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    Vanillaplus Ultimate (Vanillaplus Ultimate)

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    Vanillaplus Ultimate (Vanillaplus Ultimate)

    This mod aims to enhance the vanilla Minecraft experience, offering additional features while retaining the essence of the original game.

    1. Diorite, granite, and andesite bricks, along with their variations, are introduced.

    2. Cherries drop when cherry leaves decay.

    3. Silver ore is added, spawning exactly like iron.

    4. Silver and copper armor are included with unique effects:

    • Silver armor: Grants resistance and slowness.
    • Copper armor: Provides speed with less protection, equivalent to chain armor.

    5. Copper and silver tools offer distinct advantages and disadvantages:

    • Silver tools: Increased strength but reduced swing and mining speed.
    • Copper tools: Decreased strength but enhanced swing and mining speed.

    6. A metal detector is crafted using 2 red concrete, 2 sticks, and 1 silver or iron block. It can be right-clicked on a block to detect metals (copper, silver, gold, iron) underneath, with 16 uses.

    7. Soul jack o' lantern blocks can be crafted using a soul torch and a carved pumpkin.

    8. Three custom villager professions are introduced: beekeeper (utilizing beehives), builder (utilizing crafting tables), and miner (utilizing the custom mining bench found in the custom village structure).

    9. Additional structures are added to villages:

    • Plains: Bee house, miner's hut, and builder's hut.
    • Taiga: Miner's hut and builder's hut.
    • Tundra: Miner's hut and builder's hut.
    • Savanna: Miner's hut.
    • Desert: Miner's hut.

    10. Silver and iron are added to archeology loot tables.

    This mod is still in its early stages, with plans for further features such as:

    1. Desert overhaul.

    2. New dimension.

    3. Sleeping bags.

    4. Backpacks.

    5. Fallen trees.

    For suggestions or bug reports, please leave comments below or use the GitHub issue tracker.


    Vanillaplus Ultimate 0.0.3-1.20.2

    版本: 0.0.3-1.20.2
    支持游戏: 1.20.2, 1.20.3, 1.20.4
    类型: Fabric
    下载次数: 30

    Vanillaplus Ultimate 0.0.2-1.20.2

    版本: 0.0.2-1.20.2
    支持游戏: 1.20.2
    类型: Fabric
    下载次数: 32

    Vanillaplus Ultimate 0.0.1-1.20.1

    版本: 0.0.1
    支持游戏: 1.20.1
    类型: Fabric
    下载次数: 118
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