
## What's Changed
### Added
* Modern Dispenser Fluid Placement by @telvarost in https://github.com/telvarost/MiscTweaks-StationAPI/pull/12
* Modded Dispenser Fluid Placement by @telvarost in https://github.com/telvarost/MiscTweaks-StationAPI/pull/12
* Stack size of water/lava source blocks set to 1
* Add crafting recipes for water/lava source blocks from water/lava buckets
* Placing water source blocks in the nether will now evaporate
* Add config option for using lava source blocks as fuel source
### Changed
* Stairs recipe limit will now turn red when above 16 by @telvarost in https://github.com/telvarost/MiscTweaks-StationAPI/pull/12