女武神 (Valkyrie)
女武神 (Valkyrie) 是一款旨在优化 Minecraft 游戏体验的模组,仿佛女武神的低语引领我们,我们开辟通向优化 Minecraft 游戏的瓦尔哈拉之路。
- 更快的云渲染
- 更快的 MathHelper
- 轻微更快的 ModelRenderer
- 可配置的缩放: 使用女武神灵活友好的缩放功能,精确缩放或扩大视野。
- 更大的图集: 使你的纹理图集可以尽可能大,根据你的 GPU 实际支持情况。
- 彩色云: 通过女武神的彩色云功能,体验被升起和落下的太阳染色的云的飘逸之美。
- 独立云渲染距离: 获得自定义云渲染距离的能力,使其可以超出地形渲染距离。
- 现代图标和标志: 默认情况下,女武神将主菜单标志更改为更新的标志,以及窗口图标。
- 窗口自定义: 使用女武神,个性化你的 Minecraft 窗口标题和图标,这对于模组包开发者来说是一个方便的功能。
- 错误修复: 除了增强性能和美学外,女武神还解决了 Minecraft 的一些错误,如 [MC-67532](
链接 )。
Valkyrie 0.2
[Changelog File (Include Previous Versions)](https://github.com/Red-Studio-Ragnarok/Valkyrie/blob/main/Changelog.md)
## Valkyrie Version 0.2 Changelog - 2024-04-04
### Added
- Warning screen system to notify of potential frictions between Valkyrie and other mods
- Added warning for using OptiFine
- Built in support for Mantle for the MC-67532 fix
- Built in support for Overloaded Armor Bar for the MC-67532 fix
- When in a deobfuscated environment, "Development Environment" will be added after the name of the window
- Added terrain wireframe debug config
- Added configuration for the MC-67532 fix
- Added configuration for fancy leaves independent of the Minecraft general graphics settings
- Added leaves culling
- Added keybinding to open the config GUI
- Added F3 shortcuts for clouds and terrain wireframe
- Added missing `MCVersion` attribute to the `ValkyriePlugin`
### Changed
- Changed the upper limit for the `Zoom Multiplier` to 10
- Reduced default cloud render distance
- Updated to Red Core 0.5
### Fixed
- Fixed OptiFine compatibility (Keep in mind that parts of Valkyrie are disabled when paired with OptiFine)
- Fixed Essential compatibility
- Fixed not being able to disable clouds
- Fixed certain model rotations being broken, (For example, the witch while drinking her potion)
- Fixed large entities dissapearing when in empty chunks (For example, the ender dragon in the end)
- Fixed Valkyrie not declaring Red Core as a dependency
- Fixed clouds taking a quarter second to appear when joining a world
- Fixed incompatibility with RenderLib 1.3.3+
### Optimized
- Optimized `RenderGlobal#setupTerrain` which improves rendering speed
- Optimized `RenderGlobal#getRenderChunkOffset` which improves rendering speed
- Optimized `WorldVertexBufferUploader#draw` which improves rendering speed
- Optimized `ViewFrustum` which reduce FPS drops when blocks are updated, improves the speed of loading render chunks and reduce lag when loading renderer (Changing graphics settings, loading into world)
- Optimized `ModelRenderer#render` rotations and translations which are now more than two times faster (Thanks [Nessiesson], [Ven])
- Optimized `ModelRenderer#renderWithRotation` which should improve rendering speed of models (Thanks [Nessiesson], [Ven])
- Optimized `ModelRenderer#postRender` which should improve rendering speed of models (Thanks [Nessiesson], [Ven])
### Internal
- Switched to new groupId
- Fully switched to Red Core
- Switched to [gradle-buildconfig-plugin](https://github.com/gmazzo/gradle-buildconfig-plugin) entirely for project constants
- Switched to Gradle Kotlin DSL
- General project cleanup
- Updated [RetroFuturaGradle](https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/RetroFuturaGradle) to version 1.3.34
- Updated [foojay-resolver](https://github.com/gradle/foojay-toolchains) to version 0.8.0
- Updated [io.freefair.lombok](https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/io.freefair.lombok) to version 8.6
- Updated [org.jetbrains.gradle.plugin.idea-ext](https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/org.jetbrains.gradle.plugin.idea-ext) to version 1.1.8
