Useless Reptile (无用爬行动物)
Useless Reptile 是一个 Fabric 模组,旨在为您的世界带来一些可以驯服(或杀死)的龙。
- 生成配置(0.5.0+):通过生物群系标签配置龙可以生成的生物群系,这也控制了生成权重。
- 添加新变种(0.4.0+):您可以通过编辑“dragon_variants”文件夹中的文件添加新的龙变种。通过id和标签确定生物群系,还支持定义稀有度。
- 特殊名称龙的贴图(0.3.0+):如果游戏中存在与龙名称相对应的贴图,模组将自动尝试使用相应的贴图。您可以通过资源包为您的龙添加自定义贴图。当前仅完全支持俄语(也许是保加利亚语,但我没有测试过)和英语名称。贴图文件名称必须仅由拉丁字符、数字和下划线(_)组成。文件名中的所有字母必须为小写字母(龙的名称可以使用小写或大写字母)。如果游戏中的龙名称由俄语字母组成,则应根据下表更改文件名以使其与龙的名称对应。
- 为龙添加发光(0.5.0+除1.19.2):通过资源包添加发光贴图,使龙变得发光。发光贴图必须与主贴图文件在同一文件夹中,并以主贴图文件的名称结尾添加“_glowmask”(例如,如果要为沼泽巨龙的棕色变种添加发光贴图,您需要将贴图命名为“brown_glowmask.png”)。
- 为龙添加发光(0.6.0-1.19.2):要在此版本中添加发光,请阅读 [此处](
链接 (Geckolib3)#preparing-the-texture)。 - 重定向模型和动画文件(0.6.0+):您可以根据龙的变种或名称重定向模型和动画文件。
- 完全重做模型和动画:借助 Geckolib,您可以通过资源包自定义不仅纹理,还包括模型和动画。但是请小心,因为这些视觉更改将影响具有相同模型的所有龙。
- [Discord 服务器](
- **Q:** 我发现了一个 bug!我应该如何报告它?
**A:** 如果您发现了一个 bug,请在 Discord 服务器的 #bug-reports 频道中报告,按照说明进行操作
- **Q:** 我有一些关于这个模组的想法,我应该在哪里留言?
**A:** 在 Discord 服务器中留下您的想法。不能保证我会听取所有意见,但谁知道呢
- **Q:** 您可以将模组回溯到1.18/1.16/1.7.10/Beta 1.0/*插入您选择的一些旧版本*吗?
**A:** 不行。
- **Q:** 您可以将此模组移植到 Forge/其他模组加载器吗?
**A:** 可能会考虑将模组移植到其他模组加载器,但目前不会,因为模组处于现有状态。
但是如果您希望立即在 **Forge** 上使用此模组,可以使用 [Sinytra Connector](链接 )。**警告: 在这种情况下,对于模组的不正确工作,不会接受任何投诉。只有在您使用 Fabric/Quilt 时才会接受 bug 报告** - **Q:** 更新什么时候发布?
**A:** 我不能给出任何更新的预估时间。我有自己的现实生活(具体来说是在大学的学习),我永远不知道它会变成什么样,以及我会有多少空闲时间。另外请记住,只有一个人(就是我,所有者)在此项目上工作。
- **Q:** 龙在开启阴影渲染时 T 姿势,您可以修复吗?
**A:** 如果可能,请在着色器设置中关闭实体阴影。至于修复 - 我不能,这个问题不在我这里。
- **Q:** 我无法从我的头上摆脱长角龙!
