* 全新的村庄生成器,能够放置除了沙砾以外的路障,甚至在1.7版本中使用某些回溯的草径方块。
* 回溯和定制[村庄组件](
* 高度可配置的村庄大小和组件
* 高度可配置的名称生成音节池
* 为每个村庄定制的名称标志、旗帜和首选颜色
* 一种自定义物品(Codex),用于为支持的非村庄结构生成名称,可以通过向图书管理员/制图师支付翡翠和铁/金或在箱子中找到它们来获取
* 可配置的实体列表,可以在生成时自动分配名称,或在右键单击时分配名称
* 具有根据生成生物群系的皮肤色调的村民
* 对1.7版本进行类似职业的专业细分支持
* 修改了村民交易池,并为图书管理员和制图师添加了“宝藏”交易
* 模块化的生物群系和职业基础的村民服装
* 回溯了制图师村民到以前的版本,并在可能的情况下回溯了愚者
* 回溯了混凝土和彩釉陶瓷到以前的版本
* 回溯了守卫者、海底神殿和海晶石到1.7版本
* 回溯了冰屋到1.7和1.8版本
[![Village Names 4 功能展示](
[![Village Names 3.1 功能展示](
[![Village Names 1.1 功能展示](
Village Names 4.4.10a for JE 1.7
* Added a dummy `ModObjects.chooseModWoodenTable(I)` method so that mods that use Village Names as a dependency and would call the older version of this method (e.g. Mine [Trading Cards]([https://modrinth.com/mod/mine-trading-cards](https://modrinth.com/mod/mine-trading-cards))) won't crash.
版本: 4.4.10a-1.7
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 468
Village Names 4.4.10 for JE 1.12
* **Bugfix**: half of village troughs no longer have a wall of dirt as one of their sides
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
版本: 4.4.10-1.12
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 499
Village Names 4.4.10 for JE 1.11
* **Bugfix**: half of village troughs no longer have a wall of dirt as one of their sides
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
版本: 4.4.10-1.11
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 14
Village Names 4.4.10 for JE 1.10
* **Bugfix**: half of village troughs no longer have a wall of dirt as one of their sides
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
版本: 4.4.10-1.10
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 19
Village Names 4.4.10 for JE 1.9
* **Bugfix**: half of village troughs no longer have a wall of dirt as one of their sides
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
版本: 4.4.10-1.9
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 14
Village Names 4.4.10 for JE 1.8
* **Bugfix**: half of village troughs no longer have a wall of dirt as one of their sides
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
版本: 4.4.10-1.8
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 56
Village Names 4.4.10 for JE 1.7
* **Bugfix**:
Village Names has a number of ways to place a table into a structure.
If you are using Bibliocraft or Mr. Crayfish Furniture, VN will use one of those. Otherwise, it will create a "vanilla" table (consisting of a pressure plate atop a fence).
If that fence and/or pressure plate was modded, the pressure plate would eventually pop off the table, breaking it—unless you were also using the [BugTorch](https://modrinth.com/mod/bugtorch) mod.
Now, if you are not using BugTorch or one of the other mods with specialty table blocks, _and_ a table tries to generate with modded components, it will instead be substituted with an inverted stairs block, or with a plank, or in some cases with nothing.
* **Bugfix**: half of village troughs no longer have a wall of dirt as one of their sides
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
Village Names has a number of ways to place a table into a structure.
If you are using Bibliocraft or Mr. Crayfish Furniture, VN will use one of those. Otherwise, it will create a "vanilla" table (consisting of a pressure plate atop a fence).
If that fence and/or pressure plate was modded, the pressure plate would eventually pop off the table, breaking it—unless you were also using the [BugTorch](https://modrinth.com/mod/bugtorch) mod.
Now, if you are not using BugTorch or one of the other mods with specialty table blocks, _and_ a table tries to generate with modded components, it will instead be substituted with an inverted stairs block, or with a plank, or in some cases with nothing.
* **Bugfix**: half of village troughs no longer have a wall of dirt as one of their sides
* Added config option - `Decor: Fill Troughs With Water` (`true` by default)
* Added water to the troughs of Taiga Animal Pen, Taiga Butcher Shop, Taiga Tannery, Taiga Temple
* Improved ground height check algorithm for spawning village components
* **Bugfix**: Loot tables should no longer return an error when running CraftTweaker's `/mt loot`
* Fixed typos in the config description referring to most town centers with regards to "other Desert town centers"
版本: 4.4.10-1.7
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 9,366
Village Names 4.4.9 for JE 1.7
* **Bugfix:** there was supposed to be line to cancel a Guardian spawn if there were too many monsters in the world, but it was omitted, resulting in far too many Guardians spawning inside monuments.
版本: 4.4.9-1.7
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 389
Village Names 4.4.8 for JE 1.12
* **Bugfix**: Improved ground height check algorithm, so now village structures should be far less likely to spawn at the tops of trees
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* **Bugfix**: Added a null check to the event that populates Librarian chest contents. CraftTweaker's / MineTweaker's `/mt loot` function should now work properly, instead of erroring partway through.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* **Bugfix**: Added a null check to the event that populates Librarian chest contents. CraftTweaker's / MineTweaker's `/mt loot` function should now work properly, instead of erroring partway through.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
版本: 4.4.8-1.12
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 326
Village Names 4.4.8 for JE 1.11
* **Bugfix**: Improved ground height check algorithm, so now village structures should be far less likely to spawn at the tops of trees
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
版本: 4.4.8-1.11
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 14
Village Names 4.4.8 for JE 1.10
* **Bugfix**: Improved ground height check algorithm, so now village structures should be far less likely to spawn at the tops of trees
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
版本: 4.4.8-1.10
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 13
Village Names 4.4.8 for JE 1.9
* **Bugfix**: Improved ground height check algorithm, so now village structures should be far less likely to spawn at the tops of trees
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
版本: 4.4.8-1.9
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 14
Village Names 4.4.8 for JE 1.8
* **Bugfix**: Improved ground height check algorithm, so now village structures should be far less likely to spawn at the tops of trees
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
版本: 4.4.8-1.8
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 54
Village Names 4.4.8 for JE 1.7
* **Bugfix**: Improved ground height check algorithm, so now village structures should be far less likely to spawn at the tops of trees
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* **Bugfix**: Added a null check to the event that populates Librarian chest contents. CraftTweaker's / MineTweaker's `/mt loot` function should now work properly, instead of erroring partway through.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
* Slightly updated the Pet name syllable pool. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* **Bugfix**: Added a null check to the event that populates Librarian chest contents. CraftTweaker's / MineTweaker's `/mt loot` function should now work properly, instead of erroring partway through.