## Valkyrie Version 0.2 Changelog - 2024-04-04
### Added
- Warning screen system to notify of potential frictions between Valkyrie and other mods
- Added warning for using OptiFine
- Built in support for Mantle for the MC-67532 fix
- Built in support for Overloaded Armor Bar for the MC-67532 fix
- When in a deobfuscated environment, "Development Environment" will be added after the name of the window
- Added terrain wireframe debug config
- Added configuration for the MC-67532 fix
- Added configuration for fancy leaves independent of the Minecraft general graphics settings
- Added leaves culling
- Added keybinding to open the config GUI
- Added F3 shortcuts for clouds and terrain wireframe
- Added missing `MCVersion` attribute to the `ValkyriePlugin`
### Changed
- Changed the upper limit for the `Zoom Multiplier` to 10
- Reduced default cloud render distance
- Updated to Red Core 0.5
### Fixed
- Fixed OptiFine compatibility (Keep in mind that parts of Valkyrie are disabled when paired with OptiFine)
- Fixed Essential compatibility
- Fixed not being able to disable clouds
- Fixed certain model rotations being broken, (For example, the witch while drinking her potion)
- Fixed large entities dissapearing when in empty chunks (For example, the ender dragon in the end)
- Fixed Valkyrie not declaring Red Core as a dependency
- Fixed clouds taking a quarter second to appear when joining a world
- Fixed incompatibility with RenderLib 1.3.3+
### Optimized
- Optimized `RenderGlobal#setupTerrain` which improves rendering speed
- Optimized `RenderGlobal#getRenderChunkOffset` which improves rendering speed
- Optimized `WorldVertexBufferUploader#draw` which improves rendering speed
- Optimized `ViewFrustum` which reduce FPS drops when blocks are updated, improves the speed of loading render chunks and reduce lag when loading renderer (Changing graphics settings, loading into world)
- Optimized `ModelRenderer#render` rotations and translations which are now more than two times faster (Thanks [Nessiesson], [Ven])
- Optimized `ModelRenderer#renderWithRotation` which should improve rendering speed of models (Thanks [Nessiesson], [Ven])
- Optimized `ModelRenderer#postRender` which should improve rendering speed of models (Thanks [Nessiesson], [Ven])
### Internal
- Switched to new groupId
- Fully switched to Red Core
- Switched to [gradle-buildconfig-plugin](https://github.com/gmazzo/gradle-buildconfig-plugin) entirely for project constants
- Switched to Gradle Kotlin DSL
- General project cleanup
- Updated [RetroFuturaGradle](https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/RetroFuturaGradle) to version 1.3.34
- Updated [foojay-resolver](https://github.com/gradle/foojay-toolchains) to version 0.8.0
- Updated [io.freefair.lombok](https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/io.freefair.lombok) to version 8.6
- Updated [org.jetbrains.gradle.plugin.idea-ext](https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/org.jetbrains.gradle.plugin.idea-ext) to version 1.1.8
版本: 0.2
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 5,184
Valkyrie 0.1.3
[Changelog File (Include Previous Versions)](https://github.com/Red-Studio-Ragnarok/Valkyrie/blob/main/Changelog.md)
## Valkyrie Version 0.1.3 Changelog 2023-06-16
Initial Modrinth release
### Fixed
- Crash at startup, again
### Internal
- Minor clean-up
## Valkyrie Version 0.1.3 Changelog 2023-06-16
Initial Modrinth release
### Fixed
- Crash at startup, again
### Internal
- Minor clean-up
版本: 0.1.3
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 2,429