- 更好的桦木生态系统,树木更高,装饰有多孔菌和散落的倒木。
- 倒木,中空,可以爬过,可以由任何木材制成。
- 多孔菌,生长在桦木的侧面,甚至可以烹饪食用。
- 勿忘我花,生长在桦木森林的各处。
- 高花茎甜根花,分布在桦木森林中。
- 萤火虫,可以装在罐子里,为美丽的灯光和氛围。
- 罐子,可以存放萤火虫、食物,未来还可以存放更多内容。
- 穿越(Traverse)
- 哦,你将去的生态系统重制版(Oh The Biomes You'll Go Refabricated)
- Blockus
- 长廊(Promenade)
- 魅力(Charm)
- 生态(Ecologics)
- 以太(Aether)
- 生态丰富(Biomes O' Plenty)
- 你可以在github或discord上建议更多要支持的模组。
Missing Wilds Fabric 1.3.3+1.21
- Fixed bug causing crash on fabric when Dynamic Asset Generator isn't installed.
版本: 1.3.3+1.21-fabric
支持游戏: 1.21, 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 6,433
Missing Wilds NeoForge 1.3.2+1.21
- Fixed bug causing crash on neoforge when Dynamic Asset Generator isn't installed.
版本: 1.3.2+1.21-neoforge
支持游戏: 1.21, 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 662
Missing Wilds Fabric 1.3.1+1.21
- Fixed conventional tags folder
版本: 1.3.1+1.21-fabric
支持游戏: 1.21
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 176
Missing Wilds NeoForge 1.3.1+1.21
- Fixed conventional tags folder
版本: 1.3.1+1.21-neoforge
支持游戏: 1.21
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 50
Missing Wilds NeoForge 1.3.0+1.21
- Update to 1.21
- Switched Forge module to NeoForge
- Mod compat system is the same on Fabric & NeoForge through the use of [Dynamic Asset Generator](https://github.com/lukebemishprojects/DynamicAssetGenerator) & [Default Resources](https://github.com/lukebemishprojects/DefaultResources)
- Add ru_ru translation (Thanks @hhbjuuigytyg)
- Switched Forge module to NeoForge
- Mod compat system is the same on Fabric & NeoForge through the use of [Dynamic Asset Generator](https://github.com/lukebemishprojects/DynamicAssetGenerator) & [Default Resources](https://github.com/lukebemishprojects/DefaultResources)
- Add ru_ru translation (Thanks @hhbjuuigytyg)
版本: 1.3.0+1.21-neoforge
支持游戏: 1.21
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 48
Missing Wilds Fabric 1.3.0+1.21
- Update to 1.21
- Switched Forge module to NeoForge
- Mod compat system is the same on Fabric & NeoForge through the use of [Dynamic Asset Generator](https://github.com/lukebemishprojects/DynamicAssetGenerator) & [Default Resources](https://github.com/lukebemishprojects/DefaultResources)
- Add ru_ru translation (Thanks @hhbjuuigytyg)
- Switched Forge module to NeoForge
- Mod compat system is the same on Fabric & NeoForge through the use of [Dynamic Asset Generator](https://github.com/lukebemishprojects/DynamicAssetGenerator) & [Default Resources](https://github.com/lukebemishprojects/DefaultResources)
- Add ru_ru translation (Thanks @hhbjuuigytyg)
版本: 1.3.0+1.21-fabric
支持游戏: 1.21
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 85
Missing Wilds Quilt 1.2.1+1.20.1
- Added Botania compat, which includes fallen logs for livingwood and dreamwood, and jars for mana glass, and alf glass.
- Optimize mod assets.
- Added option to fallen log json to set the light level of the log.
- Optimize mod assets.
- Added option to fallen log json to set the light level of the log.
版本: v1.2.1+1.20.1-quilt
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 1,215
Missing Wilds Forge 1.2.1+1.20.1
- Added Botania compat, which includes fallen logs for livingwood and dreamwood, and jars for mana glass, and alf glass.
