Vampirism & Ritual Magic
- 你可能会在墓地里遇到吸血鬼。这些嗜血的恶棍用剑进行攻击,能够在受到攻击时自愈,并且掉落吸血鬼尘。其中,巫妖是吸血鬼的一个头目,能够使用大量黑魔法很好地保护自己。然而,这些吸血鬼并不会主动让你成为吸血鬼。相反,你必须在墓地找到或建造自己的仪式祭坛,并在墓地的箱子中找到一份合约,以取悦黑暗领主并直接从他那里获得吸血鬼的能力。
- 作为吸血鬼,玩家的伤害和速度将增加,血液管理优于食物管理,蹲下时会获得隐身能力。然而,玩家会变得对阳光敏感,再生能力减弱。玩家还可以在仪式祭坛上进行吸血鬼仪式,以聚集血液、将魂土/沙转化为坟墓土壤,或从黑暗领主那里获得更多合约。这些合约可以被任何人使用,通常会伴随着负面影响,所以成为签署者并不总是明智的选择。然而,它们往往会为那些愿意参与黑暗行为的人带来巨大的利益和奖励。然而,如果玩家成为吸血鬼后,就不能再直接签订合约,而是必须使用从成为吸血鬼时获得的自己的血液瓶,或者通过血之仪式获得另一个玩家的血液瓶。
- 要了解如何进行仪式,找到巫妖的藏身所,获得如何在仪式方块周围放置所需蜡烛的清晰指南会有很大帮助,但要记住,保持仪式方块在黑暗环境中是必需的。合约不需要蜡烛,但会在条款中具体要求,可以在物品栏内按住SHIFT键查看。关于仪式祭坛的最后一件事是,在仪式祭坛上可以进行灵魂魔法和灵魂附魔。在靠近仪式祭坛被杀的任何生物都会被捕获到一个灵魂宝石中,然后可以用于吸血鬼仪式,或者用于在仪式祭坛上为任何可附魔物品进行附魔(与正常情况下一样需要30个或更多等级)。灵魂附魔通常比普通附魔更加强大,通常取决于灵魂的力量,并且可以附加诅咒+宝藏附魔。
Spooks, Vexes, & Possession
- 幽灵: 幽灵是一种新型的只出现在墓地的灵体,从坟墓土壤方块周围产生(需要铁铲进行收集)。它们很容易受到惊吓和害怕的小精灵,喜欢藏在实体中。它们甚至会在受到激怒时藏入玩家体内... 当幽灵藏入实体时,它们会获得附魔效果,并且这个效果还会相应地提供增益/减益效果。大多数生物会获得抗性增益以减少伤害,保护它的宿主... 它们会使动物飘起并点燃动物以吓唬玩家,尽管不在乎所涉及的动物是否死亡... 最后,如果目标是玩家本人,幽灵会使他们变得更虚弱。然而,不管怎样,闪烁效果都会迫使幽灵离开它的目标,因为它不喜欢这种光芒,阳光对它们也很吓人,直接接触阳光会导致它们完全消失。幽灵默认情况下不是持久的,除非它们上一次持有目标是持久性的,那么它们将变得持续。这样可以让幽灵被保留或参与动物农场,但仍然允许它们自然消失。如果一个幽灵离开了它的宿主,而没有被迫离开的记录,那么它将成为该玩家的朋友。
- 鬼魂盔甲: 当幽灵附身于一套盔甲时,它将使用盔甲架上所穿盔甲的精确复制品,而盔甲架本身将被留空。鬼魂盔甲在死亡时会掉落这个复制品,并且不能自然消失,因此如果一套盔甲被附身,就不会丢失任何东西。鬼魂盔甲将一直携带一把铁剑。鬼魂盔甲不能在没有附魔效果的情况下活下去... 如果被附身的盔甲被它的朋友附身,那么这件盔甲将被驯服给玩家,改变它的攻击目标优先级,并获得一个新的额外增益效果。被驯服的鬼魂盔甲还可以在战斗中使用修复附魔来修复自己。
- 恼鬼: 这个mod更新了恼鬼。首先,在1.19.2中的恼鬼,现在会有来自1.19.3的外观和模型。其次,无论怎样生成,恼鬼现在都会始终保存一个家的位置,并且总有一个100秒的寿命,这是因为现在有机会从坟墓土壤中召唤恼鬼,这样恼鬼在墓地中就有了自然的家,但为了保持平衡,并且减少烦人的情况,当需要时它们仍会得到适当的属性。之前,当唤醒者召唤它们时,家的位置和寿命只适用于它们。
- 在深海(方块y级别52以下)找到的敌对的鱼人,他们倾向于攻击任何让他们想起陆地人类的生物,并对发光鱿鱼深恶痛绝。这些人倾向于生活在他们胸膛上镶嵌的宝石的力量下,它们在死亡时有机会掉落,并嵌在它的鳞片中的鹦鹉螺壳。更强大的变种会使用三叉戟,而较弱的变种将只用爪子进行激烈战斗。他们在水中非常迅速灵活,但在陆地上完全无法行动,并最终会因没有水而死亡。