* Removed color formatting for the version number in the splash screen so that it will be better handled by Forge
* Added `RESET` formatting tags to prevent display issues on the mod info screen
版本: 4.4.8-1.7
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 55
Village Names 4.4.7 for JE 1.12
* Updated to Forge release 2847
* Added support for the undertaker villager from [Gravestone mod - Extended](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gravestone-mod-extended). Add `Undertaker|gravestone-extended:undertaker|4` to the **Mod Professions** entry, `gravestone-extended:undertaker` to the **Modded Villager Headwear Graylist** entry, and `gs_undertaker|gs_undertaker|gravestone-extended:undertaker` to the **Modded Villager Modular Skins** entry to access this skin—or you could delete and re-generate the config file to get the values.
* **Bugfix**: village path blocks that replace water were supposed to turn into planks, but this previously only worked for village roads and not for individual structures. This has been fixed.
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
* Added support for the undertaker villager from [Gravestone mod - Extended](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gravestone-mod-extended). Add `Undertaker|gravestone-extended:undertaker|4` to the **Mod Professions** entry, `gravestone-extended:undertaker` to the **Modded Villager Headwear Graylist** entry, and `gs_undertaker|gs_undertaker|gravestone-extended:undertaker` to the **Modded Villager Modular Skins** entry to access this skin—or you could delete and re-generate the config file to get the values.
* **Bugfix**: village path blocks that replace water were supposed to turn into planks, but this previously only worked for village roads and not for individual structures. This has been fixed.
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
版本: 4.4.7-1.12
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 416
Village Names 4.4.7 for JE 1.11
* Added support for the undertaker villager from [Gravestone mod - Extended](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gravestone-mod-extended). Add `Undertaker|gravestone-extended:undertaker|4` to the **Mod Professions** entry, `gravestone-extended:undertaker` to the **Modded Villager Headwear Graylist** entry, and `gs_undertaker|gs_undertaker|gravestone-extended:undertaker` to the **Modded Villager Modular Skins** entry to access this skin—or you could delete and re-generate the config file to get the values.
* **Bugfix**: village path blocks that replace water were supposed to turn into planks, but this previously only worked for village roads and not for individual structures. This has been fixed.
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
* **Bugfix**: village path blocks that replace water were supposed to turn into planks, but this previously only worked for village roads and not for individual structures. This has been fixed.
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
版本: 4.4.7-1.11
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 20
Village Names 4.4.7 for JE 1.10
* **Bugfix**: village path blocks that replace water were supposed to turn into planks, but this previously only worked for village roads and not for individual structures. This has been fixed.
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
版本: 4.4.7-1.10
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 22
Village Names 4.4.7 for JE 1.9
* **Bugfix**: village path blocks that replace water were supposed to turn into planks, but this previously only worked for village roads and not for individual structures. This has been fixed.
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
版本: 4.4.7-1.9
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 25
Village Names 4.4.7 for JE 1.8
* **Bugfix**: village path blocks that replace water were supposed to turn into planks, but this previously only worked for village roads and not for individual structures. This has been fixed.
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
版本: 4.4.7-1.8
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 53
Village Names 4.4.7 for JE 1.7
* Updated to Forge release 1614
* Added support for the Antique Atlas addon, [SignPosts](https://github.com/LegacyModdingMC/SignPosts/releases). If you're using both the Antique Atlas and SignPosts mods, then whenever a village spawns, it'll automatically generate a registered Sign-Post. This can be disabled with a new config option in the "mod integration" category.
* Added support for Et Futurum Requiem's bamboo. Add `etfuturum` to **Mod Priority: Bamboo** to access it.
* **Bugfix**: crash when a village tries to generate Et Futurum Requiem's blue glazed terracotta.
* Added support for the undertaker villager from [GraveStone Mod](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gravestone-mod-graves). Add `Undertaker|385|4` to the **Mod Professions** entry, `385` to the **Modded Villager Headwear Graylist** entry, and `gs_undertaker|gs_undertaker|385` to the **Modded Villager Modular Skins** entry to access this skin—or you could delete and re-generate the config file to get the values.
* **Bugfix**: village path blocks that replace water were supposed to turn into planks, but this previously only worked for village roads and not for individual structures. This has been fixed.
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Savanna Well rim now uses veritcal logs, so on the extreme off-chance that construction reverts to logs (as opposed to bark), they will be vertically oriented
* **Bugfix**: Breaking an Et Futurum or Gany's Surface banner now drops the banner as an object rather than vanishing
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
* Added support for the Antique Atlas addon, [SignPosts](https://github.com/LegacyModdingMC/SignPosts/releases). If you're using both the Antique Atlas and SignPosts mods, then whenever a village spawns, it'll automatically generate a registered Sign-Post. This can be disabled with a new config option in the "mod integration" category.
* Added support for Et Futurum Requiem's bamboo. Add `etfuturum` to **Mod Priority: Bamboo** to access it.
* **Bugfix**: crash when a village tries to generate Et Futurum Requiem's blue glazed terracotta.
* Added support for the undertaker villager from [GraveStone Mod](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gravestone-mod-graves). Add `Undertaker|385|4` to the **Mod Professions** entry, `385` to the **Modded Villager Headwear Graylist** entry, and `gs_undertaker|gs_undertaker|385` to the **Modded Villager Modular Skins** entry to access this skin—or you could delete and re-generate the config file to get the values.
* **Bugfix**: village path blocks that replace water were supposed to turn into planks, but this previously only worked for village roads and not for individual structures. This has been fixed.
* **Bugfix**: village building decor is constructed before the rest of the building, so things like lamps spawning on roofs or rocks cutting into buildings should no longer occur
* "Decor: Restrict Taiga Troughs" now defaults to `false`
* **Bugfix**: Blocks at the base of decor now defaults to grass instead of dirt
* **Bugfix**: Taiga Mason House was missing a block in its back wall
* **Bugfix**: Jungle Cartographer House 1 was missing a single glass pane in a window
* **Bugfix**: Added stairs to the entrance to Snowy Temple
* **Bugfix**: Multiple jungle and swamp buildings did not properly substitute their stripped logs with non-log blocks when generating in specific biomes, e.g. sandstone when in deserts. Buildings don't ordinarily spawn in these conditions unless explicitly allowed by the player (see Component Village Types config option), which is why this bug fell through for so long.
* Savanna Well rim now uses veritcal logs, so on the extreme off-chance that construction reverts to logs (as opposed to bark), they will be vertically oriented
* **Bugfix**: Breaking an Et Futurum or Gany's Surface banner now drops the banner as an object rather than vanishing
* Slightly updated the Dragon and Pet name syllable pools. Delete `config/VillageNames4/namepieces/dragon.cfg` and `/pet.cfg` if you want these updated values.