- Optimize mod assets.
- Added option to fallen log json to set the light level of the log.
- Optimize mod assets.
- Added option to fallen log json to set the light level of the log.
版本: v1.2.1+1.20.1-forge
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 7,487
Missing Wilds Fabric 1.2.1+1.20.1
- Added Botania compat, which includes fallen logs for livingwood and dreamwood, and jars for mana glass, and alf glass.
- Optimize mod assets.
- Added option to fallen log json to set the light level of the log.
- Optimize mod assets.
- Added option to fallen log json to set the light level of the log.
版本: v1.2.1+1.20.1-fabric
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 20,590
Missing Wilds Forge 1.2.0+1.20.1
This is the full release of the v1.2.0 update.
## Changes since last beta:
- Forge version re-enabled, will be neoforge in future versions.
- Fixed quilt crash when tablesaws is missing.
- Added Aether and Biomes O' Plenty Compat
## Major v1.2.0 features:
- Forget me nots are renewable now, due to the fact that you can grow them via bonemeal in biomes in the `#missingwilds:birch` tag.
- That tag also controls where forget me nots and extra grass spawns.
- Birch trees grown from saplings are now also larger, like the ones from the biome now.
- Turkish Translation from Hexasan, Thank you!
- Fireflies have been added, which spawn in the `#missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag
- Added compat for quite a few mods, too many to list here, check previous beta changelogs for a full list.
- Jars have been added, which can store fireflies for a nice decorative light source, and can store food too.
- You can add your own fallen logs through json files, which will have the assets automatically generated.
- This process will be explained better in a wiki I'm currently creating for this mod.
## Changes since last beta:
- Forge version re-enabled, will be neoforge in future versions.
- Fixed quilt crash when tablesaws is missing.
- Added Aether and Biomes O' Plenty Compat
## Major v1.2.0 features:
- Forget me nots are renewable now, due to the fact that you can grow them via bonemeal in biomes in the `#missingwilds:birch` tag.
- That tag also controls where forget me nots and extra grass spawns.
- Birch trees grown from saplings are now also larger, like the ones from the biome now.
- Turkish Translation from Hexasan, Thank you!
- Fireflies have been added, which spawn in the `#missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag
- Added compat for quite a few mods, too many to list here, check previous beta changelogs for a full list.
- Jars have been added, which can store fireflies for a nice decorative light source, and can store food too.
- You can add your own fallen logs through json files, which will have the assets automatically generated.
- This process will be explained better in a wiki I'm currently creating for this mod.
版本: v1.2.0+1.20.1-forge
支持游戏: 1.20.1, 1.20.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 1,038
Missing Wilds Quilt 1.2.0+1.20.1
This is the full release of the v1.2.0 update.
## Changes since last beta:
- Forge version re-enabled, will be neoforge in future versions.
- Fixed quilt crash when tablesaws is missing.
- Added Aether and Biomes O' Plenty Compat
## Major v1.2.0 features:
- Forget me nots are renewable now, due to the fact that you can grow them via bonemeal in biomes in the `#missingwilds:birch` tag.
- That tag also controls where forget me nots and extra grass spawns.
- Birch trees grown from saplings are now also larger, like the ones from the biome now.
- Turkish Translation from Hexasan, Thank you!
- Fireflies have been added, which spawn in the `#missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag
- Added compat for quite a few mods, too many to list here, check previous beta changelogs for a full list.
- Jars have been added, which can store fireflies for a nice decorative light source, and can store food too.
- You can add your own fallen logs through json files, which will have the assets automatically generated.
- This process will be explained better in a wiki I'm currently creating for this mod.
## Changes since last beta:
- Forge version re-enabled, will be neoforge in future versions.
- Fixed quilt crash when tablesaws is missing.
- Added Aether and Biomes O' Plenty Compat
## Major v1.2.0 features:
- Forget me nots are renewable now, due to the fact that you can grow them via bonemeal in biomes in the `#missingwilds:birch` tag.