- 你可以在一些墓地结构的变种中找到敌对的吸血鬼恶棍,他们躲避阳光。与玩家吸血鬼一样,他们也受到诅咒影响的很多效果... 然而,在一个墓地的变种中,你可以找到一个非常强大的巫妖,周围有相当多数量的坟墓土壤和盔甲...
- 巫妖可以施放多种法术。第一种类似于唤醒者召唤恼鬼的能力,但与唤醒者不同,这些恼鬼会承受巫妖受到的伤害的45%,同时将巫妖自身受到的伤害减少45%,这有助于提高他的生存能力。巫妖还有一个强大的闪电打击法术,如果命中,将造成12点魔法伤害,但如果未命中,将召唤一个不死随从来帮助巫妖战斗。最后的法术是生命偷取效果,甚至对不死族也具有强大的效果,因为它不是从目标的身上吸取血液,而是从目标身上吸取健康,造成4点魔法伤害并治疗巫妖。然而,它仍然受到流血效果的限制,不能用于最近已经受到其影响的目标... 巫妖还拥有一个带有吸血附魔IV的铁剑,这是一个引人注目的掉落品,因为吸血附魔通常只能获得到II级。
- 如果夜晚发生的袭击,一个普通的吸血鬼可以取代一名征服者,而一个巫妖可以取代一个唤醒者。然而,在一次袭击中不应该同时出现多个巫妖(尽管如果运气不好的话,可能在不同的波次中可能会有多个巫妖)。这也是基于机会的,而不是保证的。
## **
- Piero:吸血鬼、鱼人、鬼魂和幽灵的声音设计师。
- nojustgavin:吸血鬼、鱼人和幽灵的模型及贴图艺术家。
- Burack:巫妖的贴图艺术家。
Supernatural V2.12.1
Supernatural V2.12.0
Supernatural V2.11.1
* Some rebalances to Vampirism.
Supernatural V2.11.0
Supernatural V2.10.11
* Recipes are now properly unlocked after picking up a copper ingot & some grave soil.
* Made grave soil much more easily obtainable by reducing their resistances and making them mineable without an iron shovel.
Supernatural V2.10.10
Supernatural V2.10.9
Supernatural V2.10.8
Supernatural V2.10.7
Supernatural V2.10.6
Supernatural V2.10.5
Supernatural V2.10.4
* Bundles of Holding can now only be combined if both are empty.
* Bundles of Holding will now be renamed to Bundles of Vanishing if they have the Curse of Vanishing.
* Bundles of Holding can no longer be placed within containers unless they are a Bundle of Vanishing.
* Bundles of Vanishing now properly vanish any items placed within when right-clicked.
Supernatural V2.10.3
Supernatural V2.10.2
Supernatural V2.10.1
* Updated Chinese Translation by StarOcean
Supernatural V2.10.0
* Creative Menu Soulgems can be used in Creative Mode to copy an entity's soul by right-clicking.