**A:** 为了这样做,您的双手必须为空。
- 制作带有模组的赚钱视频和直播
- 将模组用于模组包
- 制作模组的子模组或附加组件,以及发布依赖于该模组的任何其他项目,只要该项目不是该模组的修改版本
- 在资源包中重新分发已修改的版本的资产
- 部分使用本项目的代码用于您的项目(我的意思是不要完全复制,至少注意您复制了什么)
- 制作模组的修改版本供 **私人使用**(不要公开分发这些)
- 英语 - 母语支持
- 俄语 - 母语支持
- 葡萄牙语 - rauanrochabarbosa 和 giotm0833 翻译(最后更新 0.4.0)
- 土耳其语 - double_axe 翻译(最后更新 0.1.11)
- 西班牙语 - kota_araya 翻译(最后更新 0.4.0)
- 波兰语 - karolofgutovo 翻译(最后更新 0.3.0)
- 法语 - thefiredragon, carputelechat 和 daelyx 翻译 (最后更新 0.6.0)
- 日语 - mash1133 翻译(最后更新 0.6.3)
如果您想为模组的翻译做出贡献,请随时在 Discord 服务器上提出您的帮助 :)
Useless Reptile 0.8.0-1.21.1
- Added Shock status effect. It can be only inflicted by Lightning Chaser's attacks
- Added tags for respective armor slots for all dragons that can wear armor, so custom items can be added
- New spawning system:
- If there's no available variants for spot, game won't attempt to spawn a dragon
- Spawn entries are now defined in individual files
- There can be several entries for same variant
- File names for entries don't matter
- All entries are stored in `dragon_spawns` folder in folders named after dragon's id
- Now you can pass allowed and banned blocks as spawn conditions
- Ids and tags are now listed in similar manner as in vanilla tags
- Removed block tags that were responsible for blocks on which specific types of dragons could spawn
- Removed biome whitelist tags for dragons
- Rotation speeds, vertical speed, acceleration time, attack cooldowns are all now stored as attributes
- Added attribute for Moleclaw's mining level
- Added event to define mining level for blocks that is used by Moleclaw
- Items that can be equipped as armor for dragons now will have special tooltip
- Added item tag to define which items can protect Moleclaw from light
- Now if tamed dragon that doesn't follow you was left around some spot without being put in sit mode, it'll move only around this spot, so it won't run to Brazil leaving you behind
- Reduced required distance for River Pikehorn to start follow you
- You now can dismount River Pikehorn on your head even if you got an item in your hand (block placing action still will be prioritized)
- River Pikehorns are now immune to suffocation damage if they are riding the player
- Fixed potion giving to dragons
- River Pikehorn model on head now displays correctly if it was changed
- Improved rendering of dragon passengers
- Fixed bug that caused Swamp Wyverns being tamable with just 1 chicken in survival
- Added Saddle, Raw Chicken, Bucket of Tropical Fish and Beetroot to the mod item tab
- Moleclaw will no longer panic sliding its butt on the ground if it was left sitting
### Known Issues:
- Glowing layer doesn't display with shaders turned on
- When Lightning Chaser has surrendered, it takes 2 clicks to actually claim it
- Dragon rotations in some scenarios may be very out of sync with the server
Useless Reptile
Useless Reptile
- Minimal required Geckolib version is now 4.5.6
Useless Reptile 0.7.4-1.19.2
- Added Hungarian translation (bombadil6870)
Useless Reptile 0.7.4-1.20.1
- Added Hungarian translation (bombadil6870)
Useless Reptile 0.7.4-1.20.4
- Added Hungarian translation (bombadil6870)
Useless Reptile 0.7.4-1.20.6
- Added Hungarian translation (bombadil6870)
Useless Reptile 0.7.4-1.21
- Added Hungarian translation (bombadil6870)
Useless Reptile 0.7.3-1.20.6
Useless Reptile 0.7.3-1.20.4
Useless Reptile 0.7.3-1.20.1
Useless Reptile 0.7.3-1.19.2
Useless Reptile 0.7.2-1.19.2
- Added triggers for unlocking dragon armor and flute recipes
- Fixed issue when you could hit multipart dragon while riding it
- 1.20.6 port
Useless Reptile 0.7.2-1.20.1
- Added triggers for unlocking dragon armor and flute recipes
- Fixed issue when you could hit multipart dragon while riding it
- 1.20.6 port
Useless Reptile 0.7.2-1.20.4
- Added triggers for unlocking dragon armor and flute recipes
- Fixed issue when you could hit multipart dragon while riding it
- 1.20.6 port
Useless Reptile 0.7.2-1.20.6
- Added triggers for unlocking dragon armor and flute recipes
- Fixed issue when you could hit multipart dragon while riding it
- 1.20.6 port
Useless Reptile 0.7.1-1.20.4
- Added Vietnamise translation (thanks godkyo98)
- (1.19.2 only) fixed model shadow flickering when dragon's inventory is open
Useless Reptile 0.7.1-1.20.1
- Added Vietnamise translation (thanks godkyo98)