- That tag also controls where forget me nots and extra grass spawns.
- Birch trees grown from saplings are now also larger, like the ones from the biome now.
- Turkish Translation from Hexasan, Thank you!
- Fireflies have been added, which spawn in the `#missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag
- Added compat for quite a few mods, too many to list here, check previous beta changelogs for a full list.
- Jars have been added, which can store fireflies for a nice decorative light source, and can store food too.
- You can add your own fallen logs through json files, which will have the assets automatically generated.
- This process will be explained better in a wiki I'm currently creating for this mod.
版本: v1.2.0+1.20.1-quilt
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 193
Missing Wilds Fabric 1.2.0+1.20.1
This is the full release of the v1.2.0 update.
## Changes since last beta:
- Forge version re-enabled, will be neoforge in future versions.
- Fixed quilt crash when tablesaws is missing.
- Added Aether and Biomes O' Plenty Compat
## Major v1.2.0 features:
- Forget me nots are renewable now, due to the fact that you can grow them via bonemeal in biomes in the `#missingwilds:birch` tag.
- That tag also controls where forget me nots and extra grass spawns.
- Birch trees grown from saplings are now also larger, like the ones from the biome now.
- Turkish Translation from Hexasan, Thank you!
- Fireflies have been added, which spawn in the `#missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag
- Added compat for quite a few mods, too many to list here, check previous beta changelogs for a full list.
- Jars have been added, which can store fireflies for a nice decorative light source, and can store food too.
- You can add your own fallen logs through json files, which will have the assets automatically generated.
- This process will be explained better in a wiki I'm currently creating for this mod.
## Changes since last beta:
- Forge version re-enabled, will be neoforge in future versions.
- Fixed quilt crash when tablesaws is missing.
- Added Aether and Biomes O' Plenty Compat
## Major v1.2.0 features:
- Forget me nots are renewable now, due to the fact that you can grow them via bonemeal in biomes in the `#missingwilds:birch` tag.
- That tag also controls where forget me nots and extra grass spawns.
- Birch trees grown from saplings are now also larger, like the ones from the biome now.
- Turkish Translation from Hexasan, Thank you!
- Fireflies have been added, which spawn in the `#missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag
- Added compat for quite a few mods, too many to list here, check previous beta changelogs for a full list.
- Jars have been added, which can store fireflies for a nice decorative light source, and can store food too.
- You can add your own fallen logs through json files, which will have the assets automatically generated.
- This process will be explained better in a wiki I'm currently creating for this mod.
版本: v1.2.0+1.20.1-fabric
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 1,917
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.20 Beta 7 - Fabric
- Adventure players can't pick up firefly jars
- Fix weird crash that happens sometimes while picking up jars / putting fireflies in jars.
- Fix weird crash that happens sometimes while picking up jars / putting fireflies in jars.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.7+1.20.1-fabric
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.2
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 17,904
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.20 Beta 7 - Quilt
- Adventure players can't pick up firefly jars
- Fix weird crash that happens sometimes while picking up jars / putting fireflies in jars.
- Fix weird crash that happens sometimes while picking up jars / putting fireflies in jars.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.7+1.20.1-quilt
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.2
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 1,697
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.20 Beta 6 - Fabric
- Added mod compat to templates 2 mod, adding a fallen log template block.
- Added hex casting compat, which adds fallen logs for: Edified Logs, Purple Edified Logs, Amethyst Edified Logs, Aventurine Edified Logs, and Citrine Edified Logs
- Added compat for softer pastels, adding jars for the pastel glass.
- Fix forget me not flower pots being treated as actual flowers
- Added translation for firefly
- Added hex casting compat, which adds fallen logs for: Edified Logs, Purple Edified Logs, Amethyst Edified Logs, Aventurine Edified Logs, and Citrine Edified Logs
- Added compat for softer pastels, adding jars for the pastel glass.