* Creative Menu Player Blood can be right-clicked to attach your own name to it.
* You can now right-click a ritual altar with candles to place the circle formation if there is room.
* Contracts now requires a power level (lit candles in the circle) when using them on a ritual altar.
* Added completed version of Lycanthropy.
* -Lycanthropy is obtainable via a Contract.
* -As a Lycan, you gain weakness to iron equipment, passive supernatural buffs, cannot sleep on a full moon, and can only eat meat items.
* -Lycans can provide their magical buffs and magical defense to nearby pets.
* Added completed version of Artificer.
* -Obtainable via crafting an Artificer's Core, powering it with a totem of undying, and creating a copper golem formation with a lightning rod on top & line of sight to the sky while thundering.
* -As an Artificer, you no longer need to eat and food gives health, passive supernatural buffs, gained damage reduction to vampires & lycans, and unlock crafting with the Artificer's Core.
* -A powered Artificer's Core can allow you to make basic and iron equipment unbreakable by right-clicking with iron ingots in inventory.
* -Iron or Copper ingots can be used on a powered Artificer's Core to craft cannonballs.
* -Blocks of Iron with redstone and an observer in your inventory can be used to craft an Artificer's Cannon.
* -Ender Pearl with Iron Ingots in your inventory can be used to craft a Magic Mirror.
* -Bundle with Obsidian and an Eye of Ender can be used to craft a Bundle of Holding.
Supernatural V2.9.6
* Updated all rituals to use the ritual item within the block and to be right-clicked with the required soulgem.
* Added Transmutation rituals to turn copper ingot into iron ingot into gold ingot requiring 12 power & a soulgem of lesser or common.
* Updated vampire textures and added config for original.
* Updated vampire AI and rebalance their spells.
* Smite will now work on vampires.
Supernatural V2.9.5
* Evokers now also can redirect damage to their own Vexes.
* Necromancers & Evokers can only redirect damage to Vexes that they summon instead of any Vexes.
Supernatural V2.9.4
* Added immunity support for mobs from Alex's Caves & Alex's Mobs.
* Gothic Iron & Netherite helmets are now magnetic for Alex's Caves.
Supernatural V2.9.3
* Cursed Angels should now be allied with Vampire Players.
Supernatural V2.9.2
Supernatural V2.9.1
Supernatural V2.9.0
* Revamped the Necromancer's Boss Graveyard building.
* Adjusted Config (recommend to delete and regenerate the config).
* Grave Soil can now spawn Spooks & Vexes in Darkness instead of just at night.
* Vampire Players will no longer have Strength, Speed, & Haste.
* Vampire Players will now have a base +3 Attack Damage & 15% Movement Speed buffs directly instead.
* Vampire Illagers will no longer have buffs either.
* Vampire Players will have improved reaction to Sun Damage.
* Vampires will no longer take damage from an Angel's Aura.
* Removed Bleeding Effect.
* Removed Original Method of Obtaining Vampirism.
* Removed Original Method of Curing Vampirism.
* Player Blood is no longer drinkable.
* Player Blood can now be assigned.
* Animal & Villager blood buffed.
* Angels can now be Cursed.
* Added the "Ritual Altar" block.
* Added Soulgems.
*- Ritual Altars can capture the soul of a slain entity if it has an Amethyst Shard and make a Soulgem.
* Added Soul Enchanting.
*- Soulgems can be used on an "Ritual Altar" to perform enchanting on the held book or item within the altar. Requires Enchantment Level 30 or higher still.
* Added Vampiric Rituals.
*- A Vampire Player can perform a ritual using soulgems, specific items, and lit candles in the right placements around the Ritual Altar.
*- Added "Contract Ritual" which requires 28 power, a Grand Soul, and Totem of Undying.
*- Added "Blood Ritual" which requires 12 power, a Common Soul, and Totem of Undying as well as nearby animals & villagers.
*- Added "Grave Ritual" which requires 4 power, a Petty Soul, and some vampire dust to turn all soul sand/soil below the ritual altar area into grave soil.