* Many config entries that have have long lists of values as their default entries will no longer print those entries in the config description text. This will prevent huge lists populating your configs, making it hard to see which are just part of the description and which are the actual active values. This update will not retroactively remove these huge lists from your config descriptions, so you will have to either manually remove them from the descriptions, or delete and repopulate the configs.
* Added clarification in the description of "Component Village Types": you can use the word "any" or "all" (no quotes) to allow a component to spawn in any village type.
* Added a null check to `EntityInteractHandler.onPlayerAttackEntity()` to hopefully prevent rare NPEs
* Infinite loop warning when generating villager trades was upgraded from "info" to "warn" log level
* About a quarter of village structure and construction code was redundant and was refactored/removed.
Special thanks to [KibaTheBarbarian](https://modrinth.com/user/KibaTheBarbarian) for playtesting this update
版本: 4.4.7-1.7
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 769
Village Names 4.4.6 for JE 1.12.2
* Added config options for disabling Lunarin blocks
* Added support for Rustic's barrels. Add `rustic` to "Mod Priority: Barrel" to access them.
* Added support for Rustic's barrels.
* **Bugfix:** Villages should no longer stack grass paths vertically when constructing roads
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* In cases where Snowy-style buildings are constructed with material other than snow, Blue Ice now swaps out into Stone Brick
* **Bugfix:** like with older versions, village signs will no longer spawn at town centers when using ToroQuest
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
* Added support for Rustic's barrels. Add `rustic` to "Mod Priority: Barrel" to access them.
* Added support for Rustic's barrels.
* **Bugfix:** Villages should no longer stack grass paths vertically when constructing roads
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* In cases where Snowy-style buildings are constructed with material other than snow, Blue Ice now swaps out into Stone Brick
* **Bugfix:** like with older versions, village signs will no longer spawn at town centers when using ToroQuest
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
版本: 4.4.6-1.12
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 814
Village Names 4.4.6 for JE 1.11.2
* Added config options for disabling Lunarin blocks
* Added support for Rustic's barrels.
* **Bugfix:** Villages should no longer stack grass paths vertically when constructing roads
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* **Bugfix:** like with older versions, village signs will no longer spawn at town centers when using ToroQuest
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
* Added support for Rustic's barrels.
* **Bugfix:** Villages should no longer stack grass paths vertically when constructing roads
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* **Bugfix:** like with older versions, village signs will no longer spawn at town centers when using ToroQuest
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
版本: 4.4.6-1.11
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 38
Village Names 4.4.6 for JE 1.10.2
* Added config options for disabling Lunarin blocks
* Added support for Rustic's barrels.
* **Bugfix:** Villages should no longer stack grass paths vertically when constructing roads
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* **Bugfix:** like with older versions, village signs will no longer spawn at town centers when using ToroQuest
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
* Added support for Rustic's barrels.
* **Bugfix:** Villages should no longer stack grass paths vertically when constructing roads
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* **Bugfix:** like with older versions, village signs will no longer spawn at town centers when using ToroQuest
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
版本: 4.4.6-1.10
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 47
Village Names 4.4.6 for JE 1.9.4
* Added config options for disabling Lunarin blocks
* **Bugfix:** Villages should no longer stack grass paths vertically when constructing roads
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
* **Bugfix:** Villages should no longer stack grass paths vertically when constructing roads
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
版本: 4.4.6-1.9
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 47
Village Names 4.4.6 for JE 1.8.9
* Added config options for disabling Lunarin blocks
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
版本: 4.4.6-1.8
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 111
Village Names 4.4.6 for JE 1.7.10
* Added config options for disabling Lunarin blocks, Prismarine blocks and items, and custom Sponges
* Added new mod option: "Mod Priority: Crafting Table" with support for the mod [Cement](https://modrinth.com/mod/cement)
* Added support for Cement's bookshelves. Add `cement` to "Mod Priority: Bookshelf" to access them.
* **Bugfix:** Villages should no longer stack grass paths vertically when constructing roads
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* In cases where Snowy-style buildings are constructed with material other than snow, Blue Ice now swaps out into Stone Brick
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
* Added new mod option: "Mod Priority: Crafting Table" with support for the mod [Cement](https://modrinth.com/mod/cement)
* Added support for Cement's bookshelves. Add `cement` to "Mod Priority: Bookshelf" to access them.
* **Bugfix:** Villages should no longer stack grass paths vertically when constructing roads
* "Snowy" type villages now require the "WASTELAND" tag in the biome. This matches the requirements for the "snow" material, ensuring that, unless you change the configs, Snowy villages should only use the Snow material, and vice-versa
* In cases where Snowy-style buildings are constructed with material other than snow, Blue Ice now swaps out into Stone Brick
* Slightly tweaked path algorithms to prevent a crash in very rare circumstances
* **Bugfix:** Mod banner should now display in the mod list
版本: 4.4.6-1.7
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 37,095
Village Names 4.4.5a for JE 1.7.10
* Bugfix: Swamp Statue should correctly integrate modded wall blocks
版本: 4.4.5a-1.7
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 5,151
Village Names 4.4.5
* **Bugfix:** PlainsAccessory1 (Plains Flower Planter) now sits on the ground, rather than floating in the air.
* Added entries and adjusted weights for the Pet syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.
* Added entries and adjusted weights for the Pet syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.
版本: 4.4.5-1.12
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 138
Village Names 4.4.5
* **Bugfix:** PlainsAccessory1 (Plains Flower Planter) now sits on the ground, rather than floating in the air.
* Added entries and adjusted weights for the Pet syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.
* Added entries and adjusted weights for the Pet syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.
版本: 4.4.5-1.11
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 37
Village Names 4.4.5
* **Bugfix:** PlainsAccessory1 (Plains Flower Planter) now sits on the ground, rather than floating in the air.
* Added entries and adjusted weights for the Pet syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.
* Added entries and adjusted weights for the Pet syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.
版本: 4.4.5-1.10
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 39
Village Names 4.4.5
* **Bugfix:** PlainsAccessory1 (Plains Flower Planter) now sits on the ground, rather than floating in the air.
* Added entries and adjusted weights for the Pet syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.
* Added entries and adjusted weights for the Pet syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.
版本: 4.4.5-1.9
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 35
Village Names 4.4.5
* **Bugfix:** PlainsAccessory1 (Plains Flower Planter) now sits on the ground, rather than floating in the air.
* Added entries and adjusted weights for the Pet syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.
* Added entries and adjusted weights for the Pet syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.
版本: 4.4.5-1.8
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 39
Village Names 4.4.5
* Added entries and adjusted weights for the Pet syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.