- Fix forget me not flower pots being treated as actual flowers
- Added translation for firefly
版本: v1.2.0-beta.6+1.20.1-fabric
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 963
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.20 Beta 6 - Quilt
- Added mod compat to templates 2 mod, adding a fallen log template block.
- Added hex casting compat, which adds fallen logs for: Edified Logs, Purple Edified Logs, Amethyst Edified Logs, Aventurine Edified Logs, and Citrine Edified Logs
- Added compat for softer pastels, adding jars for the pastel glass.
- Fix forget me not flower pots being treated as actual flowers
- Added translation for firefly
- Added hex casting compat, which adds fallen logs for: Edified Logs, Purple Edified Logs, Amethyst Edified Logs, Aventurine Edified Logs, and Citrine Edified Logs
- Added compat for softer pastels, adding jars for the pastel glass.
- Fix forget me not flower pots being treated as actual flowers
- Added translation for firefly
版本: v1.2.0-beta.6+1.20.1-quilt
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 128
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.20 Beta 5 - Fabric
- Fix player kick when receiving firefly particle packet.
- Fixed some firefly color issues.
- Firefly swarm can now have a nbt tag `DayLightSafe` that allows them to not despawn during the day.
- Fixed some firefly color issues.
- Firefly swarm can now have a nbt tag `DayLightSafe` that allows them to not despawn during the day.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.5+1.20.1-fabric
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 365
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.20 Beta 5 - Quilt
- Fix player kick when receiving firefly particle packet.
- Fixed some firefly color issues.
- Firefly swarm can now have a nbt tag `DayLightSafe` that allows them to not despawn during the day.
- Fixed some firefly color issues.
- Firefly swarm can now have a nbt tag `DayLightSafe` that allows them to not despawn during the day.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.5+1.20.1-quilt
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 140
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.20 Beta 4 - Quilt
- Fix quilt version icon being in the wrong location
版本: v1.2.0-beta.4+1.20.1-quilt
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 125
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.20 Beta 3 - Fabric
- Add compat to the following mods:
- Tropics
- Wandering Wizardry
- Add uk_ua translation (Thanks @unroman)
- Tropics
- Wandering Wizardry
- Add uk_ua translation (Thanks @unroman)
版本: v1.2.0-beta.3+1.20.1-fabric
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 211
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.20 Beta 3 - Quilt
- Add compat to the following mods:
- Tropics
- Wandering Wizardry
- Add uk_ua translation (Thanks @unroman)
- Tropics
- Wandering Wizardry
- Add uk_ua translation (Thanks @unroman)
版本: v1.2.0-beta.3+1.20.1-quilt
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 71
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.20 Beta 2 - Quilt
- Update to 1.20
- Fallen Cherry Logs added.
- Fallen Cherry Logs added.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.2+1.20.1-quilt
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 187
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.20 Beta 2 - Fabric
- Update to 1.20
- Fallen Cherry Logs added.
