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    Well well well...

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    Well well well...

    Adds highly configurable and colorable wells for pumping all sorts of liquids!

    # Need some water?

    ![well]( 链接)

    **Well** adds **16** color variants of a block to your game, the **Well**. It comes with all the perks you would expect from a well mod, including:

    - A refillable source of water
    - Can passively pump up to 100.000 Mb of water (100 buckets)
    - By default, it generates 1000mb every 160 to 200 ticks (very fast, I recommend toning it down)
    - It is rotatable along the Y axis (point the roof in the direction you want)
    - The roof can be dyed any of the sixteen vanilla colors
    - Plays a subtle cranking sound when retrieving fluids (configurable)

    - A highly customizable config, that allows you to set what biomes produce what fluids (all set to water by default), how much fluid is produced, and how often.
    - Available localization to Spanish.

    *(All amounts listed above can be modified through this mod's config)

    ![well_bar]( 链接)

    _Surely you won't complain about a lack of wellpower now_

    *Only 1.12.2 support is planned right now*.

    Assets, logo, and idea by [Foreck]( 链接)

    Code by [Jbredwards]( 链接)


    Well well well...Well well well...Well well well...


    版本: 1.0.1
    支持游戏: 1.12.2
    类型: Forge
    下载次数: 696
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