- (1.19.2 only) fixed model shadow flickering when dragon's inventory is open
Useless Reptile 0.7.1-1.19.2
- Added Vietnamise translation (thanks godkyo98)
- (1.19.2 only) fixed model shadow flickering when dragon's inventory is open
Useless Reptile 0.7.0-1.20.4
Aka 0.7.0 update
## Changelog:
### Customization:
- Replaced model redirects system with model data (No example packs yet, sorry! But you can take a look at mod's assets)
- Dragon's equipment now can have its own model
- Equipment model can have its own glow layer. To add it just add texture with _glowing suffix in the end in the name of glowing texture (first part of texture's name must be same as original's texture one)
- You can override equipment model data per dragon variant within "equipment_model_overrides" block (defined as array)
- Changed rider's renderer, so it sticks to position of rider's bone correctly on the model
- Banner and rider can now only be rendered if saddle is equpped
### Configs:
- Config file has been split to main config file, client config file and mob attributes config file
- Added mob attributes config for each dragon in the mod currently, so people can stop begging me about it
- Added "Dragon Madness" config option for masochists
- Added attack hitbox render option when hitbox debug is on (off by default in config)
- Added group sizes config options
### Spawning:
- All dragons now are part of custom spawn groups added by this mod
- Dragons are no longer require high light level or grass block in order to be able to spawn
- Dragons now require blocks from respective to dragon block tag below them in order to spawn
### Other:
- Moleclaw now breaks blocks depending not on hardness, but mining level. By default Moleclaw is able to break blocks that are breakable by wooden tool. Using strength potion of level 1 upgrades it to level of stone tool and level 2 to level of iron tool. If you somehow manage to get level 3 strength on your Moleclaw, it will be diamond tool level and so on
- Added description for flute item to make it more obvious on how to use it
- Changed textures for dragon helmets, so it's harder to confuse them with Moleclaw ones
- Mod now bundles newer version of Primitive Multipart Entities library
- (1.19.2 only) Switched Geckolib for AzureLib since it's basically Geckolib 4 port for older game versions. Mod versions for newer game versions will continue to use Geckolib
- ~~I broke my promise of not supporting 1.19.2 again~~
### WIP:
- Added Lightning Chaser for demonstration purposes
- Currently you can summon it only via commands or spawn egg in creative, because it's still unfinished
Useless Reptile 0.7.0-1.20.1
Aka 0.7.0 update
## Changelog:
### Customization:
- Replaced model redirects system with model data (No example packs yet, sorry! But you can take a look at mod's assets)
- Dragon's equipment now can have its own model
- Equipment model can have its own glow layer. To add it just add texture with _glowing suffix in the end in the name of glowing texture (first part of texture's name must be same as original's texture one)
- You can override equipment model data per dragon variant within "equipment_model_overrides" block (defined as array)
- Changed rider's renderer, so it sticks to position of rider's bone correctly on the model
- Banner and rider can now only be rendered if saddle is equpped
### Configs:
- Config file has been split to main config file, client config file and mob attributes config file
- Added mob attributes config for each dragon in the mod currently, so people can stop begging me about it
- Added "Dragon Madness" config option for masochists
- Added attack hitbox render option when hitbox debug is on (off by default in config)
- Added group sizes config options
### Spawning:
- All dragons now are part of custom spawn groups added by this mod
- Dragons are no longer require high light level or grass block in order to be able to spawn
- Dragons now require blocks from respective to dragon block tag below them in order to spawn
### Other:
- Moleclaw now breaks blocks depending not on hardness, but mining level. By default Moleclaw is able to break blocks that are breakable by wooden tool. Using strength potion of level 1 upgrades it to level of stone tool and level 2 to level of iron tool. If you somehow manage to get level 3 strength on your Moleclaw, it will be diamond tool level and so on
