## 免责声明
# 功能(截至2.3)
- 添加了柏树湿地生物群系
- 添加了混合森林生物群系
- 添加了水母洞穴生物群系
- 添加了绿洲生物群系
- 添加了温暖河流生物群系
- 添加了温暖沙滩生物群系
- 添加了干旱森林生物群系
- 添加了干旱热带草原生物群系
- 添加了干旱森林弥散生物群系
- 添加了桦树丛林生物群系
... 多项相似功能的叠加。
## 世界生成
### 柏树湿地
- 青蛙、猪、鸡、牛、兔子和鳕鱼会在这个生物群系中自然生成。
- 在夜晚,萤火虫会在这个生物群系中生成,白天则会消失。
- 湿地绿地覆盖着藻类和香蒲,普通的黏土、砾石和沙子发生变化,变得更加美观动人。
#### 柏树
- 柏树带来了全新的柏树木材,甚至包括全新的船只!
- 这些树高大茂盛,有些被藤蔓覆盖,有些挺拔高耸,有些弯曲。
### 水母洞穴
- 充满浅水池塘。
- 有两种珍珠般的水母。
- Nematocyst和Mesoglea覆盖了这个生物群系的地面和天花板。
- 含有许多Mesoglea路径和柱子,鼓励探索新的洞穴和水下采矿。
- 这里还可以找到方解石。
### 绿洲
- 棕榈树、灌木、甘蔗、草丛、苔藓和水池自然生成在绿洲内。
- 这里的水比典型的沙漠要明亮得多。
- 沙漠村庄、沙漠寺庙和沙漠井也会在这里生成。
### 温暖河流
- 河底上布满了海草。
### 温暖沙滩
- 棕榈和苔藓地毯经常在这里生成,周围的水中也会生长海草。
### 雨林
- 森林的一个新变种。
- 包含许多鲜花、灌木、苔藓、苔藓盆、苔藓湖和盛满藤蔓的树木。
### 原始黑森林
- 高大的树木构成了黑森林的独特景象。
- 含有覆盖蘑菇的泥土路径。
- 一些树上可能长满了蜘蛛网。
### 老成长的雪松针叶林
- 取代了在寒冷气候下非雪覆盖的针叶林。
- 高大的松树和雪!
### 温带雨林
- 针叶、橡树和桦树生长,龙葡萄盘栽。
- 含有覆盖蘑菇的泥土路径。
- 生成有苔藓湖、泥盆、灌木。
### 过渡生物群系
- 这些有助于减少和清理生物群系之间的急剧边界。
### 混合森林
- 像针叶林一样,混合森林中布满了粗糙泥土的路径。
## 方块
### 藻类
- 可以从藻类中偶然产生史莱姆,让玩家更容易收集史莱姆球。
- 可以通过丝网镐或修剪工具获得。
### 椰子
- 可以用弹射物敲打下来。
- 成熟后会掉落椰子。
- 可以种植,放置棕榈树幼苗。
- 可以被投掷,对实体造成伤害。
- 掉地后,可能会分裂成两个。
- 可用于燃料。
### 灌木
- 一种生活的装饰性植物。
- 可以长成比自己略高一些的植物,给玩家更多的装饰选项。
- 可以用修剪工具修剪,减少其生长阶段。
- 完全长成后,将掉落另一个灌木物品。
### 栩栩如生的灯笼
- 可以容纳最多一个物品,或者四只萤火虫。
- 每个放在里面的萤火虫都会发出一点光,里面发光的方块会散发出预期的光。
- 可以用来时尚地展示物品和萤火虫。
### 回声玻璃
- 可以用一个回声碎片和两个有色玻璃合成。
- 遮蔽震动。
- 能够阻挡守卫的声波,但会开裂。
- 回声玻璃非常耐损,可以裂开三次后最终被破坏。
- 破碎后的玻璃会以完全裂开的状态掉落。
- 回声玻璃在黑暗中会愈合,但在光下会开裂。
### 雪绒花
- 这些花可以用修剪工具剪下,让植物本身长出更多的花。
- 剪下的花朵可以像花粉、Sculk静脉和发光地衣一样放置,可以装饰墙壁、天花板和地板。
- 可以用骨粉种植。
### 悬垂的藤蔓
- 可以容纳Sculk能量,当右键点击时释放出XP。
### 中软半透骨灰石
- 在水浸状态下,所有生物都可以穿过它。
- 某些生物,如水母,将无法穿过这个方块的底部或侧面,除非它们是乘客或被拴住。
- 这是由一个标签控制的,默认值只包含水母。
- 让水母随意穿过Mesoglea的方法是绕着它周围放水。
- 7光亮度。
- 可以用四个同样颜色的Nematocyst合成。
### 腺体囊
- 可以放在方块的所有面上并发光。
- 可以合成成Mesoglea。
- 由水母掉落,具有相应颜色。
### 硬骨骸
- 可生长成柱状。
- 从天花板生长出来时,可能生成像脊柱一样的分支。
- 这些脊柱有小概率生成悬挂的藤蔓。
### 棕榈冠
### 花粉
- 花粉放置在地面上后,会慢慢在周围产生黄色悬浮颗粒。
- 只能用剪刀获得。
### 带刺的梨
疼。那很疼。 救命。 我吃了它。 为什么。
- 刺梨在荒漠生物群系中生成,改变了它们单调的颜色。
- 成熟的刺梨可以从植物上摘下来。这样做会伤害玩家,除非使用修剪工具。
### 缝合的蒲公英
- 任何站在上面的实体都会导致更多的蒲公英种子产生。
### 菇类菌
- 可以堆叠,堆叠可以同颜色的蘑菇一样。
- 可以修剪和骨粉。
### 石制箱子
- 可以用深层板岩和深层板岩半砖合成,形状类似船,顶部有三块深板岩半砖。
- 漏斗既无法拉出物品,也无法插入物品。
- 石制箱子的沉重盖子必须小心提起。一旦提得够高,你只有短短的时间让盖子倾斜并关闭。
- 如果石制箱子被打破,所有的战利品都会粉碎和崩溃。请注意,这仅适用于由战利品表生成的战利品;通过玩家放置到石制箱子中的物品不会丢失。
### 白蚁
- 白天时,许多白蚁都会活跃并觅食。然而,一到晚上,它们就会躲到自己的窝里。
- 在白蚁窝附近放置光源会让白蚁整夜都活动。
- 如果白蚁在一段时间内不能进食,它会回到自己的窝里。
- 白蚁会啃食大多数天然原木和木材方块,以及树叶。
- 自然生成的白蚁只会去除和空心化原木。如果玩家放置白蚁窝,白蚁将去除原木、空心化后再破坏原木。
- 白蚁可以被红石线、绞索、胆蓝色和虚空废渣杀死。
- 通过在旁边放置这些危险方块,可以关闭白蚁窝,防止更多的白蚁产生。
- 不能吃掉玩家放置的方块。
### 风滚草茎
- 能长大。
- 风滚草可以用修剪工具剪掉。
### 风滚草
- 一旦放置,就可以用修剪工具剪掉,并用修剪工具变成实体。
### 其他方块变动...
## 生物
### 螃蟹
- 如果螃蟹附近没有玩家并且已经有一段时间没有被打扰,螃蟹会埋在地里。
- 如果玩家靠近或者发生了大量振动,螃蟹就会重新出现在外面。
- 被攻击时,螃蟹会向袭击者奔跑,并召唤周围的所有螃蟹,即使那些正在埋伏的也会被唤醒。
- 幼年螃蟹无法攻击,只会恐慌。
- 可以被海带饲养。
- 可以爬到墙上。
- 可以用桶捕捉。
- 壳螃蟹死后有机会掉落它的爪(仅在被玩家杀
2.4.16 (1.21-1.21.1)
- Fixed Geysers impacting wind behind themselves.
2.4.15 (1.21-1.21.1)
2.4.14 (1.21-1.21.1)
- Updated Particle Rain compatability.
- Rain particles have been updated to only rotate in one specific direction in a recent update. Alongside new compatability fixes, Rain particle rendering has been reworked to match that of Wilder Wild's Wind particles, rendering at the angle the particle is moving.
- Updated Falling Leaves compatability.
- Added compat for Palm Fronds and Cypress Leaves through a mixin.
- Altered the Nematocyst model to not cause issues with water.
2.4.13 (1.21-1.21.1)
- Removed all but two of Wilder Wild's panoramas to improve file size.
- Cleaned up and optimized many mixins.
- Significantly improved and optimized Warden swimming and its animations.
- Optimized Allay animations.
- Slightly optimized the mixin plugin.
- Decreased the size of some Scorched Sand disks to prevent issues.
- This fixes issues reported about worldgen freezing and with C2ME.
- Allowed the Ostrich's walking animation to speed up slightly while running.
- Added a config option for Stone Chest generation in Ancient Cities.
- The block sounds option for Flowers now impacts Torchflowers.
- Fixed the Sculk Shrieker's new loot table causing it to drop without Silk Touch.
- Fixed the Snowlogging config using default values upon boot.
- Fixed Hanging Signs causing crashes. Again.
- Slightly decreased the average amount of flowers in Jungles.
2.4.12 (1.21-1.21.1)
- Fixed Mesoglea rendering without Sodium.
- Placing a block with your offhand against a Stripped Log with an axe in your main hand no longer hollows the block being placed against.
- Dandelions and Lily Pads now create growth particles when grown with Bone Meal.
- Osseous Sculk now grows taller on average.
2.4.11 (1.21-1.21.1)
2.4.10 (1.21-1.21.1)
- Fixed the volumes of some Magma sounds.
- Desert Village changes are now toggled with a config.
- This adds a structure processor to convert the Jungle wood set into the Palm wood set.
- Slightly decreased the average amount of Cattails in worldgen.
- Changed the `wilderwild:blank_shut_up` feature into the `wilderwild:empty` feature, which now generates nothing instead of a single Water block.
- Converted Wilder Wild's entity registry to use Vanilla's entity builder.
- Fixed some modified recipes/loot tables not working properly.
- Reorganized data generation for configured and placed features in caves into their own classes.
- Fixed Wilder Wild's block entities and entities causing log errors about the datafixer.
- Fixed Mesoglea rendering with Sodium.
2.4.9 (1.21)
- Removed all references to Embeddium as it is no longer supported on Fabric.
- Removed modified water rendering, fixing an issue with Sodium.
- Tumbleweeds no longer render their items at the player's position.
- Fixed issues with certain sounds like Goat Horn Calls in multiplayer.
- Added missing Mossy Mud Bricks recipes to the Crafting Table.
- Added the Stone Chest to Fabric's chests tag.
- Added a config option to toggle Mossy and Cracked Mud Bricks generating in Trail Ruins.
2.4.8 (1.21)
- Fixed Fire Placement with the Scorching effect replacing blocks it shouldn't.
2.4.7 (1.21)
- This includes Stairs, Slabs, and Walls for Mossy Mud Bricks.
- Alongside these additions, Stonecutters now have Mud recipes for the sake of consistency and ease of use.
- These blocks now generate in Trail Ruins.
- Added Sculk Stairs, Slabs, and Walls to their respective Vanilla tags.
- Updated the texture for the Scorching effect's icon.
- The Scorching effect now places Fire upon a mob's death.
- Increased the max time the Scorching effect sets attackers on fire from 4 to 8 seconds.
- Scorched Eyes can now be crafted from a Spider Eye and Blaze Powder.
- Fall damage calculation with Geysers is now consistent with Wind Charges.
- Geysers now output a signal when used with Comparators.
- Possibly fixed some potential crashes related to Geysers.
- Increased the average amount of flowers that generate in Flower Forests.
- Decreased Milkweed generation overall.
- Decreased the amount of flowers in Rainforests.
- Removed Vanilla's default flower feature from plains biomes.
- Reworked flower generation in some biomes to be more "organic," generating in gradients. ([#405](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/405))
- Plains and Forest Biomes.
- Birch Forests.
- Meadows.
- Rainforests and Temperate Rainforests.
- Cypress Wetlands.
- Jungles.
- Slightly optimized Tumbleweed rendering.
- Updated Wilder Wild's BlockEntity registry to match Vanilla, per a new Fabric API update.
- Tweaked how Osseous Sculk is generated once again, no longer using noise sampling.
- Refactored `WilderPreMixinInjectConstants` to `WilderDatagenConstants.`
- Fixed a crash when trying to load the `Lists` class.
- Fixed the mod's config missing a background and smearing frames in certain situations. ([#402](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/402))
2.4.6 (1.21)
- Rather than replacing Anicent City nbt, stone chests are dynamically added into ancient cities
- Adds support for custom ancient cities
- Removed changes to the center building in Ancient Cities
- Fixed conversion of palm crown blocks (removed in 2.4.5) to palm logs
- Snowlogged double-tall plants will no longer remove the bottom half of the plant when Snow Layers on the top half are broken.
- Bumped protocol version to 8
- Changed version scheme to (mod version)-mc(minecraft version)
- Renamed `WilderSharedConstants` to `WilderConstants`
2.4.6 (1.20.6)
- Rather than replacing Anicent City nbt, stone chests are dynamically added into ancient cities
- Adds support for custom ancient cities
- Removed changes to the center building in Ancient Cities
- Fixed conversion of palm crown blocks (removed in 2.4.5) to palm logs
- Snowlogged double-tall plants will no longer remove the bottom half of the plant when Snow Layers on the top half are broken.
- Bumped protocol version to 8
- Changed version scheme to (mod version)-mc(minecraft version)
- Renamed `WilderSharedConstants` to `WilderConstants`
2.4.6 (1.20.4)
- Rather than replacing Anicent City nbt, stone chests are dynamically added into ancient cities
- Adds support for custom ancient cities
- Removed changes to the center building in Ancient Cities
- Fixed conversion of palm crown blocks (removed in 2.4.5) to palm logs
- Snowlogged double-tall plants will no longer remove the bottom half of the plant when Snow Layers on the top half are broken.
- Bumped protocol version to 8
- Changed version scheme to (mod version)-mc(minecraft version)
- Renamed `WilderSharedConstants` to `WilderConstants`
2.4.6 (1.20.2)
- Rather than replacing Anicent City nbt, stone chests are dynamically added into ancient cities
- Adds support for custom ancient cities
- Removed changes to the center building in Ancient Cities
- Fixed conversion of palm crown blocks (removed in 2.4.5) to palm logs
- Snowlogged double-tall plants will no longer remove the bottom half of the plant when Snow Layers on the top half are broken.
- Bumped protocol version to 8
- Changed version scheme to (mod version)-mc(minecraft version)
- Renamed `WilderSharedConstants` to `WilderConstants`
2.4.6 (1.20.1)
- Rather than replacing Anicent City nbt, stone chests are dynamically added into ancient cities
- Adds support for custom ancient cities
- Removed changes to the center building in Ancient Cities
- Fixed conversion of palm crown blocks (removed in 2.4.5) to palm logs
- Snowlogged double-tall plants will no longer remove the bottom half of the plant when Snow Layers on the top half are broken.
- Bumped protocol version to 8
- Changed version scheme to (mod version)-mc(minecraft version)
- Renamed `WilderSharedConstants` to `WilderConstants`
2.4.5 (1.21)
- Crabs will once again emerge naturally.
- The Tumbleweed entity's loot table is now impacted by the Looting enchantment.
- Removed the Palm Crown, replacing it entirely with the Palm Log.
- Fixed items from naturally-generated Stone Chests not stacking with other items.
- The Stone Chest item now renders as a Block Entity like other Chests.
- Datura now yields two Light Gray Dye opposed to one.
- Revamped Wilder Wild's music pools thanks to Rebel459!
- Fixed Jellyfish, Ostrich, and Scorched loot tables not parsing in 1.21+.
- Fixed some Abandoned Cabin loot tables always giving the same loot.
- Fixed the `Empty or non-existent pool: wilderwild:abandoned_cabin/cabin` error.
- Added compatability with Continuity and Wilder Wild's snowlogging through a new mixin on Indium. ([#337](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/377))
2.4.5 (1.20.6)
- Crabs will once again emerge naturally.
- The Tumbleweed entity's loot table is now impacted by the Looting enchantment.
- Removed the Palm Crown, replacing it entirely with the Palm Log.
- Fixed items from naturally-generated Stone Chests not stacking with other items.
- The Stone Chest item now renders as a Block Entity like other Chests.
- Datura now yields two Light Gray Dye opposed to one.
- Revamped Wilder Wild's music pools thanks to Rebel459!
- Fixed Jellyfish, Ostrich, and Scorched loot tables not parsing in 1.21+.
- Fixed some Abandoned Cabin loot tables always giving the same loot.
- Fixed the `Empty or non-existent pool: wilderwild:abandoned_cabin/cabin` error.
- Added compatability with Continuity and Wilder Wild's snowlogging through a new mixin on Indium. ([#337](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/377))
2.4.5 (1.20.4)
- Crabs will once again emerge naturally.
- The Tumbleweed entity's loot table is now impacted by the Looting enchantment.
- Removed the Palm Crown, replacing it entirely with the Palm Log.
- Fixed items from naturally-generated Stone Chests not stacking with other items.
- The Stone Chest item now renders as a Block Entity like other Chests.
- Datura now yields two Light Gray Dye opposed to one.
- Revamped Wilder Wild's music pools thanks to Rebel459!
- Fixed Jellyfish, Ostrich, and Scorched loot tables not parsing in 1.21+.
- Fixed some Abandoned Cabin loot tables always giving the same loot.
- Fixed the `Empty or non-existent pool: wilderwild:abandoned_cabin/cabin` error.
- Added compatability with Continuity and Wilder Wild's snowlogging through a new mixin on Indium. ([#337](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/377))
2.4.5 (1.20.2)
- Crabs will once again emerge naturally.
- The Tumbleweed entity's loot table is now impacted by the Looting enchantment.
- Removed the Palm Crown, replacing it entirely with the Palm Log.
- Fixed items from naturally-generated Stone Chests not stacking with other items.
- The Stone Chest item now renders as a Block Entity like other Chests.
- Datura now yields two Light Gray Dye opposed to one.
- Revamped Wilder Wild's music pools thanks to Rebel459!
- Fixed Jellyfish, Ostrich, and Scorched loot tables not parsing in 1.21+.
- Fixed some Abandoned Cabin loot tables always giving the same loot.
- Fixed the `Empty or non-existent pool: wilderwild:abandoned_cabin/cabin` error.
- Added compatability with Continuity and Wilder Wild's snowlogging through a new mixin on Indium. ([#337](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/377))
2.4.5 (1.20.1)
- Crabs will once again emerge naturally.
- The Tumbleweed entity's loot table is now impacted by the Looting enchantment.
- Removed the Palm Crown, replacing it entirely with the Palm Log.
- Fixed items from naturally-generated Stone Chests not stacking with other items.
- The Stone Chest item now renders as a Block Entity like other Chests.
- Datura now yields two Light Gray Dye opposed to one.
- Revamped Wilder Wild's music pools thanks to Rebel459!
- Fixed Jellyfish, Ostrich, and Scorched loot tables not parsing in 1.21+.
- Fixed some Abandoned Cabin loot tables always giving the same loot.
- Fixed the `Empty or non-existent pool: wilderwild:abandoned_cabin/cabin` error.
- Added compatability with Continuity and Wilder Wild's snowlogging through a new mixin on Indium. ([#337](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/377))
2.4.4 (1.21)
- Reworked how Logs determine if they're edible by Termites so now only Trees will be edible, no longer Structures or other worldgen features.
- Player-placed blocks are still protected. This just prevents scenarios like Villages being destroyed by Termites.
- Fixed Fireflies not rendering their base texture.
- Fixed Display Lanterns not properly rendering their contents when updated.
- Fixed some loot tables not working in 1.21+.
- Fixed Termite particles not rendering in 1.21+.
- Fixed a broken translation string in the `Entity` config.
- Fixed Cloud movement not working properly.
- Added the Reach Boost effect to Beacons, thanks to a suggestion by wet.noodle/Ashlyn.
- Added the `Reach Boost Beacons` config to toggle this.
- Updated the Reach Boost icon, thanks to Zhen!
- Slightly increased the distance of the Reach Boost effect from 1 to 1.5 per level.
2.4.4 (1.20.6)
- Reworked how Logs determine if they're edible by Termites so now only Trees will be edible, no longer Structures or other worldgen features.
- Player-placed blocks are still protected. This just prevents scenarios like Villages being destroyed by Termites.
- Fixed Fireflies not rendering their base texture.
- Fixed Display Lanterns not properly rendering their contents when updated.
- Fixed some loot tables not working in 1.21+.
- Fixed Termite particles not rendering in 1.21+.
- Fixed a broken translation string in the `Entity` config.
- Fixed Cloud movement not working properly.
- Added the Reach Boost effect to Beacons, thanks to a suggestion by wet.noodle/Ashlyn.
- Added the `Reach Boost Beacons` config to toggle this.
- Updated the Reach Boost icon, thanks to Zhen!
- Slightly increased the distance of the Reach Boost effect from 1 to 1.5 per level.
2.4.4 (1.20.4)
- Increased the protocol version to 7.
- Reworked how Logs determine if they're edible by Termites so now only Trees will be edible, no longer Structures or other worldgen features.
- Player-placed blocks are still protected. This just prevents scenarios like Villages being destroyed by Termites.
- Fixed Fireflies not rendering their base texture.
- Fixed Display Lanterns not properly rendering their contents when updated.
- Fixed some loot tables not working in 1.21+.
- Fixed Termite particles not rendering in 1.21+.
- Fixed a broken translation string in the `Entity` config.
- Fixed Cloud movement not working properly.
- Added the Reach Boost effect to Beacons, thanks to a suggestion by wet.noodle/Ashlyn.
- Added the `Reach Boost Beacons` config to toggle this.
- Updated the Reach Boost icon, thanks to Zhen!
- Slightly increased the distance of the Reach Boost effect from 1 to 1.5 per level.
## 2.4.3
- Refactored everything in the `misc` package to other places, removing the `misc` class.
- This was done to prevent slander of our team.
- ...yeah.
- Increased the protocol version to 6.
- Shortened the channel names for Wilder Wild's custom packets.
- Fixed the Stone Chest's lid animation. ([#383](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/383))
- Added the Geyser to the Redstone tab, just before the Sculk Sensor.
- Properly integrated Villager Types with Wilder Wild's biomes.
- Pollen and Seed particles will be removed from the world five times faster after becoming immobile.
- Seed particles now properly interact with water.
- Ever so slightly improved the Baoab trunk placer.
- Optimized some parts of the mod that rely on frequent config checks.
- Snowlogging.
- Mesoglea Bubble Columns.
- Wind usage.
- Fixed a broken translation string pertaining to the `Magmatic Caves Fog` config option.
- Substantially improved the Hollowed Log model thanks to Soulfate24! ([#379](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/379))
- Previously, we were not able to figure out how to make a Hollowed Log model without the texture getting misaligned due to a vanilla bug.
- This new model fixes every possible issue with it!
- Retextured Null Blocks thanks to voxelotl!
- Updated the Flowering Lily Pad textures thanks to Zhen!
- Rextectured the Milkweed Pod thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured the entire Cypress set thanks to Zhen's brush-ups!
- Many issues that were once present in this set are now gone.
2.4.4 (1.20.2)
- Increased the protocol version to 7.
- Reworked how Logs determine if they're edible by Termites so now only Trees will be edible, no longer Structures or other worldgen features.
- Player-placed blocks are still protected. This just prevents scenarios like Villages being destroyed by Termites.
- Fixed Fireflies not rendering their base texture.
- Fixed Display Lanterns not properly rendering their contents when updated.
- Fixed some loot tables not working in 1.21+.
- Fixed Termite particles not rendering in 1.21+.
- Fixed a broken translation string in the `Entity` config.
- Fixed Cloud movement not working properly.
- Added the Reach Boost effect to Beacons, thanks to a suggestion by wet.noodle/Ashlyn.
- Added the `Reach Boost Beacons` config to toggle this.
- Updated the Reach Boost icon, thanks to Zhen!
- Slightly increased the distance of the Reach Boost effect from 1 to 1.5 per level.
## 2.4.3
- Refactored everything in the `misc` package to other places, removing the `misc` class.
- This was done to prevent slander of our team.
- ...yeah.
- Increased the protocol version to 6.
- Shortened the channel names for Wilder Wild's custom packets.
- Fixed the Stone Chest's lid animation. ([#383](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/383))
- Added the Geyser to the Redstone tab, just before the Sculk Sensor.
- Properly integrated Villager Types with Wilder Wild's biomes.
- Pollen and Seed particles will be removed from the world five times faster after becoming immobile.
- Seed particles now properly interact with water.
- Ever so slightly improved the Baoab trunk placer.
- Optimized some parts of the mod that rely on frequent config checks.
- Snowlogging.
- Mesoglea Bubble Columns.
- Wind usage.
- Fixed a broken translation string pertaining to the `Magmatic Caves Fog` config option.
- Substantially improved the Hollowed Log model thanks to Soulfate24! ([#379](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/379))
- Previously, we were not able to figure out how to make a Hollowed Log model without the texture getting misaligned due to a vanilla bug.
- This new model fixes every possible issue with it!
- Retextured Null Blocks thanks to voxelotl!
- Updated the Flowering Lily Pad textures thanks to Zhen!
- Rextectured the Milkweed Pod thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured the entire Cypress set thanks to Zhen's brush-ups!
- Many issues that were once present in this set are now gone.
2.4.4 (1.20.1)
- Increased the protocol version to 7.
- Reworked how Logs determine if they're edible by Termites so now only Trees will be edible, no longer Structures or other worldgen features.
- Player-placed blocks are still protected. This just prevents scenarios like Villages being destroyed by Termites.
- Fixed Fireflies not rendering their base texture.
- Fixed Display Lanterns not properly rendering their contents when updated.
- Fixed some loot tables not working in 1.21+.
- Fixed Termite particles not rendering in 1.21+.
- Fixed a broken translation string in the `Entity` config.
- Fixed Cloud movement not working properly.
- Added the Reach Boost effect to Beacons, thanks to a suggestion by wet.noodle/Ashlyn.
- Added the `Reach Boost Beacons` config to toggle this.
- Updated the Reach Boost icon, thanks to Zhen!
- Slightly increased the distance of the Reach Boost effect from 1 to 1.5 per level.
## 2.4.3
- Refactored everything in the `misc` package to other places, removing the `misc` class.
- This was done to prevent slander of our team.
- ...yeah.
- Increased the protocol version to 6.
- Shortened the channel names for Wilder Wild's custom packets.
- Fixed the Stone Chest's lid animation. ([#383](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/383))
- Added the Geyser to the Redstone tab, just before the Sculk Sensor.
- Properly integrated Villager Types with Wilder Wild's biomes.
