The Aether II (Aether II)
The Aether II 是备受欢迎的维度模组The Aether的即将推出的续作,设定在位于云端的敌对天堂,Aether 是一个完全不同于普通玩家习惯的世界!
目前,Aether II 的 Highlands 更新仍在紧锣密鼓地开发中,目前还没有地牢。我们预计未来可能会开始第一个地牢的实现工作,但目前尚无具体的预计时间。一旦第一个地牢被实现到模组中,这个通知将会被移除。
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支持 Gilded Games
宣布,Highlands 更新
我们一直致力于更新 Aether II 模组,从模组代码的完全重写到对模组的每个概念和方面的大规模改革。新的纹理、方块、NPC、结构,应有尽有。而且我们甚至才刚刚开始。我们正努力打造Aether II 的最佳版本,今天我们向玩家们敞开了大门。
Aether II 是什么?
Aether II 是备受欢迎的维度模组"The Aether"的续作,设定在位于云端的敌对天堂,Aether 是一个完全不同于普通玩家习惯的世界,充满了奇幻生物和神秘结构,Aether 是一个充满生命和历史的世界。如果你想在这个陌生的土地上生存和繁荣,你将不得不重新学习一些基本的概念,因为 Aether 用扭曲的材料、可怕的怪物和深厚的故事来挑战你。
随着模组越来越接近最终版本,地牢、生物群落、NPC 定居点将遍布这片土地,为这个神秘的世界带来全新的挑战和体验。
Aether II 有独特的传送门!用石英方块搭建框架并用水点燃,就能进入 Aether II 的世界!
Aether II 经历了巨大的变革!新的纹理、生物、方块和结构可以在 Aether 这个敌对的天堂找到。
我们对 Aether II 有很多计划。Highlands 非常快地会推出,其中将包括这些功能和更多!
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Twitter: @DevAether
Website: [即将回归]
Aether II - Highlands Update - 0.3.0
- Effects System
- Added effect curative items: Antivenom Vial (Cockatrice Venom), Antidote Vial (Toxin), Bandage (Bleeding), and Splint (Fracture)
- Added Scatterglass Vials, craftable with 3 Scatterglass. They can be filled with water to make Water Vials for crafting into curative vials.
- Improved GUI overlay.
- Aechor Plants can inflict Toxin, Cockatrices can inflict Cockatrice Venom, Tempests can inflict Stun, Burrukais can inflict Fracture, and Varanys can inflict Freeze.
- Skyroot Poison Buckets inflict Toxin.
- Having an effect applied creates particles.
- Shields block status effects.
- Damage System
- Reworked the damage system from previous versions.
- There are three damage types: Slash, Pierce, and Impact.
- Different Aether weapons deal different damage types as detailed in their tooltips.
- Some mobs are weak to a damage type, meaning the weapon will deal more damage, and some mobs are strong to a damage type, meaning the weapon will deal less damage.
- If a mob is weak to a damage type, the attack will display critical hit particles in the color of the damage type.
- If a mob is strong to a damage type, the attack sound will be negated and a blocking sound will be played.
- Aether mobs are strong towards Vanilla damage, so Vanilla weapons will deal less damage to Aether mobs.
- Guard Break
- New effect applied when a player is attacked by an Aether mob while blocking with a shield.
- The effect doesn't decrease unless the player stops blocking.
- If the effect becomes active, it prevents the player from blocking.
- Better Crossbows
- Changed Crossbow mechanics to be more like 1.14, as in they no longer require the player to hold bolts in their offhand or left click to shoot.
- Added Scatterglass Shards, which can be crafted into a new bolt type: Scatterglass Bolts.
- Removed tiered Bolt types. Scatterglass Bolts are now the only type as damage is determined by the Crossbow tier.
- Improved Crafting Stations
- Reworked the GUIs for the Incubator, Icestone Cooler, and Masonry Bench.
- The Incubator is now much easier to use like its 1.7.10 counterpart.
- Added hopper support for Aether containers.
- The Icestone Cooler is now used for crafting teas and other cooling related recipes.
- Added Valkyrie Tea, a consumable that gives the player Saturation Boost (an effect that doubles saturation from foods eaten while the effect is active). It can be crafted with a Water Vial and Valkyrie Grass in the Icestone Cooler.