- Added description for flute item to make it more obvious on how to use it
- Changed textures for dragon helmets, so it's harder to confuse them with Moleclaw ones
- Mod now bundles newer version of Primitive Multipart Entities library
- (1.19.2 only) Switched Geckolib for AzureLib since it's basically Geckolib 4 port for older game versions. Mod versions for newer game versions will continue to use Geckolib
- ~~I broke my promise of not supporting 1.19.2 again~~
### WIP:
- Added Lightning Chaser for demonstration purposes
- Currently you can summon it only via commands or spawn egg in creative, because it's still unfinished
Useless Reptile 0.7.0-1.19.2
Aka 0.7.0 update
## Changelog:
### Customization:
- Replaced model redirects system with model data (No example packs yet, sorry! But you can take a look at mod's assets)
- Dragon's equipment now can have its own model
- Equipment model can have its own glow layer. To add it just add texture with _glowing suffix in the end in the name of glowing texture (first part of texture's name must be same as original's texture one)
- You can override equipment model data per dragon variant within "equipment_model_overrides" block (defined as array)
- Changed rider's renderer, so it sticks to position of rider's bone correctly on the model
- Banner and rider can now only be rendered if saddle is equpped
### Configs:
- Config file has been split to main config file, client config file and mob attributes config file
- Added mob attributes config for each dragon in the mod currently, so people can stop begging me about it
- Added "Dragon Madness" config option for masochists
- Added attack hitbox render option when hitbox debug is on (off by default in config)
- Added group sizes config options
### Spawning:
- All dragons now are part of custom spawn groups added by this mod
- Dragons are no longer require high light level or grass block in order to be able to spawn
- Dragons now require blocks from respective to dragon block tag below them in order to spawn
### Other:
- Moleclaw now breaks blocks depending not on hardness, but mining level. By default Moleclaw is able to break blocks that are breakable by wooden tool. Using strength potion of level 1 upgrades it to level of stone tool and level 2 to level of iron tool. If you somehow manage to get level 3 strength on your Moleclaw, it will be diamond tool level and so on
- Added description for flute item to make it more obvious on how to use it
- Changed textures for dragon helmets, so it's harder to confuse them with Moleclaw ones
- Mod now bundles newer version of Primitive Multipart Entities library
- (1.19.2 only) Switched Geckolib for AzureLib since it's basically Geckolib 4 port for older game versions. Mod versions for newer game versions will continue to use Geckolib
- ~~I broke my promise of not supporting 1.19.2 again~~
### WIP:
- Added Lightning Chaser for demonstration purposes
- Currently you can summon it only via commands or spawn egg in creative, because it's still unfinished
Useless Reptile 0.6.5-1.20.4
- Mod now requires Fabric Loader 0.15 or higher
Useless Reptile 0.6.5-1.20.2
- Mod now requires Fabric Loader 0.15 or higher
Useless Reptile 0.6.5-1.20.1
- Mod now requires Fabric Loader 0.15 or higher
Useless Reptile 0.6.4-1.20.4
Useless Reptile 0.6.3-1.20.4
- Updated multipart library
- (1.20.4 only) fixed Swamp Wyvern's projectiles having no velocity
Useless Reptile 0.6.3-1.20.2
- Updated multipart library
- (1.20.4 only) fixed Swamp Wyvern's projectiles having no velocity
Useless Reptile 0.6.3-1.20.1
- Updated multipart library
- (1.20.4 only) fixed Swamp Wyvern's projectiles having no velocity
Useless Reptile 0.6.3-1.19.2
- Updated multipart library
- (1.20.4 only) fixed Swamp Wyvern's projectiles having no velocity
Useless Reptile 0.6.2-1.20.3
UPD: and 1.20.4 one
Useless Reptile 0.6.2-1.20.2
- Fixed crash when killing Swamp Wyvern with C2ME installed
- Increased Moleclaw's base speed
- Decreased Moleclaw's strong attack base cooldown from 100 to 60 ticks
- Decreased Moleclaw's normal attack base cooldown from 50 to 30 ticks
- Increased Moleclaw's base damage from 7 to 8 points
- Improved attack animation handling for all dragons