- Pollen and Seed particles will be removed from the world five times faster after becoming immobile.
- Seed particles now properly interact with water.
- Ever so slightly improved the Baoab trunk placer.
- Optimized some parts of the mod that rely on frequent config checks.
- Snowlogging.
- Mesoglea Bubble Columns.
- Wind usage.
- Fixed a broken translation string pertaining to the `Magmatic Caves Fog` config option.
- Substantially improved the Hollowed Log model thanks to Soulfate24! ([#379](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/379))
- Previously, we were not able to figure out how to make a Hollowed Log model without the texture getting misaligned due to a vanilla bug.
- This new model fixes every possible issue with it!
- Retextured Null Blocks thanks to voxelotl!
- Updated the Flowering Lily Pad textures thanks to Zhen!
- Rextectured the Milkweed Pod thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured the entire Cypress set thanks to Zhen's brush-ups!
- Many issues that were once present in this set are now gone.
2.4.3 (1.21)
- This was done to prevent slander of our team.
- ...yeah.
- Increased the protocol version to 6.
- Shortened the channel names for Wilder Wild's custom packets.
- Fixed the Stone Chest's lid animation. ([#383](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/383))
- Added the Geyser to the Redstone tab, just before the Sculk Sensor.
- Properly integrated Villager Types with Wilder Wild's biomes.
- Pollen and Seed particles will be removed from the world five times faster after becoming immobile.
- Seed particles now properly interact with water.
- Ever so slightly improved the Baoab trunk placer.
- Optimized some parts of the mod that rely on frequent config checks.
- Snowlogging.
- Mesoglea Bubble Columns.
- Wind usage.
- Fixed a broken translation string pertaining to the `Magmatic Caves Fog` config option.
- Substantially improved the Hollowed Log model thanks to Soulfate24! ([#379](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/379))
- Previously, we were not able to figure out how to make a Hollowed Log model without the texture getting misaligned due to a vanilla bug.
- The result was using a model comprised of only two parts, which messed up the breaking texture.
- This new model fixes every possible issue with it!
- Retextured Null Blocks thanks to voxelotl!
- Updated the Flowering Lily Pad textures thanks to Zhen!
- Rextectured the Milkweed Pod thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured the entire Cypress set thanks to Zhen's brush-ups!
- Many issues that were once present in this set are now gone, including:
- Cypress Leaves being an edit of Spruce Leaves prior.
- The entire Cypress wood set having contrast issues when compared to all other wood sets in the game.
- The base color of the Cypress wood set being too desaturated and yellow.
- A lack of contrast on the sides of Cypress Logs.
2.4.3 (1.20.6)
- This was done to prevent slander of our team.
- ...yeah.
- Increased the protocol version to 6.
- Shortened the channel names for Wilder Wild's custom packets.
- Fixed the Stone Chest's lid animation. ([#383](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/383))
- Added the Geyser to the Redstone tab, just before the Sculk Sensor.
- Properly integrated Villager Types with Wilder Wild's biomes.
- Pollen and Seed particles will be removed from the world five times faster after becoming immobile.
- Seed particles now properly interact with water.
- Ever so slightly improved the Baoab trunk placer.
- Optimized some parts of the mod that rely on frequent config checks.
- Snowlogging.
- Mesoglea Bubble Columns.
- Wind usage.
- Fixed a broken translation string pertaining to the `Magmatic Caves Fog` config option.
- Substantially improved the Hollowed Log model thanks to Soulfate24! ([#379](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/379))
- Previously, we were not able to figure out how to make a Hollowed Log model without the texture getting misaligned due to a vanilla bug.
- The result was using a model comprised of only two parts, which messed up the breaking texture.
- This new model fixes every possible issue with it!
- Updated Flowering Lily Pad textures thanks to Zhen!
- Updated the Milkweed Pod texture thanks to Zhen!
- Updated the entire Cypress set's textures thanks to Zhen's brush-ups!
- Many issues that were once present in this set are now gone, including:
- Cypress Leaves being an edit of Spruce Leaves prior.
- The entire Cypress wood set having contrast issues when compared to all other wood sets in the game.
- The base color of the Cypress wood set being too desaturated and yellow.
- A lack of contrast on the sides of Cypress Logs.
2.4.2 (1.20.6)
- `Default Cooldown`
- `Creative Cooldown`
- `Sculk Sensor Cooldown`
- `Sculk Shrieker Cooldown`
- `Hanging Tendril Cooldown`
- Geysers will now put out Fires, Campfires, and Candles upon Erupting without Lava, and ignite them upon Erupting with Lava. ([#372](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/372))
- Fixed the length of Geyser Eruptions, now being 5 instead of 4.
- Significantly optimized Wilder Wild's custom worldgen
- Slightly optimized Wilder Wild's custom rendering
- Updated Scorched Eye and Fermented Scorched Eye textures.
- (1.20.6) Added better support for Snowlogging on Embeddium thanks to embeddedt!
- Snowlogging on Embeddium will no longer result in Z-Fighting with Pink Petals.
- Cloud movement no longer uses separate mixins for Embeddium and Sodium, also thanks to embeddedt!
- (1.20.4+) Updated Mesoglea's optional Liquid rendering to work without additional mixins in Vanilla and with Embeddium, also thanks to embeddedt!
2.4.2 (1.20.4)
- `Default Cooldown`
- `Creative Cooldown`
- `Sculk Sensor Cooldown`
- `Sculk Shrieker Cooldown`
- `Hanging Tendril Cooldown`
- Geysers will now put out Fires, Campfires, and Candles upon Erupting without Lava, and ignite them upon Erupting with Lava. ([#372](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/372))
- Fixed the length of Geyser Eruptions, now being 5 instead of 4.
- Significantly optimized Wilder Wild's custom worldgen
- Slightly optimized Wilder Wild's custom rendering
- Updated Scorched Eye and Fermented Scorched Eye textures.
- (1.20.6) Added better support for Snowlogging on Embeddium thanks to embeddedt!
- Snowlogging on Embeddium will no longer result in Z-Fighting with Pink Petals.
- Cloud movement no longer uses separate mixins for Embeddium and Sodium, also thanks to embeddedt!
- (1.20.4+) Updated Mesoglea's optional Liquid rendering to work without additional mixins in Vanilla and with Embeddium, also thanks to embeddedt!
2.4.2 (1.20.2)
- `Default Cooldown`
- `Creative Cooldown`
- `Sculk Sensor Cooldown`
- `Sculk Shrieker Cooldown`
- `Hanging Tendril Cooldown`
- Geysers will now put out Fires, Campfires, and Candles upon Erupting without Lava, and ignite them upon Erupting with Lava. ([#372](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/372))
- Fixed the length of Geyser Eruptions, now being 5 instead of 4.
- Significantly optimized Wilder Wild's custom worldgen
- Slightly optimized Wilder Wild's custom rendering
- Updated Scorched Eye and Fermented Scorched Eye textures.
- (1.20.6) Added better support for Snowlogging on Embeddium thanks to embeddedt!
- Snowlogging on Embeddium will no longer result in Z-Fighting with Pink Petals.
- Cloud movement no longer uses separate mixins for Embeddium and Sodium, also thanks to embeddedt!
- (1.20.4+) Updated Mesoglea's optional Liquid rendering to work without additional mixins in Vanilla and with Embeddium, also thanks to embeddedt!
2.4.2 (1.20.1)
- `Default Cooldown`
- `Creative Cooldown`
- `Sculk Sensor Cooldown`
- `Sculk Shrieker Cooldown`
- `Hanging Tendril Cooldown`
- Geysers will now put out Fires, Campfires, and Candles upon Erupting without Lava, and ignite them upon Erupting with Lava. ([#372](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/372))
- Fixed the length of Geyser Eruptions, now being 5 instead of 4.
- Significantly optimized Wilder Wild's custom worldgen
- Slightly optimized Wilder Wild's custom rendering
- Updated Scorched Eye and Fermented Scorched Eye textures.
- (1.20.6) Added better support for Snowlogging on Embeddium thanks to embeddedt!
- Snowlogging on Embeddium will no longer result in Z-Fighting with Pink Petals.
- Cloud movement no longer uses separate mixins for Embeddium and Sodium, also thanks to embeddedt!
- (1.20.4+) Updated Mesoglea's optional Liquid rendering to work without additional mixins in Vanilla and with Embeddium, also thanks to embeddedt!
2.4.1 (1.20.6)
- Migrated to Mojang's `setChanged` method for Block Entities instead of using custom logic.
- Fixed Split Coconuts yielding Coconuts in the Stonecutter.
- Fixed possible crash when rendering snowloggeed blocks using Sodium
- Snowlogged blocks will now not render with Embeddium, but this will be fixed in an Embeddium update
2.4.1 (1.20.4)
- Migrated to Mojang's `setChanged` method for Block Entities instead of using custom logic.
- Fixed Split Coconuts yielding Coconuts in the Stonecutter.
- Fixed possible crash when rendering snowloggeed blocks using Sodium
- Snowlogged blocks will now not render with Embeddium, but this will be fixed in an Embeddium update
2.4.1 (1.20.2)
- Migrated to Mojang's `setChanged` method for Block Entities instead of using custom logic.
- Fixed Split Coconuts yielding Coconuts in the Stonecutter.
- Fixed possible crash when rendering snowloggeed blocks using Sodium
- Snowlogged blocks will now not render with Embeddium, but this will be fixed in an Embeddium update
2.4.1 (1.20.1)
- Migrated to Mojang's `setChanged` method for Block Entities instead of using custom logic.
- Fixed Split Coconuts yielding Coconuts in the Stonecutter.
- Fixed possible crash when rendering snowloggeed blocks using Sodium
- Snowlogged blocks will now not render with Embeddium, but this will be fixed in an Embeddium update
2.4 (1.20.6)
### Magmatic Caves
- Added the Magmatic Caves biome.
- It set my house on fire. Great!
- A new, scorching underground biome consisting of sprawling Magma, Basalt, and Lava pools.
- Lava-related features generate more frequently in this biome.
- Fossils generate much more frequently in this biome.
- Contains the new Geyser block
- Generates in hotter areas of the world.
- The Scorched will frequently spawn here.
### Geysers
- Added the Geyser!
- Will occasionally erupt, pushing entities in the direction it's facing.
- The Eruption of a Geyser lasts between one and two seconds.
- Can also be powered with Redstone to erupt.
- Eruptions will last 30 ticks (one and a half seconds) if triggered by Redstone.
- If placed by a player, will not erupt naturally and will require Redstone activation.
- The Eruption will remain effective unless blocked.
- Eruptions that start in the air and move into a liquid, or that start in a liquid and move to the air or another liquid will be less effective past that point.
- Eruptions started from Lava will set colliding entities ablaze.
- Will cause a strong wind disturbance upon eruption.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_can_pass_through` tag to control what blocks an Eruption can safely pass through, regardless of block support shape.
- Contains the `minecraft:trapdoors` tag by default.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_cannot_pass_through` tag to control what blocks an Eruption can never pass through, regardless of block support shape.
- Contains the `c:glass_blocks` tag by default.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_pushed_extra` tag to control entity types that are pushed a bit harder than usual by Eruptions.
- Contains `minecraft:arrow` and `minecraft:spectral_arrow` by default.
- Requires a Stone Pickaxe or stronger to be obtained.
- Naturally generates in the Magmatic Caves, Basalt Deltas, and Nether Wastes biomes.
- Generation in the Nether can be toggled off with the `Geysers In Nether` config option.
- Can generate in more biomes with the use of the new `wilderwild:has_nether_geyser` and `wilderwild:has_nether_lava_geyser` tags.
- Contains `minecraft:basalt_deltas` and `minecraft:nether_wastes` respectively by default.
- Note that these tags will only cause the Nether variations of the feature to place in the specified biomes, not the Magmatic Caves variations.
- Can be crafted with 4 Magma blocks, 4 Basalt blocks, and 1 Lava Bucket.
### Scorched
- Added the Scorched!
- A new Spider variant that is fire-resistant and can walk on Lava.
- Is more resistant to fall damage than regular Spiders.
- Will avoid Water, and cannot swim in it.
- Added a new `Spawn Scorched` config option to control whether Scorched can spawn naturally.
- Can also be found in Trial Chambers.
- This can be disabled with the `Scorched In Trial Chambers` config option.
- Will drop String and occasionally a Scorched Eye upon death.
- The Scorched Eye can be crafted into a Fermented Scorched Eye, much like regular Spider Eyes.
- Can be used to brew a Potion of Scorching.
- Will gain the Scorching effect while in Lava.
### Scorching
- A new mob effect that has a 25% chance to ignite the attacker each time the mob is hit.
- Is brewed with a Fermented Scorched Eye and an Awkward Potion.
### Frozen Caves
- Added the Frozen Caves biome!
- Ice wasn't built in a day! Or was it?
- Consists of many icy and snowy blocks and a soft water color.
- Generates primarily under snowy mountainous biomes.
- Note that this does not impact Deep Dark generation whatsoever, as Frozen Caves will only generate above the Deep Dark.
- Strays will spawn here naturally.
- They can, however, be disabled by removing `wilderwild:frozen_caves` from the `wilderwild:strays_can_spawn_underground` tag.
### Snowlogging
- One-block tall plants, Bushes, Fences, Fence Gates, Walls, Shelf Fungi, Vines, and Sugar Cane can now be Snowlogged.
- Added the `Allow Snowlogging` config option to dictate whether Snowlogging is enabled.
- Requires the game to be restarted upon changing.
- Added the `Snowlog Blockades` to dictate whether Fences, Fence Gates, and Walls can be Snowlogged.
- Requires the game to be restarted upon changing.
- This option is off by default to prevent excessive loading times.
- Added the `Natural Snowlogging` config option to dictate whether Snowlogging can occur during worldgen and while it's snowing.
### Fallen large Trees
- Added Fallen Large Jungle Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_large_jungle` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_large_jungle` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
- Added Fallen Large Spruce Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_clean_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will generate in, without decoration.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_clean_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in, without decoration
- Added Fallen Dark Oak Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_dark_oak` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_dark_oak` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
### Breezes, Wind Charges, and Wind
- Breezes and Wind Charges now interact with the Wind System.
- They will now affect particles, Tumbleweed, and Fireflies.
- Breezes are immune to Ancient Horn Vibrations.
- Tumbleweed will pass through Breezes.
- This is controlled by the `wilderwild:tumbleweed_passes_through` tag.
- Added a new `Wind` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Wind particles will now occasionally spawn throughout the world.
- Particles caused by natural Wind can be disabled with the new `Wind Particles` config option in the `Ambience & Misc.` tab.
- Added the `Wind Particle Frequency` to control how frequently these will spawn.
- Added the `Wind Particle Spawn Attempts` to control how many times per tick a Wind particle will attempt to spawn.
- Particles caused by Wind Disturbances like Breezes and Wind Charges can be disabled with the new `Wind Disturbance Particles` config option in the `Ambience & Misc.` tab.
- Added the `Wind Disturbance Particle Frequency` to control how frequently these will spawn.
- Added the `Wind Disturbance Particle Spawn Attempts` to control how many times per tick a Wind Disturbance particle will attempt to spawn.
### Sounds and Ambience
- Gave Magma a new set of sounds.
- Can be disabled with the `Magma Sounds` config.
- Fire now emits extra particles if on top of Magma.
- Added the new `Extra Magma Particles` config option to control this.
- The Warm River, Warm Beach, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga will no longer have custom water colors without using the `Water Colors` config.
- LudoCrypt's "Serene Sonder" and "Horizon Afoot" now plays in all Forest and Birch Forest biomes.
- Renamed the `Misc` config tab to `Ambience & Misc.`
- Moved the `Water Colors` category from the `Worldgen` tab to the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Added `Deep Dark Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Added `Frozen Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Frozen Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Jellyfish Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Jellyfish Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Particles` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Badlands Foliage Color` to the new `Vegetation Colors` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Tweaked how wind interacts with Pollen and Seed particles to be more obvious.
- Pollen and Seed particles are now visible while on the ground.
### Retextures
- Retextured all Baobab Nut textures thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured all Glory of the Snow textures thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured all Milkweed block textures thanks to Zhen!
Bug Fixes, Changes, & Other Additions
- Updated the mod protocol version to 5.
- Removed the Coated Sculk item model.
- Snow will now continue to generate under snowy mountain biomes, somewhat mimicking older Bedrock Edition Beta versions.
- Added the `Snow Under Mountains` config option to control this.
- More biomes can be added to this surface rule by adding them to the `wilderwild:below_surface_snow` tag.
- Fixed Dungeon placement in Jellyfish Caves.
- Added support for Fabric API's new conventional tags.
- The `wilderwild:small_sponge_grows_on` tag now includes the `wilderwild:mesoglea` tag instead of only the two Pearlescent Mesoglea types.
- Restricted the placement of multiple features, so they will no longer generate in unwanted places, like on top of structures.
- Added the `wilderwild:fallen_tree_placeable` tag to control where Fallen Trees can generate.
- Refactored multiple paths in the `world` package.
- Fixed some Snapped Large Spruce Trees not generating as intended, instead being skinny.
- Added some Spruce Tree features to biomes they were missing from.
- Properly added Wilder Wild's biomes to Fabric's conventional tags after having some tags missing or improperly used for a long time.
- Nearly all custom generation can now be enabled/disabled in-game after changing the config and rejoining a world, instead of needing to restart the game.
- Added Wilder Wild's content to Serene Season's tags. ([#361](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/361#event-12156424219))
- Vanilla music will once again play in Forest biomes. ([#365](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/365))
- Removed particle textures from the Blocks atlas.
- Removed an unused Ancient Horn particle texture.
- All particle options used by Wilder Wild have been fixed for use in commands and once again accept Vec3.
- Bushes can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Bushes now grow at the same rate as saplings.
- Glory of the Snow now only drops one item upon being sheared.
- Milkweed now grows a bit slower.
- Using Bone Meal on Milkweed will now cause it to grow first, then drop additional flowers like other tall flowers afterwards.
- Before, Milkweed would use the tall flower functionality on its top half, and grow on the bottom half.
- Changed Seed particle spawning from Milkweed, now spawning from the entire plant as opposed to strictly the half that was interacted with.
- Prickly Pears can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Prickly Pears now grow much slower.
- Shelf Fungus can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Small Sponges can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Tumbleweed and Tumbleweed Stems can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Tumbleweed Stems now grow a bit slower.
- Generated Termite Mounds will once again activate without requiring a blokc update.
- Hanging Tendrils will now drop all their stored XP upon breaking as opposed to only one, to be more fair to players.
- Fixed Hanging Tendrils crashing with C2ME installed. ([#358](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/358))
- The `New Cactus Placement` config is now set to off by default instead of on.
- Added a new `Spawn Fireflies` config option to control whether Fireflies can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Firefly Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Fireflies` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Spawn Jellyfish` config option to control whether Jellyfish can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Jellyfish Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Jellyfish` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Jellyfish Hiding` config option to control whether naturally-spawned Jellyfish can vanish inside of Mesoglea/Nematocyst.
- Added a new `Spawn Tumbleweed` config option to control whether Tumbleweed can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Tumbleweed Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Tumbleweed` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Spawn Crabs` config option to control whether Crabs can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Crab Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Crabs` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Resource Pack Enabled By Default` config option to make the Main Menu resource pack not be enabled upon the mod's first use.
- This should only be used in tandem with modpacks or other projects that aim to replace the main menu. Otherwise, you can manually disable it in the Resource Packs menu.
- Removed the `Cobweb Sounds` config option as Mojang has added their own. (1.20.5+)
- Added `block_palm_fronds` to the Mixins config.
- Slightly altered the config background screens, now starting at Dirt and ending with Chiseled Mud Bricks instead of starting with Mud and ending with the Stripped Cypress Log.
- Added Embeddium compatability.
- Refactored the `BubbleDirection,` `FlowerColor,` and `SlabWillStairSculkBehavior` classes to the `block.impl` package.
- More internal cleanup per usual.
- Removed the Merp Slime easter egg.
### Splash Texts
- Removed "Made from maple!"
- Removed "May or may not contain minuscule amounts of Merp"
- Removed "A slime named "Merp""
- Removed "sweat bread heaheaheh"
- Added "Goodbye to troubled days!"
- Added "Avoids manipulation!"
- Added "IT BURNS!!!11!!1!"
- Added "Scorched Legs!"
- Added "Spiders in the lava!"
- Added "Lava pool floaties!"
- Added "Hiding under the Geyser!"
- Added "Jet streams!"
- Added "Redstone-controlled eruptions!"
- Added "Fire in the hole!"
- Added "Ice in the caves!"
- Added "FrozenBiome"
- Added "Snow on the mountains!"
- Added "Water on the hill!"
- Added "Air on the ground!"
- Added "Windier Wind!"
- Added "Breezes of pollen!"
- Added "The Texture Update!"
- Added "Closes at 8pm!"
- Added "Stationary Edition!"
- Added "Use the config!"
- Added "i need a jacket its cold"
- Added "turn your ac up"
- Added "Also try Configurable Everything!"
- Added "Powered with tags!"
2.4 (1.20.4)
### Magmatic Caves
- Added the Magmatic Caves biome.
- It set my house on fire. Great!
- A new, scorching underground biome consisting of sprawling Magma, Basalt, and Lava pools.
- Lava-related features generate more frequently in this biome.
- Fossils generate much more frequently in this biome.
- Contains the new Geyser block
- Generates in hotter areas of the world.
- The Scorched will frequently spawn here.
### Geysers
- Added the Geyser!
- Will occasionally erupt, pushing entities in the direction it's facing.
- The Eruption of a Geyser lasts between one and two seconds.
- Can also be powered with Redstone to erupt.
- Eruptions will last 30 ticks (one and a half seconds) if triggered by Redstone.
- If placed by a player, will not erupt naturally and will require Redstone activation.
- The Eruption will remain effective unless blocked.
- Eruptions that start in the air and move into a liquid, or that start in a liquid and move to the air or another liquid will be less effective past that point.
- Eruptions started from Lava will set colliding entities ablaze.
- Will cause a strong wind disturbance upon eruption.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_can_pass_through` tag to control what blocks an Eruption can safely pass through, regardless of block support shape.
- Contains the `minecraft:trapdoors` tag by default.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_cannot_pass_through` tag to control what blocks an Eruption can never pass through, regardless of block support shape.
- Contains the `c:glass_blocks` tag by default.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_pushed_extra` tag to control entity types that are pushed a bit harder than usual by Eruptions.
- Contains `minecraft:arrow` and `minecraft:spectral_arrow` by default.
- Requires a Stone Pickaxe or stronger to be obtained.
- Naturally generates in the Magmatic Caves, Basalt Deltas, and Nether Wastes biomes.
- Generation in the Nether can be toggled off with the `Geysers In Nether` config option.
- Can generate in more biomes with the use of the new `wilderwild:has_nether_geyser` and `wilderwild:has_nether_lava_geyser` tags.
- Contains `minecraft:basalt_deltas` and `minecraft:nether_wastes` respectively by default.
- Note that these tags will only cause the Nether variations of the feature to place in the specified biomes, not the Magmatic Caves variations.
- Can be crafted with 4 Magma blocks, 4 Basalt blocks, and 1 Lava Bucket.
### Scorched
- Added the Scorched!
- A new Spider variant that is fire-resistant and can walk on Lava.
- Is more resistant to fall damage than regular Spiders.
- Will avoid Water, and cannot swim in it.
- Added a new `Spawn Scorched` config option to control whether Scorched can spawn naturally.
- Can also be found in Trial Chambers.
- This can be disabled with the `Scorched In Trial Chambers` config option.
- Will drop String and occasionally a Scorched Eye upon death.
- The Scorched Eye can be crafted into a Fermented Scorched Eye, much like regular Spider Eyes.
- Can be used to brew a Potion of Scorching.
- Will gain the Scorching effect while in Lava.
### Scorching
- A new mob effect that has a 25% chance to ignite the attacker each time the mob is hit.
- Is brewed with a Fermented Scorched Eye and an Awkward Potion.
### Frozen Caves
- Added the Frozen Caves biome!
- Ice wasn't built in a day! Or was it?
- Consists of many icy and snowy blocks and a soft water color.
- Generates primarily under snowy mountainous biomes.
- Note that this does not impact Deep Dark generation whatsoever, as Frozen Caves will only generate above the Deep Dark.
- Strays will spawn here naturally.
- They can, however, be disabled by removing `wilderwild:frozen_caves` from the `wilderwild:strays_can_spawn_underground` tag.
### Snowlogging
- One-block tall plants, Bushes, Fences, Fence Gates, Walls, Shelf Fungi, Vines, and Sugar Cane can now be Snowlogged.
- Added the `Allow Snowlogging` config option to dictate whether Snowlogging is enabled.
- Requires the game to be restarted upon changing.
- Added the `Snowlog Blockades` to dictate whether Fences, Fence Gates, and Walls can be Snowlogged.
- Requires the game to be restarted upon changing.
- This option is off by default to prevent excessive loading times.
- Added the `Natural Snowlogging` config option to dictate whether Snowlogging can occur during worldgen and while it's snowing.
### Fallen large Trees
- Added Fallen Large Jungle Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_large_jungle` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_large_jungle` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
- Added Fallen Large Spruce Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_clean_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will generate in, without decoration.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_clean_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in, without decoration
- Added Fallen Dark Oak Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_dark_oak` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_dark_oak` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
### Breezes, Wind Charges, and Wind
- Breezes and Wind Charges now interact with the Wind System.
- They will now affect particles, Tumbleweed, and Fireflies.
- Breezes are immune to Ancient Horn Vibrations.
- Tumbleweed will pass through Breezes.
- This is controlled by the `wilderwild:tumbleweed_passes_through` tag.
- Added a new `Wind` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Wind particles will now occasionally spawn throughout the world.
- Particles caused by natural Wind can be disabled with the new `Wind Particles` config option in the `Ambience & Misc.` tab.
- Added the `Wind Particle Frequency` to control how frequently these will spawn.
- Added the `Wind Particle Spawn Attempts` to control how many times per tick a Wind particle will attempt to spawn.
- Particles caused by Wind Disturbances like Breezes and Wind Charges can be disabled with the new `Wind Disturbance Particles` config option in the `Ambience & Misc.` tab.
- Added the `Wind Disturbance Particle Frequency` to control how frequently these will spawn.
- Added the `Wind Disturbance Particle Spawn Attempts` to control how many times per tick a Wind Disturbance particle will attempt to spawn.
### Sounds and Ambience
- Gave Magma a new set of sounds.
- Can be disabled with the `Magma Sounds` config.
- Fire now emits extra particles if on top of Magma.
- Added the new `Extra Magma Particles` config option to control this.
- The Warm River, Warm Beach, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga will no longer have custom water colors without using the `Water Colors` config.
