结构虚空开关 (Structure Void Toggle)
解决方案:结构虚空开关 MOD!
- 反引号键 ` 可以在 '默认'、'无碰撞框'、'小碰撞框' 和 '大碰撞框' 之间切换。这适用于结构虚空、光线和屏障方块。默认情况下,每个方块都会回到正常的形状和行为。其他情况强制方块的碰撞框为所选模式。
- 插入键 将禁用结构方块中任何隐形方块的渲染。当显示大量隐形方块时,结构方块的渲染非常卡顿,因此可能有用。
- 删除键 将开启 '强制渲染' 选项,将渲染所有结构虚空、光线和屏障方块,使它们在靠近时即使不在结构方块的边界内也可见!如果 '大碰撞框' 模式与 '强制渲染' 模式同时开启,方块将得到一个完整的实体立方体渲染,使得更容易看到所有方块的位置并更容易打破它们。
- 页面上键 将使放置在结构虚空或光线上的任何方块放置在侧面而不是替换结构虚空或光线方块。
我的mods的 #telepathicgrunt-mods 频道的Discord链接:
## [
Structure Void Toggle v4.4.3 Neoforge
## **(V.4.4.3 Changes) (1.21.1 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Fixed crash due to refmap issue... again...
##### Misc:
Fixed crash due to refmap issue... again...
版本: 4.4.3+1.21.1-neoforge
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 48
Structure Void Toggle v4.5.0 Neoforge
## **(V.4.5.0 Changes) (1.21.4 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.4
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.4
版本: 4.5.0+1.21.4-Neoforge
支持游戏: 1.21.4
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 19
Structure Void Toggle v4.5.0 Fabric
## **(V.4.5.0 Changes) (1.21.4 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.4
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.4
版本: 4.5.0+1.21.4-Fabric
支持游戏: 1.21.4
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 49
Structure Void Toggle v4.4.2 Neoforge
## **(V.4.4.2 Changes) (1.21.1 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Fixed crash due to missing refmap link
##### Misc:
Fixed crash due to missing refmap link
版本: 4.4.2+1.21.1-neoforge
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 42
Structure Void Toggle v4.4.2 Fabric
## **(V.4.4.2 Changes) (1.21.1 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Fixed crash due to missing refmap link
##### Misc:
Fixed crash due to missing refmap link
版本: 4.4.2+1.21.1-fabric
支持游戏: 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 77
Structure Void Toggle v4.4.1 Neoforge
## **(V.4.4.1 Changes) (1.21 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Fixed translucency sorting on Fabric.
Mod is now Arch setup
## **(V.4.4.0 Changes) (1.21 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.0 MC
##### Misc:
Fixed translucency sorting on Fabric.
Mod is now Arch setup
## **(V.4.4.0 Changes) (1.21 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.0 MC
版本: 4.4.1+1.21-neoforge
支持游戏: 1.21, 1.21.1
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 63
Structure Void Toggle v4.4.1 Fabric
## **(V.4.4.1 Changes) (1.21 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Fixed translucency sorting on Fabric.
Mod is now Arch setup
## **(V.4.4.0 Changes) (1.21 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.0 MC
##### Misc:
Fixed translucency sorting on Fabric.
Mod is now Arch setup
## **(V.4.4.0 Changes) (1.21 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.0 MC
版本: 4.4.1+1.21-fabric
支持游戏: 1.21, 1.21.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 141
Structure Void Toggle v4.4.0 Neoforge
## **(V.4.4.0 Changes) (1.21.0 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.0 MC
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.0 MC
版本: 4.4.0+1.21.0_neoforge
支持游戏: 1.21
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 47
Structure Void Toggle v4.4.0 Fabric
## **(V.4.2.8 Changes) (1.20.6 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.20.6
##### Major:
Updated to 1.20.6
版本: 4.4.0+1.21_fabric
支持游戏: 1.21
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 68
Structure Void Toggle v4.4.0 Neoforge
## **(V.4.4.0 Changes) (1.21.0 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.0 MC
##### Major:
Updated to 1.21.0 MC
版本: 4.4.0+1.21.0_neoforge
支持游戏: 1.21
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 50
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.8 Fabric
## **(V.4.2.8 Changes) (1.20.6 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.20.6
##### Major:
Updated to 1.20.6
版本: 4.2.8+1.20.6_fabric
支持游戏: 1.20.6
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 79
Structure Void Toggle v4.3.1 Neoforge
## **(V.4.3.1 Changes) (1.20.6 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.20.6 MC
##### Major:
Updated to 1.20.6 MC
版本: 4.3.1+1.20.6_neoforge
支持游戏: 1.20.6
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 57
Structure Void Toggle v4.3.0 Neoforge
## **(V.4.3.0 Changes) (1.20.2 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to Neoforge!
##### Major:
Updated to Neoforge!