- Fallen Cherry Logs added.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.2+1.20.1-fabric
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 123
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.4 Beta 2 - Quilt
- Fix firefly texture breaking mipmap.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.2+1.19.4-quilt
支持游戏: 1.19.4
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 137
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.4 Beta 2 - Forge
- Fix firefly texture breaking mipmap.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.2+1.19.4-forge
支持游戏: 1.19.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 269
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.4 Beta 2 - Fabric
- Fix firefly texture breaking mipmap.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.2+1.19.4-fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.4
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 643
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.2 Beta 2 - Quilt
- Fix firefly texture breaking mipmap.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.2+1.19.2-quilt
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 24,412
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.2 Beta 2 - Forge
- Fix firefly texture breaking mipmap.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.2+1.19.2-forge
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 1,594
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.2 Beta 2 - Fabric
- Fix firefly texture breaking mipmap.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
- Fix fireflies not spawning on forge.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.2+1.19.2-fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 2,577
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.4 Beta 1 - Quilt
- Forget me nots are now renewable, as they can now be grown via bonemeal while in a biome in the `missingwilds:birch` tag.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.1+1.19.4-quilt
支持游戏: 1.19.4
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 62
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.4 Beta 1 - Forge
- Forget me nots are now renewable, as they can now be grown via bonemeal while in a biome in the `missingwilds:birch` tag.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.1+1.19.4-forge
支持游戏: 1.19.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 68
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.4 Beta 1 - Fabric
- Forget me nots are now renewable, as they can now be grown via bonemeal while in a biome in the `missingwilds:birch` tag.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.1+1.19.4-fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.4
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 83
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.2 Beta 1 - Quilt
- Forget me nots are now renewable, as they can now be grown via bonemeal while in a biome in the `missingwilds:birch` tag.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.1+1.19.2-quilt
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 71
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.2 Beta 1 - Forge
- Forget me nots are now renewable, as they can now be grown via bonemeal while in a biome in the `missingwilds:birch` tag.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.1+1.19.2-forge
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 65
Missing Wilds v1.2.0+1.19.2 Beta 1 - Fabric
- Forget me nots are now renewable, as they can now be grown via bonemeal while in a biome in the `missingwilds:birch` tag.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
- Missing Wilds Feature (Forget me nots, and more grass) spawns in biomes in the `missingwilds:birch` tag
- Birch Trees grown from saplings are now larger, and have a branch, making them match the
- Fallen logs can now have a snowy overlay if any snowy block is above them. This is controlled by the `missingwilds:snow` block tag.
- Added Turkish Translation (Thanks Hexasan)
- Fireflies have been added.
- Firefly Swarms spawn in the `missingwilds:firefly_spawn_biomes` tag.
- Fireflies spawn rate is influenced by the moon phase, with the new moon giving the highest spawn rate.
- You can capture them in jars, or bottles.
- Jars have been added.
- You can also store food in them, up to 16, by clicking a jar with food in your hand.
- You can also store fireflies in them, by using a firefly bottle on the jar block, or by using the jar item on a firefly swarm to capture it.
- There are regular glass jars, tinted glass jars, and stained glass jars.
- Clicking the jar with an empty hand will toggle the cover.
- Firefly Jars
- When you collect fireflies in a jar, the light level of the jar increases.
- Using a firefly bottle increases the light level by 1, while collecting a whole swarm in a jar increases it by 3.
- You can use dye on the jar to change the color of the fireflies, and the colors are combined, like leather armor.
- You can rename the firefly jar, certain names will have special firefly colors (Such as "pride" for pride flag colors)
- A jar with a open cover spawns firefly particle above the jar, and a closed cover spawns the particles inside the jar.
- Note: Stained glass hides particles unless your in fabulous graphics mode, and this applies to the stained glass jars.
- Mod Compat
- **Important:** ARRP/BRRP isn't bundled on the fabric/forge versions anymore, so if you want mod compat, you must install those seperately.
- Added fallen logs for the logs from:
- Aurora's Decorations
- Good Ending
- Terrestria
- Cinderscapes
- Twilight Forest
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cobblemon
- Gardens of the Dead
- Tablesaw Mod Compatibility: You can now convert logs to fallen logs in the tablesaw.
- Terralith: The Birch Taiga biome gets some features from this mod.
- Loading Screen Tips: Tips about this mod show up.
- Quilt Version
- Specific quilt version, using QSL's Virtual Resource Pack API instead of ARRP.
- Data Driven Mod Compatibility
- You can create json files to add logs from other mods. You can see examples [here](https://github.com/UltrusBot/missing-wilds/tree/1.19/ModCompat/missingwilds/missingwilds/compat). I will be making more documentation for this in the future.
- This feature is exclusive to the forge & quilt version.