*- Added "Cure Ritual" which only uses a Totem of Undying and the vampire player's original player blood to cure them of Vampirism.
* Added Contracts.
*- Any player can sign & burn a contract in the flames of the Ritual Altar as long as requirements are met.
*- Contracts can be signed by non* vampire players or using a bottle of Player Blood.
*- Added "Vampirism Contract" which requires a glass bottle and full health to give the player vampirism and a bottle of their own blood.
*- Added "Vexation Contract" which is a curse that gives the target Possession & Vexes to deal with. Requires Cake.
*- Added "Pumpkin Head Contract" which requires a carved pumpkin and is a curse that swaps the target's headgear with the pumpkin.
*- Added "Reanimation Contract" which requires a sacrifice to resurrect an entity from it's soulgem.
*- Added "Knowledge Contract" which requires an enchanted book in exchange for experience.
*- Added "Fortune Contract" which requires an enchanted golden apple in exchange for riches.
* & more stuff I probably forgot...
Supernatural V2.8.5
* Massive clean-up.
* Spooks & Possessed Armor are now Undefined and no longer considered enemies or undead.
* Possessed Armor specifically counts as a Golem Entity.
* If a Spook willingly leaves a player host, it will be 'friended' to that player.
* If a friended Spook possess a suit of armor then that Possessed Armor will be tamed to said player.
* Tamed Possessed Armor will no longer attack players and instead target enemies.
* Tamed Possessed Armor will have regen & can use Mending enchantment to repair itself.
Supernatural V2.8.3
Supernatural V2.8.2
Supernatural V2.8.1
Supernatural V2.8.0
Supernatural V2.6.5
Supernatural V2.7.5
Supernatural V2.6.4
Supernatural V2.7.4
Supernatural V2.6.3
Supernatural V2.6.2
Supernatural V2.7.3
Supernatural V2.6.1
Supernatural V2.7.2
Supernatural V2.7.1
* Vampire Players cannot take sun damage while in water now.
Supernatural V2.7.0
Supernatural V2.6.0
Supernatural V2.5.6
Supernatural V2.5.5
Supernatural V2.5.4
Supernatural V2.5.3
Supernatural V2.5.2
* Fixed language file entries.
Supernatural 2.5.1
Supernatural 2.5.0
* Players who aren't vampires can no longer consume blood.
Supernatural 2.4.9
Supernatural 2.4.8
* Possessed Slimes will no longer drop ectoplasm if their size is greater than 1.
* Possessed Slimes will no longer drop ectoplasm alongside with their normal loot drop (it's one or the other).
* Ectoplasm drop is now affected by Looting.
* Ectoplasm now returns a slimeball when used in crafting.
* Spooks are now considered a drop when an entity dies while Possessed (by default, this have no effect on normal gameplay).
Supernatural 2.4.7
* Fixed Grave Soil block a bit
Supernatural 2.4.6
* Cleaned up the lang file.
* Removed old ghost sound files.
* Renamed ghost_poof to spook_poof.
Supernatural 2.4.5
* Updated the crafting recipes for the Gothic Helmets to now actually use the Gothic Upgrade Template that can be found in Graveyards.
* Added a missing recipe to upgrade a Gothic Diamond Helmet to a Gothic Netherite Helmet.
Supernatural 2.4.4
* Added Ectoplasm back.
* Ectoplasm can be dropped by Slimes if they are Possessed & can be used with Mundane Potions to make Experience Potions.
* Spooks can now target Slimes.
* Reduce Spook damage by 85%.
* Updated all Graveyards with proper new loot tables and armor stands.
* You can now dye all Gothic Helmets.
Supernatural 2.4.3
Supernatural 2.4.2
* -By default, they are just Undefined but it makes so much more sense to put them back to Undead and allows me to keep Spook + Possessed Armor as Undead too for consistency.
* Vampires & Necromancers are ILLAGER again instead of UNDEAD.