版本: 4.4.5-1.7
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 45
Village Names 4.4.4
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li>Added skin system support for <a href="https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mine-trading-cards-open-source-edition/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mine Trading Cards</a>'s villagers. Technically, the supported skins are in MTC version 3 and up, so please update to that version to avoid bugs. Add:<br /><code>Card Master|is_mtc:card_master|2</code> and <code>Card Trader|is_mtc:card_trader|0</code> to "Mod Professions"<br /><code>is_mtc:card_master</code> to "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist"<br /><code>mtc_cardmaster||is_mtc:card_master</code> and <code>mtc_cardtrader||is_mtc:card_trader</code> to "Modded Villager Modular Skins"</li>
<li>Added <a href="https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/special-mobs" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Special Mobs</a>'s Witches to the default "Automatic Names" config values. These values WILL NOT be added on to an already-generated config file. You can either delete that config entry (or the whole config file) to regenerate them, or add them yourself:<br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of Domination|fathertoast.specialmobs.entity.witch.EntityDominationWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of Shadows|fathertoast.specialmobs.entity.witch.EntityShadowsWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of the Wilds|fathertoast.specialmobs.entity.witch.EntityWildsWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of the Wind|fathertoast.specialmobs.entity.witch.EntityWindWitch|add</code></li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li>Added skin system support for <a href="https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mine-trading-cards-open-source-edition/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mine Trading Cards</a>'s villagers. Technically, the supported skins are in MTC version 3 and up, so please update to that version to avoid bugs. Add:<br /><code>Card Master|is_mtc:card_master|2</code> and <code>Card Trader|is_mtc:card_trader|0</code> to "Mod Professions"<br /><code>is_mtc:card_master</code> to "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist"<br /><code>mtc_cardmaster||is_mtc:card_master</code> and <code>mtc_cardtrader||is_mtc:card_trader</code> to "Modded Villager Modular Skins"</li>
<li>Added <a href="https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/special-mobs" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Special Mobs</a>'s Witches to the default "Automatic Names" config values. These values WILL NOT be added on to an already-generated config file. You can either delete that config entry (or the whole config file) to regenerate them, or add them yourself:<br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of Domination|fathertoast.specialmobs.entity.witch.EntityDominationWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of Shadows|fathertoast.specialmobs.entity.witch.EntityShadowsWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of the Wilds|fathertoast.specialmobs.entity.witch.EntityWildsWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of the Wind|fathertoast.specialmobs.entity.witch.EntityWindWitch|add</code></li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
版本: 4.4.4-1.12
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 52
Village Names 4.4.4
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
版本: 4.4.4-1.11
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 24
Village Names 4.4.4
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added support for Industrial Engineerings's Iron Nugget. Add <code>industrialengineering</code> to your "Mod Priority: Iron Nugget" config entry to access that version of the Iron Nugget.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added support for Industrial Engineerings's Iron Nugget. Add <code>industrialengineering</code> to your "Mod Priority: Iron Nugget" config entry to access that version of the Iron Nugget.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
版本: 4.4.4-1.10
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 30
Village Names 4.4.4
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
版本: 4.4.4-1.9
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 25
Village Names 4.4.4
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added support for Industrial Engineerings's Iron Nugget.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added support for Industrial Engineerings's Iron Nugget.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
版本: 4.4.4-1.8
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 29
Village Names 4.4.4
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added support for Industrial Engineerings's Iron Nugget. Add <code>industrialengineering</code> to your "Mod Priority: Iron Nugget" config entry to access that version of the Iron Nugget.</li>
<li>Added support for Et Futurum Requiem's colored beds. Add <code>etfuturum</code> to "Mod Priority: Bed" to access them.</li>
<li>Added support for Greg Tech's grass paths. Add <code>gregtech</code> to "Mod Priority: Grass Path" to access it.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Elder Guardians spawned using the spawn egg now have the intended 80 health instead of 30</li>
<li>Added skin system support for <a href="https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mine-trading-cards-open-source-edition/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mine Trading Cards</a>'s villagers. Technically, the supported skins are in MTC version 3 and up, so please update to that version to avoid bugs. Add:<br /><code>Card Master|7117|2</code> and <code>Card Trader|7118|0</code> to "Mod Professions"<br /><code>7117</code> to "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist"<br /><code>mtc_cardmaster||7117</code> and <code>mtc_cardtrader||7118</code> to "Modded Villager Modular Skins" </li>
<li>Added <a href="https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/special-mobs" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Special Mobs</a>'s Witches to the default "Automatic Names" config values. These values WILL NOT be added on to an already-generated config file. You can either delete that config entry (or the whole config file) to regenerate them, or add them yourself:<br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of Domination|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityDominationWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of Rage|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityRageWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of Shadows|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityShadowsWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of the Undead|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityUndeadWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of the Wilds|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityWildsWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of the Wind|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityWindWitch|add</code></li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
<li>Weapon Smith chests now use the vanilla Blacksmith chest loot. As it turns out, the weaponsmith's chest loot table was identical to old vanilla blacksmith chest. So, I've decided to delete that loot table This should add compatibility with other mods that add things to the old blacksmith chests.</li>
<li>Added support for Industrial Engineerings's Iron Nugget. Add <code>industrialengineering</code> to your "Mod Priority: Iron Nugget" config entry to access that version of the Iron Nugget.</li>
<li>Added support for Et Futurum Requiem's colored beds. Add <code>etfuturum</code> to "Mod Priority: Bed" to access them.</li>
<li>Added support for Greg Tech's grass paths. Add <code>gregtech</code> to "Mod Priority: Grass Path" to access it.</li>
<li>Added entries and adjusted weights for the Villager syllable pools. Delete the config file to re-generate it with the new default values.</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Elder Guardians spawned using the spawn egg now have the intended 80 health instead of 30</li>
<li>Added skin system support for <a href="https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mine-trading-cards-open-source-edition/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mine Trading Cards</a>'s villagers. Technically, the supported skins are in MTC version 3 and up, so please update to that version to avoid bugs. Add:<br /><code>Card Master|7117|2</code> and <code>Card Trader|7118|0</code> to "Mod Professions"<br /><code>7117</code> to "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist"<br /><code>mtc_cardmaster||7117</code> and <code>mtc_cardtrader||7118</code> to "Modded Villager Modular Skins" </li>
<li>Added <a href="https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/special-mobs" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Special Mobs</a>'s Witches to the default "Automatic Names" config values. These values WILL NOT be added on to an already-generated config file. You can either delete that config entry (or the whole config file) to regenerate them, or add them yourself:<br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of Domination|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityDominationWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of Rage|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityRageWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of Shadows|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityShadowsWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of the Undead|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityUndeadWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of the Wilds|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityWildsWitch|add</code><br /><code>villager-goblin|Witch of the Wind|toast.specialMobs.entity.witch.EntityWindWitch|add</code></li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Farmer villagers won't spawn inside compost bins in Plains-style farms</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Descriptions for some village components accidentally referred to spawning in the wrong village type. The actual code worked correctly, though.</li>
版本: 4.4.4-1.7
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 134
Village Names 4.4.3
* Added the stablehand villager from ChocoCraft Plus to the Mod Professions config entry. Add `Stablehand|chococraftplus:stablehand|0` to that entry, or you could delete and re-generate the config file to get the value.