- LudoCrypt's "Serene Sonder" and "Horizon Afoot" now plays in all Forest and Birch Forest biomes.
- Renamed the `Misc` config tab to `Ambience & Misc.`
- Moved the `Water Colors` category from the `Worldgen` tab to the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Added `Deep Dark Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Added `Frozen Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Frozen Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Jellyfish Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Jellyfish Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Particles` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Badlands Foliage Color` to the new `Vegetation Colors` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Tweaked how wind interacts with Pollen and Seed particles to be more obvious.
- Pollen and Seed particles are now visible while on the ground.
### Retextures
- Retextured all Baobab Nut textures thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured all Glory of the Snow textures thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured all Milkweed block textures thanks to Zhen!
Bug Fixes, Changes, & Other Additions
- Updated the mod protocol version to 5.
- Removed the Coated Sculk item model.
- Snow will now continue to generate under snowy mountain biomes, somewhat mimicking older Bedrock Edition Beta versions.
- Added the `Snow Under Mountains` config option to control this.
- More biomes can be added to this surface rule by adding them to the `wilderwild:below_surface_snow` tag.
- Fixed Dungeon placement in Jellyfish Caves.
- Added support for Fabric API's new conventional tags.
- The `wilderwild:small_sponge_grows_on` tag now includes the `wilderwild:mesoglea` tag instead of only the two Pearlescent Mesoglea types.
- Restricted the placement of multiple features, so they will no longer generate in unwanted places, like on top of structures.
- Added the `wilderwild:fallen_tree_placeable` tag to control where Fallen Trees can generate.
- Refactored multiple paths in the `world` package.
- Fixed some Snapped Large Spruce Trees not generating as intended, instead being skinny.
- Added some Spruce Tree features to biomes they were missing from.
- Properly added Wilder Wild's biomes to Fabric's conventional tags after having some tags missing or improperly used for a long time.
- Nearly all custom generation can now be enabled/disabled in-game after changing the config and rejoining a world, instead of needing to restart the game.
- Added Wilder Wild's content to Serene Season's tags. ([#361](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/361#event-12156424219))
- Vanilla music will once again play in Forest biomes. ([#365](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/365))
- Removed particle textures from the Blocks atlas.
- Removed an unused Ancient Horn particle texture.
- All particle options used by Wilder Wild have been fixed for use in commands and once again accept Vec3.
- Bushes can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Bushes now grow at the same rate as saplings.
- Glory of the Snow now only drops one item upon being sheared.
- Milkweed now grows a bit slower.
- Using Bone Meal on Milkweed will now cause it to grow first, then drop additional flowers like other tall flowers afterwards.
- Before, Milkweed would use the tall flower functionality on its top half, and grow on the bottom half.
- Changed Seed particle spawning from Milkweed, now spawning from the entire plant as opposed to strictly the half that was interacted with.
- Prickly Pears can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Prickly Pears now grow much slower.
- Shelf Fungus can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Small Sponges can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Tumbleweed and Tumbleweed Stems can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Tumbleweed Stems now grow a bit slower.
- Generated Termite Mounds will once again activate without requiring a blokc update.
- Hanging Tendrils will now drop all their stored XP upon breaking as opposed to only one, to be more fair to players.
- Fixed Hanging Tendrils crashing with C2ME installed. ([#358](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/358))
- The `New Cactus Placement` config is now set to off by default instead of on.
- Added a new `Spawn Fireflies` config option to control whether Fireflies can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Firefly Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Fireflies` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Spawn Jellyfish` config option to control whether Jellyfish can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Jellyfish Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Jellyfish` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Jellyfish Hiding` config option to control whether naturally-spawned Jellyfish can vanish inside of Mesoglea/Nematocyst.
- Added a new `Spawn Tumbleweed` config option to control whether Tumbleweed can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Tumbleweed Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Tumbleweed` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Spawn Crabs` config option to control whether Crabs can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Crab Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Crabs` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Resource Pack Enabled By Default` config option to make the Main Menu resource pack not be enabled upon the mod's first use.
- This should only be used in tandem with modpacks or other projects that aim to replace the main menu. Otherwise, you can manually disable it in the Resource Packs menu.
- Removed the `Cobweb Sounds` config option as Mojang has added their own. (1.20.5+)
- Added `block_palm_fronds` to the Mixins config.
- Slightly altered the config background screens, now starting at Dirt and ending with Chiseled Mud Bricks instead of starting with Mud and ending with the Stripped Cypress Log.
- Added Embeddium compatability.
- Refactored the `BubbleDirection,` `FlowerColor,` and `SlabWillStairSculkBehavior` classes to the `block.impl` package.
- More internal cleanup per usual.
- Removed the Merp Slime easter egg.
### Splash Texts
- Removed "Made from maple!"
- Removed "May or may not contain minuscule amounts of Merp"
- Removed "A slime named "Merp""
- Removed "sweat bread heaheaheh"
- Added "Goodbye to troubled days!"
- Added "Avoids manipulation!"
- Added "IT BURNS!!!11!!1!"
- Added "Scorched Legs!"
- Added "Spiders in the lava!"
- Added "Lava pool floaties!"
- Added "Hiding under the Geyser!"
- Added "Jet streams!"
- Added "Redstone-controlled eruptions!"
- Added "Fire in the hole!"
- Added "Ice in the caves!"
- Added "FrozenBiome"
- Added "Snow on the mountains!"
- Added "Water on the hill!"
- Added "Air on the ground!"
- Added "Windier Wind!"
- Added "Breezes of pollen!"
- Added "The Texture Update!"
- Added "Closes at 8pm!"
- Added "Stationary Edition!"
- Added "Use the config!"
- Added "i need a jacket its cold"
- Added "turn your ac up"
- Added "Also try Configurable Everything!"
- Added "Powered with tags!"
2.4 (1.20.2)
### Magmatic Caves
- Added the Magmatic Caves biome.
- It set my house on fire. Great!
- A new, scorching underground biome consisting of sprawling Magma, Basalt, and Lava pools.
- Lava-related features generate more frequently in this biome.
- Fossils generate much more frequently in this biome.
- Contains the new Geyser block
- Generates in hotter areas of the world.
- The Scorched will frequently spawn here.
### Geysers
- Added the Geyser!
- Will occasionally erupt, pushing entities in the direction it's facing.
- The Eruption of a Geyser lasts between one and two seconds.
- Can also be powered with Redstone to erupt.
- Eruptions will last 30 ticks (one and a half seconds) if triggered by Redstone.
- If placed by a player, will not erupt naturally and will require Redstone activation.
- The Eruption will remain effective unless blocked.
- Eruptions that start in the air and move into a liquid, or that start in a liquid and move to the air or another liquid will be less effective past that point.
- Eruptions started from Lava will set colliding entities ablaze.
- Will cause a strong wind disturbance upon eruption.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_can_pass_through` tag to control what blocks an Eruption can safely pass through, regardless of block support shape.
- Contains the `minecraft:trapdoors` tag by default.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_cannot_pass_through` tag to control what blocks an Eruption can never pass through, regardless of block support shape.
- Contains the `c:glass_blocks` tag by default.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_pushed_extra` tag to control entity types that are pushed a bit harder than usual by Eruptions.
- Contains `minecraft:arrow` and `minecraft:spectral_arrow` by default.
- Requires a Stone Pickaxe or stronger to be obtained.
- Naturally generates in the Magmatic Caves, Basalt Deltas, and Nether Wastes biomes.
- Generation in the Nether can be toggled off with the `Geysers In Nether` config option.
- Can generate in more biomes with the use of the new `wilderwild:has_nether_geyser` and `wilderwild:has_nether_lava_geyser` tags.
- Contains `minecraft:basalt_deltas` and `minecraft:nether_wastes` respectively by default.
- Note that these tags will only cause the Nether variations of the feature to place in the specified biomes, not the Magmatic Caves variations.
- Can be crafted with 4 Magma blocks, 4 Basalt blocks, and 1 Lava Bucket.
### Scorched
- Added the Scorched!
- A new Spider variant that is fire-resistant and can walk on Lava.
- Is more resistant to fall damage than regular Spiders.
- Will avoid Water, and cannot swim in it.
- Added a new `Spawn Scorched` config option to control whether Scorched can spawn naturally.
- Will drop String and occasionally a Scorched Eye upon death.
- The Scorched Eye can be crafted into a Fermented Scorched Eye, much like regular Spider Eyes.
- Can be used to brew a Potion of Scorching.
- Will gain the Scorching effect while in Lava.
### Scorching
- A new mob effect that has a 25% chance to ignite the attacker each time the mob is hit.
- Is brewed with a Fermented Scorched Eye and an Awkward Potion.
### Frozen Caves
- Added the Frozen Caves biome!
- Ice wasn't built in a day! Or was it?
- Consists of many icy and snowy blocks and a soft water color.
- Generates primarily under snowy mountainous biomes.
- Note that this does not impact Deep Dark generation whatsoever, as Frozen Caves will only generate above the Deep Dark.
- Strays will spawn here naturally.
- They can, however, be disabled by removing `wilderwild:frozen_caves` from the `wilderwild:strays_can_spawn_underground` tag.
### Snowlogging
- One-block tall plants, Bushes, Fences, Fence Gates, Walls, Shelf Fungi, Vines, and Sugar Cane can now be Snowlogged.
- Added the `Allow Snowlogging` config option to dictate whether Snowlogging is enabled.
- Requires the game to be restarted upon changing.
- Added the `Snowlog Blockades` to dictate whether Fences, Fence Gates, and Walls can be Snowlogged.
- Requires the game to be restarted upon changing.
- This option is off by default to prevent excessive loading times.
- Added the `Natural Snowlogging` config option to dictate whether Snowlogging can occur during worldgen and while it's snowing.
### Fallen large Trees
- Added Fallen Large Jungle Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_large_jungle` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_large_jungle` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
- Added Fallen Large Spruce Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_clean_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will generate in, without decoration.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_clean_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in, without decoration
- Added Fallen Dark Oak Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_dark_oak` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_dark_oak` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
### Breezes, Wind Charges, and Wind
- Breezes and Wind Charges now interact with the Wind System.
- They will now affect particles, Tumbleweed, and Fireflies.
- Breezes are immune to Ancient Horn Vibrations.
- Tumbleweed will pass through Breezes.
- This is controlled by the `wilderwild:tumbleweed_passes_through` tag.
- Added a new `Wind` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Wind particles will now occasionally spawn throughout the world.
- Particles caused by natural Wind can be disabled with the new `Wind Particles` config option in the `Ambience & Misc.` tab.
- Added the `Wind Particle Frequency` to control how frequently these will spawn.
- Added the `Wind Particle Spawn Attempts` to control how many times per tick a Wind particle will attempt to spawn.
- Particles caused by Wind Disturbances like Breezes and Wind Charges can be disabled with the new `Wind Disturbance Particles` config option in the `Ambience & Misc.` tab.
- Added the `Wind Disturbance Particle Frequency` to control how frequently these will spawn.
- Added the `Wind Disturbance Particle Spawn Attempts` to control how many times per tick a Wind Disturbance particle will attempt to spawn.
### Sounds and Ambience
- Gave Magma a new set of sounds.
- Can be disabled with the `Magma Sounds` config.
- Fire now emits extra particles if on top of Magma.
- Added the new `Extra Magma Particles` config option to control this.
- The Warm River, Warm Beach, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga will no longer have custom water colors without using the `Water Colors` config.
- LudoCrypt's "Serene Sonder" and "Horizon Afoot" now plays in all Forest and Birch Forest biomes.
- Renamed the `Misc` config tab to `Ambience & Misc.`
- Moved the `Water Colors` category from the `Worldgen` tab to the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Added `Deep Dark Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Added `Frozen Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Frozen Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Jellyfish Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Jellyfish Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Particles` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Badlands Foliage Color` to the new `Vegetation Colors` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Tweaked how wind interacts with Pollen and Seed particles to be more obvious.
- Pollen and Seed particles are now visible while on the ground.
### Retextures
- Retextured all Baobab Nut textures thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured all Glory of the Snow textures thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured all Milkweed block textures thanks to Zhen!
Bug Fixes, Changes, & Other Additions
- Updated the mod protocol version to 5.
- Removed the Coated Sculk item model.
- Snow will now continue to generate under snowy mountain biomes, somewhat mimicking older Bedrock Edition Beta versions.
- Added the `Snow Under Mountains` config option to control this.
- More biomes can be added to this surface rule by adding them to the `wilderwild:below_surface_snow` tag.
- Fixed Dungeon placement in Jellyfish Caves.
- Added support for Fabric API's new conventional tags.
- The `wilderwild:small_sponge_grows_on` tag now includes the `wilderwild:mesoglea` tag instead of only the two Pearlescent Mesoglea types.
- Restricted the placement of multiple features, so they will no longer generate in unwanted places, like on top of structures.
- Added the `wilderwild:fallen_tree_placeable` tag to control where Fallen Trees can generate.
- Refactored multiple paths in the `world` package.
- Fixed some Snapped Large Spruce Trees not generating as intended, instead being skinny.
- Added some Spruce Tree features to biomes they were missing from.
- Properly added Wilder Wild's biomes to Fabric's conventional tags after having some tags missing or improperly used for a long time.
- Nearly all custom generation can now be enabled/disabled in-game after changing the config and rejoining a world, instead of needing to restart the game.
- Added Wilder Wild's content to Serene Season's tags. ([#361](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/361#event-12156424219))
- Vanilla music will once again play in Forest biomes. ([#365](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/365))
- Removed particle textures from the Blocks atlas.
- Removed an unused Ancient Horn particle texture.
- All particle options used by Wilder Wild have been fixed for use in commands and once again accept Vec3.
- Bushes can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Bushes now grow at the same rate as saplings.
- Glory of the Snow now only drops one item upon being sheared.
- Milkweed now grows a bit slower.
- Using Bone Meal on Milkweed will now cause it to grow first, then drop additional flowers like other tall flowers afterwards.
- Before, Milkweed would use the tall flower functionality on its top half, and grow on the bottom half.
- Changed Seed particle spawning from Milkweed, now spawning from the entire plant as opposed to strictly the half that was interacted with.
- Prickly Pears can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Prickly Pears now grow much slower.
- Shelf Fungus can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Small Sponges can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Tumbleweed and Tumbleweed Stems can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Tumbleweed Stems now grow a bit slower.
- Generated Termite Mounds will once again activate without requiring a blokc update.
- Hanging Tendrils will now drop all their stored XP upon breaking as opposed to only one, to be more fair to players.
- Fixed Hanging Tendrils crashing with C2ME installed. ([#358](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/358))
- The `New Cactus Placement` config is now set to off by default instead of on.
- Added a new `Spawn Fireflies` config option to control whether Fireflies can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Firefly Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Fireflies` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Spawn Jellyfish` config option to control whether Jellyfish can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Jellyfish Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Jellyfish` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Jellyfish Hiding` config option to control whether naturally-spawned Jellyfish can vanish inside of Mesoglea/Nematocyst.
- Added a new `Spawn Tumbleweed` config option to control whether Tumbleweed can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Tumbleweed Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Tumbleweed` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Spawn Crabs` config option to control whether Crabs can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Crab Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Crabs` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Resource Pack Enabled By Default` config option to make the Main Menu resource pack not be enabled upon the mod's first use.
- This should only be used in tandem with modpacks or other projects that aim to replace the main menu. Otherwise, you can manually disable it in the Resource Packs menu.
- Removed the `Cobweb Sounds` config option as Mojang has added their own. (1.20.5+)
- Added `block_palm_fronds` to the Mixins config.
- Slightly altered the config background screens, now starting at Dirt and ending with Chiseled Mud Bricks instead of starting with Mud and ending with the Stripped Cypress Log.
- Added Embeddium compatability.
- Refactored the `BubbleDirection,` `FlowerColor,` and `SlabWillStairSculkBehavior` classes to the `block.impl` package.
- More internal cleanup per usual.
- Removed the Merp Slime easter egg.
### Splash Texts
- Removed "Made from maple!"
- Removed "May or may not contain minuscule amounts of Merp"
- Removed "A slime named "Merp""
- Removed "sweat bread heaheaheh"
- Added "Goodbye to troubled days!"
- Added "Avoids manipulation!"
- Added "IT BURNS!!!11!!1!"
- Added "Scorched Legs!"
- Added "Spiders in the lava!"
- Added "Lava pool floaties!"
- Added "Hiding under the Geyser!"
- Added "Jet streams!"
- Added "Redstone-controlled eruptions!"
- Added "Fire in the hole!"
- Added "Ice in the caves!"
- Added "FrozenBiome"
- Added "Snow on the mountains!"
- Added "Water on the hill!"
- Added "Air on the ground!"
- Added "Windier Wind!"
- Added "Breezes of pollen!"
- Added "The Texture Update!"
- Added "Closes at 8pm!"
- Added "Stationary Edition!"
- Added "Use the config!"
- Added "i need a jacket its cold"
- Added "turn your ac up"
- Added "Also try Configurable Everything!"
- Added "Powered with tags!"
2.4 (1.20.1)
### Magmatic Caves
- Added the Magmatic Caves biome.
- It set my house on fire. Great!
- A new, scorching underground biome consisting of sprawling Magma, Basalt, and Lava pools.
- Lava-related features generate more frequently in this biome.
- Fossils generate much more frequently in this biome.
- Contains the new Geyser block
- Generates in hotter areas of the world.
- The Scorched will frequently spawn here.
### Geysers
- Added the Geyser!
- Will occasionally erupt, pushing entities in the direction it's facing.
- The Eruption of a Geyser lasts between one and two seconds.
- Can also be powered with Redstone to erupt.
- Eruptions will last 30 ticks (one and a half seconds) if triggered by Redstone.
- If placed by a player, will not erupt naturally and will require Redstone activation.
- The Eruption will remain effective unless blocked.
- Eruptions that start in the air and move into a liquid, or that start in a liquid and move to the air or another liquid will be less effective past that point.
- Eruptions started from Lava will set colliding entities ablaze.
- Will cause a strong wind disturbance upon eruption.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_can_pass_through` tag to control what blocks an Eruption can safely pass through, regardless of block support shape.
- Contains the `minecraft:trapdoors` tag by default.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_cannot_pass_through` tag to control what blocks an Eruption can never pass through, regardless of block support shape.
- Contains the `c:glass_blocks` tag by default.
- Added the `wilderwild:geyser_pushed_extra` tag to control entity types that are pushed a bit harder than usual by Eruptions.
- Contains `minecraft:arrow` and `minecraft:spectral_arrow` by default.
- Requires a Stone Pickaxe or stronger to be obtained.
- Naturally generates in the Magmatic Caves, Basalt Deltas, and Nether Wastes biomes.
- Generation in the Nether can be toggled off with the `Geysers In Nether` config option.
- Can generate in more biomes with the use of the new `wilderwild:has_nether_geyser` and `wilderwild:has_nether_lava_geyser` tags.
- Contains `minecraft:basalt_deltas` and `minecraft:nether_wastes` respectively by default.
- Note that these tags will only cause the Nether variations of the feature to place in the specified biomes, not the Magmatic Caves variations.
- Can be crafted with 4 Magma blocks, 4 Basalt blocks, and 1 Lava Bucket.
### Scorched
- Added the Scorched!
- A new Spider variant that is fire-resistant and can walk on Lava.
- Is more resistant to fall damage than regular Spiders.
- Will avoid Water, and cannot swim in it.
- Added a new `Spawn Scorched` config option to control whether Scorched can spawn naturally.
- Will drop String and occasionally a Scorched Eye upon death.
- The Scorched Eye can be crafted into a Fermented Scorched Eye, much like regular Spider Eyes.
- Can be used to brew a Potion of Scorching.
- Will gain the Scorching effect while in Lava.
### Scorching
- A new mob effect that has a 25% chance to ignite the attacker each time the mob is hit.
- Is brewed with a Fermented Scorched Eye and an Awkward Potion.
### Frozen Caves
- Added the Frozen Caves biome!
- Ice wasn't built in a day! Or was it?
- Consists of many icy and snowy blocks and a soft water color.
- Generates primarily under snowy mountainous biomes.
- Note that this does not impact Deep Dark generation whatsoever, as Frozen Caves will only generate above the Deep Dark.
- Strays will spawn here naturally.
- They can, however, be disabled by removing `wilderwild:frozen_caves` from the `wilderwild:strays_can_spawn_underground` tag.
### Snowlogging
- One-block tall plants, Bushes, Fences, Fence Gates, Walls, Shelf Fungi, Vines, and Sugar Cane can now be Snowlogged.
- Added the `Allow Snowlogging` config option to dictate whether Snowlogging is enabled.
- Requires the game to be restarted upon changing.
- Added the `Snowlog Blockades` to dictate whether Fences, Fence Gates, and Walls can be Snowlogged.
- Requires the game to be restarted upon changing.
- This option is off by default to prevent excessive loading times.
- Added the `Natural Snowlogging` config option to dictate whether Snowlogging can occur during worldgen and while it's snowing.
### Fallen large Trees
- Added Fallen Large Jungle Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_large_jungle` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_large_jungle` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
- Added Fallen Large Spruce Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_clean_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will generate in, without decoration.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_clean_fallen_large_spruce` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in, without decoration
- Added Fallen Dark Oak Trees.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_fallen_dark_oak` to control what biomes these will generate in.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_common_fallen_dark_oak` to control what biomes these will commonly generate in.
### Breezes, Wind Charges, and Wind
- Breezes and Wind Charges now interact with the Wind System.
- They will now affect particles, Tumbleweed, and Fireflies.
- Breezes are immune to Ancient Horn Vibrations.
- Tumbleweed will pass through Breezes.
- This is controlled by the `wilderwild:tumbleweed_passes_through` tag.
- Added a new `Wind` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Wind particles will now occasionally spawn throughout the world.
- Particles caused by natural Wind can be disabled with the new `Wind Particles` config option in the `Ambience & Misc.` tab.
- Added the `Wind Particle Frequency` to control how frequently these will spawn.
- Added the `Wind Particle Spawn Attempts` to control how many times per tick a Wind particle will attempt to spawn.
- Particles caused by Wind Disturbances like Breezes and Wind Charges can be disabled with the new `Wind Disturbance Particles` config option in the `Ambience & Misc.` tab.
- Added the `Wind Disturbance Particle Frequency` to control how frequently these will spawn.
- Added the `Wind Disturbance Particle Spawn Attempts` to control how many times per tick a Wind Disturbance particle will attempt to spawn.
### Sounds and Ambience
- Gave Magma a new set of sounds.
- Can be disabled with the `Magma Sounds` config.
- Fire now emits extra particles if on top of Magma.
- Added the new `Extra Magma Particles` config option to control this.
- The Warm River, Warm Beach, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga will no longer have custom water colors without using the `Water Colors` config.
- LudoCrypt's "Serene Sonder" and "Horizon Afoot" now plays in all Forest and Birch Forest biomes.
- Renamed the `Misc` config tab to `Ambience & Misc.`
- Moved the `Water Colors` category from the `Worldgen` tab to the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Added `Deep Dark Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Added `Frozen Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Frozen Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Jellyfish Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Jellyfish Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Ambience` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Fog` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Magmatic Caves Particles` to the `Biome Ambience` category.
- Added `Badlands Foliage Color` to the new `Vegetation Colors` category in the `Ambience & Misc` tab.
- Tweaked how wind interacts with Pollen and Seed particles to be more obvious.
- Pollen and Seed particles are now visible while on the ground.
### Retextures
- Retextured all Baobab Nut textures thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured all Glory of the Snow textures thanks to Zhen!
- Retextured all Milkweed block textures thanks to Zhen!
Bug Fixes, Changes, & Other Additions
- Updated the mod protocol version to 5.
- Removed the Coated Sculk item model.
- Snow will now continue to generate under snowy mountain biomes, somewhat mimicking older Bedrock Edition Beta versions.
- Added the `Snow Under Mountains` config option to control this.
- More biomes can be added to this surface rule by adding them to the `wilderwild:below_surface_snow` tag.
- Fixed Dungeon placement in Jellyfish Caves.
- Added support for Fabric API's new conventional tags.
- The `wilderwild:small_sponge_grows_on` tag now includes the `wilderwild:mesoglea` tag instead of only the two Pearlescent Mesoglea types.
- Restricted the placement of multiple features, so they will no longer generate in unwanted places, like on top of structures.
- Added the `wilderwild:fallen_tree_placeable` tag to control where Fallen Trees can generate.
- Refactored multiple paths in the `world` package.
- Fixed some Snapped Large Spruce Trees not generating as intended, instead being skinny.
- Added some Spruce Tree features to biomes they were missing from.
- Properly added Wilder Wild's biomes to Fabric's conventional tags after having some tags missing or improperly used for a long time.
- Nearly all custom generation can now be enabled/disabled in-game after changing the config and rejoining a world, instead of needing to restart the game.
- Added Wilder Wild's content to Serene Season's tags. ([#361](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/361#event-12156424219))
- Vanilla music will once again play in Forest biomes. ([#365](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/365))
- Removed particle textures from the Blocks atlas.
- Removed an unused Ancient Horn particle texture.
- All particle options used by Wilder Wild have been fixed for use in commands and once again accept Vec3.
- Bushes can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Bushes now grow at the same rate as saplings.
- Glory of the Snow now only drops one item upon being sheared.
- Milkweed now grows a bit slower.
- Using Bone Meal on Milkweed will now cause it to grow first, then drop additional flowers like other tall flowers afterwards.
- Before, Milkweed would use the tall flower functionality on its top half, and grow on the bottom half.
- Changed Seed particle spawning from Milkweed, now spawning from the entire plant as opposed to strictly the half that was interacted with.
- Prickly Pears can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Prickly Pears now grow much slower.
- Shelf Fungus can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Small Sponges can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Tumbleweed and Tumbleweed Stems can now be sheared with Dispensers.
- Tumbleweed Stems now grow a bit slower.
- Generated Termite Mounds will once again activate without requiring a blokc update.
- Hanging Tendrils will now drop all their stored XP upon breaking as opposed to only one, to be more fair to players.
- Fixed Hanging Tendrils crashing with C2ME installed. ([#358](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/358))
- The `New Cactus Placement` config is now set to off by default instead of on.
- Added a new `Spawn Fireflies` config option to control whether Fireflies can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Firefly Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Fireflies` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Spawn Jellyfish` config option to control whether Jellyfish can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Jellyfish Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Jellyfish` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Jellyfish Hiding` config option to control whether naturally-spawned Jellyfish can vanish inside of Mesoglea/Nematocyst.
- Added a new `Spawn Tumbleweed` config option to control whether Tumbleweed can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Tumbleweed Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Tumbleweed` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Spawn Crabs` config option to control whether Crabs can spawn naturally.
- The minimum value for `Crab Spawn Cap` has been changed to 1 as `Spawn Crabs` makes 0 redundant.