* -While it makes sense to have them be marked as Undead, but a lot of core elements to Illagers do requires the ILLAGER MobType, especially for teaming properly.
* Necromancer Tweaks:
* -Most tweaks are small adjustments but will label a few major ones here.
* -The chance for a Necromancer to join a raid at night is now 15% instead of 35% per Evoker. Due to how powerful he can be against AI, he has potential to wipe a village on his own. So wanted to make him rarer.
* -Necromancer's Heal ability will now only be used when his max health is below 45% and now only deal 4 magic damage as it is unavoidable.
* -Necromancer's Lightning Strike ability will now summon two undead instead of one, and they have an improved targeting Goal now, fixing a bug and making them always target the Necromancer's target.
* Leeching Enchantment now also heals the vampire user by 0.5 per level and the cd reduction bleeding effect has been reduced from 200 ticks to 180 ticks.
* -This was actually requested and I wanted to buff the Necromancer's Leeching IV unique sword in a meaningful way.
* -This healing effect works for both the Player & Vampire mobs!
* Added a "is_Vampire" Entity tag and have the Vampire & Necromancer labelled. This tag will allow tagged entities to be considered vampires for taking or dealing damage. This does not enable sun damage.
Supernatural 2.4.1
* Vexes now have their original MobType.
* Reduce Necromancer's Damage Reduction from 30% to 25%.
* Necromancer's Damage Reduction when Vexes are near is now 25% + 45% since Vexes takes 45% of the damage.
Supernatural 2.4.0
* Added The Necromancer (boss).
* -Read updated Description for more information!
Supernatural 2.3.4
* Increase chance for Vex instead of Spook from 25% to 35%.
* Updated Grave Soil Blocks a little bit.
Supernatural 2.3.3
Supernatural 2.3.2
* Improved code for Gothic Helmets.
* Improved code for usage of sounds in the mod.
* Finished converting all generated procedures into handwritten code.
* Removed config temporally.
* -Note: It was causing some lag because I was still using generated code for the config system instead of making my own.
Supernatural 2.3.1
* Changed the Anti-Spook tag from "forge:spiritual" to "supernatural:spook_no_possess" and added a bunch of vanilla animals to the tag to keep them focused on farm animals.
Supernatural 2.3.0
* Removed Ghosts Completely.
* Removed Ectoplasm but kept texture just in case for later.
* Temporally Disabled Merfolk (their code were lost due to a computer issue and haven't gotten to remaking them yet since they weren't doing much in the mod).
* -Might Rework when returned.
* Added Supernatural Config.
* -vampire_speed : true - Enables/Disables Vampire Speed Buff.
* -vampire_strength : true - Enables/Disables Vampire Strength Buff.
* -vampire_haste : true - Enables/Disables Vampire Haste Buff.
* -vampire_invis : true - Enables/Disables Vampire Invisibility while sneaking.
* -vampire_sun : true - Enables/Disables Vampire Sun damage.
* -vampire_sun_damage : 4 - Set the damage of Sun Damage.
* -vampire_wooden_death_req : 0.6 - Set the health requirement for triggering instant death to wooden swords (0.0 to disable. 1.0 is max).
* Added "Spook".
* -Note: Will be getting new sounds Soon#TM.
* -Replaces ghosts in Graveyards.
* -Can possess animals, or monsters if they don't have a Spook already in them or don't have the Glowing effect.
* -Can possess a full suit of armor from the armor stand.
* -Glowing effect will instantly remove a Spook from the target.
* -Spooks become persistent if they were inside of a player, animal, or the monster was persistent.
* -Possessed Armor now has the possession effect too and cannot live without it.
* Vex Changes
* -Now has 1.19.3 updated model and textures.
* -Will always have a lifetime of 100 seconds no matter how it spawns.
* -Will always have a home block position upon spawn.
* -Will always attempt to mark a nearby Spellcaster Illager as their owner, else just sets it to null.
* Vampirism can now be cured if the player was struck by lightning while having an Totem of Undying in their inventory.