* Added extra path blocks around the Plains Well so that roads connect more cleanly
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
* Added extra path blocks around the Plains Well so that roads connect more cleanly
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
版本: 4.4.3-1.12.2
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 79
Village Names 4.4.3
* Added extra path blocks around the Plains Well so that roads connect more cleanly
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
版本: 4.4.3-1.11.2
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 23
Village Names 4.4.3
* **Bugfix:** Console spam rendering zombie villagers
* **Bugfix:** Husks now render properly again
* Due to a limitation in Forge, profession outfits will not render for non-vanilla zombie villagers. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
* Added extra path blocks around the Plains Well so that roads connect more cleanly
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
* **Bugfix:** Husks now render properly again
* Due to a limitation in Forge, profession outfits will not render for non-vanilla zombie villagers. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
* Added extra path blocks around the Plains Well so that roads connect more cleanly
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
版本: 4.4.3-1.10.2
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 21
Village Names 4.4.3
* Due to a limitation in Forge, profession outfits will not render for non-vanilla zombie villagers. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
* Added extra path blocks around the Plains Well so that roads connect more cleanly
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
* Added extra path blocks around the Plains Well so that roads connect more cleanly
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
版本: 4.4.3-1.9.4
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 22
Village Names 4.4.3
* Added extra path blocks around the Plains Well so that roads connect more cleanly
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
版本: 4.4.3-1.8.9
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 153
Village Names 4.4.3
* **Bugfix:** Guardians can now drop Prismarine Crystals. This was the main reason I decided to backport the Guardian in the first place—sorry!
* **Bugfix:** Guardians now drop Prismarine Shards and Crystals instead of Manasteel Ingots when [Botania](https://modrinth.com/mod/botania) is your priority Prismarine source
* Added extra path blocks around the Plains Well so that roads connect more cleanly
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
* **Bugfix:** Guardians now drop Prismarine Shards and Crystals instead of Manasteel Ingots when [Botania](https://modrinth.com/mod/botania) is your priority Prismarine source
* Added extra path blocks around the Plains Well so that roads connect more cleanly
* Project URL (pops up when there is an update) now links to this modrinth project page
版本: 4.4.3-1.7.10
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 1,733
Village Names
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
版本: 4.4.2-1.12.2
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 104
Village Names
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
版本: 4.4.2-1.11.2
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 30
Village Names
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
版本: 4.4.2-1.10.2
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 29
Village Names
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
版本: 4.4.2-1.9.4
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 28
Village Names
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
版本: 4.4.2-1.8.9
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 23
Village Names
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
<li><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Bugfix:</strong></span> Villages can now spawn in the north-northeast and south-southwest octants of the map</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 10px;"><em>What a horrible night to have a curse...</em></span></li>
版本: 4.4.2-1.7.10
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 783
Village Names
<li><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Hotfix:</strong></span> crash when zombie villager tries to render with the new skin system</li>
<li>What a horrible night to have a curse...</li>
<li><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Hotfix:</strong></span> crash when zombie villager tries to render with the new skin system</li>
<li>What a horrible night to have a curse...</li>
版本: 4.4.1b-1.7.10
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 29
Village Names
* **Hotfix:** crash when modded villagers have some extra operations with their trades that would cause a conflict with VN's
版本: 4.4.1a-1.12.2
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 44
Village Names
* **Hotfix:** crash when modded villagers have some extra operations with their trades that would cause a conflict with VN's
版本: 4.4.1a-1.11.2
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 27
Village Names
* **Hotfix:** crash when modded villagers have some extra operations with their trades that would cause a conflict with VN's
版本: 4.4.1a-1.10.2
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 24
Village Names
* **Hotfix:** crash when modded villagers have some extra operations with their trades that would cause a conflict with VN's
版本: 4.4.1a-1.9.4
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 27
Village Names
* Added [Immersive Engineering](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-engineering)'s villagers to modular villager skins. Add
to your "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist",
to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins", and
to your "Mod Professions" config entries to access them.
* Fixed lots of default values in the "Mod Professions" config entries. The easiest way to get these values is to delete this config entry and let it re-generate.
* Entries in the "Mod Professions," "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist," and "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entries now support an OPTIONAL additional pipe-separated integer at the end.
When present, this integer represents the career subtype of the villager's profession, useful for those rare times where a mod differentiates villager careers but which use the same Profession ID. If not present, all villagers using that profession ID will reference that entry. If present, only villagers with that specific career ID will reference that entry.
Examples of this are:
ie_engineer||immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Modular Skins")
immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist")
Engineer|immersiveengineering:engineer|3|1 (in "Mod Professions")
Here, these entries only take effect when an Engineer villager from Immersive Engineering has a career value of 1. Other IE subtypes will not respect these values unless their career values have their own entries.
* Bugfix: hint pages can now be properly generated by modded villagers as per the "Mod Professions" config entry
* Bugfix: zombie profession layers should work properly now
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
to your "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist",
to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins", and
to your "Mod Professions" config entries to access them.
* Fixed lots of default values in the "Mod Professions" config entries. The easiest way to get these values is to delete this config entry and let it re-generate.
* Entries in the "Mod Professions," "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist," and "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entries now support an OPTIONAL additional pipe-separated integer at the end.
When present, this integer represents the career subtype of the villager's profession, useful for those rare times where a mod differentiates villager careers but which use the same Profession ID. If not present, all villagers using that profession ID will reference that entry. If present, only villagers with that specific career ID will reference that entry.
Examples of this are:
ie_engineer||immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Modular Skins")
immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist")
Engineer|immersiveengineering:engineer|3|1 (in "Mod Professions")
Here, these entries only take effect when an Engineer villager from Immersive Engineering has a career value of 1. Other IE subtypes will not respect these values unless their career values have their own entries.
* Bugfix: hint pages can now be properly generated by modded villagers as per the "Mod Professions" config entry
* Bugfix: zombie profession layers should work properly now
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
版本: 4.4.1-1.12.2
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 29
Village Names
* Added [Immersive Engineering](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-engineering)'s villagers to modular villager skins. Add
to your "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist",
to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins", and
to your "Mod Professions" config entries to access them.