版本: 4.3.0+1.20.2_neoforge
支持游戏: 1.20.2, 1.20.3, 1.20.4
类型: NeoForge
下载次数: 86
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.7 Fabric
## **(V.4.2.7 Changes) (1.20.1 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Removed local capture from a mixin since I don't need any locals. Might solve rare crashes on Quilt.
##### Misc:
Removed local capture from a mixin since I don't need any locals. Might solve rare crashes on Quilt.
版本: 4.2.7+1.20.1_fabric
支持游戏: 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3, 1.20.4
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 264
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.6 Fabric
## **(V.4.2.6 Changes) (1.20.1 Minecraft)**
##### Rendering:
Fixed outline/box drawing going nuts at large distances from world origin
## **(V.4.2.5 Changes) (1.20.1 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Bump versioning to 1.20.1 explicitly
##### Rendering:
Fixed outline/box drawing going nuts at large distances from world origin
## **(V.4.2.5 Changes) (1.20.1 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Bump versioning to 1.20.1 explicitly
版本: 4.2.6+1.20.1_fabric
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 73
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.6 Forge
## **(V.4.2.6 Changes) (1.20.1 Minecraft)**
##### Rendering:
Fixed outline/box drawing going nuts at large distances from world origin
## **(V.4.2.4 Changes) (1.20.1 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Bump versioning to 1.20.1 explicitly
##### Rendering:
Fixed outline/box drawing going nuts at large distances from world origin
## **(V.4.2.4 Changes) (1.20.1 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Bump versioning to 1.20.1 explicitly
版本: 4.2.6+1.20.1_forge
支持游戏: 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 168
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.5 Fabric
## **(V.4.2.5 Changes) (1.20.1 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Bump versioning to 1.20.1 explicitly
##### Misc:
Bump versioning to 1.20.1 explicitly
版本: 4.2.5+1.20.1_fabric
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 99
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.4 Forge
## **(V.4.2.4 Changes) (1.20.1 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Bump versioning to 1.20.1 explicitly
##### Misc:
Bump versioning to 1.20.1 explicitly
版本: 4.2.4+1.20.1_forge
支持游戏: 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 90
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.4 Fabric
## **(V.4.2.4 Changes) (1.19.4 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Fixed crash on server. This mod won't do anything on servers properly now.
## **(V.4.2.3 Changes) (1.19.4 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.19.4
##### Misc:
Fixed crash on server. This mod won't do anything on servers properly now.
## **(V.4.2.3 Changes) (1.19.4 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.19.4
版本: 4.2.4+1.19.4_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.4, 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 141
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.4 Fabric
## **(V.4.2.4 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Fixed crash on server. This mod won't do anything on servers properly now.
### **(V.4.2.2 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Mod Compat:
Fixed crash with Sodium.
### **(V.4.2.1 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Forced Rendering Mode:
Sorry, forgot to backport the full box rendering when Forced Rendering is on and Bounding Box is set to Full Block mode.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
##### Misc:
Fixed crash on server. This mod won't do anything on servers properly now.
### **(V.4.2.2 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Mod Compat:
Fixed crash with Sodium.
### **(V.4.2.1 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Forced Rendering Mode:
Sorry, forgot to backport the full box rendering when Forced Rendering is on and Bounding Box is set to Full Block mode.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
版本: 4.2.4+1.19.2_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 123
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.3 Forge
## **(V.4.2.3 Changes) (1.19.4 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Removed DistExecutor usage as it is no longer recommended.
## **(V.4.2.2 Changes) (1.19.4 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.19.4
##### Misc:
Removed DistExecutor usage as it is no longer recommended.
## **(V.4.2.2 Changes) (1.19.4 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.19.4
版本: 4.2.3+1.19.4_forge
支持游戏: 1.19.4, 1.20, 1.20.1
类型: Forge
下载次数: 107
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.3 Forge
## **(V.4.2.3 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
##### Misc:
Fixed serversided crash. The mod won't load on servers properly now.