Useless Reptile 0.6.2-1.20.1
- Fixed crash when killing Swamp Wyvern with C2ME installed
- Increased Moleclaw's base speed
- Decreased Moleclaw's strong attack base cooldown from 100 to 60 ticks
- Decreased Moleclaw's normal attack base cooldown from 50 to 30 ticks
- Increased Moleclaw's base damage from 7 to 8 points
- Improved attack animation handling for all dragons
Useless Reptile 0.6.2-1.19.2
- Fixed crash when killing Swamp Wyvern with C2ME installed
- Increased Moleclaw's base speed
- Decreased Moleclaw's strong attack base cooldown from 100 to 60 ticks
- Decreased Moleclaw's normal attack base cooldown from 50 to 30 ticks
- Increased Moleclaw's base damage from 7 to 8 points
- Improved attack animation handling for all dragons
Useless Reptile 0.6.1-1.20.2
Useless Reptile 0.6.1-1.20.1
Useless Reptile 0.6.1-1.19.2
Useless Reptile 0.6.0-1.19.2
- Added possibility to redirect animation and model files via variants and nametags with use of resource packs (works similarly to Isle of Berk Variant Loader)
- Added possibility to prevent certain textures from applying via resource packs
- 1.19.2 one time backport because I felt generous (I'll not accept any bug reports related to this version of the mod)
- All default variants of dragons are no longer accessible via nametag
- "Disable named textures" config option was changed to "Disable named models"
- Mod now requires YetAnotherConfigLib of version 3.2 or above (except 1.19.2)
- (1.19.2 only) Removed ability to put banner on dragon and fish renderer on Pikehorn's horn due complications with making them render properly
Useless Reptile 0.6.0-1.20.1
- Added possibility to redirect animation and model files via variants and nametags with use of resource packs (works similarly to Isle of Berk Variant Loader)
- Added possibility to prevent certain textures from applying via resource packs
- 1.19.2 one time backport because I felt generous (I'll not accept any bug reports related to this version of the mod)
- All default variants of dragons are no longer accessible via nametag
- "Disable named textures" config option was changed to "Disable named models"
- Mod now requires YetAnotherConfigLib of version 3.2 or above (except 1.19.2)
- (1.19.2 only) Removed ability to put banner on dragon and fish renderer on Pikehorn's horn due complications with making them render properly
Useless Reptile 0.6.0-1.20.2
- Added possibility to redirect animation and model files via variants and nametags with use of resource packs (works similarly to Isle of Berk Variant Loader)
- Added possibility to prevent certain textures from applying via resource packs
- 1.19.2 one time backport because I felt generous (I'll not accept any bug reports related to this version of the mod)
- All default variants of dragons are no longer accessible via nametag
- "Disable named textures" config option was changed to "Disable named models"
- Mod now requires YetAnotherConfigLib of version 3.2 or above (except 1.19.2)
- (1.19.2 only) Removed ability to put banner on dragon and fish renderer on Pikehorn's horn due complications with making them render properly
Useless Reptile 0.5.0-1.20.2
Useless Reptile 0.5.0-1.20.1
- Added several tags for dragon armor
- Added emissive/glowing layer support (requires to add glowmask via resource pack to work)
- Now hitboxes are calculated without constant pose changing
- Slightly tweaked rider's renderer
- Changed distribution of options in config to simplify navigation around them
- Changed the way of defining dragon for render in the dragon inventory
- Swamp Wyvern is now a multipart entity
- Biomes where dragons can spawn are now purely defined by their respective white and black lists biome tags
Useless Reptile 0.4.3-1.20.1
- Removed debug text pop-up while having River Pikehorn on your head
Useless Reptile 0.4.2-1.20.1
- Changed way of rendering River Pikehorn while it's on the head, so now it's more smooth
- Sounds that dragons emit are now classified as sounds of passive entities
- Fixed last bottle in stack vanishing to Ohio if you attempted to gather some acid with it
Useless Reptile 0.4.1-1.20.1
- Fixed Moleclaw attack animations not playing correctly
Useless Reptile 0.4.0-1.20.1
- Now you can define which variants of dragons can natuarlly spawn via data packs