- Added a new `Resource Pack Enabled By Default` config option to make the Main Menu resource pack not be enabled upon the mod's first use.
- This should only be used in tandem with modpacks or other projects that aim to replace the main menu. Otherwise, you can manually disable it in the Resource Packs menu.
- Removed the `Cobweb Sounds` config option as Mojang has added their own. (1.20.5+)
- Added `block_palm_fronds` to the Mixins config.
- Slightly altered the config background screens, now starting at Dirt and ending with Chiseled Mud Bricks instead of starting with Mud and ending with the Stripped Cypress Log.
- Added Embeddium compatability.
- Refactored the `BubbleDirection,` `FlowerColor,` and `SlabWillStairSculkBehavior` classes to the `block.impl` package.
- More internal cleanup per usual.
- Removed the Merp Slime easter egg.
### Splash Texts
- Removed "Made from maple!"
- Removed "May or may not contain minuscule amounts of Merp"
- Removed "A slime named "Merp""
- Removed "sweat bread heaheaheh"
- Added "Goodbye to troubled days!"
- Added "Avoids manipulation!"
- Added "IT BURNS!!!11!!1!"
- Added "Scorched Legs!"
- Added "Spiders in the lava!"
- Added "Lava pool floaties!"
- Added "Hiding under the Geyser!"
- Added "Jet streams!"
- Added "Redstone-controlled eruptions!"
- Added "Fire in the hole!"
- Added "Ice in the caves!"
- Added "FrozenBiome"
- Added "Snow on the mountains!"
- Added "Water on the hill!"
- Added "Air on the ground!"
- Added "Windier Wind!"
- Added "Breezes of pollen!"
- Added "The Texture Update!"
- Added "Closes at 8pm!"
- Added "Stationary Edition!"
- Added "Use the config!"
- Added "i need a jacket its cold"
- Added "turn your ac up"
- Added "Also try Configurable Everything!"
- Added "Powered with tags!"
2.3.3 (24w10a)
- Reorganized `en_us.lang` and removed many unused strings.
- Tweaked the grammar of some config strings.
- Changed the internal names of some config options.
- Converted recipes and advancements to be automatically generated.
- Added recipes for crafting Stripped Wood/Hyphae from Hollowed Logs/Stems.
- Added many missing recipe unlocks.
- All Glory of the Snow variants now only yield one dye instead of two.
- The Null Block recipe now yield two Null Blocks instead of one.
- 1.20.4+: Renamed `wilderwild:potted_grass` to `wilderwild:potted_short_grass`.
- 1.20.1-1.20.4: Fixed a crash when interacting with Shelf Fungus.
- Optimized many textures for a smaller file size.
- Removed Quilt from supported mod loaders on Modrinth.
2.3.3 (1.20.4)
- Reorganized `en_us.lang` and removed many unused strings.
- Tweaked the grammar of some config strings.
- Changed the internal names of some config options.
- Converted recipes and advancements to be automatically generated.
- Added recipes for crafting Stripped Wood/Hyphae from Hollowed Logs/Stems.
- Added many missing recipe unlocks.
- All Glory of the Snow variants now only yield one dye instead of two.
- The Null Block recipe now yield two Null Blocks instead of one.
- 1.20.4+: Renamed `wilderwild:potted_grass` to `wilderwild:potted_short_grass`.
- 1.20.1-1.20.4: Fixed a crash when interacting with Shelf Fungus.
- Optimized many textures for a smaller file size.
- Removed Quilt from supported mod loaders on Modrinth.
2.3.3 (1.20.2)
- Reorganized `en_us.lang` and removed many unused strings.
- Tweaked the grammar of some config strings.
- Changed the internal names of some config options.
- Converted recipes and advancements to be automatically generated.
- Added recipes for crafting Stripped Wood/Hyphae from Hollowed Logs/Stems.
- Added many missing recipe unlocks.
- All Glory of the Snow variants now only yield one dye instead of two.
- The Null Block recipe now yield two Null Blocks instead of one.
- 1.20.4+: Renamed `wilderwild:potted_grass` to `wilderwild:potted_short_grass`.
- 1.20.1-1.20.4: Fixed a crash when interacting with Shelf Fungus.
- Optimized many textures for a smaller file size.
- Removed Quilt from supported mod loaders on Modrinth.
2.3.3 (1.20.1)
- Reorganized `en_us.lang` and removed many unused strings.
- Tweaked the grammar of some config strings.
- Changed the internal names of some config options.
- Converted recipes and advancements to be automatically generated.
- Added recipes for crafting Stripped Wood/Hyphae from Hollowed Logs/Stems.
- Added many missing recipe unlocks.
- All Glory of the Snow variants now only yield one dye instead of two.
- The Null Block recipe now yield two Null Blocks instead of one.
- 1.20.4+: Renamed `wilderwild:potted_grass` to `wilderwild:potted_short_grass`.
- 1.20.1-1.20.4: Fixed a crash when interacting with Shelf Fungus.
- Optimized many textures for a smaller file size.
- Removed Quilt from supported mod loaders on Modrinth.
2.3.2 (1.20.4)
2.3.2 (1.20.2)
2.3.2 (1.20.1)
2.3.1 (24w07a)
- Removed the sound events for the previously removed discs.
- Ostrich attacks can now damage and break Armor Stands.
- Fixed the death message from an Ostrich's attack not displaying properly.
- Fixed shears not snipping Glory of the Snow blocks
- Cleaned up `SonicBoomMixin`
- Updated zh_CN (Simplified Chinese) translation (Thanks to ioococ)
2.3.1 (1.20.4)
- Removed the sound events for the previously removed discs.
- Ostrich attacks can now damage and break Armor Stands.
- Fixed the death message from an Ostrich's attack not displaying properly.
- Fixed shears not snipping Glory of the Snow blocks
- Cleaned up `SonicBoomMixin`
- Updated zh_CN (Simplified Chinese) translation (Thanks to ioococ)
2.3.1 (1.20.2)
- Removed the sound events for the previously removed discs.
- Ostrich attacks can now damage and break Armor Stands.
- Fixed the death message from an Ostrich's attack not displaying properly.
- Fixed shears not snipping Glory of the Snow blocks
- Cleaned up `SonicBoomMixin`
- Updated zh_CN (Simplified Chinese) translation (Thanks to ioococ)
2.3.1 (1.20.1)
- Removed the sound events for the previously removed discs.
- Ostrich attacks can now damage and break Armor Stands.
- Fixed the death message from an Ostrich's attack not displaying properly.
- Fixed shears not snipping Glory of the Snow blocks
- Cleaned up `SonicBoomMixin`
- Updated zh_CN (Simplified Chinese) translation (Thanks to ioococ)
2.3 (24w05b)
- ### Added the Ostrich!
- Ostriches are a feathery new mob with a passion for fighting.
- Is tamed the same way as Horses, but takes a bit longer due to their feistier nature.
- Instead of charging a jump while being ridden it will attack with its beak, the strength depending on how high the meter was charged.
- If its beak hits a softer block while trying to attack, it may get stuck temporarily.
- Added the `wilderwild:ostrich_beak_buryable` tag to control which blocks these are, currently containing the tags `minecraft:mineable/shovel,` `minecraft:mineable/hoe,` and `minecraft:wool.`
- Added a new `Ostrich Peck Attack` config option to control whether or not players can use the Ostrich's attack while riding one.
- Can be bred with Bushes.
- Will lay an egg upon breeding.
- Does not require Silk Touch to be obtained.
- Requires a solid surface below in order to hatch.
- Naturally spawns in the Savanna, Savanna Plateau, and Windswept Savanna biomes.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_ostrich` biome tag to control which biomes they will spawn in.
- Added the `Spawn Ostriches` config option to control whether or not Ostriches will spawn naturally.
- If attacked and not tamed, it will chase after its attacker and peck them to death.
- If they are tamed, this behavior will only apply to non-player mobs.
- Will call other Ostriches for backup, like Wolves and Crabs.
- While provoked, cannot be ridden or fed unless it's already tamed.
- If tamed, can be fed or ridden while provoked to calm down.
- ### Added the Dying Forest!
- New Fall-based grounds for all Fall enjoyers!
- Contains Dying Trees, Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, and few Living Trees.
- The Grass and Foliage color is similar to that of Forests, but warmer and more mute.
- All regular Forest Flowers grow here, though Seeding Dandelions generate more frequently.
- Large Mushrooms generate just as they do in Forests here.
- Bushes and Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Pumpkins will generate frequently here in comparison to other biomes.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds, Coarse Dirt Paths, and Podzol Paths decorate the floor of this biome.
- ### Added the Snowy Dying Forest!
- A mixture of death and snow. Perfect.
- Contains only Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, and Fallen Trees.
- The only Flower found here is the Seeding Dandelion.
- Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds will occasionally generate in this biome.
- ### Added the Dying Mixed Forest!
- I couldn't think of anything for this one.
- Contains Dying Trees, Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, few Living Trees, and regular Spruce Trees.
- All regular Mixed Forest Flowers grow here, though Seeding Dandelions generate more frequently.
- Bushes and Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Pumpkins will generate frequently here in comparison to other biomes.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds, Coarse Dirt Paths, and Podzol Paths decorate the floor of this biome.
- ### Added the Snowy Dying Mixed Forest!
- Be patient with it, it has very mixed feelings about dying to frostbite.
- Contains only Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, and regular Spruce Trees.
- The only Flower found here is the Seeding Dandelion.
- Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds will occasionally generate in this biome.
Bug Fixes & Changes
- Updated the protocol version to 3.
- Removed the Coated Sculk item model.
- Added a new main menu panorama.
- Added codecs to as many blocks as possible.
- This has resulted in some blocks receiving reorganized and/or new constructor parameters.
- Removed the `FloweringLilyPadBlock` class as it was redundant.
- Please note that this will not impact the block itself in any way.
- Added many public static fields to blocks for better code readability and editability.
- Significantly improved the `OsseousSculkBlock` class and merged both growing methods into one.
- Sculk Charges will now move to newly placed blocks in Osseous Sculk pillars upon growth.
- Osseous Sculk no longer strictly requires a Hoe in order to drop, and now only looks for the Silk Touch enchantment.
- This doesn't mean they'll only move in one direction, they'll just be snapped to that position initially as the block is set and can still move downwards afterward.
- Echo Glass will now drop itself upon cracking if not hit by a Sonic Boom.
- Stripped Logs can now once again be hollowed with an Axe.
- Made the subtitle for hollowing a Log more consistent with the subtitle for stripping a Log.
- Baobab Nuts and Palm Fronds are now compostable.
- Changed the minimum and maximum amount of Milkweed Pods obtainable by shearing Milkweed to 1 and 3 respectively, previously being 2 and 5.
- The Milkweed Pod to String recipe now requires 9 Milkweed Pods instead of just 1.
- The Cattail to String recipe now only yields 1 String as opposed to 3.
- This recipe now requires 4 Cattails instead of just 1.
- Tweaked how Pollen chooses where to spawn particles, now being able to spawn particles above itself.
- Fixed the placement of the seed particle created when a Seeding Dandelion random ticks.
- Added the Bush, Tumbleweed, Tumbleweed Stem, Milkweed, Datura, Cattail, Flowering Lily Pad, Algae, Shelf Fungus, Small Sponge, Prickly Pear Cactus, and Nematocyst blocks to the `minecraft:sword_efficient` tag.
- Potted Small Dripleaves now use their loot table (renamed `wilderwild:blocks/potted_small.dripleaf` to `wilderwild:blocks/potted_small_dripleaf.`)
- Optimized how the Tumbleweed Stem's selects its outline/collision shape.
- Reworked the `LiquidBlockRendererMixin` for making the underside of Water smooth to now be extremely reliable and much safer.
- This also fixes an issue where other liquids like Lava could incorrectly be assigned different textures on occasion.
- Removed the `Goat Horn Symphony` and `Back` discs as they didn't feel like necessary additions, nor did they fit Vanilla.
- These will be datafixed into Lena Raine's `Otherside` and Samuel Åberg's `5` respectively.
- Renamed the `Ancient Horn Projectile` to `Ancient Horn Vibration.`
- Ancient Horn Vibrations will now spawn particles upon dissipating.
- Ancient Horn Vibrations will no longer play the dissipation sound upon hitting an entity.
- Fixed Floating Sculk Bubbles spawned from an Ancient Horn Vibration always being the same size each tick.
- Changed the default size growth of the Ancient Horn Vibration from 0 to 0.01 per tick.
- This is adjustable in the `Ancient Horn Size Multiplier` config, which used to be 0 by default.
- You will likely need to manually edit this value if you've played with Wilder Wild before, as the config will likely have 0 saved from a previous version.
- Made the visual scaling of Ancient Horn Vibrations much smoother.
- Fixed the visual scaling of Ancient Horn Vibrations to match their bounding boxes.
- Made Ancient Horn Fragments slightly rarer in Ancient City loot tables.
- Defined the Random Sequence for every one of Wilder Wild's loot tables.
- Added the Palm Hanging Sign to the `wilderwild:hanging_signs` item tag.
- Added the Palm Crown to the `wilderwild:palm_logs` item tag.
- Thrown Coconuts will no longer play multiple sounds at once upon hitting entities and/or breaking.
- Optimized the file size of many Block and Item models.
- Firework Rockets are now impacted by wind.
- Added a `Firework Rocket Wind Intensity` config option to the `Misc` tab to control the percentage of how intense wind will act upon them.
- Added `entity_firework_rocket` to the Mixins config to optionally force-disable this.
- Reimplemented the custom Warden dying sound after it was accidentally removed during a bugfix.
- The Warden's regular death sound will now play on top of its underwater dying sound once again.
- Wardens are no longer considered alive during the custom death animation.
- The Warden will no longer play heartbeat sounds while it is dying.
- Prevented the Warden from moving while it is digging or emerging.
- Changed the Warden's secret death sound from stereo to mono.
- Refactored mobs' `canSpawn` methods to reflect Vanilla's, following the template `checkXSpawnRules.`
- Crabs are now impacted by both the `Impaling` and `Bane of Arthropods` enchantments in 24w03a+.
- Fixed Crabs not properly latching onto walls if they're about to fall, but an entity is below them in 1.20.1.
- Baby Jellyfish now always give Poison I with a duration of 4 seconds, while Adult Jellyfish now always give Poison I with a duration of 10 seconds.
- This used to be a random range of time in previous versions.
- The Jellyfish sting sound no longer plays at random pitches to be more consistent with Pufferfish.
- Bubbles will spawn behind Jellyfish less frequently.
- The Baby Jellyfish's movement speed is now determined with an attribute modifier instead of repeatedly setting the base attribute, making this attribute properly modifiable.
- Jellyfish are no longer considered scary to Pufferfish.
- Jellyfish stings no longer crash servers. ([#329](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/329))
- Changed the title of the advancement for capturing a Firefly from `Bottle of Lightning` to `Lightning in a Bottle.`
- Fixed the `Restrict Instrument Sounds` config lang reading as `Restrict Instrument Sound.`
- Significantly improved Wilder Wild's biome parameter modifications and cut down `OverworldBiomeBuilderMixin` in size in the process.
- Moved all biome parameters, feature/spawn building, and most worldgen injects to individual biome classes.
- This means `WilderSharedWorldgen` will only contain parameters for modified Vanilla biome placement from now on.
- Expanded the depth at which Jellyfish Caves can generate.
- Pumpkins now generate much more frequently in Old Growth Dark Forests.
- Changed the `Cherry Grove Placement` config to be disabled by default as it wasn't as immersive as anticipated.
- Fixed the `Stony Shore Placement` config lang reading as `CStony Shore Placement.`
- Added the Arid Forest, Arid Savanna, and Oasis biomes to the `minecraft:snow_golem_melts` tag.
- Added the Snowy Dying Forest, Snowy Dying Mixed Forest, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biomes to the `minecraft:spawns_snow_foxes` tag.
- Added the Snowy Dying Forest, Snowy Dying Mixed Forest, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biomes to the `minecraft:spawns_white_rabbit` tag.
- Added even more splashes, bringing the total of custom splashes to 271!
- Removed all custom packets related to particles in favor of the regular Vanilla particle packet:
- `WilderSeedParticlePacket`
- `WilderControlledSeedParticlePacket`
- This change has resulted in the `SeedParticleOptions` class receiving two new invocation methods and new constructor parameters.
- `WilderTermiteParticlePacket`
- `WilderFloatingSculkBubbleParticlePacket`
- All custom `EntityDataSerializers` have been removed and replaced with regular String serializers in order to prevent possible issues. ([#333](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/333))
- Significantly cleaned up and reduced the amount of duplicated code in the `SimpleCopperPipesIntegration` class.
- Much more refactoring, reorganization, cleanup and many small fixes!
2.3 (1.20.4)
- ### Added the Ostrich!
- Ostriches are a feathery new mob with a passion for fighting.
- Is tamed the same way as Horses, but takes a bit longer due to their feistier nature.
- Instead of charging a jump while being ridden it will attack with its beak, the strength depending on how high the meter was charged.
- If its beak hits a softer block while trying to attack, it may get stuck temporarily.
- Added the `wilderwild:ostrich_beak_buryable` tag to control which blocks these are, currently containing the tags `minecraft:mineable/shovel,` `minecraft:mineable/hoe,` and `minecraft:wool.`
- Added a new `Ostrich Peck Attack` config option to control whether or not players can use the Ostrich's attack while riding one.
- Can be bred with Bushes.
- Will lay an egg upon breeding.
- Does not require Silk Touch to be obtained.
- Requires a solid surface below in order to hatch.
- Naturally spawns in the Savanna, Savanna Plateau, and Windswept Savanna biomes.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_ostrich` biome tag to control which biomes they will spawn in.
- Added the `Spawn Ostriches` config option to control whether or not Ostriches will spawn naturally.
- If attacked and not tamed, it will chase after its attacker and peck them to death.
- If they are tamed, this behavior will only apply to non-player mobs.
- Will call other Ostriches for backup, like Wolves and Crabs.
- While provoked, cannot be ridden or fed unless it's already tamed.
- If tamed, can be fed or ridden while provoked to calm down.
- ### Added the Dying Forest!
- New Fall-based grounds for all Fall enjoyers!
- Contains Dying Trees, Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, and few Living Trees.
- The Grass and Foliage color is similar to that of Forests, but warmer and more mute.
- All regular Forest Flowers grow here, though Seeding Dandelions generate more frequently.
- Large Mushrooms generate just as they do in Forests here.
- Bushes and Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Pumpkins will generate frequently here in comparison to other biomes.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds, Coarse Dirt Paths, and Podzol Paths decorate the floor of this biome.
- ### Added the Snowy Dying Forest!
- A mixture of death and snow. Perfect.
- Contains only Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, and Fallen Trees.
- The only Flower found here is the Seeding Dandelion.
- Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds will occasionally generate in this biome.
- ### Added the Dying Mixed Forest!
- I couldn't think of anything for this one.
- Contains Dying Trees, Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, few Living Trees, and regular Spruce Trees.
- All regular Mixed Forest Flowers grow here, though Seeding Dandelions generate more frequently.
- Bushes and Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Pumpkins will generate frequently here in comparison to other biomes.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds, Coarse Dirt Paths, and Podzol Paths decorate the floor of this biome.
- ### Added the Snowy Dying Mixed Forest!
- Be patient with it, it has very mixed feelings about dying to frostbite.
- Contains only Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, and regular Spruce Trees.
- The only Flower found here is the Seeding Dandelion.
- Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds will occasionally generate in this biome.
Bug Fixes & Changes
- Updated the protocol version to 3.
- Removed the Coated Sculk item model.
- Added a new main menu panorama.
- Added codecs to as many blocks as possible.
- This has resulted in some blocks receiving reorganized and/or new constructor parameters.
- Removed the `FloweringLilyPadBlock` class as it was redundant.
- Please note that this will not impact the block itself in any way.
- Added many public static fields to blocks for better code readability and editability.
- Significantly improved the `OsseousSculkBlock` class and merged both growing methods into one.
- Sculk Charges will now move to newly placed blocks in Osseous Sculk pillars upon growth.
- Osseous Sculk no longer strictly requires a Hoe in order to drop, and now only looks for the Silk Touch enchantment.
- This doesn't mean they'll only move in one direction, they'll just be snapped to that position initially as the block is set and can still move downwards afterward.
- Echo Glass will now drop itself upon cracking if not hit by a Sonic Boom.
- Stripped Logs can now once again be hollowed with an Axe.
- Made the subtitle for hollowing a Log more consistent with the subtitle for stripping a Log.
- Baobab Nuts and Palm Fronds are now compostable.
- Changed the minimum and maximum amount of Milkweed Pods obtainable by shearing Milkweed to 1 and 3 respectively, previously being 2 and 5.
- The Milkweed Pod to String recipe now requires 9 Milkweed Pods instead of just 1.
- The Cattail to String recipe now only yields 1 String as opposed to 3.
- This recipe now requires 4 Cattails instead of just 1.
- Tweaked how Pollen chooses where to spawn particles, now being able to spawn particles above itself.
- Fixed the placement of the seed particle created when a Seeding Dandelion random ticks.
- Added the Bush, Tumbleweed, Tumbleweed Stem, Milkweed, Datura, Cattail, Flowering Lily Pad, Algae, Shelf Fungus, Small Sponge, Prickly Pear Cactus, and Nematocyst blocks to the `minecraft:sword_efficient` tag.
- Potted Small Dripleaves now use their loot table (renamed `wilderwild:blocks/potted_small.dripleaf` to `wilderwild:blocks/potted_small_dripleaf.`)
- Optimized how the Tumbleweed Stem's selects its outline/collision shape.
- Reworked the `LiquidBlockRendererMixin` for making the underside of Water smooth to now be extremely reliable and much safer.
- This also fixes an issue where other liquids like Lava could incorrectly be assigned different textures on occasion.
- Removed the `Goat Horn Symphony` and `Back` discs as they didn't feel like necessary additions, nor did they fit Vanilla.
- These will be datafixed into Lena Raine's `Otherside` and Samuel Åberg's `5` respectively.
- Renamed the `Ancient Horn Projectile` to `Ancient Horn Vibration.`
- Ancient Horn Vibrations will now spawn particles upon dissipating.
- Ancient Horn Vibrations will no longer play the dissipation sound upon hitting an entity.
- Fixed Floating Sculk Bubbles spawned from an Ancient Horn Vibration always being the same size each tick.
- Changed the default size growth of the Ancient Horn Vibration from 0 to 0.01 per tick.
- This is adjustable in the `Ancient Horn Size Multiplier` config, which used to be 0 by default.
- You will likely need to manually edit this value if you've played with Wilder Wild before, as the config will likely have 0 saved from a previous version.
- Made the visual scaling of Ancient Horn Vibrations much smoother.
- Fixed the visual scaling of Ancient Horn Vibrations to match their bounding boxes.
- Made Ancient Horn Fragments slightly rarer in Ancient City loot tables.
- Defined the Random Sequence for every one of Wilder Wild's loot tables.
- Added the Palm Hanging Sign to the `wilderwild:hanging_signs` item tag.
- Added the Palm Crown to the `wilderwild:palm_logs` item tag.
- Thrown Coconuts will no longer play multiple sounds at once upon hitting entities and/or breaking.
- Optimized the file size of many Block and Item models.
- Firework Rockets are now impacted by wind.
- Added a `Firework Rocket Wind Intensity` config option to the `Misc` tab to control the percentage of how intense wind will act upon them.
- Added `entity_firework_rocket` to the Mixins config to optionally force-disable this.
- Reimplemented the custom Warden dying sound after it was accidentally removed during a bugfix.
- The Warden's regular death sound will now play on top of its underwater dying sound once again.
- Wardens are no longer considered alive during the custom death animation.
- The Warden will no longer play heartbeat sounds while it is dying.
- Prevented the Warden from moving while it is digging or emerging.
- Changed the Warden's secret death sound from stereo to mono.
- Refactored mobs' `canSpawn` methods to reflect Vanilla's, following the template `checkXSpawnRules.`
- Crabs are now impacted by both the `Impaling` and `Bane of Arthropods` enchantments in 24w03a+.
- Fixed Crabs not properly latching onto walls if they're about to fall, but an entity is below them in 1.20.1.
- Baby Jellyfish now always give Poison I with a duration of 4 seconds, while Adult Jellyfish now always give Poison I with a duration of 10 seconds.
- This used to be a random range of time in previous versions.
- The Jellyfish sting sound no longer plays at random pitches to be more consistent with Pufferfish.
- Bubbles will spawn behind Jellyfish less frequently.
- The Baby Jellyfish's movement speed is now determined with an attribute modifier instead of repeatedly setting the base attribute, making this attribute properly modifiable.
- Jellyfish are no longer considered scary to Pufferfish.
- Jellyfish stings no longer crash servers. ([#329](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/329))
- Changed the title of the advancement for capturing a Firefly from `Bottle of Lightning` to `Lightning in a Bottle.`
- Fixed the `Restrict Instrument Sounds` config lang reading as `Restrict Instrument Sound.`
- Significantly improved Wilder Wild's biome parameter modifications and cut down `OverworldBiomeBuilderMixin` in size in the process.
- Moved all biome parameters, feature/spawn building, and most worldgen injects to individual biome classes.
- This means `WilderSharedWorldgen` will only contain parameters for modified Vanilla biome placement from now on.
- Expanded the depth at which Jellyfish Caves can generate.
- Pumpkins now generate much more frequently in Old Growth Dark Forests.
- Changed the `Cherry Grove Placement` config to be disabled by default as it wasn't as immersive as anticipated.
- Fixed the `Stony Shore Placement` config lang reading as `CStony Shore Placement.`
- Added the Arid Forest, Arid Savanna, and Oasis biomes to the `minecraft:snow_golem_melts` tag.
- Added the Snowy Dying Forest, Snowy Dying Mixed Forest, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biomes to the `minecraft:spawns_snow_foxes` tag.
- Added the Snowy Dying Forest, Snowy Dying Mixed Forest, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biomes to the `minecraft:spawns_white_rabbit` tag.
- Added even more splashes, bringing the total of custom splashes to 271!
- Removed all custom packets related to particles in favor of the regular Vanilla particle packet:
- `WilderSeedParticlePacket`
- `WilderControlledSeedParticlePacket`
- This change has resulted in the `SeedParticleOptions` class receiving two new invocation methods and new constructor parameters.
- `WilderTermiteParticlePacket`
- `WilderFloatingSculkBubbleParticlePacket`
- All custom `EntityDataSerializers` have been removed and replaced with regular String serializers in order to prevent possible issues. ([#333](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/333))
- Significantly cleaned up and reduced the amount of duplicated code in the `SimpleCopperPipesIntegration` class.
- Much more refactoring, reorganization, cleanup and many small fixes!
2.3 (1.20.2)
- ### Added the Ostrich!