## **(V.4.2.2 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Forced Rendering Mode:
Sorry, forgot to backport the full box rendering when Forced Rendering is on and Bounding Box is set to Full Block mode.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
##### Misc:
Fixed serversided crash. The mod won't load on servers properly now.
## **(V.4.2.2 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Forced Rendering Mode:
Sorry, forgot to backport the full box rendering when Forced Rendering is on and Bounding Box is set to Full Block mode.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
版本: 4.2.3+1.19.2
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 1,989
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.2 Forge
## **(V.4.2.2 Changes) (1.19.4 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.19.4
##### Major:
Updated to 1.19.4
版本: 4.2.2+1.19.4_forge
支持游戏: 1.19.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 79
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.3 Fabric
## **(V.4.2.3 Changes) (1.19.4 Minecraft)**
##### Major:
Updated to 1.19.4
##### Major:
Updated to 1.19.4
版本: 4.2.3+1.19.4_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.4
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 91
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.2 Fabric
### **(V.4.2.2 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Mod Compat:
Fixed crash with Sodium.
### **(V.4.2.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Fixed Light Block having a physical collision box when Non Replaceable mode is on and Bounding Box is set to small or full block.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
#### Mod Compat:
Fixed crash with Sodium.
### **(V.4.2.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Fixed Light Block having a physical collision box when Non Replaceable mode is on and Bounding Box is set to small or full block.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
版本: 4.2.2+1.19.3_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 106
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.2 Fabric
### **(V.4.2.2 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Mod Compat:
Fixed crash with Sodium.
### **(V.4.2.1 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Forced Rendering Mode:
Sorry, forgot to backport the full box rendering when Forced Rendering is on and Bounding Box is set to Full Block mode.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
#### Mod Compat:
Fixed crash with Sodium.
### **(V.4.2.1 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Forced Rendering Mode:
Sorry, forgot to backport the full box rendering when Forced Rendering is on and Bounding Box is set to Full Block mode.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
版本: 4.2.2+1.19.2_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 59
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.1 Forge
### **(V.4.2.1 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Forced Rendering Mode:
Sorry, forgot to backport the full box rendering when Forced Rendering is on and Bounding Box is set to Full Block mode.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Forced Rendering Mode:
Sorry, forgot to backport the full box rendering when Forced Rendering is on and Bounding Box is set to Full Block mode.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
版本: 4.2.1+1.19.2_forge
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 67
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.1 Fabric
### **(V.4.2.1 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Forced Rendering Mode:
Sorry, forgot to backport the full box rendering when Forced Rendering is on and Bounding Box is set to Full Block mode.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
#### Forced Rendering Mode:
Sorry, forgot to backport the full box rendering when Forced Rendering is on and Bounding Box is set to Full Block mode.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
版本: 4.2.1+1.19.2_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 47
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.1 Fabric
### **(V.4.2.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Fixed Light Block having a physical collision box when Non Replaceable mode is on and Bounding Box is set to small or full block.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Fixed Light Block having a physical collision box when Non Replaceable mode is on and Bounding Box is set to small or full block.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
版本: 4.2.1+1.19.3_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 56
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.1 Forge
### **(V.4.2.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Fixed Light Block having a physical collision box when Non Replaceable mode is on and Bounding Box is set to small or full block.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Fixed Light Block having a physical collision box when Non Replaceable mode is on and Bounding Box is set to small or full block.
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
版本: 4.2.1+1.19.3_forge
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Forge
下载次数: 91
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.0 Forge
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
版本: 4.2.0+1.19.2_forge
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 58
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.0 Fabric
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
版本: 4.2.0+1.19.2_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 53
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.0 Fabric
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Fabulous Mode:
Fixed outlines not rendering when in Fabulous Mode.
版本: 4.2.0+1.19.3_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 46
Structure Void Toggle v4.2.0 Forge
### **(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
#### Bounding Box Mode:
Clicking backtick now has a Default mode and also applies to Barrier and Light blocks to go along with Structure Void.
Default mode will go back to the block's original bounding box shapes/behaviors.
NOTE: Barrier Block collision will remain active as a full block if connected to a server so you won't be able to pass through on servers.
#### Non Replaceable Mode:
Clicking Page Up will make Structure Void and Light Block now let you place other blocks on them instead of replacing them.
版本: 4.2.0+1.19.3_forge
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Forge
下载次数: 36
Structure Void Toggle v4.1.4 Fabric
### **(V.4.1.4 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Fixed some code behind the scenes to try and make sure mod doesn't crash server if accidentally put on server.