* Fixed lots of default values in the "Mod Professions" config entries. The easiest way to get these values is to delete this config entry and let it re-generate.
* Entries in the "Mod Professions," "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist," and "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entries now support an OPTIONAL additional pipe-separated integer at the end.
When present, this integer represents the career subtype of the villager's profession, useful for those rare times where a mod differentiates villager careers but which use the same Profession ID. If not present, all villagers using that profession ID will reference that entry. If present, only villagers with that specific career ID will reference that entry.
Examples of this are:
ie_engineer||immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Modular Skins")
immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist")
Engineer|immersiveengineering:engineer|3|1 (in "Mod Professions")
Here, these entries only take effect when an Engineer villager from Immersive Engineering has a career value of 1. Other IE subtypes will not respect these values unless their career values have their own entries.
* Bugfix: hint pages can now be properly generated by modded villagers as per the "Mod Professions" config entry
* Bugfix: zombie profession layers should work properly now
* Removed log printout when interacting with a golem
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
to your "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist",
to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins", and
to your "Mod Professions" config entries to access them.
* Fixed lots of default values in the "Mod Professions" config entries. The easiest way to get these values is to delete this config entry and let it re-generate.
* Entries in the "Mod Professions," "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist," and "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entries now support an OPTIONAL additional pipe-separated integer at the end.
When present, this integer represents the career subtype of the villager's profession, useful for those rare times where a mod differentiates villager careers but which use the same Profession ID. If not present, all villagers using that profession ID will reference that entry. If present, only villagers with that specific career ID will reference that entry.
Examples of this are:
ie_engineer||immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Modular Skins")
immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist")
Engineer|immersiveengineering:engineer|3|1 (in "Mod Professions")
Here, these entries only take effect when an Engineer villager from Immersive Engineering has a career value of 1. Other IE subtypes will not respect these values unless their career values have their own entries.
* Bugfix: hint pages can now be properly generated by modded villagers as per the "Mod Professions" config entry
* Bugfix: zombie profession layers should work properly now
* Removed log printout when interacting with a golem
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
版本: 4.4.1-1.11.2
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 21
Village Names
* Added [Immersive Engineering](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-engineering)'s villagers to modular villager skins. Add
to your "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist",
to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins", and
to your "Mod Professions" config entries to access them.
* Fixed lots of default values in the "Mod Professions" config entries. The easiest way to get these values is to delete this config entry and let it re-generate.
* Entries in the "Mod Professions," "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist," and "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entries now support an OPTIONAL additional pipe-separated integer at the end.
When present, this integer represents the career subtype of the villager's profession, useful for those rare times where a mod differentiates villager careers but which use the same Profession ID. If not present, all villagers using that profession ID will reference that entry. If present, only villagers with that specific career ID will reference that entry.
Examples of this are:
ie_engineer||immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Modular Skins")
immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist")
Engineer|immersiveengineering:engineer|3|1 (in "Mod Professions")
Here, these entries only take effect when an Engineer villager from Immersive Engineering has a career value of 1. Other IE subtypes will not respect these values unless their career values have their own entries.
* Bugfix: hint pages can now be properly generated by modded villagers as per the "Mod Professions" config entry
* Bugfix: zombie profession layers should work properly now
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
to your "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist",
to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins", and
to your "Mod Professions" config entries to access them.
* Fixed lots of default values in the "Mod Professions" config entries. The easiest way to get these values is to delete this config entry and let it re-generate.
* Entries in the "Mod Professions," "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist," and "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entries now support an OPTIONAL additional pipe-separated integer at the end.
When present, this integer represents the career subtype of the villager's profession, useful for those rare times where a mod differentiates villager careers but which use the same Profession ID. If not present, all villagers using that profession ID will reference that entry. If present, only villagers with that specific career ID will reference that entry.
Examples of this are:
ie_engineer||immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Modular Skins")
immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist")
Engineer|immersiveengineering:engineer|3|1 (in "Mod Professions")
Here, these entries only take effect when an Engineer villager from Immersive Engineering has a career value of 1. Other IE subtypes will not respect these values unless their career values have their own entries.
* Bugfix: hint pages can now be properly generated by modded villagers as per the "Mod Professions" config entry
* Bugfix: zombie profession layers should work properly now
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
版本: 4.4.1-1.10.2
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 26
Village Names
* Added [Immersive Engineering](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-engineering)'s villagers to modular villager skins. Add
to your "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist",
to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins", and
to your "Mod Professions" config entries to access them.
* Fixed lots of default values in the "Mod Professions" config entries. The easiest way to get these values is to delete this config entry and let it re-generate.
* Entries in the "Mod Professions," "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist," and "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entries now support an OPTIONAL additional pipe-separated integer at the end.
When present, this integer represents the career subtype of the villager's profession, useful for those rare times where a mod differentiates villager careers but which use the same Profession ID. If not present, all villagers using that profession ID will reference that entry. If present, only villagers with that specific career ID will reference that entry.
Examples of this are:
ie_engineer||immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Modular Skins")
immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist")
Engineer|immersiveengineering:engineer|3|1 (in "Mod Professions")
Here, these entries only take effect when an Engineer villager from Immersive Engineering has a career value of 1. Other IE subtypes will not respect these values unless their career values have their own entries.
* Bugfix: hint pages can now be properly generated by modded villagers as per the "Mod Professions" config entry
* Bugfix: zombie profession layers should work properly now
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
to your "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist",
to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins", and
to your "Mod Professions" config entries to access them.
* Fixed lots of default values in the "Mod Professions" config entries. The easiest way to get these values is to delete this config entry and let it re-generate.
* Entries in the "Mod Professions," "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist," and "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entries now support an OPTIONAL additional pipe-separated integer at the end.
When present, this integer represents the career subtype of the villager's profession, useful for those rare times where a mod differentiates villager careers but which use the same Profession ID. If not present, all villagers using that profession ID will reference that entry. If present, only villagers with that specific career ID will reference that entry.
Examples of this are:
ie_engineer||immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Modular Skins")
immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist")
Engineer|immersiveengineering:engineer|3|1 (in "Mod Professions")
Here, these entries only take effect when an Engineer villager from Immersive Engineering has a career value of 1. Other IE subtypes will not respect these values unless their career values have their own entries.
* Bugfix: hint pages can now be properly generated by modded villagers as per the "Mod Professions" config entry
* Bugfix: zombie profession layers should work properly now
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
版本: 4.4.1-1.9.4
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 25
Village Names
* Entries in the "Mod Professions," "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist," and "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entries now support an OPTIONAL additional pipe-separated integer at the end.