- Flying dragons now spin around on the same place much less
- Improved flying dragons navigation
- Dragons now write a bit less of useless NBT data into inventory data
- Flying dragons without rider now have limited turn speed
- Fixed bug prevented spikes on Swamp Wyvern's back from hiding when it had saddle on it
Useless Reptile 0.3.0-1.20.1
- Tamed dragon will attempt to eat food from inventory if health is not full approximately every 10 seconds. Use same food as for taming to regenerate health
- You now can call dragon with not just a goat horn, but any item that considered an instrument (has "instrument" NBT tag)
- Improved landing spot search for flying dragons
- Updated Polish translation (karolofgutovo)
- Updated French translation (carputelechat)
- Updated Portuguese translation (rauanrochabarbosa)
- Yet Another Config Lib is now used instead of Cloth Config. Old config values will not transfer
- Changed some default values for config options
- Now speed and slowness effects affect attack speed rather than haste and mining fatigue
- You no longer will be able to remove saddle while riding the dragon
- Updated mob's textures and models
- Fixed bug caused flying dragon with no rider to have speed equal to queue of 5 people in grocery store when all you want is just to buy bottle of water rather than equal as with rider one
- Fixed rare crash caused with incorrect work of dragon's attack goal if target somehow managed to become null
Useless Reptile 0.2.2-1.20.1
Useless Reptile 0.2.2-1.19.4
- Added Polish translation (karolofgutovo)
- Added French translation (thefiredragon)
- Added "Dragon Health Multiplier" and "Dragon Damage Multiplier" config options
- New advancements added with tips tips for possible interactions with dragons, including how to tame
- Now you can give a potion to your dragon by clicking with it on your dragon while crouching. You cannot give potions that have only negative effects
- Mod items now have their own item group
- Moleclaw spawn conditions changed. It ignores light from blocks again, but Moleclaw no longer can spawn in chunks that were loaded for more than 2.5 minutes (3000 ticks). The last change were made in order to prevent Moleclaw from spawning in places where players builds are
- Acid effect now uses namespace of the mod rather than namespace of the Minecraft
- (1.19.4 only) Fixed error causing incorrect work of acid damage type
- Fixed recipe for Diamond Dragon Tail Armor
Useless Reptile 0.2.2-1.19.2
- Added Polish translation (karolofgutovo)
- Added French translation (thefiredragon)
- Added "Dragon Health Multiplier" and "Dragon Damage Multiplier" config options
- New advancements added with tips tips for possible interactions with dragons, including how to tame
- Now you can give a potion to your dragon by clicking with it on your dragon while crouching. You cannot give potions that have only negative effects
- Mod items now have their own item group
- Moleclaw spawn conditions changed. It ignores light from blocks again, but Moleclaw no longer can spawn in chunks that were loaded for more than 2.5 minutes (3000 ticks). The last change were made in order to prevent Moleclaw from spawning in places where players builds are
- Acid effect now uses namespace of the mod rather than namespace of the Minecraft
- (1.19.4 only) Fixed error causing incorrect work of acid damage type
- Fixed recipe for Diamond Dragon Tail Armor
Useless Reptile 0.2.1-1.19.2
- Fixed bug caused Moleclaw to ignore light from blocks when checking conditions to spawn. I hope your houses didn't suffer too much damage
- Rewritten method of handling movement inputs of dragon
- 1.19.4 port
Useless Reptile 0.2.1-1.19.4
- Fixed bug caused Moleclaw to ignore light from blocks when checking conditions to spawn. I hope your houses didn't suffer too much damage
- Rewritten method of handling movement inputs of dragon
- 1.19.4 port
Useless Reptile 0.2.0-1.19.2
- New dragon: Moleclaw
- Now upon applying acid effect custom sound is played
- Animations in ReplayMod are now working (almost) correctly
- Now when Wyvern's projectile hits something, it'll have its own sound instead of thorns sound
- You now can sit down with use of goat horn too, but you also need to crouch to perform this
- Swamp Wyvern attack zone is now bigger when flying