### **(V.4.1.3 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Improved full cube Forced Rendering looks to use solid cube drawings instead of lines
### **(V.4.1.2 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Misc:
Fixed some code behind the scenes to try and make sure mod doesn't crash server if accidentally put on server.
### **(V.4.1.3 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Improved full cube Forced Rendering looks to use solid cube drawings instead of lines
### **(V.4.1.2 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.1.4+1.19.3_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 50
Structure Void Toggle v4.1.4 Forge
### **(V.4.1.4 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Fixed some code behind the scenes to try and make sure mod doesn't crash server if accidentally put on server.
### **(V.4.1.3 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Improved full cube Forced Rendering looks to use solid cube drawings instead of lines
### **(V.4.1.2 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.2 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Misc:
Fixed some code behind the scenes to try and make sure mod doesn't crash server if accidentally put on server.
### **(V.4.1.3 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Improved full cube Forced Rendering looks to use solid cube drawings instead of lines
### **(V.4.1.2 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.2 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.1.4+1.19.3_forge
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Forge
下载次数: 34
Structure Void Toggle v4.1.3 Fabric
### **(V.4.1.3 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Improved full cube Forced Rendering looks to use solid cube drawings instead of lines
### **(V.4.1.2 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Behavior:
Improved full cube Forced Rendering looks to use solid cube drawings instead of lines
### **(V.4.1.2 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.1.3+1.19.3_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 45
Structure Void Toggle v4.1.3 Forge
### **(V.4.1.3 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Improved full cube Forced Rendering looks to use solid cube drawings instead of lines
### **(V.4.1.2 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.2 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Behavior:
Improved full cube Forced Rendering looks to use solid cube drawings instead of lines
### **(V.4.1.2 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.2 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.1.3+1.19.3_forge
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Forge
下载次数: 34
Structure Void Toggle v4.1.2 Forge
### **(V.4.1.2 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.2 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.2 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.1.2+1.19.3_forge
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Forge
下载次数: 37
Structure Void Toggle v4.1.2 Fabric
### **(V.4.1.2 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Behavior:
Forced Rendering shows larger cube when Structure Void hitbox is set to large
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.1.2+1.19.3_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 35
Structure Void Toggle v4.1.1 Fabric
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.1.1+1.19.3_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 44
Structure Void Toggle v4.1.1 Forge
### **(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.19.3 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.2 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.3
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.2 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.1.1+1.19.3_forge
支持游戏: 1.19.3
类型: Forge
下载次数: 40
Structure Void Toggle v4.1.0 Fabric
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.1.0+1.19.2_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 39
Structure Void Toggle v4.1.0 Forge
### **(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.19.2 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.2 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Misc:
Updated to 1.19.2
Added separate category in Keybind menu for just this mod's keybinds
#### Behavior:
Added option to force render Structure Void, Barrier, and Light outside of Structure Blocks by clicking the DELETE key.
#### Lang:
Cleaned up the lang translations and wordings for everything to be more clear.
### **(V.4.0.2 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.1.0+1.19.2_forge
支持游戏: 1.19.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 38
Structure Void Toggle v4.0.2 Forge
### **(V.4.0.2 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Misc:
Forgot to restrict the Forge version in toml file.
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.0.2+1.19_forge
支持游戏: 1.19, 1.19.1, 1.19.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 126
Structure Void Toggle v4.0.1 Forge
### **(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Misc:
Updated to work on v41.0.85 Forge.
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.0.1+1.19_forge
支持游戏: 1.19
类型: Forge
下载次数: 56
Structure Void Toggle v4.0.0 Fabric
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.0.0+1.19_fabric
支持游戏: 1.19, 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 173
Structure Void Toggle v4.0.0 Forge
### **(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.19 Minecraft)**
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
#### Misc:
Ported to 1.19
版本: 4.0.0+1.19_forge
支持游戏: 1.19
类型: Forge
下载次数: 66
ported to quilt
版本: 3.1.0+1.18.2
支持游戏: 1.18.2
类型: Quilt
下载次数: 138
updated to 1.18.1
版本: 3.0.0+1.18.1
支持游戏: 1.18.1, 1.18.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 143
added functionality to Insert keybind so it now turns off all rendering of invisible blocks from all structure blocks (special thanks to YUNGNICKYOUNG!)
版本: 3.1.0+1.17.1
支持游戏: 1.17.1, 1.18, 1.18.1, 1.18.2
类型: Fabric
下载次数: 177