- Skyroot Water Buckets can be crafted with any Aercloud and a Skyroot Bucket in the Icestone Cooler.
- Highlands Ice can be crafted with a Skyroot Water Bucket in the Icestone Cooler.
- Implemented full functionality for gloves, including rendering, durability, and damage. They only apply damage with an empty hand.
- Arkenium armor slows the player down slightly and Arkenium tools have slower attack speed.
- Gravitite tools can now only float blocks that they are able to mine efficiently.
- Temporarily made Dart Shooters unobtainable until they get a redesign.
- Added Burrukai Pelt Armor
- New Kirrid model
- New Burrukai model.
- New Taegore model.
- Adjusted hitbox sizes of Burrukais and Taegores.
- Tweaked animations for Cockatrice, Skyroot Lizard, and Varanys.
- Glactrixes now use Aerbunny sounds as a placeholder.
- Changed Moa Egg texture.
- Added new textures for Moas for three different feather shapes: Curved, Pointed, and Flat.
- Improved the highlight color for Moa feathers.
- Slightly changed Moa Egg tooltip to no longer display wing strength and now display wing shape.
- Added Skyroot Pinecones, used to craft Moa Feed. Moa Feed items can be used to heal Moas. Skyroot Pinecones randomly drop from Aether Leaves.
- Moa Saddles are now crafted with Taegore Hide only.
- Moas are now immediately hungry when hatched from an Incubator
- Added Brettl Rope (a material item). Technically useless at the moment.
- Aerbunnies now only eat Blueberries and Moas only eat Blueberries and Skyroot Lizards on a Stick.
- Aerbunnies are now tameable with Oranges.
- Nerfed Taegore meat.
- New Traveller's Guidebook icon.
- Improved Traveller's Guidebook visuals.
- Added Bestiary entries to the Traveller's Guidebook for all Aether mobs.
- Separated consumables creative tab into a food tab and a non-food consumables tab.
- Organized items in creative tabs.
- Added weather subtitles.
- Changed parachute recipes and some parachute behavior.
- Removed custom skybox for now and replaced it with Vanilla's.
- Removed config options for Disable Skybox and Display Inventory Pattern.
- Added config tooltips.
- The Necromancer's Tower intro sequence is now disabled by default in the config.
- New Necromancer model and dialogue portrait.
- Properly made the mod's forge version dependency required.
- Fixed aerclouds not being placeable on top of each other.
- Fixed vanilla rain sounds playing in the Aether; the Aether uses its own.
- Fixed some equipment tooltips being inconsistent.
- Fixed the mining speed ability for Zanite tools not working.
- Fixed Aechor Plants hitting themselves with darts.
- Mostly fixed Burrukais' attack to make it knock the player in the right direction.
- Fixed doMobSpawning not affecting Aether mobs.
- Fixed issue with the player freezing when falling out of the Aether with a Moa.
- Fixed the Masonry Bench not working on multiplayer.
- Fixed issue with container inventories not copying with pick block.
- Fixed issue with container names not staying after relog.
- Fixed bug that allowed for the creation of glowstone portals.
- Fixed Aether Leaves not supporting opaque textures in fast graphics mode.
- Fixed rendering issue with moa feet.
- Fixed issue with gloves not rendering when travelling between dimensions.
- Fixed error on servers from breaking Aether Tall Grass.
- Fixed issue with Swet Gel not being consumed upon use on dirt.
- Fixed Skyroot Trapdoors not behaving like ladders with a ladder beneath them (like how trapdoors work in Vanilla).
- Fixed Aechor Petals not being consumed upon use on Moas.
- Fixed Skyroot Beds being stackable. They were supposed to be unstackable like Vanilla.
- Fixed Aerclouds not generating.
- Fixed Aerclouds only being obtainable with shovels.
- Fixed issue with Aechor Plants despawning in unloaded chunks.
- Fixed issue with parachute duplication.
- Fixed issue with the player not getting a Skyroot Lizard on a Stick if their inventory is full.
- Fixed being able to accidentally hit your Moa while riding it.
- Made config names translatable.
- Fixed crash when eating food.