When present, this integer represents the career subtype of the villager's profession, useful for those rare times where a mod differentiates villager careers but which use the same Profession ID. If not present, all villagers using that profession ID will reference that entry. If present, only villagers with that specific career ID will reference that entry.
Examples of this are:
ie_engineer||immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Modular Skins")
immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist")
Engineer|immersiveengineering:engineer|3|1 (in "Mod Professions")
Here, these entries only take effect when an Engineer villager from Immersive Engineering has a career value of 1. Other IE subtypes will not respect these values unless their career values have their own entries.
* Bugfix: zombie profession layers should work properly now
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
When present, this integer represents the career subtype of the villager's profession, useful for those rare times where a mod differentiates villager careers but which use the same Profession ID. If not present, all villagers using that profession ID will reference that entry. If present, only villagers with that specific career ID will reference that entry.
Examples of this are:
ie_engineer||immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Modular Skins")
immersiveengineering:engineer|1 (in "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist")
Engineer|immersiveengineering:engineer|3|1 (in "Mod Professions")
Here, these entries only take effect when an Engineer villager from Immersive Engineering has a career value of 1. Other IE subtypes will not respect these values unless their career values have their own entries.
* Bugfix: zombie profession layers should work properly now
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
版本: 4.4.1-1.8.9
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 23
Village Names
* Added [Immersive Engineering](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-engineering)'s villagers to modular villager skins. Add `512` to your "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist", `ie_engineer||512` to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins", and `Engineer|512|0` to your "Mod Professions" config entries to access it.
* Added Enchanting Plus v4's Enchanter to modular villager skins, if you should be lucky enough to have a copy. Add `ep_enchanter||935153` to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" and `935153` to your "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist" config entries to access it.
* Added support for the Smithing Table from [Netherite+](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/netheriteplus) and [Smithing In The "90'S"](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/smithing-in-the-90s). Add `netheriteplus` and/or `smithinginthe90s` to your "Mod Priority: Smithing Table" to use them, if they're not there already.
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
* Added Enchanting Plus v4's Enchanter to modular villager skins, if you should be lucky enough to have a copy. Add `ep_enchanter||935153` to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" and `935153` to your "Modded Villager Headwear Graylist" config entries to access it.
* Added support for the Smithing Table from [Netherite+](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/netheriteplus) and [Smithing In The "90'S"](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/smithing-in-the-90s). Add `netheriteplus` and/or `smithinginthe90s` to your "Mod Priority: Smithing Table" to use them, if they're not there already.
* Refactored villager/zombie skin renderer for better performance
* Mod Villager skins no longer default to Nitwit if none is found
版本: 4.4.1-1.7.10
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 58
Village Names
* Bugfix: if "Entity names" is false, entities on your "Automatic Names" and "Clickable Names" lists should no longer receive names when right-clicked
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
版本: 4.4.0-1.7.10
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 503
Village Names
* Bugfix: if "Entity names" is false, entities on your "Automatic Names" and "Clickable Names" lists should no longer receive names when right-clicked
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
版本: 4.4.0-1.8.9
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 19
Village Names
* Bugfix: if "Entity names" is false, entities on your "Automatic Names" and "Clickable Names" lists should no longer receive names when right-clicked
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
版本: 4.4.0-1.9.4
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 23
Village Names
* Bugfix: if "Entity names" is false, entities on your "Automatic Names" and "Clickable Names" lists should no longer receive names when right-clicked
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
版本: 4.4.0-1.10.2
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 28
Village Names
* Bugfix: if "Entity names" is false, entities on your "Automatic Names" and "Clickable Names" lists should no longer receive names when right-clicked
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
版本: 4.4.0-1.11.2
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 27
Village Names
* Bugfix: if "Entity names" is false, entities on your "Automatic Names" and "Clickable Names" lists should no longer receive names when right-clicked
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
* Added a new name generation feature: now each syllable pool config has a "Terminal Blank Counts" entry. When default values are used, this ensures that one-syllable names rarely end in a vowel sound, so you don't often get villager names like "Se."
"Terminal Blank Counts" is a list of integers that essentially represents how many names end in an empty ^ character for each length of name (in syllables), rather than having the same chances for all lengths of name. In other words, it's a weighting for how many names of a certain length end in a vowel-like sound. The name generator now uses these alongside "Syllable Count Weighting" to determine not only how long names should be, but how often they end on a vowel-like sound.
If you edited "Syllable Count Weighting", you should modify "Terminal Blank Counts" as well, as each row should be equal to or less than the value in the same row of "Syllable Count Weighting" (i.e. there aren't more names that end on a vowel sound than there are names).
* Changed the Village syllable pool and weightings. The easiest way to get the new defaults is to delete the config/VillageNames4/namepieces/village.cfg file to regenerate them.
* Bugfix: Prefix and suffix chances now properly count the number of Root: Initial entries in your actual config file, rather than referencing the default value. This won't be significant if you never changed from the defaults.
* Bugfix: if your "Root: Terminal" config entry is empty (which it should never be), the name generator will substitute in the proper blank character: ^
* Redesigned syllable config code for efficiency
* The syllable pool for Twilight Forest's Questing Ram has been changed from angel-goblin to angel-golem-goblin. Update this value in your configs if this is not your first time generating them.
* (1.7, 1.8) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pcmechanic||125 to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.12) Added PneumaticCraft's Mechanic to modular villager skins. Add pc_mechanic||pneumaticcraft:mechanic to your "Modded Villager Modular Skins" config entry to access it.
* (1.7) Added support for replacing Et Futurum: Requiem's Mud blocks (not yet implemented) with planks when generating village paths
版本: 4.4.0-1.12.2
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 27
Village Names
* Villages now lay wooden paths over Biomes o' Plenty Quicksand
* Village cobblestone paths crossing lava now have regularly-spaced cobblestone supports, similar to how wood paths across water have log supports
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
* Village cobblestone paths crossing lava now have regularly-spaced cobblestone supports, similar to how wood paths across water have log supports
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
版本: 4.3.12-1.12.2
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 965
Village Names
* Villages now lay wooden paths over Biomes o' Plenty Quicksand
* Village cobblestone paths crossing lava now have regularly-spaced cobblestone supports, similar to how wood paths across water have log supports
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
* Village cobblestone paths crossing lava now have regularly-spaced cobblestone supports, similar to how wood paths across water have log supports
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
版本: 4.3.12-1.11.2
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 27
Village Names
* Villages now lay wooden paths over Biomes o' Plenty Quicksand
* Village cobblestone paths crossing lava now have regularly-spaced cobblestone supports, similar to how wood paths across water have log supports
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
* Village cobblestone paths crossing lava now have regularly-spaced cobblestone supports, similar to how wood paths across water have log supports
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
版本: 4.3.12-1.10.2
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 34
Village Names
* Villages now lay wooden paths over Biomes o' Plenty Quicksand
* Village cobblestone paths crossing lava now have regularly-spaced cobblestone supports, similar to how wood paths across water have log supports
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
* Village cobblestone paths crossing lava now have regularly-spaced cobblestone supports, similar to how wood paths across water have log supports
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
版本: 4.3.12-1.9.4
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 19
Village Names
* Village cobblestone paths crossing lava now have regularly-spaced cobblestone supports, similar to how wood paths across water have log supports
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
版本: 4.3.12-1.8.9
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 34
Village Names
* **Bugfix:** wooden village paths should now be placed onto Biomes o' Plenty Mud and Quicksand blocks
* Village cobblestone paths crossing lava now have regularly-spaced cobblestone supports, similar to how wood paths across water have log supports
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
* Added support for fence gates from ManaMetal. Add manametal to "Mod Priority: Fence Gate" to use this, if it's not there already.