- Ostriches are a feathery new mob with a passion for fighting.
- Is tamed the same way as Horses, but takes a bit longer due to their feistier nature.
- Instead of charging a jump while being ridden it will attack with its beak, the strength depending on how high the meter was charged.
- If its beak hits a softer block while trying to attack, it may get stuck temporarily.
- Added the `wilderwild:ostrich_beak_buryable` tag to control which blocks these are, currently containing the tags `minecraft:mineable/shovel,` `minecraft:mineable/hoe,` and `minecraft:wool.`
- Added a new `Ostrich Peck Attack` config option to control whether or not players can use the Ostrich's attack while riding one.
- Can be bred with Bushes.
- Will lay an egg upon breeding.
- Does not require Silk Touch to be obtained.
- Requires a solid surface below in order to hatch.
- Naturally spawns in the Savanna, Savanna Plateau, and Windswept Savanna biomes.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_ostrich` biome tag to control which biomes they will spawn in.
- Added the `Spawn Ostriches` config option to control whether or not Ostriches will spawn naturally.
- If attacked and not tamed, it will chase after its attacker and peck them to death.
- If they are tamed, this behavior will only apply to non-player mobs.
- Will call other Ostriches for backup, like Wolves and Crabs.
- While provoked, cannot be ridden or fed unless it's already tamed.
- If tamed, can be fed or ridden while provoked to calm down.
- ### Added the Dying Forest!
- New Fall-based grounds for all Fall enjoyers!
- Contains Dying Trees, Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, and few Living Trees.
- The Grass and Foliage color is similar to that of Forests, but warmer and more mute.
- All regular Forest Flowers grow here, though Seeding Dandelions generate more frequently.
- Large Mushrooms generate just as they do in Forests here.
- Bushes and Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Pumpkins will generate frequently here in comparison to other biomes.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds, Coarse Dirt Paths, and Podzol Paths decorate the floor of this biome.
- ### Added the Snowy Dying Forest!
- A mixture of death and snow. Perfect.
- Contains only Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, and Fallen Trees.
- The only Flower found here is the Seeding Dandelion.
- Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds will occasionally generate in this biome.
- ### Added the Dying Mixed Forest!
- I couldn't think of anything for this one.
- Contains Dying Trees, Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, few Living Trees, and regular Spruce Trees.
- All regular Mixed Forest Flowers grow here, though Seeding Dandelions generate more frequently.
- Bushes and Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Pumpkins will generate frequently here in comparison to other biomes.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds, Coarse Dirt Paths, and Podzol Paths decorate the floor of this biome.
- ### Added the Snowy Dying Mixed Forest!
- Be patient with it, it has very mixed feelings about dying to frostbite.
- Contains only Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, and regular Spruce Trees.
- The only Flower found here is the Seeding Dandelion.
- Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds will occasionally generate in this biome.
Bug Fixes & Changes
- Updated the protocol version to 3.
- Removed the Coated Sculk item model.
- Added a new main menu panorama.
- Added codecs to as many blocks as possible.
- This has resulted in some blocks receiving reorganized and/or new constructor parameters.
- Removed the `FloweringLilyPadBlock` class as it was redundant.
- Please note that this will not impact the block itself in any way.
- Added many public static fields to blocks for better code readability and editability.
- Significantly improved the `OsseousSculkBlock` class and merged both growing methods into one.
- Sculk Charges will now move to newly placed blocks in Osseous Sculk pillars upon growth.
- Osseous Sculk no longer strictly requires a Hoe in order to drop, and now only looks for the Silk Touch enchantment.
- This doesn't mean they'll only move in one direction, they'll just be snapped to that position initially as the block is set and can still move downwards afterward.
- Echo Glass will now drop itself upon cracking if not hit by a Sonic Boom.
- Stripped Logs can now once again be hollowed with an Axe.
- Made the subtitle for hollowing a Log more consistent with the subtitle for stripping a Log.
- Baobab Nuts and Palm Fronds are now compostable.
- Changed the minimum and maximum amount of Milkweed Pods obtainable by shearing Milkweed to 1 and 3 respectively, previously being 2 and 5.
- The Milkweed Pod to String recipe now requires 9 Milkweed Pods instead of just 1.
- The Cattail to String recipe now only yields 1 String as opposed to 3.
- This recipe now requires 4 Cattails instead of just 1.
- Tweaked how Pollen chooses where to spawn particles, now being able to spawn particles above itself.
- Fixed the placement of the seed particle created when a Seeding Dandelion random ticks.
- Added the Bush, Tumbleweed, Tumbleweed Stem, Milkweed, Datura, Cattail, Flowering Lily Pad, Algae, Shelf Fungus, Small Sponge, Prickly Pear Cactus, and Nematocyst blocks to the `minecraft:sword_efficient` tag.
- Potted Small Dripleaves now use their loot table (renamed `wilderwild:blocks/potted_small.dripleaf` to `wilderwild:blocks/potted_small_dripleaf.`)
- Optimized how the Tumbleweed Stem's selects its outline/collision shape.
- Reworked the `LiquidBlockRendererMixin` for making the underside of Water smooth to now be extremely reliable and much safer.
- This also fixes an issue where other liquids like Lava could incorrectly be assigned different textures on occasion.
- Removed the `Goat Horn Symphony` and `Back` discs as they didn't feel like necessary additions, nor did they fit Vanilla.
- These will be datafixed into Lena Raine's `Otherside` and Samuel Åberg's `5` respectively.
- Renamed the `Ancient Horn Projectile` to `Ancient Horn Vibration.`
- Ancient Horn Vibrations will now spawn particles upon dissipating.
- Ancient Horn Vibrations will no longer play the dissipation sound upon hitting an entity.
- Fixed Floating Sculk Bubbles spawned from an Ancient Horn Vibration always being the same size each tick.
- Changed the default size growth of the Ancient Horn Vibration from 0 to 0.01 per tick.
- This is adjustable in the `Ancient Horn Size Multiplier` config, which used to be 0 by default.
- You will likely need to manually edit this value if you've played with Wilder Wild before, as the config will likely have 0 saved from a previous version.
- Made the visual scaling of Ancient Horn Vibrations much smoother.
- Fixed the visual scaling of Ancient Horn Vibrations to match their bounding boxes.
- Made Ancient Horn Fragments slightly rarer in Ancient City loot tables.
- Defined the Random Sequence for every one of Wilder Wild's loot tables.
- Added the Palm Hanging Sign to the `wilderwild:hanging_signs` item tag.
- Added the Palm Crown to the `wilderwild:palm_logs` item tag.
- Thrown Coconuts will no longer play multiple sounds at once upon hitting entities and/or breaking.
- Optimized the file size of many Block and Item models.
- Firework Rockets are now impacted by wind.
- Added a `Firework Rocket Wind Intensity` config option to the `Misc` tab to control the percentage of how intense wind will act upon them.
- Added `entity_firework_rocket` to the Mixins config to optionally force-disable this.
- Reimplemented the custom Warden dying sound after it was accidentally removed during a bugfix.
- The Warden's regular death sound will now play on top of its underwater dying sound once again.
- Wardens are no longer considered alive during the custom death animation.
- The Warden will no longer play heartbeat sounds while it is dying.
- Prevented the Warden from moving while it is digging or emerging.
- Changed the Warden's secret death sound from stereo to mono.
- Refactored mobs' `canSpawn` methods to reflect Vanilla's, following the template `checkXSpawnRules.`
- Crabs are now impacted by both the `Impaling` and `Bane of Arthropods` enchantments in 24w03a+.
- Fixed Crabs not properly latching onto walls if they're about to fall, but an entity is below them in 1.20.1.
- Baby Jellyfish now always give Poison I with a duration of 4 seconds, while Adult Jellyfish now always give Poison I with a duration of 10 seconds.
- This used to be a random range of time in previous versions.
- The Jellyfish sting sound no longer plays at random pitches to be more consistent with Pufferfish.
- Bubbles will spawn behind Jellyfish less frequently.
- The Baby Jellyfish's movement speed is now determined with an attribute modifier instead of repeatedly setting the base attribute, making this attribute properly modifiable.
- Jellyfish are no longer considered scary to Pufferfish.
- Jellyfish stings no longer crash servers. ([#329](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/329))
- Changed the title of the advancement for capturing a Firefly from `Bottle of Lightning` to `Lightning in a Bottle.`
- Fixed the `Restrict Instrument Sounds` config lang reading as `Restrict Instrument Sound.`
- Significantly improved Wilder Wild's biome parameter modifications and cut down `OverworldBiomeBuilderMixin` in size in the process.
- Moved all biome parameters, feature/spawn building, and most worldgen injects to individual biome classes.
- This means `WilderSharedWorldgen` will only contain parameters for modified Vanilla biome placement from now on.
- Expanded the depth at which Jellyfish Caves can generate.
- Pumpkins now generate much more frequently in Old Growth Dark Forests.
- Changed the `Cherry Grove Placement` config to be disabled by default as it wasn't as immersive as anticipated.
- Fixed the `Stony Shore Placement` config lang reading as `CStony Shore Placement.`
- Added the Arid Forest, Arid Savanna, and Oasis biomes to the `minecraft:snow_golem_melts` tag.
- Added the Snowy Dying Forest, Snowy Dying Mixed Forest, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biomes to the `minecraft:spawns_snow_foxes` tag.
- Added the Snowy Dying Forest, Snowy Dying Mixed Forest, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biomes to the `minecraft:spawns_white_rabbit` tag.
- Added even more splashes, bringing the total of custom splashes to 271!
- Removed all custom packets related to particles in favor of the regular Vanilla particle packet:
- `WilderSeedParticlePacket`
- `WilderControlledSeedParticlePacket`
- This change has resulted in the `SeedParticleOptions` class receiving two new invocation methods and new constructor parameters.
- `WilderTermiteParticlePacket`
- `WilderFloatingSculkBubbleParticlePacket`
- All custom `EntityDataSerializers` have been removed and replaced with regular String serializers in order to prevent possible issues. ([#333](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/333))
- Significantly cleaned up and reduced the amount of duplicated code in the `SimpleCopperPipesIntegration` class.
- Much more refactoring, reorganization, cleanup and many small fixes!
2.3 (1.20.1)
- ### Added the Ostrich!
- Ostriches are a feathery new mob with a passion for fighting.
- Is tamed the same way as Horses, but takes a bit longer due to their feistier nature.
- Instead of charging a jump while being ridden it will attack with its beak, the strength depending on how high the meter was charged.
- If its beak hits a softer block while trying to attack, it may get stuck temporarily.
- Added the `wilderwild:ostrich_beak_buryable` tag to control which blocks these are, currently containing the tags `minecraft:mineable/shovel,` `minecraft:mineable/hoe,` and `minecraft:wool.`
- Added a new `Ostrich Peck Attack` config option to control whether or not players can use the Ostrich's attack while riding one.
- Can be bred with Bushes.
- Will lay an egg upon breeding.
- Does not require Silk Touch to be obtained.
- Requires a solid surface below in order to hatch.
- Naturally spawns in the Savanna, Savanna Plateau, and Windswept Savanna biomes.
- Added the `wilderwild:has_ostrich` biome tag to control which biomes they will spawn in.
- Added the `Spawn Ostriches` config option to control whether or not Ostriches will spawn naturally.
- If attacked and not tamed, it will chase after its attacker and peck them to death.
- If they are tamed, this behavior will only apply to non-player mobs.
- Will call other Ostriches for backup, like Wolves and Crabs.
- While provoked, cannot be ridden or fed unless it's already tamed.
- If tamed, can be fed or ridden while provoked to calm down.
- ### Added the Dying Forest!
- New Fall-based grounds for all Fall enjoyers!
- Contains Dying Trees, Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, and few Living Trees.
- The Grass and Foliage color is similar to that of Forests, but warmer and more mute.
- All regular Forest Flowers grow here, though Seeding Dandelions generate more frequently.
- Large Mushrooms generate just as they do in Forests here.
- Bushes and Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Pumpkins will generate frequently here in comparison to other biomes.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds, Coarse Dirt Paths, and Podzol Paths decorate the floor of this biome.
- ### Added the Snowy Dying Forest!
- A mixture of death and snow. Perfect.
- Contains only Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, and Fallen Trees.
- The only Flower found here is the Seeding Dandelion.
- Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds will occasionally generate in this biome.
- ### Added the Dying Mixed Forest!
- I couldn't think of anything for this one.
- Contains Dying Trees, Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, few Living Trees, and regular Spruce Trees.
- All regular Mixed Forest Flowers grow here, though Seeding Dandelions generate more frequently.
- Bushes and Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Pumpkins will generate frequently here in comparison to other biomes.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds, Coarse Dirt Paths, and Podzol Paths decorate the floor of this biome.
- ### Added the Snowy Dying Mixed Forest!
- Be patient with it, it has very mixed feelings about dying to frostbite.
- Contains only Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, and regular Spruce Trees.
- The only Flower found here is the Seeding Dandelion.
- Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
- Coarse Dirt Mounds will occasionally generate in this biome.
Bug Fixes & Changes
- Updated the protocol version to 3.
- Removed the Coated Sculk item model.
- Added a new main menu panorama.
- Added codecs to as many blocks as possible.
- This has resulted in some blocks receiving reorganized and/or new constructor parameters.
- Removed the `FloweringLilyPadBlock` class as it was redundant.
- Please note that this will not impact the block itself in any way.
- Added many public static fields to blocks for better code readability and editability.
- Significantly improved the `OsseousSculkBlock` class and merged both growing methods into one.
- Sculk Charges will now move to newly placed blocks in Osseous Sculk pillars upon growth.
- Osseous Sculk no longer strictly requires a Hoe in order to drop, and now only looks for the Silk Touch enchantment.
- This doesn't mean they'll only move in one direction, they'll just be snapped to that position initially as the block is set and can still move downwards afterward.
- Echo Glass will now drop itself upon cracking if not hit by a Sonic Boom.
- Stripped Logs can now once again be hollowed with an Axe.
- Made the subtitle for hollowing a Log more consistent with the subtitle for stripping a Log.
- Baobab Nuts and Palm Fronds are now compostable.
- Changed the minimum and maximum amount of Milkweed Pods obtainable by shearing Milkweed to 1 and 3 respectively, previously being 2 and 5.
- The Milkweed Pod to String recipe now requires 9 Milkweed Pods instead of just 1.
- The Cattail to String recipe now only yields 1 String as opposed to 3.
- This recipe now requires 4 Cattails instead of just 1.
- Tweaked how Pollen chooses where to spawn particles, now being able to spawn particles above itself.
- Fixed the placement of the seed particle created when a Seeding Dandelion random ticks.
- Added the Bush, Tumbleweed, Tumbleweed Stem, Milkweed, Datura, Cattail, Flowering Lily Pad, Algae, Shelf Fungus, Small Sponge, Prickly Pear Cactus, and Nematocyst blocks to the `minecraft:sword_efficient` tag.
- Potted Small Dripleaves now use their loot table (renamed `wilderwild:blocks/potted_small.dripleaf` to `wilderwild:blocks/potted_small_dripleaf.`)
- Optimized how the Tumbleweed Stem's selects its outline/collision shape.
- Reworked the `LiquidBlockRendererMixin` for making the underside of Water smooth to now be extremely reliable and much safer.
- This also fixes an issue where other liquids like Lava could incorrectly be assigned different textures on occasion.
- Removed the `Goat Horn Symphony` and `Back` discs as they didn't feel like necessary additions, nor did they fit Vanilla.
- These will be datafixed into Lena Raine's `Otherside` and Samuel Åberg's `5` respectively.
- Renamed the `Ancient Horn Projectile` to `Ancient Horn Vibration.`
- Ancient Horn Vibrations will now spawn particles upon dissipating.
- Ancient Horn Vibrations will no longer play the dissipation sound upon hitting an entity.
- Fixed Floating Sculk Bubbles spawned from an Ancient Horn Vibration always being the same size each tick.
- Changed the default size growth of the Ancient Horn Vibration from 0 to 0.01 per tick.
- This is adjustable in the `Ancient Horn Size Multiplier` config, which used to be 0 by default.
- You will likely need to manually edit this value if you've played with Wilder Wild before, as the config will likely have 0 saved from a previous version.
- Made the visual scaling of Ancient Horn Vibrations much smoother.
- Fixed the visual scaling of Ancient Horn Vibrations to match their bounding boxes.
- Made Ancient Horn Fragments slightly rarer in Ancient City loot tables.
- Defined the Random Sequence for every one of Wilder Wild's loot tables.
- Added the Palm Hanging Sign to the `wilderwild:hanging_signs` item tag.
- Added the Palm Crown to the `wilderwild:palm_logs` item tag.
- Thrown Coconuts will no longer play multiple sounds at once upon hitting entities and/or breaking.
- Optimized the file size of many Block and Item models.
- Firework Rockets are now impacted by wind.
- Added a `Firework Rocket Wind Intensity` config option to the `Misc` tab to control the percentage of how intense wind will act upon them.
- Added `entity_firework_rocket` to the Mixins config to optionally force-disable this.
- Reimplemented the custom Warden dying sound after it was accidentally removed during a bugfix.
- The Warden's regular death sound will now play on top of its underwater dying sound once again.
- Wardens are no longer considered alive during the custom death animation.
- The Warden will no longer play heartbeat sounds while it is dying.
- Prevented the Warden from moving while it is digging or emerging.
- Changed the Warden's secret death sound from stereo to mono.
- Refactored mobs' `canSpawn` methods to reflect Vanilla's, following the template `checkXSpawnRules.`
- Crabs are now impacted by both the `Impaling` and `Bane of Arthropods` enchantments in 24w03a+.
- Fixed Crabs not properly latching onto walls if they're about to fall, but an entity is below them in 1.20.1.
- Baby Jellyfish now always give Poison I with a duration of 4 seconds, while Adult Jellyfish now always give Poison I with a duration of 10 seconds.
- This used to be a random range of time in previous versions.
- The Jellyfish sting sound no longer plays at random pitches to be more consistent with Pufferfish.
- Bubbles will spawn behind Jellyfish less frequently.
- The Baby Jellyfish's movement speed is now determined with an attribute modifier instead of repeatedly setting the base attribute, making this attribute properly modifiable.
- Jellyfish are no longer considered scary to Pufferfish.
- Jellyfish stings no longer crash servers. ([#329](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/329))
- Changed the title of the advancement for capturing a Firefly from `Bottle of Lightning` to `Lightning in a Bottle.`
- Fixed the `Restrict Instrument Sounds` config lang reading as `Restrict Instrument Sound.`
- Significantly improved Wilder Wild's biome parameter modifications and cut down `OverworldBiomeBuilderMixin` in size in the process.
- Moved all biome parameters, feature/spawn building, and most worldgen injects to individual biome classes.
- This means `WilderSharedWorldgen` will only contain parameters for modified Vanilla biome placement from now on.
- Expanded the depth at which Jellyfish Caves can generate.
- Pumpkins now generate much more frequently in Old Growth Dark Forests.
- Changed the `Cherry Grove Placement` config to be disabled by default as it wasn't as immersive as anticipated.
- Fixed the `Stony Shore Placement` config lang reading as `CStony Shore Placement.`
- Added the Arid Forest, Arid Savanna, and Oasis biomes to the `minecraft:snow_golem_melts` tag.
- Added the Snowy Dying Forest, Snowy Dying Mixed Forest, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biomes to the `minecraft:spawns_snow_foxes` tag.
- Added the Snowy Dying Forest, Snowy Dying Mixed Forest, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biomes to the `minecraft:spawns_white_rabbit` tag.
- Added even more splashes, bringing the total of custom splashes to 271!
- Removed all custom packets related to particles in favor of the regular Vanilla particle packet:
- `WilderSeedParticlePacket`
- `WilderControlledSeedParticlePacket`
- This change has resulted in the `SeedParticleOptions` class receiving two new invocation methods and new constructor parameters.
- `WilderTermiteParticlePacket`
- `WilderFloatingSculkBubbleParticlePacket`
- All custom `EntityDataSerializers` have been removed and replaced with regular String serializers in order to prevent possible issues. ([#333](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/333))
- Significantly cleaned up and reduced the amount of duplicated code in the `SimpleCopperPipesIntegration` class.
- Much more refactoring, reorganization, cleanup and many small fixes!
2.2.3 (23w51b)
- Fixed a possible compatibility issue regarding Baobab Nut block states
2.2.3 (1.20.4)
- Fixed a possible compatibility issue regarding Baobab Nut block states
2.2.3 (1.20.2)
- Fixed a possible compatibility issue regarding Baobab Nut block states
2.2.3 (1.20.1)
- Fixed a possible compatibility issue regarding Baobab Nut block states
2.2.2 (23w51b)
- Updated the Crab's digging and emerging sounds to sound slightly more Minecrafty
- Stopped Crabs from moving when they aren't supposed to
- Renamed the `wilderwild:crab_tempt_items` tag to `wilderwild:crab_food`
- Fixed the Looting enchantment not affecting the Crab claw loot table
- Fixed Display Lanterns not properly saving Fireflies to the item when broken with Silk Touch, and not spawning Fireflies upon breaking without Silk Touch
- Fixed log spam of the Enderman anger sound predicate
- Fixed tags on 1.20.4
- Fixed potted grass loot table on 1.20.4
- Fixed compat with Simple Copper Pipes to now work 100% of the time
- Requires Simple Copper Pipes 1.16+ (compat id 3)
- Removed embedded Reach Entity Attributes on 1.20.5
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.5.4
- Bumped the protocol version to 2
2.2.2 (1.20.4)
- Updated the Crab's digging and emerging sounds to sound slightly more Minecrafty
- Stopped Crabs from moving when they aren't supposed to
- Renamed the `wilderwild:crab_tempt_items` tag to `wilderwild:crab_food`
- Fixed the Looting enchantment not affecting the Crab claw loot table
- Fixed Display Lanterns not properly saving Fireflies to the item when broken with Silk Touch, and not spawning Fireflies upon breaking without Silk Touch
- Fixed log spam of the Enderman anger sound predicate
- Fixed tags on 1.20.4
- Fixed potted grass loot table on 1.20.4
- Fixed compat with Simple Copper Pipes to now work 100% of the time
- Requires Simple Copper Pipes 1.16+ (compat id 3)
- Removed embedded Reach Entity Attributes on 1.20.5
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.5.4
- Bumped the protocol version to 2
2.2.2 (1.20.2)
- Updated the Crab's digging and emerging sounds to sound slightly more Minecrafty
- Stopped Crabs from moving when they aren't supposed to
- Renamed the `wilderwild:crab_tempt_items` tag to `wilderwild:crab_food`
- Fixed the Looting enchantment not affecting the Crab claw loot table
- Fixed Display Lanterns not properly saving Fireflies to the item when broken with Silk Touch, and not spawning Fireflies upon breaking without Silk Touch
- Fixed log spam of the Enderman anger sound predicate
- Fixed tags on 1.20.4
- Fixed potted grass loot table on 1.20.4
- Fixed compat with Simple Copper Pipes to now work 100% of the time
- Requires Simple Copper Pipes 1.16+ (compat id 3)
- Removed embedded Reach Entity Attributes on 1.20.5
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.5.4
- Bumped the protocol version to 2
2.2.2 (1.20.1)
- Updated the Crab's digging and emerging sounds to sound slightly more Minecrafty
- Stopped Crabs from moving when they aren't supposed to
- Renamed the `wilderwild:crab_tempt_items` tag to `wilderwild:crab_food`
- Fixed the Looting enchantment not affecting the Crab claw loot table
- Fixed Display Lanterns not properly saving Fireflies to the item when broken with Silk Touch, and not spawning Fireflies upon breaking without Silk Touch
- Fixed log spam of the Enderman anger sound predicate
- Fixed tags on 1.20.4
- Fixed potted grass loot table on 1.20.4
- Fixed compat with Simple Copper Pipes to now work 100% of the time
- Requires Simple Copper Pipes 1.16+ (compat id 3)
- Removed embedded Reach Entity Attributes on 1.20.5
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.5.4
- Bumped the protocol version to 2
2.2.1 (1.20.4)
2.2 Changelog:
- ### Added the Crab!
- Crabs are neutral mobs that spawn in Mangrove Swamps, Warm Oceans, Lukewarm Oceans, Deep Lukewarm Oceans, Oceans, Deep Oceans, Warm Beaches, Beaches, and Cypress Wetlands.
- If no players are close to a Crab and it's not been disturbed for a while, the Crab will hide in the ground.
- If a player comes nearby or a loud vibration occurs, the Crab will come back out of hiding.
- When attacked, the Crab will run towards its attacker and call all other Crabs nearby, even those in hiding, for backup.
- Baby Crabs cannot attack, and will instead panic.
- Can be bred with Kelp.
- Can climb up walls.
- Can be scooped up in Buckets.
- Has a chance to drop its Claw upon death (only when killed by a player), which can be cooked.
- The Crab's Claw can also be brewed with an Awkward potion to create a Potion of Reaching.
- ### Added the Reach Boost effect!
- Extends the player's reach by 1 block per level.
- Does not affect attacking, only impacts interactions with Items and Blocks including both placing and breaking.
- There is, however, a config option to let this impact attack reach.
