- Added magmatic fyrite ore, which is found mixed into magma blobs in the Nether.
- New texture for malachite ingots, fyrite ore, magmatic_fyrite_ore, and some others.
- fixed blasting time bug (in, but that wasn't released)
- updated required version of SimpleCoreLib to 1.20.6-
- Fixed background of progress sprites on nether furnace-type screens.
- Fixed JEI Nether Fuel tab icon being missing.
- new textures for fyrite_ingot, argonite_ingot, and illumenite_ingot.
- Initial port of Netherrocks to 1.20.6.
- Dragonstone gear now requires the Smithing Table to craft, plus a Dragonstone Upgrade Template,plus Netherite gear to be upgraded.
- Dragonstone ore is much more rare.
- Tool and Armor stats are now configurable in the config file.
- Ore generation is controlled by datapacks, as was true for the last several versions.
- Nether Furnace fuel is now controlled by a datamap very similar to the furnace_fuels.json: data/netherrocks/data_maps/item/nether_furnace_fuels.json.
- mod items in chests are enabled in the config file, but controlled by data/netherrocks/loot_tables/chest/\*.json files and data/netherrocks/loot_modifiers/chests/\*.json.
- recipes are still datapacks.
- Netherrocks adds two important block tags: "incorrect_for_dragonstone_tool" and "needs_dragonstone_tool.json". Both are initially empty.
- Netherrocks adds entries to minecraft tags "incorrect_for_diamond_tool" and "incorrect_for_netherite_tool". As you may have guessed, dragonstone tools are the next tier up from netherite.
- The usual aesthetic blocks, shears, and pressure_plates have returned. Dragonstone shears are the one dragonstone tool that does not require an upgrade at the smithing table.
- A full set of illuminite armor not only prevents fall damage, it makes you Glow in the dark. This effect is configurable.
- final 1.7.10 release.
-Now uses the new XML Config system included in SimpleCore API.
-Mining an ore with the Fyrite Pickaxe now drops the smelting experience associated with that ore too.
- final release for 1.18.2
- fixed dragonstone and ashstone pressure plates to actually act like stone pressure plates instead of metal pressure plates.
- fixed fyrite block vs fyrite pressure plate textures. They are now the same.