- Biomes, where Swamp Wyvern can appear, are now defined by "uselessreptile:swamp_wyvern_spawn_whitelist" tag
- Now if you sit down your dragon it'll loose its target
- Sound of bite and shoot is now played not only when you control the Wyvern
- Fixed a bug, caused dragons to not fight back
- Deleted "Horn Work Distance Multiplier" config option
Useless Reptile 0.1.11-1.19.2
- Added Turkish translation
- 1.19.4 port
- (1.19.4 only) Changed Wyvern's flight behaviour due changes in newest version of the game
Useless Reptile 0.1.11-1.19.4
- Added Turkish translation
- 1.19.4 port
- (1.19.4 only) Changed Wyvern's flight behaviour due changes in newest version of the game
Useless Reptile 0.1.11-1.19.3
- Added Turkish translation
- 1.19.4 port
- (1.19.4 only) Changed Wyvern's flight behaviour due changes in newest version of the game
Useless Reptile 0.1.10-1.19.2
- Updated Swamp Wyvern model and animations
- Fixed crash when using Xaero's Minimap
- (1.19.3 only) removed alternative rider render option in config
- (1.19.3 only) rider's model now follows dragon's model more precisely
Useless Reptile 0.1.10-1.19.3
- Updated Swamp Wyvern model and animations
- Fixed crash when using Xaero's Minimap
- (1.19.3 only) removed alternative rider render option in config
- (1.19.3 only) rider's model now follows dragon's model more precisely
Useless Reptile 0.1.9-1.19.3
Useless Reptile 0.1.9-1.19.2
- Added ability to change camera offset in a 3rd view perspective while riding the dragon (can be turned in config)
- Added ability to automatically switch between 3rd view and 1st view perspectives while climbing on and off the dragon (can be turned in config)
- (Only 1.19.3) For test was added an option of alternative rider rendering. Due changes and unfinishedness of Geckolib 4, I can't really use previously used for 1.19.2 rider render method, but the one made made specifically for this version is also does not really satisfies me. Thus I added a config option for those who wishes to test it out
- Wyverns regenerate health passively every 20 seconds (400 ticks) instead of 30
- Fixed bug caused Wyverns to never passively regenerate health (I hope it's fixed)
- (Only 1.19.3) Fixed Z-fighting on too thin model parts
- Fixed incorrect tooltip for "Swamp Wyvern Spawn Weight" config option (for Russian and English)
- Added ability to change camera offset in a 3rd view perspective while riding the dragon (can be turned in config)
- Added ability to automatically switch between 3rd view and 1st view perspectives while climbing on and off the dragon (can be turned in config)
- (Only 1.19.3) For test was added an option of alternative rider rendering. Due changes and unfinishedness of Geckolib 4, I can't really use previously used for 1.19.2 rider render method, but the one made made specifically for this version is also does not really satisfies me. Thus I added a config option for those who wishes to test it out
- Wyverns regenerate health passively every 20 seconds (400 ticks) instead of 30
- Fixed bug caused Wyverns to never passively regenerate health (I hope it's fixed)
- (Only 1.19.3) Fixed Z-fighting on too thin model parts
- Fixed incorrect tooltip for "Swamp Wyvern Spawn Weight" config option (for Russian and English)
- Port of various bugfixes (1.19.3 only)
- Port of various bugfixes (1.19.3 only)
- Slight tweaks in animations due change above
- Swamp Wyverns now spawn in any biome with #c:swamp tag (except Mangrove Swamp)
- Dragons will no longer try to attack owner and their pets
- Fixed bug that caused Swamp Wyverns to constantly jump on non-full blocks
- Fixed bug that caused Swamp Wyverns to not being able to find landing position at all
- Swamp Wyvern now jumps up to 2 blocks instead of 3
P.S. Originally was planned to release those changes with new dragon, but I might be not able to finish it before this year ends
- Swamp Wyverns now can spawn in any biome (except Mangrove Swamp) with #c:swamp tag. This should allow them to spawn in non-vanilla swamp biomes too (as long as developer didn't forget to put biome in tag)
- Mod now requires Geckolib of version 4.0.0 or higher
- Some serious changes in assets file structure due this
- Temporary disabled eye blink for Swamp Wyverns due some issues with animations