Bug Fixes & Changes
- Added partial Japanese language support
- Thank you mayonaka8478
- Tweaked leaf decay distance to 12 in order to accommodate for Palm Fronds, so they now work like regular leaves
- Other leaf types will still cap out at 7, but can be changed with commands or a Debug Stick to go up to 12
- Made Palm Fronds less dense on average
- Removed the custom distance detection from Palm Crowns
- Added Palm Crowns to tags it was missing from
- Reworked how Coconuts are placed on Palms, so they should no longer break upon generation
- Added PalmTreeFeature to handle Palms' unique Coconut growth and Frond distance detection
- Added a translation string for Coconut projectiles
- Fixed compatibility between Wilder Wild's Stripped Logs and Create
- Milkweed now plays a sound when rustled
- Milkweed can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Glory of the Snow can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Prickly Pear's Damage Source has been added to the bypasses_armor tag
- Tumbleweed entities will now drop themselves if killed by any entity with Silk Touch, instead of only doing so when killed by a player
- Fixed Fireflies with the Nectar easter egg not properly rendering their glowing overlay
- Fixed Firefly Bottles with the Nectar easter egg not using the Nectar texture
- Increased the chances of a flickering Firefly spawning (smooth pulsing vs. flickering)
- Changed how flickering Fireflies calculate their colors ([#316](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/316))
- Display Lanterns will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a full signal if they have an item inside, or a signal based upon how many Fireflies are placed inside
- Fixed an issue pertaining to Silk Touch with the Display Lantern's loot table
- Display Lanterns will now properly spawn Fireflies that were held inside of them when broken
- Fixed Jellyfish no longer spawning in Jellyfish Caves
- Slightly optimized Jellyfish rendering with the rainbow easter egg
- Reworked how clipping works with Waterlogged Mesoglea, as it will now apply to all entities as opposed to just players as is much more stable
- This comes alongside BlockGetterMixin having much cleaner code, and the removal of IN_MESOGLEA in WilderSharedConstants
- Osseous Sculk will now cover their branches in Sculk Veins when its base is converted to Sculk
- Increased the chances of larger Osseous Sculk generating during worldgen
- Sculk Shriekers will now only create Sculk Bubbles underwater if the Shrieker Gargling config is enabled
- Stone Chests will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a signal based on how high their lid is lifted ([#319](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/319))
- Echo Glass now occludes Vibrations
- Finally fixed odd timing on Floating Sculk Bubbles' scaling
- Added more config options for the warden
- Added a config option to control whether or not the Warden should be able to swim
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved digging animation should be used
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved emerging animation should be used
- The Warden's animation configs will no longer require the game to restart
- This config option should now result in all Warden changes becoming toggleable
- The Warden's death particles will now only spawn at the Warden's position as opposed to spawning within its entire hitbox
- The Allay's keyframed dance animation config will no longer require the game to restart
- Landing/Potion sound code will no longer attempt to run on the client
- Landing Ender Pearls will now play sounds in their owner's sound category (Zombies would be Hostile, and Players would be Player)
- Added a config option to control whether or not Lightning Bolts should be able to scorch Sand blocks, instead of being hardcoded
- Added a config option for whether or not Block particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- Added a config option for whether of not Smoke particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- The config will now sync between server and client
- Operators of servers will modify the server's config upon modifying it on their end
- Non-operators will see that config options that don't solely pertain to the client will be blocked out and set to the server's value
- Added a "New Frosted Ice Cracking" config option to control Frosted Ice's updated cracking (playing sounds and spawning particles)
- Added a config option for whether or not Dripleaves will use updated Redstone powering functionality
- Added a config option for whether or not advancements will be modified
- Swapped the placement of the Misc and Worldgen config tabs
- Refactored many aspects Wilder Wild's configured features' field names to be more consistent with Vanilla
- Removed LeavesAroundTopTreeDecorator
- Removed additional Plains flowers from Meadows
- Increased the amount of flowers that typically generate in Meadows
- Removed the Fabric Loader version requirement in hopes it will fix issues with Quilt
- Changed the grammar of Wilder Wild's advancements to align with Vanilla's
- Fixed compatibility with Roughly Enough Resources ([#315](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/315))
- Hopefully resolved world generation issues with C2ME ([#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311))
- Instrument items will now properly play on servers instead of immediately cutting out ([#284](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/284))
- Disabled remapping for some methods and fields referenced in mixins of mods to hopefully prevent possible issues
- Moved all packet handling to `FabricPacket` classes to improve the longevity and organization of Wilder Wild's codebase
- Refactored, cleaned up, and reworked multiple classes and mixins to improve internal organization, stability, and code integrity
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Luna*
Hey, all! This is Luna/AViewFromTheTop here. :)
I decided to start this "newsletter" of sorts as an easier way to communicate with you all, and to share things that I (or Treetrain, if he decides to write as well) would like our community to look out for and whatnot.
First order of business, I'm hoping I've just been able to fix [#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311), The issue where C2ME would sometimes cause crashes while generating a Deep Dark biome. I'd like for you all to test if this issue has actually been fixed, and if not, to create a new [issue for it on our GitHub page](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues).
Aside from that, I'd appreciate if you all could give us feedback on Crabs! They've been quite troublesome to make and I'm sure I wasn't able to incorporate every idea possible into them, so I'd like to know what you think could be improved upon or what may be missing. On that note, help from other modders to get their rotation and navigation working flawlessly would be very much appreciated!
Crabs work a bit like Wardens, by the way. They can detect specific game events while hiding underground, which will cause them to emerge. They will *always* emerge if a Player is within 4 blocks of them, however. Projectiles landing, explosions, blocks breaking, etc. will cause a Crab to emerge.
So why didn't I make "lower" vibrations trigger this? As a matter of fact, it's based both on fact and for gameplay reasons. Crabs hardly have good enough hearing and mostly depend on pressure changes to tell where things are, if I remember correctly. While researching this I came across someone who found a Crab would immediately react to someone jumping, but wouldn't budge with music blasting directly towards it.
Now, I understand how the assortment of Vibrations I chose for the Crab to react to may be omitting some relatively logical options, though, I personally believe there is substantial enough reason to do so on the gameplay side of things. I want Crabs to have a balance between feeling sneaky, ruthless, yet innocent and still maintaining a naive nature. I don't want them emerging if they can tell they wouldn't be in possible immediate danger!
I almost forgot to mention, too, this behavior was inspired by the Sheargrubs in Pikmin. I want Crabs to occassionally surprise the player when they suddenly emerge, you know? Scary.
The last thing I'd like to mention is that we're open to new sound designers and texture artists! I would prefer to have a few of each so we don't have to pawn all our requests on to one person, and to allow for more flexibility and looser deadlines in our team. It would also be beneficial to be able to review multiple takes on one idea, if need be!
12/14/2023 Update: Whew! That was a long trip. Since I wrote that newsletter, I had a ton of stuff to fix and Treetrain managed to do some of the most insane things ever, including config syncing! I'm hoping this is the day 2.2 releases, there have been so many improvements made and so many challenges overcome (and honestly 80% of which we can all thank Treetrain for,) and I just want to get this over with so I can work on my other mods. And Wilder Wild 2.3... I think I already know what I want it to be.
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Treetrain1*
What's good gamers, Treetrain1 here.
This is super *Wild*.
2.2.1 (1.20.2)
2.2 Changelog:
- ### Added the Crab!
- Crabs are neutral mobs that spawn in Mangrove Swamps, Warm Oceans, Lukewarm Oceans, Deep Lukewarm Oceans, Oceans, Deep Oceans, Warm Beaches, Beaches, and Cypress Wetlands.
- If no players are close to a Crab and it's not been disturbed for a while, the Crab will hide in the ground.
- If a player comes nearby or a loud vibration occurs, the Crab will come back out of hiding.
- When attacked, the Crab will run towards its attacker and call all other Crabs nearby, even those in hiding, for backup.
- Baby Crabs cannot attack, and will instead panic.
- Can be bred with Kelp.
- Can climb up walls.
- Can be scooped up in Buckets.
- Has a chance to drop its Claw upon death (only when killed by a player), which can be cooked.
- The Crab's Claw can also be brewed with an Awkward potion to create a Potion of Reaching.
- ### Added the Reach Boost effect!
- Extends the player's reach by 1 block per level.
- Does not affect attacking, only impacts interactions with Items and Blocks including both placing and breaking.
- There is, however, a config option to let this impact attack reach.
Bug Fixes & Changes
- Added partial Japanese language support
- Thank you mayonaka8478
- Tweaked leaf decay distance to 12 in order to accommodate for Palm Fronds, so they now work like regular leaves
- Other leaf types will still cap out at 7, but can be changed with commands or a Debug Stick to go up to 12
- Made Palm Fronds less dense on average
- Removed the custom distance detection from Palm Crowns
- Added Palm Crowns to tags it was missing from
- Reworked how Coconuts are placed on Palms, so they should no longer break upon generation
- Added PalmTreeFeature to handle Palms' unique Coconut growth and Frond distance detection
- Added a translation string for Coconut projectiles
- Fixed compatibility between Wilder Wild's Stripped Logs and Create
- Milkweed now plays a sound when rustled
- Milkweed can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Glory of the Snow can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Prickly Pear's Damage Source has been added to the bypasses_armor tag
- Tumbleweed entities will now drop themselves if killed by any entity with Silk Touch, instead of only doing so when killed by a player
- Fixed Fireflies with the Nectar easter egg not properly rendering their glowing overlay
- Fixed Firefly Bottles with the Nectar easter egg not using the Nectar texture
- Increased the chances of a flickering Firefly spawning (smooth pulsing vs. flickering)
- Changed how flickering Fireflies calculate their colors ([#316](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/316))
- Display Lanterns will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a full signal if they have an item inside, or a signal based upon how many Fireflies are placed inside
- Fixed an issue pertaining to Silk Touch with the Display Lantern's loot table
- Display Lanterns will now properly spawn Fireflies that were held inside of them when broken
- Fixed Jellyfish no longer spawning in Jellyfish Caves
- Slightly optimized Jellyfish rendering with the rainbow easter egg
- Reworked how clipping works with Waterlogged Mesoglea, as it will now apply to all entities as opposed to just players as is much more stable
- This comes alongside BlockGetterMixin having much cleaner code, and the removal of IN_MESOGLEA in WilderSharedConstants
- Osseous Sculk will now cover their branches in Sculk Veins when its base is converted to Sculk
- Increased the chances of larger Osseous Sculk generating during worldgen
- Sculk Shriekers will now only create Sculk Bubbles underwater if the Shrieker Gargling config is enabled
- Stone Chests will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a signal based on how high their lid is lifted ([#319](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/319))
- Echo Glass now occludes Vibrations
- Finally fixed odd timing on Floating Sculk Bubbles' scaling
- Added more config options for the warden
- Added a config option to control whether or not the Warden should be able to swim
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved digging animation should be used
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved emerging animation should be used
- The Warden's animation configs will no longer require the game to restart
- This config option should now result in all Warden changes becoming toggleable
- The Warden's death particles will now only spawn at the Warden's position as opposed to spawning within its entire hitbox
- The Allay's keyframed dance animation config will no longer require the game to restart
- Landing/Potion sound code will no longer attempt to run on the client
- Landing Ender Pearls will now play sounds in their owner's sound category (Zombies would be Hostile, and Players would be Player)
- Added a config option to control whether or not Lightning Bolts should be able to scorch Sand blocks, instead of being hardcoded
- Added a config option for whether or not Block particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- Added a config option for whether of not Smoke particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- The config will now sync between server and client
- Operators of servers will modify the server's config upon modifying it on their end
- Non-operators will see that config options that don't solely pertain to the client will be blocked out and set to the server's value
- Added a "New Frosted Ice Cracking" config option to control Frosted Ice's updated cracking (playing sounds and spawning particles)
- Added a config option for whether or not Dripleaves will use updated Redstone powering functionality
- Added a config option for whether or not advancements will be modified
- Swapped the placement of the Misc and Worldgen config tabs
- Refactored many aspects Wilder Wild's configured features' field names to be more consistent with Vanilla
- Removed LeavesAroundTopTreeDecorator
- Removed additional Plains flowers from Meadows
- Increased the amount of flowers that typically generate in Meadows
- Removed the Fabric Loader version requirement in hopes it will fix issues with Quilt
- Changed the grammar of Wilder Wild's advancements to align with Vanilla's
- Fixed compatibility with Roughly Enough Resources ([#315](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/315))
- Hopefully resolved world generation issues with C2ME ([#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311))
- Instrument items will now properly play on servers instead of immediately cutting out ([#284](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/284))
- Disabled remapping for some methods and fields referenced in mixins of mods to hopefully prevent possible issues
- Moved all packet handling to `FabricPacket` classes to improve the longevity and organization of Wilder Wild's codebase
- Refactored, cleaned up, and reworked multiple classes and mixins to improve internal organization, stability, and code integrity
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Luna*
Hey, all! This is Luna/AViewFromTheTop here. :)
I decided to start this "newsletter" of sorts as an easier way to communicate with you all, and to share things that I (or Treetrain, if he decides to write as well) would like our community to look out for and whatnot.
First order of business, I'm hoping I've just been able to fix [#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311), The issue where C2ME would sometimes cause crashes while generating a Deep Dark biome. I'd like for you all to test if this issue has actually been fixed, and if not, to create a new [issue for it on our GitHub page](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues).
Aside from that, I'd appreciate if you all could give us feedback on Crabs! They've been quite troublesome to make and I'm sure I wasn't able to incorporate every idea possible into them, so I'd like to know what you think could be improved upon or what may be missing. On that note, help from other modders to get their rotation and navigation working flawlessly would be very much appreciated!
Crabs work a bit like Wardens, by the way. They can detect specific game events while hiding underground, which will cause them to emerge. They will *always* emerge if a Player is within 4 blocks of them, however. Projectiles landing, explosions, blocks breaking, etc. will cause a Crab to emerge.
So why didn't I make "lower" vibrations trigger this? As a matter of fact, it's based both on fact and for gameplay reasons. Crabs hardly have good enough hearing and mostly depend on pressure changes to tell where things are, if I remember correctly. While researching this I came across someone who found a Crab would immediately react to someone jumping, but wouldn't budge with music blasting directly towards it.
Now, I understand how the assortment of Vibrations I chose for the Crab to react to may be omitting some relatively logical options, though, I personally believe there is substantial enough reason to do so on the gameplay side of things. I want Crabs to have a balance between feeling sneaky, ruthless, yet innocent and still maintaining a naive nature. I don't want them emerging if they can tell they wouldn't be in possible immediate danger!
I almost forgot to mention, too, this behavior was inspired by the Sheargrubs in Pikmin. I want Crabs to occassionally surprise the player when they suddenly emerge, you know? Scary.
The last thing I'd like to mention is that we're open to new sound designers and texture artists! I would prefer to have a few of each so we don't have to pawn all our requests on to one person, and to allow for more flexibility and looser deadlines in our team. It would also be beneficial to be able to review multiple takes on one idea, if need be!
12/14/2023 Update: Whew! That was a long trip. Since I wrote that newsletter, I had a ton of stuff to fix and Treetrain managed to do some of the most insane things ever, including config syncing! I'm hoping this is the day 2.2 releases, there have been so many improvements made and so many challenges overcome (and honestly 80% of which we can all thank Treetrain for,) and I just want to get this over with so I can work on my other mods. And Wilder Wild 2.3... I think I already know what I want it to be.
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Treetrain1*
What's good gamers, Treetrain1 here.
This is super *Wild*.
2.2.1 (1.20.1)
2.2 Changelog:
- ### Added the Crab!
- Crabs are neutral mobs that spawn in Mangrove Swamps, Warm Oceans, Lukewarm Oceans, Deep Lukewarm Oceans, Oceans, Deep Oceans, Warm Beaches, Beaches, and Cypress Wetlands.
- If no players are close to a Crab and it's not been disturbed for a while, the Crab will hide in the ground.
- If a player comes nearby or a loud vibration occurs, the Crab will come back out of hiding.
- When attacked, the Crab will run towards its attacker and call all other Crabs nearby, even those in hiding, for backup.
- Baby Crabs cannot attack, and will instead panic.
- Can be bred with Kelp.
- Can climb up walls.
- Can be scooped up in Buckets.
- Has a chance to drop its Claw upon death (only when killed by a player), which can be cooked.
- The Crab's Claw can also be brewed with an Awkward potion to create a Potion of Reaching.
- ### Added the Reach Boost effect!
- Extends the player's reach by 1 block per level.
- Does not affect attacking, only impacts interactions with Items and Blocks including both placing and breaking.
- There is, however, a config option to let this impact attack reach.
Bug Fixes & Changes
- Added partial Japanese language support
- Thank you mayonaka8478
- Tweaked leaf decay distance to 12 in order to accommodate for Palm Fronds, so they now work like regular leaves
- Other leaf types will still cap out at 7, but can be changed with commands or a Debug Stick to go up to 12
- Made Palm Fronds less dense on average
- Removed the custom distance detection from Palm Crowns
- Added Palm Crowns to tags it was missing from
- Reworked how Coconuts are placed on Palms, so they should no longer break upon generation
- Added PalmTreeFeature to handle Palms' unique Coconut growth and Frond distance detection
- Added a translation string for Coconut projectiles
- Fixed compatibility between Wilder Wild's Stripped Logs and Create
- Milkweed now plays a sound when rustled
- Milkweed can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Glory of the Snow can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Prickly Pear's Damage Source has been added to the bypasses_armor tag
- Tumbleweed entities will now drop themselves if killed by any entity with Silk Touch, instead of only doing so when killed by a player
- Fixed Fireflies with the Nectar easter egg not properly rendering their glowing overlay
- Fixed Firefly Bottles with the Nectar easter egg not using the Nectar texture
- Increased the chances of a flickering Firefly spawning (smooth pulsing vs. flickering)
- Changed how flickering Fireflies calculate their colors ([#316](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/316))
- Display Lanterns will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a full signal if they have an item inside, or a signal based upon how many Fireflies are placed inside
- Fixed an issue pertaining to Silk Touch with the Display Lantern's loot table
- Display Lanterns will now properly spawn Fireflies that were held inside of them when broken
- Fixed Jellyfish no longer spawning in Jellyfish Caves
- Slightly optimized Jellyfish rendering with the rainbow easter egg
- Reworked how clipping works with Waterlogged Mesoglea, as it will now apply to all entities as opposed to just players as is much more stable
- This comes alongside BlockGetterMixin having much cleaner code, and the removal of IN_MESOGLEA in WilderSharedConstants
- Osseous Sculk will now cover their branches in Sculk Veins when its base is converted to Sculk
- Increased the chances of larger Osseous Sculk generating during worldgen
- Sculk Shriekers will now only create Sculk Bubbles underwater if the Shrieker Gargling config is enabled
- Stone Chests will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a signal based on how high their lid is lifted ([#319](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/319))
- Echo Glass now occludes Vibrations
- Finally fixed odd timing on Floating Sculk Bubbles' scaling
- Added more config options for the warden
- Added a config option to control whether or not the Warden should be able to swim
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved digging animation should be used
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved emerging animation should be used
- The Warden's animation configs will no longer require the game to restart
- This config option should now result in all Warden changes becoming toggleable
- The Warden's death particles will now only spawn at the Warden's position as opposed to spawning within its entire hitbox
- The Allay's keyframed dance animation config will no longer require the game to restart
- Landing/Potion sound code will no longer attempt to run on the client
- Landing Ender Pearls will now play sounds in their owner's sound category (Zombies would be Hostile, and Players would be Player)
- Added a config option to control whether or not Lightning Bolts should be able to scorch Sand blocks, instead of being hardcoded
- Added a config option for whether or not Block particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- Added a config option for whether of not Smoke particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- The config will now sync between server and client
- Operators of servers will modify the server's config upon modifying it on their end
- Non-operators will see that config options that don't solely pertain to the client will be blocked out and set to the server's value
- Added a "New Frosted Ice Cracking" config option to control Frosted Ice's updated cracking (playing sounds and spawning particles)
- Added a config option for whether or not Dripleaves will use updated Redstone powering functionality
- Added a config option for whether or not advancements will be modified
- Swapped the placement of the Misc and Worldgen config tabs
- Refactored many aspects Wilder Wild's configured features' field names to be more consistent with Vanilla
- Removed LeavesAroundTopTreeDecorator
- Removed additional Plains flowers from Meadows
- Increased the amount of flowers that typically generate in Meadows
- Removed the Fabric Loader version requirement in hopes it will fix issues with Quilt
- Changed the grammar of Wilder Wild's advancements to align with Vanilla's
- Fixed compatibility with Roughly Enough Resources ([#315](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/315))
- Hopefully resolved world generation issues with C2ME ([#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311))
- Instrument items will now properly play on servers instead of immediately cutting out ([#284](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/284))
- Disabled remapping for some methods and fields referenced in mixins of mods to hopefully prevent possible issues
- Moved all packet handling to `FabricPacket` classes to improve the longevity and organization of Wilder Wild's codebase
- Refactored, cleaned up, and reworked multiple classes and mixins to improve internal organization, stability, and code integrity
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Luna*
Hey, all! This is Luna/AViewFromTheTop here. :)
I decided to start this "newsletter" of sorts as an easier way to communicate with you all, and to share things that I (or Treetrain, if he decides to write as well) would like our community to look out for and whatnot.
First order of business, I'm hoping I've just been able to fix [#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311), The issue where C2ME would sometimes cause crashes while generating a Deep Dark biome. I'd like for you all to test if this issue has actually been fixed, and if not, to create a new [issue for it on our GitHub page](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues).
Aside from that, I'd appreciate if you all could give us feedback on Crabs! They've been quite troublesome to make and I'm sure I wasn't able to incorporate every idea possible into them, so I'd like to know what you think could be improved upon or what may be missing. On that note, help from other modders to get their rotation and navigation working flawlessly would be very much appreciated!
Crabs work a bit like Wardens, by the way. They can detect specific game events while hiding underground, which will cause them to emerge. They will *always* emerge if a Player is within 4 blocks of them, however. Projectiles landing, explosions, blocks breaking, etc. will cause a Crab to emerge.
So why didn't I make "lower" vibrations trigger this? As a matter of fact, it's based both on fact and for gameplay reasons. Crabs hardly have good enough hearing and mostly depend on pressure changes to tell where things are, if I remember correctly. While researching this I came across someone who found a Crab would immediately react to someone jumping, but wouldn't budge with music blasting directly towards it.
Now, I understand how the assortment of Vibrations I chose for the Crab to react to may be omitting some relatively logical options, though, I personally believe there is substantial enough reason to do so on the gameplay side of things. I want Crabs to have a balance between feeling sneaky, ruthless, yet innocent and still maintaining a naive nature. I don't want them emerging if they can tell they wouldn't be in possible immediate danger!
I almost forgot to mention, too, this behavior was inspired by the Sheargrubs in Pikmin. I want Crabs to occassionally surprise the player when they suddenly emerge, you know? Scary.
The last thing I'd like to mention is that we're open to new sound designers and texture artists! I would prefer to have a few of each so we don't have to pawn all our requests on to one person, and to allow for more flexibility and looser deadlines in our team. It would also be beneficial to be able to review multiple takes on one idea, if need be!
12/14/2023 Update: Whew! That was a long trip. Since I wrote that newsletter, I had a ton of stuff to fix and Treetrain managed to do some of the most insane things ever, including config syncing! I'm hoping this is the day 2.2 releases, there have been so many improvements made and so many challenges overcome (and honestly 80% of which we can all thank Treetrain for,) and I just want to get this over with so I can work on my other mods. And Wilder Wild 2.3... I think I already know what I want it to be.
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Treetrain1*
What's good gamers, Treetrain1 here.
This is super *Wild*.
2.2 (1.20.4)
- ### Added the Crab!
- Crabs are neutral mobs that spawn in Mangrove Swamps, Warm Oceans, Lukewarm Oceans, Deep Lukewarm Oceans, Oceans, Deep Oceans, Warm Beaches, Beaches, and Cypress Wetlands.
- If no players are close to a Crab and it's not been disturbed for a while, the Crab will hide in the ground.
- If a player comes nearby or a loud vibration occurs, the Crab will come back out of hiding.
- When attacked, the Crab will run towards its attacker and call all other Crabs nearby, even those in hiding, for backup.
- Baby Crabs cannot attack, and will instead panic.
- Can be bred with Kelp.
- Can climb up walls.
- Can be scooped up in Buckets.
- Has a chance to drop its Claw upon death (only when killed by a player), which can be cooked.
- The Crab's Claw can also be brewed with an Awkward potion to create a Potion of Reaching.
- ### Added the Reach Boost effect!
- Extends the player's reach by 1 block per level.
- Does not affect attacking, only impacts interactions with Items and Blocks including both placing and breaking.
- There is, however, a config option to let this impact attack reach.
Bug Fixes & Changes
- Added partial Japanese language support
- Thank you mayonaka8478
- Tweaked leaf decay distance to 12 in order to accommodate for Palm Fronds, so they now work like regular leaves
- Other leaf types will still cap out at 7, but can be changed with commands or a Debug Stick to go up to 12
- Made Palm Fronds less dense on average
- Removed the custom distance detection from Palm Crowns
- Added Palm Crowns to tags it was missing from
- Reworked how Coconuts are placed on Palms, so they should no longer break upon generation
- Added PalmTreeFeature to handle Palms' unique Coconut growth and Frond distance detection
- Added a translation string for Coconut projectiles
- Fixed compatibility between Wilder Wild's Stripped Logs and Create
- Milkweed now plays a sound when rustled
- Milkweed can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Glory of the Snow can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Prickly Pear's Damage Source has been added to the bypasses_armor tag
- Tumbleweed entities will now drop themselves if killed by any entity with Silk Touch, instead of only doing so when killed by a player
- Fixed Fireflies with the Nectar easter egg not properly rendering their glowing overlay
- Fixed Firefly Bottles with the Nectar easter egg not using the Nectar texture
- Increased the chances of a flickering Firefly spawning (smooth pulsing vs. flickering)
- Changed how flickering Fireflies calculate their colors ([#316](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/316))
- Display Lanterns will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a full signal if they have an item inside, or a signal based upon how many Fireflies are placed inside
- Fixed an issue pertaining to Silk Touch with the Display Lantern's loot table
- Display Lanterns will now properly spawn Fireflies that were held inside of them when broken
- Fixed Jellyfish no longer spawning in Jellyfish Caves
- Slightly optimized Jellyfish rendering with the rainbow easter egg
- Reworked how clipping works with Waterlogged Mesoglea, as it will now apply to all entities as opposed to just players as is much more stable
- This comes alongside BlockGetterMixin having much cleaner code, and the removal of IN_MESOGLEA in WilderSharedConstants
- Osseous Sculk will now cover their branches in Sculk Veins when its base is converted to Sculk
- Increased the chances of larger Osseous Sculk generating during worldgen
- Sculk Shriekers will now only create Sculk Bubbles underwater if the Shrieker Gargling config is enabled
- Stone Chests will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a signal based on how high their lid is lifted ([#319](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/319))
- Echo Glass now occludes Vibrations
- Finally fixed odd timing on Floating Sculk Bubbles' scaling
- Added more config options for the warden
- Added a config option to control whether or not the Warden should be able to swim
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved digging animation should be used
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved emerging animation should be used
- The Warden's animation configs will no longer require the game to restart
- This config option should now result in all Warden changes becoming toggleable
- The Warden's death particles will now only spawn at the Warden's position as opposed to spawning within its entire hitbox
- The Allay's keyframed dance animation config will no longer require the game to restart
- Landing/Potion sound code will no longer attempt to run on the client
- Landing Ender Pearls will now play sounds in their owner's sound category (Zombies would be Hostile, and Players would be Player)
- Added a config option to control whether or not Lightning Bolts should be able to scorch Sand blocks, instead of being hardcoded
- Added a config option for whether or not Block particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- Added a config option for whether of not Smoke particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- The config will now sync between server and client
- Operators of servers will modify the server's config upon modifying it on their end
- Non-operators will see that config options that don't solely pertain to the client will be blocked out and set to the server's value
- Added a "New Frosted Ice Cracking" config option to control Frosted Ice's updated cracking (playing sounds and spawning particles)
- Added a config option for whether or not Dripleaves will use updated Redstone powering functionality
- Added a config option for whether or not advancements will be modified
- Swapped the placement of the Misc and Worldgen config tabs
- Refactored many aspects Wilder Wild's configured features' field names to be more consistent with Vanilla
- Removed LeavesAroundTopTreeDecorator
- Removed additional Plains flowers from Meadows
- Increased the amount of flowers that typically generate in Meadows
- Removed the Fabric Loader version requirement in hopes it will fix issues with Quilt
- Changed the grammar of Wilder Wild's advancements to align with Vanilla's
- Fixed compatibility with Roughly Enough Resources ([#315](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/315))
- Hopefully resolved world generation issues with C2ME ([#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311))
- Instrument items will now properly play on servers instead of immediately cutting out ([#284](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/284))
- Disabled remapping for some methods and fields referenced in mixins of mods to hopefully prevent possible issues
- Moved all packet handling to `FabricPacket` classes to improve the longevity and organization of Wilder Wild's codebase
- Refactored, cleaned up, and reworked multiple classes and mixins to improve internal organization, stability, and code integrity
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Luna*
Hey, all! This is Luna/AViewFromTheTop here. :)
I decided to start this "newsletter" of sorts as an easier way to communicate with you all, and to share things that I (or Treetrain, if he decides to write as well) would like our community to look out for and whatnot.