Supernatural 2.2.4
* Removed vampires from raids so that the player doesn't have to worry about getting Vampirism when they don't want it.
* Bleeding is no longer a DOT effect and instead is a cooldown for vampires.
Supernatural 2.2.3
Supernatural 2.2.2
* Removed Invisibility from Vampire Illagers.
* Removed Johnny reference from Vampire Illagers.
* Vampire Illagers can now spawn randomly in raids if they happen at night.
Supernatural 2.2.1
* Removed "vampire_curse" & "vampire_cure" commands in favor of "vampirism" command.
* -Vampirism can give/cure vampirism to the targeted player and works as "/vampirism [action] [target]"
* -Giving Vampirism via command will remove Vampiris effect from the player if it is there.
* -Curing Vampirism via command will remove the Strength, Haste, and Speed effects now.
* Sun damage will now damage headwear on vampires. Unbreaking enchantment slows this down.
Supernatural 2.2.0
Supernatural 2.1.7
* Improve code for Merfolk spawning.
* Improve code for Ghost possessing a suit of armor.
Supernatural 2.1.6
* Updated Gothic Helmet Model & Textures
* Deleted Duplicate Textures
Note: The Folder textures for Entities, Effects, & Armor has all been updated and properly organized now so any resource packs will have to be updated accordingly.
Supernatural 2.1.5
Supernatural 2.1.4
* -Updated AI movement control.
* -Ghosts will now automatically float up if stuck within full blocks.
* -Removed Knockback Resistance.
* Added Merfolk
* -Three variations (Amethyst, Emerald, and Diamond).
* -Drops common loot base on variation.
* -All three can drop nautilus shells.
* -All three can drop tridents (even while trident attack is on cooldown).
* -Spawns in ANY Ocean tagged biome at y level 52 or below.
* -Note: Sounds not fully completed yet.
Supernatural 2.1.3
Supernatural 2.1.2
Supernatural 2.1.1
Supernatural 2.1.0
* -Two Variations:
* -1. Ecto: Aggressive variation that deals 1 physical damage + 1 *(difficulty) magic damage, and attacks the living.
* -2. Spooky: Supportive variation that enjoys possession and debuffing the player. Only deals 1 physical damage and has much weaker health, which is why the spiritual energy is used up completely during possession.
* Added Possessed Armor
* -Spooky Ghosts can possess armor from an armor stand if it is a full set (otherwise would destroy armor stand in anger). Gaining the defense of whatever armor it has possessed. A shield and sword will be materialize as well, though the shield seems more decorative than actual useful.
* Grave Soil can now spawn ghosts.
* Ecto Ghosts can spawn naturally in the swamps and drops ectoplasm which can be used to make bottles of enchanting. Using an ectoplasm up will leave behind a slime ball too.
Supernatural 2.0.0
Note: This update reworked the mod as a whole and has a lot of changes, including temporally removal of ghosts, possessed armor, and other things that hasn't been reworked yet. A lot of this is due to the lower quality this mod felt like from before, especially for 1.18.2 version of Minecraft, and I want to fix up everything to a much better experience overall but this means I have to rework everything. I am just going to focus on vampires first to make sure everything feels right and balance them before adding back ghosts and potentially possessed armor, once I figure out how I want to adjust or change them that is. (and giving them a better overall use).
* Vampirism Changes:
* -Blood bar is back.
* -Blood is similar to hunger in that it does goes down naturally but it will not go down during healing or sprinting.
* -Support for "Forbidden Fruit" from Enigmatic Legacy mod where blood bar will be invisible if Fruit's effects are active (only works if fruit was consumed AFTER installing this mod though).
* -You can gather bottled blood by simply attacking animals, villagers, or other players while holding empty bottles in your off-hand.
* -You have all your passives in the daylight now.
* -Invisibility passive while sneaking only works when not in daylight though. Also doesn't work in Creative or Spectator mode.
* -ANY headgear can protect you from sun damage now.
* -Wooden Sword instant-kill threshold changed from 45% to 60%.