Due some massive changes within both 1.19.3 and Geckolib, there's a big chance that something borked. If it did, please report at Discord server
~~definitely a "minor" version~~
- Mod Menu integration was re-enabled
Port for this version of the game was made purely for testing purposes due upcoming changes in 1.19.3 and mod will not be supported for it. If something broke, please report at Discord server
- Swamp Wyvern Skin was moved to Crafting category
- Swamp Wyvern Spawn Egg was moved to Spawn Eggs category
- Temporary disabled Mod Menu integration
Port for this version of the game was made purely for testing purposes due upcoming changes in 1.19.3 and mod will not be supported for it. If something broke, please report at Discord server
- Swamp Wyvern now dances to the music
- Swamp Wyvern now can blink
- Swamp Wyvern now has some armor points
- Swamp Wyvern now will regenerate 1 HP every 30 seconds
- Fixed possibility to infinitely jump in the air if you press jump button too fast
- Haste and Mining Fatigue effects now affect attack cooldowns increasing or decreasing those by 10% per level. Minimal cooldown can't be lower than 10% from base one
- Effects, that affect movement speed, now also affect turn speed and time needed to reach max speed
- Base jump height for Swamp Wyvern is now 2 blocks
- Swamp Wyvern now can step over to block that placed higher if difference between current position of the Swamp Wyvern and the block is not greater than 1 (TL;DR - step like horses)
- Added clarification in "Spawn Weight" config parameter for Swamp Wyvern that Swamp Wyverns can spawn only at normal swamps
- Time needed to reach max speed for Swamp Wyvern was doubled
- Transitions between animations are now smoother
- Mod now requires Geckolib of version 3.1.28 or higher
- Improved pathfinding
- Swamp Wyvern animations now should play more correctly when using ReplayMod
- Changed way of how Acid effect works. Now damage from it will depend on how much elements of armor entity has equipped (`damage = effect level * (1 + amount of empty armor slots) / 3`)
- Total damage to equipped armor durability from Acid effect is now constant. It means less elements you have on you more durability damage remaining ones will get.
- Durability damage to armor from Acid effect is now 2 times bigger
- Base damage from Wyvern range attack (when projectile hits the target) is now 2 times less
- Fixed issue, that caused Wyvern range attack to apply Acid effect of level 3 instead of level 2
- Fixed incorrect projectile model rotation from Wyvern range attack
- Base horn response distance for Wyvern was increased by 3 times
- Added config option "Horn Work Distance Multiplier" that allows you to control the distance from which your dragon will respond to the horn call
- Added Wyvern Skin. Currently can be only exchanged for 2 leather, but in future will be a component for an armor set
- Wyverns now drop Wyvern Skin instead of leather
- Particles on dragon liftoff now showing to all players around rather than just the client
- Starting to work on new dragon: Moleclaw. Currenty can be summoned only trough commands and there's nothing to look at atm. Absolutely nothing
P.S. Don't be fooled by such quick release of update. That's only happens if I have some free time and energy.
P.S.S. I still can't come up with a good name for the Wyvern. Also reminder that the current one is a placeholder. Feel free to suggest your ideas at [Discord]( server
- New death messages when killed by acid damage
- Wyverns are now immune to Acid effect
- Cloud effect after Wyvern ranged attack now inflicts acid effect of level 2 for 10 seconds instead of Poison and Instant Damage
- Fixed issue, that caused all projectiles from ranged attack to be launched under 0 degree pitch while diving or flying up and forward, while riding the Wyvern
- Wyvern ranged attack projectiles should no longer ricochet from other entities
- Slightly changed way how input packets are sent to the server
- Fixed dependencies to actually request version of Geckolib 3.1.20 or newer instead of just 3.1
- Massive code cleanup was done in preparation for future updates. If something broke, then please don't hesitate to report at mod Discord server
- Minor animation tweaks
- Added custom Wyvern death sound