* Witchery's Lord of Torment is no longer registered for automatic naming by default. This is because technically the second phase of combat spawns a new Lord of Torment with a different name. I recommend removing it from your configs if it's there.
* Village cobblestone paths crossing lava now have regularly-spaced cobblestone supports, similar to how wood paths across water have log supports
* Very slightly adjusted name syllable pools for Villager, Pet, Angel, Demon, Dragon, and Goblin. Delete the config files to re-generate them with the new values.
* Added support for fence gates from ManaMetal. Add manametal to "Mod Priority: Fence Gate" to use this, if it's not there already.
* Witchery's Lord of Torment is no longer registered for automatic naming by default. This is because technically the second phase of combat spawns a new Lord of Torment with a different name. I recommend removing it from your configs if it's there.
版本: 4.3.12-1.7.10
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 40
Village Names
* **Bugfix:** server-side **NoSuchMethodError** crash when generating a village. There are a lot of methods I could have chosen to use for my purposes, and apparently I picked the only one that was exclusively client side.
* Forge version updated to ****
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* FutureMC Lanters in villages should be the correct state (hanging vs sitting) as per FMC version 0.2.7
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path (or equivalent if not available) instead of ignoring them
* In Biomes o' Plenty villages, Loamy Grass will be replaced with Loamy Grass Path
* Forge version updated to ****
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* FutureMC Lanters in villages should be the correct state (hanging vs sitting) as per FMC version 0.2.7
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path (or equivalent if not available) instead of ignoring them
* In Biomes o' Plenty villages, Loamy Grass will be replaced with Loamy Grass Path
版本: 4.3.11-1.12.2
支持游戏: 1.12.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 101
Village Names
* **Bugfix:** server-side **NoSuchMethodError** crash when generating a village. There are a lot of methods I could have chosen to use for my purposes, and apparently I picked the only one that was exclusively client side.
* Forge version updated to ****
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* FutureMC Lanters in villages should be the correct state (hanging vs sitting) as per FMC version 0.2.7
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path (or equivalent if not available) instead of ignoring them
* In Biomes o' Plenty villages, Loamy Grass will be replaced with Loamy Grass Path
* Forge version updated to ****
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* FutureMC Lanters in villages should be the correct state (hanging vs sitting) as per FMC version 0.2.7
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path (or equivalent if not available) instead of ignoring them
* In Biomes o' Plenty villages, Loamy Grass will be replaced with Loamy Grass Path
版本: 4.3.11-1.11.2
支持游戏: 1.11.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 16
Village Names
* **Bugfix:** server-side **NoSuchMethodError** crash when generating a village. There are a lot of methods I could have chosen to use for my purposes, and apparently I picked the only one that was exclusively client side.
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path instead of ignoring them
* In Biomes o' Plenty villages, Loamy Grass will be replaced with Loamy Grass Path
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path instead of ignoring them
* In Biomes o' Plenty villages, Loamy Grass will be replaced with Loamy Grass Path
版本: 4.3.11-1.10.2
支持游戏: 1.10.2
类型: Forge
下载次数: 19
Village Names
* **Bugfix:** server-side NoSuchMethodError crash when generating a village. There are a lot of methods I could have chosen to use for my purposes, and apparently I picked the only one that was exclusively client side.
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path instead of ignoring them
* In Biomes o' Plenty villages, Loamy Grass will be replaced with Loamy Grass Path
* Added support for Thaumcraft's Iron Nugget. Add **thaumcraft** to your "Mod Priority: Iron Nugget" config entry to access that version of the Iron Nugget.
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path instead of ignoring them
* In Biomes o' Plenty villages, Loamy Grass will be replaced with Loamy Grass Path
* Added support for Thaumcraft's Iron Nugget. Add **thaumcraft** to your "Mod Priority: Iron Nugget" config entry to access that version of the Iron Nugget.
版本: 4.3.11-1.9.4
支持游戏: 1.9.4
类型: Forge
下载次数: 19
Village Names
* **Bugfix:** server-side **NoSuchMethodError** crash when generating a village. There are a lot of methods I could have chosen to use for my purposes, and apparently I picked the only one that was exclusively client side.
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path instead of ignoring them
* In Biomes o' Plenty villages, Loamy Grass will be replaced with Loamy Grass Path
* Forge methods have changed, so I was forced to remove some compatibility with modded zombie villager skins
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path instead of ignoring them
* In Biomes o' Plenty villages, Loamy Grass will be replaced with Loamy Grass Path
* Forge methods have changed, so I was forced to remove some compatibility with modded zombie villager skins
版本: 4.3.11-1.8.9
支持游戏: 1.8.9
类型: Forge
下载次数: 16
Village Names
* **Bugfix:** server-side **NoSuchMethodError** crash when generating a village. There are a lot of methods I could have chosen to use for my purposes, and apparently I picked the only one that was exclusively client side.
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path (or equivalent if not available) instead of ignoring them
* Added support for Thaumcraft's Iron Nugget.
* Bugfix: "Error evaluating mod profession ID. Check your formatting!" printing to console when you right-click a modded villager
* Added tooltip to the Codex that describes what it does
* Added "JungleEdge", "Desert M", "Jungle Edge", "Birch Forest M", "Flower Island", "Tropical Island" to the default biomes list
* Villages will now replace modded grass blocks with grass path (or equivalent if not available) instead of ignoring them
* Added support for Thaumcraft's Iron Nugget.
* Bugfix: "Error evaluating mod profession ID. Check your formatting!" printing to console when you right-click a modded villager
版本: 4.3.11-1.7.10
支持游戏: 1.7.10
类型: Forge
下载次数: 25