First order of business, I'm hoping I've just been able to fix [#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311), The issue where C2ME would sometimes cause crashes while generating a Deep Dark biome. I'd like for you all to test if this issue has actually been fixed, and if not, to create a new [issue for it on our GitHub page](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues).
Aside from that, I'd appreciate if you all could give us feedback on Crabs! They've been quite troublesome to make and I'm sure I wasn't able to incorporate every idea possible into them, so I'd like to know what you think could be improved upon or what may be missing. On that note, help from other modders to get their rotation and navigation working flawlessly would be very much appreciated!
Crabs work a bit like Wardens, by the way. They can detect specific game events while hiding underground, which will cause them to emerge. They will *always* emerge if a Player is within 4 blocks of them, however. Projectiles landing, explosions, blocks breaking, etc. will cause a Crab to emerge.
So why didn't I make "lower" vibrations trigger this? As a matter of fact, it's based both on fact and for gameplay reasons. Crabs hardly have good enough hearing and mostly depend on pressure changes to tell where things are, if I remember correctly. While researching this I came across someone who found a Crab would immediately react to someone jumping, but wouldn't budge with music blasting directly towards it.
Now, I understand how the assortment of Vibrations I chose for the Crab to react to may be omitting some relatively logical options, though, I personally believe there is substantial enough reason to do so on the gameplay side of things. I want Crabs to have a balance between feeling sneaky, ruthless, yet innocent and still maintaining a naive nature. I don't want them emerging if they can tell they wouldn't be in possible immediate danger!
I almost forgot to mention, too, this behavior was inspired by the Sheargrubs in Pikmin. I want Crabs to occassionally surprise the player when they suddenly emerge, you know? Scary.
The last thing I'd like to mention is that we're open to new sound designers and texture artists! I would prefer to have a few of each so we don't have to pawn all our requests on to one person, and to allow for more flexibility and looser deadlines in our team. It would also be beneficial to be able to review multiple takes on one idea, if need be!
12/14/2023 Update: Whew! That was a long trip. Since I wrote that newsletter, I had a ton of stuff to fix and Treetrain managed to do some of the most insane things ever, including config syncing! I'm hoping this is the day 2.2 releases, there have been so many improvements made and so many challenges overcome (and honestly 80% of which we can all thank Treetrain for,) and I just want to get this over with so I can work on my other mods. And Wilder Wild 2.3... I think I already know what I want it to be.
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Treetrain1*
What's good gamers, Treetrain1 here.
This is super *Wild*.
2.2 (1.20.2)
- ### Added the Crab!
- Crabs are neutral mobs that spawn in Mangrove Swamps, Warm Oceans, Lukewarm Oceans, Deep Lukewarm Oceans, Oceans, Deep Oceans, Warm Beaches, Beaches, and Cypress Wetlands.
- If no players are close to a Crab and it's not been disturbed for a while, the Crab will hide in the ground.
- If a player comes nearby or a loud vibration occurs, the Crab will come back out of hiding.
- When attacked, the Crab will run towards its attacker and call all other Crabs nearby, even those in hiding, for backup.
- Baby Crabs cannot attack, and will instead panic.
- Can be bred with Kelp.
- Can climb up walls.
- Can be scooped up in Buckets.
- Has a chance to drop its Claw upon death (only when killed by a player), which can be cooked.
- The Crab's Claw can also be brewed with an Awkward potion to create a Potion of Reaching.
- ### Added the Reach Boost effect!
- Extends the player's reach by 1 block per level.
- Does not affect attacking, only impacts interactions with Items and Blocks including both placing and breaking.
- There is, however, a config option to let this impact attack reach.
Bug Fixes & Changes
- Added partial Japanese language support
- Thank you mayonaka8478
- Tweaked leaf decay distance to 12 in order to accommodate for Palm Fronds, so they now work like regular leaves
- Other leaf types will still cap out at 7, but can be changed with commands or a Debug Stick to go up to 12
- Made Palm Fronds less dense on average
- Removed the custom distance detection from Palm Crowns
- Added Palm Crowns to tags it was missing from
- Reworked how Coconuts are placed on Palms, so they should no longer break upon generation
- Added PalmTreeFeature to handle Palms' unique Coconut growth and Frond distance detection
- Added a translation string for Coconut projectiles
- Fixed compatibility between Wilder Wild's Stripped Logs and Create
- Milkweed now plays a sound when rustled
- Milkweed can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Glory of the Snow can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Prickly Pear's Damage Source has been added to the bypasses_armor tag
- Tumbleweed entities will now drop themselves if killed by any entity with Silk Touch, instead of only doing so when killed by a player
- Fixed Fireflies with the Nectar easter egg not properly rendering their glowing overlay
- Fixed Firefly Bottles with the Nectar easter egg not using the Nectar texture
- Increased the chances of a flickering Firefly spawning (smooth pulsing vs. flickering)
- Changed how flickering Fireflies calculate their colors ([#316](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/316))
- Display Lanterns will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a full signal if they have an item inside, or a signal based upon how many Fireflies are placed inside
- Fixed an issue pertaining to Silk Touch with the Display Lantern's loot table
- Display Lanterns will now properly spawn Fireflies that were held inside of them when broken
- Fixed Jellyfish no longer spawning in Jellyfish Caves
- Slightly optimized Jellyfish rendering with the rainbow easter egg
- Reworked how clipping works with Waterlogged Mesoglea, as it will now apply to all entities as opposed to just players as is much more stable
- This comes alongside BlockGetterMixin having much cleaner code, and the removal of IN_MESOGLEA in WilderSharedConstants
- Osseous Sculk will now cover their branches in Sculk Veins when its base is converted to Sculk
- Increased the chances of larger Osseous Sculk generating during worldgen
- Sculk Shriekers will now only create Sculk Bubbles underwater if the Shrieker Gargling config is enabled
- Stone Chests will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a signal based on how high their lid is lifted ([#319](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/319))
- Echo Glass now occludes Vibrations
- Finally fixed odd timing on Floating Sculk Bubbles' scaling
- Added more config options for the warden
- Added a config option to control whether or not the Warden should be able to swim
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved digging animation should be used
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved emerging animation should be used
- The Warden's animation configs will no longer require the game to restart
- This config option should now result in all Warden changes becoming toggleable
- The Warden's death particles will now only spawn at the Warden's position as opposed to spawning within its entire hitbox
- The Allay's keyframed dance animation config will no longer require the game to restart
- Landing/Potion sound code will no longer attempt to run on the client
- Landing Ender Pearls will now play sounds in their owner's sound category (Zombies would be Hostile, and Players would be Player)
- Added a config option to control whether or not Lightning Bolts should be able to scorch Sand blocks, instead of being hardcoded
- Added a config option for whether or not Block particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- Added a config option for whether of not Smoke particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- The config will now sync between server and client
- Operators of servers will modify the server's config upon modifying it on their end
- Non-operators will see that config options that don't solely pertain to the client will be blocked out and set to the server's value
- Added a "New Frosted Ice Cracking" config option to control Frosted Ice's updated cracking (playing sounds and spawning particles)
- Added a config option for whether or not Dripleaves will use updated Redstone powering functionality
- Added a config option for whether or not advancements will be modified
- Swapped the placement of the Misc and Worldgen config tabs
- Refactored many aspects Wilder Wild's configured features' field names to be more consistent with Vanilla
- Removed LeavesAroundTopTreeDecorator
- Removed additional Plains flowers from Meadows
- Increased the amount of flowers that typically generate in Meadows
- Removed the Fabric Loader version requirement in hopes it will fix issues with Quilt
- Changed the grammar of Wilder Wild's advancements to align with Vanilla's
- Fixed compatibility with Roughly Enough Resources ([#315](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/315))
- Hopefully resolved world generation issues with C2ME ([#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311))
- Instrument items will now properly play on servers instead of immediately cutting out ([#284](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/284))
- Disabled remapping for some methods and fields referenced in mixins of mods to hopefully prevent possible issues
- Moved all packet handling to `FabricPacket` classes to improve the longevity and organization of Wilder Wild's codebase
- Refactored, cleaned up, and reworked multiple classes and mixins to improve internal organization, stability, and code integrity
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Luna*
Hey, all! This is Luna/AViewFromTheTop here. :)
I decided to start this "newsletter" of sorts as an easier way to communicate with you all, and to share things that I (or Treetrain, if he decides to write as well) would like our community to look out for and whatnot.
First order of business, I'm hoping I've just been able to fix [#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311), The issue where C2ME would sometimes cause crashes while generating a Deep Dark biome. I'd like for you all to test if this issue has actually been fixed, and if not, to create a new [issue for it on our GitHub page](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues).
Aside from that, I'd appreciate if you all could give us feedback on Crabs! They've been quite troublesome to make and I'm sure I wasn't able to incorporate every idea possible into them, so I'd like to know what you think could be improved upon or what may be missing. On that note, help from other modders to get their rotation and navigation working flawlessly would be very much appreciated!
Crabs work a bit like Wardens, by the way. They can detect specific game events while hiding underground, which will cause them to emerge. They will *always* emerge if a Player is within 4 blocks of them, however. Projectiles landing, explosions, blocks breaking, etc. will cause a Crab to emerge.
So why didn't I make "lower" vibrations trigger this? As a matter of fact, it's based both on fact and for gameplay reasons. Crabs hardly have good enough hearing and mostly depend on pressure changes to tell where things are, if I remember correctly. While researching this I came across someone who found a Crab would immediately react to someone jumping, but wouldn't budge with music blasting directly towards it.
Now, I understand how the assortment of Vibrations I chose for the Crab to react to may be omitting some relatively logical options, though, I personally believe there is substantial enough reason to do so on the gameplay side of things. I want Crabs to have a balance between feeling sneaky, ruthless, yet innocent and still maintaining a naive nature. I don't want them emerging if they can tell they wouldn't be in possible immediate danger!
I almost forgot to mention, too, this behavior was inspired by the Sheargrubs in Pikmin. I want Crabs to occassionally surprise the player when they suddenly emerge, you know? Scary.
The last thing I'd like to mention is that we're open to new sound designers and texture artists! I would prefer to have a few of each so we don't have to pawn all our requests on to one person, and to allow for more flexibility and looser deadlines in our team. It would also be beneficial to be able to review multiple takes on one idea, if need be!
12/14/2023 Update: Whew! That was a long trip. Since I wrote that newsletter, I had a ton of stuff to fix and Treetrain managed to do some of the most insane things ever, including config syncing! I'm hoping this is the day 2.2 releases, there have been so many improvements made and so many challenges overcome (and honestly 80% of which we can all thank Treetrain for,) and I just want to get this over with so I can work on my other mods. And Wilder Wild 2.3... I think I already know what I want it to be.
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Treetrain1*
What's good gamers, Treetrain1 here.
This is super *Wild*.
2.2 (1.20.1)
- ### Added the Crab!
- Crabs are neutral mobs that spawn in Mangrove Swamps, Warm Oceans, Lukewarm Oceans, Deep Lukewarm Oceans, Oceans, Deep Oceans, Warm Beaches, Beaches, and Cypress Wetlands.
- If no players are close to a Crab and it's not been disturbed for a while, the Crab will hide in the ground.
- If a player comes nearby or a loud vibration occurs, the Crab will come back out of hiding.
- When attacked, the Crab will run towards its attacker and call all other Crabs nearby, even those in hiding, for backup.
- Baby Crabs cannot attack, and will instead panic.
- Can be bred with Kelp.
- Can climb up walls.
- Can be scooped up in Buckets.
- Has a chance to drop its Claw upon death (only when killed by a player), which can be cooked.
- The Crab's Claw can also be brewed with an Awkward potion to create a Potion of Reaching.
- ### Added the Reach Boost effect!
- Extends the player's reach by 1 block per level.
- Does not affect attacking, only impacts interactions with Items and Blocks including both placing and breaking.
- There is, however, a config option to let this impact attack reach.
Bug Fixes & Changes
- Added partial Japanese language support
- Thank you mayonaka8478
- Tweaked leaf decay distance to 12 in order to accommodate for Palm Fronds, so they now work like regular leaves
- Other leaf types will still cap out at 7, but can be changed with commands or a Debug Stick to go up to 12
- Made Palm Fronds less dense on average
- Removed the custom distance detection from Palm Crowns
- Added Palm Crowns to tags it was missing from
- Reworked how Coconuts are placed on Palms, so they should no longer break upon generation
- Added PalmTreeFeature to handle Palms' unique Coconut growth and Frond distance detection
- Added a translation string for Coconut projectiles
- Fixed compatibility between Wilder Wild's Stripped Logs and Create
- Milkweed now plays a sound when rustled
- Milkweed can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Glory of the Snow can now be sheared with a Dispenser
- Prickly Pear's Damage Source has been added to the bypasses_armor tag
- Tumbleweed entities will now drop themselves if killed by any entity with Silk Touch, instead of only doing so when killed by a player
- Fixed Fireflies with the Nectar easter egg not properly rendering their glowing overlay
- Fixed Firefly Bottles with the Nectar easter egg not using the Nectar texture
- Increased the chances of a flickering Firefly spawning (smooth pulsing vs. flickering)
- Changed how flickering Fireflies calculate their colors ([#316](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/316))
- Display Lanterns will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a full signal if they have an item inside, or a signal based upon how many Fireflies are placed inside
- Fixed an issue pertaining to Silk Touch with the Display Lantern's loot table
- Display Lanterns will now properly spawn Fireflies that were held inside of them when broken
- Fixed Jellyfish no longer spawning in Jellyfish Caves
- Slightly optimized Jellyfish rendering with the rainbow easter egg
- Reworked how clipping works with Waterlogged Mesoglea, as it will now apply to all entities as opposed to just players as is much more stable
- This comes alongside BlockGetterMixin having much cleaner code, and the removal of IN_MESOGLEA in WilderSharedConstants
- Osseous Sculk will now cover their branches in Sculk Veins when its base is converted to Sculk
- Increased the chances of larger Osseous Sculk generating during worldgen
- Sculk Shriekers will now only create Sculk Bubbles underwater if the Shrieker Gargling config is enabled
- Stone Chests will now interact with Redstone Comparators, outputting a signal based on how high their lid is lifted ([#319](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/319))
- Echo Glass now occludes Vibrations
- Finally fixed odd timing on Floating Sculk Bubbles' scaling
- Added more config options for the warden
- Added a config option to control whether or not the Warden should be able to swim
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved digging animation should be used
- Added a config option to control whether or not the improved emerging animation should be used
- The Warden's animation configs will no longer require the game to restart
- This config option should now result in all Warden changes becoming toggleable
- The Warden's death particles will now only spawn at the Warden's position as opposed to spawning within its entire hitbox
- The Allay's keyframed dance animation config will no longer require the game to restart
- Landing/Potion sound code will no longer attempt to run on the client
- Landing Ender Pearls will now play sounds in their owner's sound category (Zombies would be Hostile, and Players would be Player)
- Added a config option to control whether or not Lightning Bolts should be able to scorch Sand blocks, instead of being hardcoded
- Added a config option for whether or not Block particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- Added a config option for whether of not Smoke particles will spawn upon a Lightning Bolt striking
- The config will now sync between server and client
- Operators of servers will modify the server's config upon modifying it on their end
- Non-operators will see that config options that don't solely pertain to the client will be blocked out and set to the server's value
- Added a "New Frosted Ice Cracking" config option to control Frosted Ice's updated cracking (playing sounds and spawning particles)
- Added a config option for whether or not Dripleaves will use updated Redstone powering functionality
- Added a config option for whether or not advancements will be modified
- Swapped the placement of the Misc and Worldgen config tabs
- Refactored many aspects Wilder Wild's configured features' field names to be more consistent with Vanilla
- Removed LeavesAroundTopTreeDecorator
- Removed additional Plains flowers from Meadows
- Increased the amount of flowers that typically generate in Meadows
- Removed the Fabric Loader version requirement in hopes it will fix issues with Quilt
- Changed the grammar of Wilder Wild's advancements to align with Vanilla's
- Fixed compatibility with Roughly Enough Resources ([#315](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/315))
- Hopefully resolved world generation issues with C2ME ([#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311))
- Instrument items will now properly play on servers instead of immediately cutting out ([#284](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/284))
- Disabled remapping for some methods and fields referenced in mixins of mods to hopefully prevent possible issues
- Moved all packet handling to `FabricPacket` classes to improve the longevity and organization of Wilder Wild's codebase
- Refactored, cleaned up, and reworked multiple classes and mixins to improve internal organization, stability, and code integrity
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Luna*
Hey, all! This is Luna/AViewFromTheTop here. :)
I decided to start this "newsletter" of sorts as an easier way to communicate with you all, and to share things that I (or Treetrain, if he decides to write as well) would like our community to look out for and whatnot.
First order of business, I'm hoping I've just been able to fix [#311](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues/311), The issue where C2ME would sometimes cause crashes while generating a Deep Dark biome. I'd like for you all to test if this issue has actually been fixed, and if not, to create a new [issue for it on our GitHub page](https://github.com/FrozenBlock/WilderWild/issues).
Aside from that, I'd appreciate if you all could give us feedback on Crabs! They've been quite troublesome to make and I'm sure I wasn't able to incorporate every idea possible into them, so I'd like to know what you think could be improved upon or what may be missing. On that note, help from other modders to get their rotation and navigation working flawlessly would be very much appreciated!
Crabs work a bit like Wardens, by the way. They can detect specific game events while hiding underground, which will cause them to emerge. They will *always* emerge if a Player is within 4 blocks of them, however. Projectiles landing, explosions, blocks breaking, etc. will cause a Crab to emerge.
So why didn't I make "lower" vibrations trigger this? As a matter of fact, it's based both on fact and for gameplay reasons. Crabs hardly have good enough hearing and mostly depend on pressure changes to tell where things are, if I remember correctly. While researching this I came across someone who found a Crab would immediately react to someone jumping, but wouldn't budge with music blasting directly towards it.
Now, I understand how the assortment of Vibrations I chose for the Crab to react to may be omitting some relatively logical options, though, I personally believe there is substantial enough reason to do so on the gameplay side of things. I want Crabs to have a balance between feeling sneaky, ruthless, yet innocent and still maintaining a naive nature. I don't want them emerging if they can tell they wouldn't be in possible immediate danger!
I almost forgot to mention, too, this behavior was inspired by the Sheargrubs in Pikmin. I want Crabs to occassionally surprise the player when they suddenly emerge, you know? Scary.
The last thing I'd like to mention is that we're open to new sound designers and texture artists! I would prefer to have a few of each so we don't have to pawn all our requests on to one person, and to allow for more flexibility and looser deadlines in our team. It would also be beneficial to be able to review multiple takes on one idea, if need be!
12/14/2023 Update: Whew! That was a long trip. Since I wrote that newsletter, I had a ton of stuff to fix and Treetrain managed to do some of the most insane things ever, including config syncing! I'm hoping this is the day 2.2 releases, there have been so many improvements made and so many challenges overcome (and honestly 80% of which we can all thank Treetrain for,) and I just want to get this over with so I can work on my other mods. And Wilder Wild 2.3... I think I already know what I want it to be.
Wilder Wild 2.2 Newsletter - *Treetrain1*
What's good gamers, Treetrain1 here.
This is super *Wild*.
2.0.7 (1.19.2)
- Thank you Fourmisain
2.1.14 (1.20.3-pre2)
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.4.4
2.1.14 (1.20.2)
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.4.4
2.1.14 (1.20.1)
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.4.4
2.1.13 (23w45a)
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.4.2
2.1.13 (1.20.2)
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.4.2
2.1.13 (1.20.1)
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.4.3
2.1.12 (23w44a)
- Ancient Horns are now craftable again
- Fixed the Ancient Horn recipe ingredient layout
- Fixed the Ancient Horn and Copper Horn recipe advancements
2.1.12 (1.20.2)
- Ancient Horns are now craftable again
- Fixed the Ancient Horn recipe ingredient layout
- Fixed the Ancient Horn and Copper Horn recipe advancements
2.1.12 (1.20.1)
- Ancient Horns are now craftable again
- Fixed the Ancient Horn recipe ingredient layout
- Fixed the Ancient Horn and Copper Horn recipe advancements
2.1.11 (1.20.2)
- Fixed various other issues regarding block properties
- Done by making a copy of equivalent vanilla blocks and changing what's necessary
- Should also improve forward compatibility
- Fixed scorched red sand not generating in some cases when it should generate
- Lowered Fabric Loader dependency to 0.14.22
- Bumped Fabric API requirement to 0.90.4
- Contains critical changes to block properties that this update relies on
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.3.15
2.1.11 (1.20.1)
- Fixed various other issues regarding block properties
- Done by making a copy of equivalent vanilla blocks and changing what's necessary
- Should also improve forward compatibility
- Fixed scorched red sand not generating in some cases when it should generate
- Lowered Fabric Loader dependency to 0.14.22
- Bumped Fabric API requirement to 0.90.4
- Contains critical changes to block properties that this update relies on
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.3.15
2.1.10 (1.20.2)
- Added Mixins Config
- File only for now
- Refactored mixins for the new Mixins Config
- Removed default config classes in favor of `Config.defaultInstance()`
- Added Biome Music category to Misc Config
- Refactored data generation
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.3.14
2.1.10 (1.20.1)
- Added Mixins Config
- File only for now
- Refactored mixins for the new Mixins Config
- Removed default config classes in favor of `Config.defaultInstance()`
- Added Biome Music category to Misc Config
- Refactored data generation
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.3.14
2.1.9 (1.20.2)
- Fixed chunk loading
2.1.9 (1.20.1)
- Fixed chunk loading
2.1.8 (1.20.2)
2.1.8 (1.20.1)
2.1.7 (1.20.2)
- Updated liquid block renderer mixin requirements to 0
- Changed creative tab handling to be more safe
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.3.13
2.1.7 (1.20.1)
- Updated block registration to start on class load
- Updated liquid block renderer mixin requirements to 0
- Changed creative tab handling to be more safe
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.3.13
2.1.6 (1.20.2)
- Axes no longer attempt to interact with every block, which previously prevented interaction with offhand items.
- Hopefully fixed Hanging Tendrils crashing while using C2ME during world generation. Please report this issue to us if it persists.
- Sodium now properly renders Mesoglea with the liquid rendering option enabled.
- Prickly Pears are now accounted for as "dangerous blocks" when pathfinding, just like regular Cacti.
- Removed changes to the Make Bubbles Pop mod as it switched strictly to mixins.
- Wilder Wild's leaves now use the same color as Vanilla's leaves on the map.
- Small Sponges now use Vanilla's Sponge sounds as opposed to Wet Grass sounds.
- Removed embedded Nbt Crafting as it became too difficult to maintain. This has been replaced in favor of a custom recipe type for Copper Horns.
- Significantly optimized Jellyfish's getJellyfish method.
- Fixed Ancient Horns freezing the world.
- Added new splash texts because why not.
2.1.6 (1.20.1)
- Axes no longer attempt to interact with every block, which previously prevented interaction with offhand items.
- Sodium now properly renders Mesoglea with the liquid rendering option enabled.
- Prickly Pears are now accounted for as "dangerous blocks" when pathfinding, just like regular Cacti.
- Removed changes to the Make Bubbles Pop mod as it switched strictly to mixins.
- Wilder Wild's leaves now use the same color as Vanilla's leaves on the map.
- Significantly optimized Jellyfish's getJellyfish method.
- Fixed Ancient Horns freezing the world.
- Added new splash texts because why not.
2.1.5 (1.20.1)
2.1.4 (1.20.1)
- No longer prevents launching the game with Sodium versions earlier than 0.5.0.
- Some rendering functionality will be lost.
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.3.9.
- Internally changed how required dependencies are handled.
2.1.3 (23w33a)
- Coconuts can now be split in Stonecutters.
- Palm Crowns can now be used as fuel in smelting
- Added a config option to prevent Tumbleweed from destroying crops.
- Added Stripped Wood and Stripped Logs to conventional tags (stripped_logs and stripped_wood.)
- Marked versions of Sodium prior to 0.5.0 as incompatible with Wilder Wild.
- Fixed Mixins to the Component class not being applied due to Wilder Wild loading the class prior to injection.
- Updated russian translation - Clarthen
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.3.7
2.1.3 (1.20.1)
- Coconuts can now be split in Stonecutters.
- Palm Crowns can now be used as fuel in smelting
- Added a config option to prevent Tumbleweed from destroying crops.
- Added Stripped Wood and Stripped Logs to conventional tags (stripped_logs and stripped_wood.)
- Marked versions of Sodium prior to 0.5.0 as incompatible with Wilder Wild.
- Fixed Mixins to the Component class not being applied due to Wilder Wild loading the class prior to injection.
- Updated russian translation - Clarthen
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.3.7
2.1.2 (23w31a)
2.1.2 (1.20.1)
- Fixed Cypress Boat and Cypress Chest Boat placement in the Creative Inventory
- Updated embedded FrozenLib to 1.3.5
2.1.1 (1.20.1)
- Fixed camels not spawning in Desert Villages
- Fixed a feature order cycle error that would occur when custom grass generation is set to false
- Fixed Scorched Sand and Scorched Red Sand features not generating.
2.1 Changelog:
- Added the ability to use the config without Cloth Config installed.
- Switched config files to JSON5 files.
- The original files won't be removed, nor will they be used.
- Reworked and optimized most of Sculk Spreading.
- Sculk Veins will no longer stay on Slabs and Stairs after being converted to Sculk Slabs and Sculk Stairs.