版本: v1.2.0-beta.1+1.19.2-fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 75
Missing Wilds 1.1.4 (Forge)
- Update to 1.19.4
版本: 1.1.4-FORGE
支持游戏: 1.19.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 78
Missing Wilds 1.1.4 (Fabric & Quilt)
- Update to 1.19.4
版本: 1.1.4-FABRIC
支持游戏: 1.19.4
类型: Fabric Quilt
下载次数: 116
Missing Wilds 1.1.3 (Fabric & Quilt)
Updated to 1.19.3
版本: 1.1.3-FABRIC
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Fabric Quilt
下载次数: 264
v1.1.3 (Forge)
Updated to 1.19.3
版本: v1.1.3-FORGE
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Forge
下载次数: 138
v1.1.2 (Fabric & Quilt)
- Update BYG Mod Compat
版本: v1.1.2-FABRIC
支持游戏: 1.19, 1.19.1, 1.19.2
类型: Fabric Quilt
下载次数: 2,324
v1.1.1 (Forge)
Updated to 1.19
Added fallen log variant for mangrove.
Switched to use forge biome modifier system for modifying the birch forest biome.
Added fallen log variant for mangrove.
Switched to use forge biome modifier system for modifying the birch forest biome.
版本: v1.1.1-FORGE
支持游戏: 1.19
类型: Forge
下载次数: 343
v1.1.1 (Fabric)
Updated to 1.19
Added fallen log variant for mangrove.
Added fallen log variant for mangrove.
版本: v1.1.1-FABRIC
支持游戏: 1.19
类型: Fabric Quilt
下载次数: 320
v1.1.0 (Forge)
**Missing Wilds v1.1.0 for 1.18.2**:
- Switched to MultiLoader
- New textures & models & world gen tweaks by Arathain! (Thank you!)
- Some recipe advancements have been added.
- Loot tables fixed for potted plants, polypore mushrooms, and sweetspires.
- Fallen Logs can now be oriented on any axis.
- Added a stat for distance crawled through logs to the stat screen.
- Switched to MultiLoader
- New textures & models & world gen tweaks by Arathain! (Thank you!)
- Some recipe advancements have been added.
- Loot tables fixed for potted plants, polypore mushrooms, and sweetspires.
- Fallen Logs can now be oriented on any axis.
- Added a stat for distance crawled through logs to the stat screen.
版本: v1.1.0-FORGE
支持游戏: 1.18.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 1,197
v1.1.0 (Fabric)
**Missing Wilds v1.1.0 for 1.18.2**:
- Switched to MultiLoader
- New textures & models & world gen tweaks by Arathain! (Thank you!)
- Some recipe advancements have been added.
- Loot tables fixed for potted plants, polypore mushrooms, and sweetspires.
- Fallen Logs can now be oriented on any axis.
- Added a stat for distance crawled through logs to the stat screen.
- Switched to MultiLoader
- New textures & models & world gen tweaks by Arathain! (Thank you!)
- Some recipe advancements have been added.
- Loot tables fixed for potted plants, polypore mushrooms, and sweetspires.
- Fallen Logs can now be oriented on any axis.
- Added a stat for distance crawled through logs to the stat screen.
版本: v1.1.0-FABRIC
支持游戏: 1.18.2
类型: Fabric Quilt
下载次数: 2,537
- Switched to MultiLoader-Template
- New textures & models & world gen tweaks by [Arathain](https://github.com/Arathain)! (Thank you!)
- Some recipe advancements have been added.
- Loot tables fixed for potted plants & Brown Polypore mushrooms.
- Switched to MultiLoader-Template
- New textures & models & world gen tweaks by [Arathain](https://github.com/Arathain)! (Thank you!)
- Some recipe advancements have been added.
- Loot tables fixed for potted plants & Brown Polypore mushrooms.
版本: v1.1.0-BETA
支持游戏: 1.18.2
类型: Fabric Quilt
下载次数: 528
Adds Ecologics log compatibility.
版本: v1.0.1
支持游戏: 1.18.2
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 92
Initial Release!
Adds all the features from the concept art of the birch forest!
Adds all the features from the concept art of the birch forest!
版本: v1.0.0
支持游戏: 1.18.2
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 89