* -Vampire Slayer advancement now requires killing a vampire with a wooden sword to obtain.
* -Bats no longer spawn on vampire death but instead if a vampire is killed by a wooden sword.
* -Leeching now gives blood instead of health per hit.
* -All forms of gathering blood applies the bleeding effect and you cannot gather more blood from a target that is bleeding (this acts as a cooldown). Leeching has the lowest cooldown while collecting player blood has the highest.
* Graveyards:
* -Decrease height generation down by one (last update increased it by two and made them too high).
Supernatural 1.1.1
* Fixed missing sounds for the Vampire mob.
* Removed abilities and blood for vampires.
* Leeching now heals the vampire's health as long as target isn't bleeding.
* Sneaking automatically now cloaks the vampire in invisibility.
* Hunger is completely disabled for vampires.
* Vampires no longer get a debuff from eating food.
* Vampires lose benefits in the sunlight.
* Vampires will NOT take damage in the sunlight if wearing a HAUNTED Diamond or Netherite Helmet.
Note: I honestly have no idea on how I wanna approach abilities and blood magic for vampires and this mod wasn't intended to be a vampire focus mod to begin with anyways. So instead, the benefits and negatives of being a vampire are all now passives instead. I also wanted to improve compatibility with other mods so that a vampire player doesn't feel too limited.
Supernatural 1.1.0
* Removed Curse of Vampirism (Was Useless).
* Updated Back-End Code quite a bit.
* Added /vampire code to instantly turn yourself into a vampire (requires OP rank 4).
* Vampires no longer loses blood passively (only when using abilities).
* At full blood, Vampires have a slow regen effect.
* Increase Sun Damage for all vampires to 4.
* Sun damage now applies every 20 ticks instead of 30 ticks (every one second).
* Ghost experience increased to 8 due to removal of Ectoplasm.
* Ghosts now can only possess one thing and will despawn forever.
* Ghosts now do magic damage instead of setting non-possessable targets on fire.
* -Vampires are immune to a Ghost's magic damage.
* Updated Ghost visual effects and changed texture (name a ghost to "Classic" to see old version for comparison).
* Haunted Helms uses their respective ingots now for repairing due to removal of Ectoplasm.
Supernatural 1.0.2
* Vampire Illagers now properly uses the Illager Model instead of a mimic version I made.
* -Vampire Illagers will have their weapon hidden when not aggressive but will not have arms crossed.
* -Vampire Illagers will now only spawn with iron swords.
* -Vampire Illagers will now apply their deflect ability once aggressive.
* -Vampire Illagers will now have a 40% chance of using invisibility when a player target is nearby instead of when aggressive.
* -Vampire Illagers will boost their speed and strength when aggressive by default (no weapon requirement).
* -Vampire Illagers now have custom sounds.
* Updated Vampirism for the Player:
* -All Vampire abilities now requires a sword.
* -Invisibility activates when sneaking.
* -Buff to speed and strength activates when sprinting.
* -Deflect is the default right click activation.
* -Cost of deflect reduce from 2 to 1.
Supernatural 1.0.1
* Removed Glowing Potions
* Ectoplasm can now be used to make experience bottles in the brewing stand instead. (Glowing potions was pretty useless).
* Removed Protection IV from Haunted Helmets dropped by Possessed Armor.
* Immunity to Ghost's fire now requires your helmet to have Curse of Vampirism instead of being a Haunted Helmet. Note: The Curse is only applicable to Haunted Helmets anyways.
* Vampires are now immune to the negative effect of Bleeding and Leeching should no longer work on Vampires.
* Decrease health threshold for wooden swords to instantly kill a vampire from 70% to 45%.
* Increased invisibility duration for vampires from 60 seconds to 150 seconds.
* Increased axe ability duration for vampires from 45 seconds to 120 seconds.
* Invisibility now requires the vampire to be sneaking to activate it.
* Added a new ability for the sword which allows the vampire to deflect common arrows, costing one blood droplet per arrow deflected.
Supernatural 1.0.0