- Sculk Sensors, Sculk Shriekers, Hanging Tendrils, and Osseous Sculk can now grow out of solid faces of Sculk Slabs and Sculk Stairs.
- Changed Osseous Sculk's rotation state from Axis to Facing.
- Removed Minecraft Live Sculk Sensor Tendril config in favor of a cleaner and bug-free implementation using a Resource Pack.
- Added Suspicious Gravel to Ancient Cities. Get your brushes ready and rip off your eyelids!
- Added Stone Chests in Ancient Cities' centers.
- Added a "tomb" to Ancient Cities' centers.
- Tweaked the rarity of Ancient Horn Fragments.
- Added Osseous Sculk and Hanging Tendrils to Ancient Cities' loot tables.
- Removed Stone Chest Closes gamerule as it caused issues in multiplayer.
- Added the Warm Beach biome, replacing Beaches in warmer climates.
- Palms and Moss Carpets frequently generate here, and Seagrass grows in the surrounding water.
- Cherry Groves now occasionally generate near rivers.
- This change was made to maintain parity with some of Mojang's promotional material.
- Alongside this change, Cherry Groves now generate Sand Beta Beaches.
- Beta Beaches are now integrated with Rivers.
- Beta Beaches now place Stone below Gravel and Sandstone below Sand to prevent lag spikes and ugly missing patches in the floor.
- Added Shrubs to many biomes like Plains, Forest, Dark Forest, and much more.
- Added more flora to the Plains, Meadow, Flower Forest, Flower Field, Forest, Semi-Birch Forest, Birch Forest, and Mangrove Swamp biomes.
- Moss Carpets and Moss Piles now occasionally generate in Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, and Cypress Wetlands biomes.
- Cattails can now generate on Mud blocks if not nearby water.
- Palms now rarely generate on Beaches.
- Improved Baobab and Fancy Dark Oak branch generation.
- Added Snapped variants of trees.
- Forest biomes now have clearings, with Rooted Dirt and Coarse Dirt/Gravel surrounding it.
- Snapped Trees will generate more frequently in clearings.
- Flowers will generate more commonly in clearings in Forest and Birch Forest biomes and their variants.
- Reworked Fallen Tree generation once more.
- Most Fallen Trees now generate with full Logs, though have a small chance to generate with Hollowed Logs.
- As long as the ending of the Tree is on solid ground or above 50% of the Tree is on solid ground, the Fallen Tree will generate.
- Previously, when a Fallen Tree wasn't above solid ground its remaining height would decrease, and once above roughly two or more non-solid blocks, its generation would cease completely.
- This change helps Fallen Trees not generate and end up extremely short, and makes them a lot more realistic.
- Mangrove Swamps have now been wilder-ified, including Cattails, Flowers, Bushes, Mud Basins, Mud Lakes, more Grass, Fern, and rare Mud Piles.
- Made path features look more natural.
- Added new rare Coarse Dirt, Gravel, and Stone paths throughout the world.
- Decreased the size of uncommon Algae patches (Swamp & Mangrove Swamp.)
- Removed Deepslate Pools in favor of regular Stone Pools, which now no longer change the bordering block of the pools.
- Oceans and Rivers now generate small pools to increase the area covered in water, allowing previously dry areas above sea level to have a bit of water.
- Grass generates more frequently on exposed areas of Ocean and River biomes.
- Replaced Oak trees in Ocean and River biomes with Shrubs.
- Cattails now generate in Ocean and River biomes.
- Added configs for updating the Water colors of all Hot, Lukewarm, Snowy, and Frozen biomes.
- Updated a few config texts to have better grammar.
- Biome placement config tooltips now explain the changes made to each biome's placement while enabled.
- Adjusted Glory of the Snow bounding box.
- "Glory of the Snow" is now capitalized properly.
- "Of" and "The" were previously capitalized.
- Incorporated Wilder Wild's new foods, mobs, and biomes into Vanilla's advancements (note that this may be overriden by other mods' data).
- Jellyfish can now reproduce.
- Repeatedly feeding a Jellyfish Cod or Salmon will eventually cause a baby Jellyfish to spawn.
- Holding Cod or Salmon will cause nearby Jellyfish to follow you.
- Baby Jellyfish will only inflict 1 damage (half a heart) as opposed to three (a heart and a half.)
- Bubbles will occasionally spawn behind adult Jellyfish as they swim.
- Added a config option that controls how many tentacles Jellyfish have.
- Only Pearlescent Mesoglea will lift items and boats as opposed to all types prior.
- Jellyfish and Fireflies now only hide when they're near the center of their target.
- Added a new advancement "Bottle of Lightning" for capturing a Firefly in a Glass Bottle.
- Firefly Bottles can now be recolored.
- Termites no longer spam sounds and quickly overload the sound cap. They now use sound loops that move along with them.
- Added two config options controlling how far Termites can travel from their Mounds.
- Added unique sounds for all Ice blocks (was only Frosted Ice prior.)
- Included all Tall Flowers in the "Flower Sounds" config.
- Added new Frosted Ice melting sounds and particles.
- Made many more aspects of Wilder Wild's worldgen data-driven.
- Optimized the way some features generate (Trees, Cattails, Algae, etc.)
- Added descriptions and proper names to Wilder Wild's built-in resource packs.
- Clouds now move slower, no longer moving dramatically fast.
- Lots of internal cleanup, reorganization, and optimizations.
Mod Compat Changes/Additions:
- The Liquid Mesoglea feature (found in Block config) now works with Sodium enabled. (Sodium)
- The Ancient Horn's massive vibration can no longer be infinitely cycled through Copper Pipes. (Simple Copper Pipes)
- Falling leaves now follow FrozenLib/Wilder Wild's wind. (Falling Leaves)
- Chests only bubble according to Wilder Wild's rules instead of each time they're opened. (Make Bubbles Pop)
- Rain, Snowflake, and Desert Dust particles now follow FrozenLib/Wilder Wild's wind. (Particle Rain)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed missing overworld settings error when used with Lithium and BCLib
- Rivers now generate properly.
- Previously, roughly half of all regular (non-frozen and non-warm) Rivers that were supposed to generate weren't able to.
- Sculk Slabs no longer drop Palm Slabs.
- Fixed block-break sounds playing when Echo Glass only cracks.
- Fixed broken loop in Deep Dark ambience.
- Fixed broken Stone Chest animations and cleaned up their code.
- Fixed Stone Chests incorrectly dropping ancient items for probably the seventh time now.
- Fixed some missing recipe unlocks.
- Fixed cloud rendering at high coordinates.
- Ancient Horn and Prickly Pear damage sources now once again retain their unique properties.
- Fixed a bug where Wardens would continuously attempt and fail to roar at Tumbleweeds.
- Tumbleweed entities now properly look in the direction they're moving.
- Fixed Tumbleweed breaking crops client-side, causing desyncs with the server.
- Tumbleweed can now be properly picked (middle-clicked.)
- Fixed Baobab Nut collision.
- Fixed Logs flickering when being Hollowed.
- Fixed Palm Hanging Signs not having a language entry.
- Algae no longer slows down entities outside its collision shape.
- Fixed Algae growth with Bone meal.
- Cattails no longer create pockets of air when they're supposed to be waterlogged.
- Shadows no longer render on waterlogged Mesoglea. Change not applied with Sodium.
- Fixed a crash pertaining to Jellyfish variants and Firefly colors.
- Fixed a bug where players could dupe Fireflies by rapidly clicking with Bottles of Fireflies.
- Endermen now properly play their moving/looping sounds when the config is enabled.
- And many more that were unfortunately forgotten to be documented!
2.1 (1.20.1)
- Switched config files to JSON5 files.
- The original files won't be removed, nor will they be used.
- Reworked and optimized most of Sculk Spreading.
- Sculk Veins will no longer stay on Slabs and Stairs after being converted to Sculk Slabs and Sculk Stairs.
- Sculk Sensors, Sculk Shriekers, Hanging Tendrils, and Osseous Sculk can now grow out of solid faces of Sculk Slabs and Sculk Stairs.
- Changed Osseous Sculk's rotation state from Axis to Facing.
- Removed Minecraft Live Sculk Sensor Tendril config in favor of a cleaner and bug-free implementation using a Resource Pack.
- Added Suspicious Gravel to Ancient Cities. Get your brushes ready and rip off your eyelids!
- Added Stone Chests in Ancient Cities' centers.
- Added a "tomb" to Ancient Cities' centers.
- Tweaked the rarity of Ancient Horn Fragments.
- Added Osseous Sculk and Hanging Tendrils to Ancient Cities' loot tables.
- Removed Stone Chest Closes gamerule as it caused issues in multiplayer.
- Added the Warm Beach biome, replacing Beaches in warmer climates.
- Palms and Moss Carpets frequently generate here, and Seagrass grows in the surrounding water.
- Cherry Groves now occasionally generate near rivers.
- This change was made to maintain parity with some of Mojang's promotional material.
- Alongside this change, Cherry Groves now generate Sand Beta Beaches.
- Beta Beaches are now integrated with Rivers.
- Beta Beaches now place Stone below Gravel and Sandstone below Sand to prevent lag spikes and ugly missing patches in the floor.
- Added Shrubs to many biomes like Plains, Forest, Dark Forest, and much more.
- Added more flora to the Plains, Meadow, Flower Forest, Flower Field, Forest, Semi-Birch Forest, Birch Forest, and Mangrove Swamp biomes.
- Moss Carpets and Moss Piles now occasionally generate in Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, and Cypress Wetlands biomes.
- Cattails can now generate on Mud blocks if not nearby water.
- Palms now rarely generate on Beaches.
- Improved Baobab and Fancy Dark Oak branch generation.
- Added Snapped variants of trees.
- Forest biomes now have clearings, with Rooted Dirt and Coarse Dirt/Gravel surrounding it.
- Snapped Trees will generate more frequently in clearings.
- Flowers will generate more commonly in clearings in Forest and Birch Forest biomes and their variants.
- Reworked Fallen Tree generation once more.
- Most Fallen Trees now generate with full Logs, though have a small chance to generate with Hollowed Logs.
- As long as the ending of the Tree is on solid ground or above 50% of the Tree is on solid ground, the Fallen Tree will generate.
- Previously, when a Fallen Tree wasn't above solid ground its remaining height would decrease, and once above roughly two or more non-solid blocks, its generation would cease completely.
- This change helps Fallen Trees not generate and end up extremely short, and makes them a lot more realistic.
- Mangrove Swamps have now been wilder-ified, including Cattails, Flowers, Bushes, Mud Basins, Mud Lakes, more Grass, Fern, and rare Mud Piles.
- Made path features look more natural.
- Added new rare Coarse Dirt, Gravel, and Stone paths throughout the world.
- Decreased the size of uncommon Algae patches (Swamp & Mangrove Swamp.)
- Removed Deepslate Pools in favor of regular Stone Pools, which now no longer change the bordering block of the pools.
- Oceans and Rivers now generate small pools to increase the area covered in water, allowing previously dry areas above sea level to have a bit of water.
- Grass generates more frequently on exposed areas of Ocean and River biomes.
- Replaced Oak trees in Ocean and River biomes with Shrubs.
- Cattails now generate in Ocean and River biomes.
- Added configs for updating the Water colors of all Hot, Lukewarm, Snowy, and Frozen biomes.
- Updated a few config texts to have better grammar.
- Biome placement config tooltips now explain the changes made to each biome's placement while enabled.
- Adjusted Glory of the Snow bounding box.
- "Glory of the Snow" is now capitalized properly.
- "Of" and "The" were previously capitalized.
- Incorporated Wilder Wild's new foods, mobs, and biomes into Vanilla's advancements (note that this may be overriden by other mods' data).
- Jellyfish can now reproduce.
- Repeatedly feeding a Jellyfish Cod or Salmon will eventually cause a baby Jellyfish to spawn.
- Holding Cod or Salmon will cause nearby Jellyfish to follow you.
- Baby Jellyfish will only inflict 1 damage (half a heart) as opposed to three (a heart and a half.)
- Bubbles will occasionally spawn behind adult Jellyfish as they swim.
- Added a config option that controls how many tentacles Jellyfish have.
- Only Pearlescent Mesoglea will lift items and boats as opposed to all types prior.
- Jellyfish and Fireflies now only hide when they're near the center of their target.
- Added a new advancement "Bottle of Lightning" for capturing a Firefly in a Glass Bottle.
- Firefly Bottles can now be recolored.
- Termites no longer spam sounds and quickly overload the sound cap. They now use sound loops that move along with them.
- Added two config options controlling how far Termites can travel from their Mounds.
- Added unique sounds for all Ice blocks (was only Frosted Ice prior.)
- Included all Tall Flowers in the "Flower Sounds" config.
- Added new Frosted Ice melting sounds and particles.
- Made many more aspects of Wilder Wild's worldgen data-driven.
- Optimized the way some features generate (Trees, Cattails, Algae, etc.)
- Added descriptions and proper names to Wilder Wild's built-in resource packs.
- Clouds now move slower, no longer moving dramatically fast.
- Lots of internal cleanup, reorganization, and optimizations.
Mod Compat Changes/Additions:
- The Liquid Mesoglea feature (found in Block config) now works with Sodium enabled. (Sodium)
- The Ancient Horn's massive vibration can no longer be infinitely cycled through Copper Pipes. (Simple Copper Pipes)
- Falling leaves now follow FrozenLib/Wilder Wild's wind. (Falling Leaves)
- Chests only bubble according to Wilder Wild's rules instead of each time they're opened. (Make Bubbles Pop)
- Rain, Snowflake, and Desert Dust particles now follow FrozenLib/Wilder Wild's wind. (Particle Rain)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed missing overworld settings error when used with Lithium and BCLib
- Rivers now generate properly.
- Previously, roughly half of all regular (non-frozen and non-warm) Rivers that were supposed to generate weren't able to.
- Sculk Slabs no longer drop Palm Slabs.
- Fixed block-break sounds playing when Echo Glass only cracks.
- Fixed broken loop in Deep Dark ambience.
- Fixed broken Stone Chest animations and cleaned up their code.
- Fixed Stone Chests incorrectly dropping ancient items for probably the seventh time now.
- Fixed some missing recipe unlocks.
- Fixed cloud rendering at high coordinates.
- Ancient Horn and Prickly Pear damage sources now once again retain their unique properties.
- Fixed a bug where Wardens would continuously attempt and fail to roar at Tumbleweeds.
- Tumbleweed entities now properly look in the direction they're moving.
- Fixed Tumbleweed breaking crops client-side, causing desyncs with the server.
- Tumbleweed can now be properly picked (middle-clicked.)
- Fixed Baobab Nut collision.
- Fixed Logs flickering when being Hollowed.
- Fixed Palm Hanging Signs not having a language entry.
- Algae no longer slows down entities outside its collision shape.
- Fixed Algae growth with Bone meal.
- Cattails no longer create pockets of air when they're supposed to be waterlogged.
- Shadows no longer render on waterlogged Mesoglea. Change not applied with Sodium.
- Fixed a crash pertaining to Jellyfish variants and Firefly colors.
- Fixed a bug where players could dupe Fireflies by rapidly clicking with Bottles of Fireflies.
- Endermen now properly play their moving/looping sounds when the config is enabled.
- And many more that were unfortunately forgotten to be documented!
2.0.6 (1.20.1)
- Updated Ukrainian translation
2.0.6 (1.19.4)
- Updated Ukrainian translation
2.0.6 (1.19.3)
- Updated Ukrainian translation
2.0.6 (1.19.2)
- Updated Ukrainian translation
2.0.5 (1.20.1)
2.0.4 (1.20)
2.0.3 (1.20)
- (1.20) Fixed crash when using Ancient Horn
- (1.20) Fixed Sculk Sensor functionality
- (1.20) Fixed Sculk Shrieker crash
- (1.20) Fixed Warden crash
2.0.3 (1.19.4)
- (1.20) Fixed crash when using Ancient Horn
- (1.20) Fixed Sculk Sensor functionality
- (1.20) Fixed Sculk Shrieker crash
- (1.20) Fixed Warden crash
2.0.3 (1.19.3)
- (1.20) Fixed crash when using Ancient Horn
- (1.20) Fixed Sculk Sensor functionality
- (1.20) Fixed Sculk Shrieker crash
- (1.20) Fixed Warden crash
2.0.3 (1.19.2)
- (1.20) Fixed crash when using Ancient Horn
- (1.20) Fixed Sculk Sensor functionality
- (1.20) Fixed Sculk Shrieker crash
- (1.20) Fixed Warden crash
2.0.2 (1.20-pre7)
- (1.20) Fixed furnaces stopping after smelting 2 items
- (1.20) Fixed the recipe book not working
2.0.2 (1.19.4)
- (1.20) Fixed furnaces stopping after smelting 2 items
- (1.20) Fixed the recipe book not working
2.0.2 (1.19.3)
- (1.20) Fixed furnaces stopping after smelting 2 items
- (1.20) Fixed the recipe book not working
2.0.2 (1.19.2)
- (1.20) Fixed furnaces stopping after smelting 2 items
- (1.20) Fixed the recipe book not working
2.0.1 (1.20-pre5)
- Fixed compatibility with WWOO
- Fixed small biome placement issues
- Increased size of Oasis biome
- Changed scorched sand "crackedness" property to use a boolean instead of an integer
- Added a datafixer to convert old scorched sand "crackedness" properties
- Fixed rare crash when bushes generate in water
- Fixed surface rules in the mod's biomes not applying whilst using TerraBlender
- Fixed a crash when Milkweed are fully grown
- Fixed mipmap levels being reduced
- Reduced panorama resolution to 1024x1024
- Optimized file size
- Internal changes to surface rules
- Minor compatibility improvements
2.0.1 (1.19.4)
- Fixed compatibility with WWOO
- Fixed small biome placement issues
- Increased size of Oasis biome
- Changed scorched sand "crackedness" property to use a boolean instead of an integer
- Added a datafixer to convert old scorched sand "crackedness" properties
- Fixed rare crash when bushes generate in water
- Fixed surface rules in the mod's biomes not applying whilst using TerraBlender
- Fixed a crash when Milkweed are fully grown
- Fixed mipmap levels being reduced
- Reduced panorama resolution to 1024x1024
- Optimized file size
- Internal changes to surface rules
- Minor compatibility improvements
2.0.1 (1.19.3)
- Fixed compatibility with WWOO
- Fixed small biome placement issues
- Increased size of Oasis biome
- Changed scorched sand "crackedness" property to use a boolean instead of an integer
- Added a datafixer to convert old scorched sand "crackedness" properties
- Fixed rare crash when bushes generate in water
- Fixed surface rules in the mod's biomes not applying whilst using TerraBlender
- Fixed a crash when Milkweed are fully grown
- Fixed mipmap levels being reduced
- Reduced panorama resolution to 1024x1024
- Optimized file size
- Internal changes to surface rules
- Minor compatibility improvements
2.0.1 (1.19.2)
- Fixed compatibility with WWOO
- Fixed small biome placement issues
- Increased size of Oasis biome
- Changed scorched sand "crackedness" property to use a boolean instead of an integer
- Added a datafixer to convert old scorched sand "crackedness" properties
- Fixed rare crash when bushes generate in water
- Fixed surface rules in the mod's biomes not applying whilst using TerraBlender
- Fixed a crash when Milkweed are fully grown
- Fixed mipmap levels being reduced
- Reduced panorama resolution to 1024x1024
- Optimized file size
- Internal changes to surface rules
- Minor compatibility improvements
2.0 (23w14a)
- Added Oasis biome
- Added Warm River biome
- Added Arid Forest biome
- Added Arid Savanna biome
- Added Parched Forest biome
- Added Birch Jungle biome
- Added Sparse Birch Jungle biome
- Added Birch Taiga biome
- Added Semi Birch Forest biome
- Added Dark Birch Forest biome
- Added Flower Field biome
- Added Rainforest biome
- Added Temperate Rainforest biome
- Added Dark Taiga biome
- Added Old Growth Birch Taiga biome
- Added Old Growth Dark Forest biome
- Added Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biome
- Added Tumbleweed and Tumbleweed Stem blocks
- Added Tumbleweed entity
- Added Bush block
- Added Prickly Pear block and item
- Added Peeled Prickly Pear item
- Added Palm Trees
- Added Palm Blocks
- Added Coconut and Split Coconut items
- Added Small Sponge block
- Added Stripped Stem blocks
- Added Stripped Hollowed Log and Stem blocks
- Added wind
Wind: Hear- no. Feel- no. See- maybe. See the effects of wind before your eyes!
- Can push and pull certain particles
- Clouds now move with the wind
- Is used to control Tumbleweed
Oasis: A luscious apparatus!
- A more lively variant of Deserts!
- Palms, Bushes, Sugar Cane, grass patches, moss patches, and water pools generate naturally in Oases.
- Water here is much brighter than your typical desert.
- Desert villages, Desert temples and Desert wells also generate here.
Warm River:
- A sandier, brighter alternative to rivers in warmer climates.
- Generates with seagrass on the floor.
Rainforest: Flashy! Wet! Dirty!
- A new variant of Forests.
- Contains many flowers, bushes, moss patches, moss basins, moss lakes, and vine-covered trees.
Old Growth Dark Forest: Dark and dreary, mystic-dreamy.
- A variant of the Dark Forest with taller trees.
- Contains mushroom-covered Podzol paths.
- Some trees may be covered with cobwebs.
Old Growth Snowy Pine Taiga:
- Replaces non-snowy Taigas in freezing climates.
- Covered with tall Pine trees and snow!
Temperate Rainforest: Bright! Wet! Exotic!
- A new variant of the Taiga.
- Contains Spruce, Oak, and Birch trees, covered in vines.
- Contains mushroom-covered Podzol paths.
- Generates with moss lakes, podzol basins, and bushes.
TRANSITION BIOMES: Transition biomes are a new category of biome we're introducing.
- These help with reducing and cleaning up sharp borders between biomes.
Arid Forest:
- A combination of the Desert and Forest.
Arid Savanna:
- A combination of the Desert and Savanna.
Parched Forest:
- A midway-point between the Forest and Savanna biomes.
Birch Jungle:
- A combination of the Jungle and Birch Forest.
Sparse Birch Jungle:
- A combination of the Sparse Jungle and Birch Forest.
Birch Taiga:
- A combination of the Taiga and Birch Forest.
Old Growth Birch Taiga:
- A combination of the Taiga and Old Growth Birch Forest.
Semi Birch Forest:
- A midway point between the Forest and Birch Forest biomes.
Dark Birch Forest:
- A combination of the Dark Forest and Birch Forest.
Dark Taiga:
- A combination of the Dark Forest and Taiga.
Flower Field:
- A midway point between the Plains and Flower Forest biomes.
- Appears much like Flower Forests, only without frequent trees.
Tumbleweed: Who wants bouncy balls when you can have bouncy blocks?
- Tumbleweed are a new entity that get carried along with the wind.
- Will stop moving and eventually decay without wind.
- Will decay if left in water for too long.
- Note that Tumbleweed can safely remain in Mesoglea.
- Spawn in Desert, Badlands, Wooded Badlands, Eroded Badlands, and Windswept Savanna biomes.
- Can spawn with loot. The chances of spawning with loot increase with difficulty.
- Can pick up one item.
- Drops sticks when broken.
Prickly Pear: Ow. That hurt. A lot. Help. I ate it. Why.
- Prickly Pears generate in Badlands biomes, putting some greens into the dull reds of the biome.
- Can be picked. Doing so without shears will hurt the player.
Bush: It's alive!
- An alive decorative plant.
- Can grow into a 2-block-tall version of itself, giving more decorative options to players.
- Can be sheared, decreasing its growth by one stage.
Tumbleweed Stem:
- Grows into a dead Tumbleweed, which can snap off and roll around.
- Will regrow.
- The Tumbleweed can be snipped off with shears.
- Can only be obtained by hitting a Tumbleweed entity with Silk Touch or Shears.
- Once placed, can be snipped off and turned into an entity with shears.
Coconut and Palm Sapling:
- Coconuts grow and hang from Palm trees.
- Can be knocked down with projectiles.
- When fully grown, will drop Coconuts.
- Can be planted, placing a Palm Sapling.
- Can be thrown, damaging entities.
- Upon landing, may split.
- Can be used as fuel.
Palm Crown:
- Generates at the top of Palm trees.
- Is used to prevent Palm Fronds from decaying.
Scorched Sand: IT BURNS.
- Comes in regular and red variants.
- Has two stages.
- When mined, the item will retain the stage of the block.
- Can be obtained by burning Sand with Lightning Bolts, Fire, Lava, or Lava dripping from Dripstone.
- Can be reverted by hydrating sand with Rain, Water, or Water dripping from Dripstone.
- Can also be reverted through brushing.
- Can be used to craft Sandstone.
Prickly Pear:
- Can be eaten, at the expense of damaging the player.
- Can be peeled in a crafting table to be eaten without damaging the player.
- Doing this, however, will prevent you from replanting the Prickly Pear.
Split Coconut:
- Can be eaten.
- Can be crafted into Bowls.
- Can be crafted into White Dye.
- Can be used as fuel.
- Cacti can now be placed next to any block.
- Dandelions can now be bonemealed into Seeding Dandelions.
- Fixed Glory Of The Snow bonemealing.
- Improved Algae bonemealing.
- Pollen particles now grow and shrink out of existence, fall in rain, and can no longer exist in water.
- Added Tumbleweed Stem, Tumbleweed, Prickly Pear, and Bush Blocks.
- Fixed missing/broken loot tables
- Sculk Shrieker, Echo Glass, Beehive, and Bee Nest items now display their proper unique textures according to their block states (Souls Taken, Damage, and Honey Level)
- Sand and Red Sand can now be scorched with dripping lava, dripping water, lava, water, and fire above them, or lightning strikes.
- Added Stripped Hollowed Logs, as well as all Hollowed Stem variants.
- Logs and Stems can now be hollowed by using an Axe on their tops.
- Hollowed Logs can now be stripped.
- Swapped out all wooden blocks in Desert Villages for their Palm counterparts.
- Tumbleweed Stems now generate in Deserts.
- Tumbleweed now spawn naturally in Deserts.
- Scorched Sand now generates in Deserts.
- Scorched Rad Sand now generates in all Badlands biomes.
- Prickly Pears now generate in all Badlands biomes.
- Large bushes now generate in Badlands biomes.
- Tumbleweed Stems now generate in all Badlands biomes.
- Tumbleweed now spawns naturally in all Badlands biomes.
Dark Forest:
- Carnation and Milkweed flowers now generate in Dark Forests.
- Fallen Oak and Birch trees can now generate in Dark Forests.
- Cattails now generate in Dark Forests.
Jungle, Sparse Jungle, and Bamboo Jungle:
- Carnation, Milkweed, Datura, Seeding Dandelion, Lilac, Blue Orchid, Orange Tulip, Pink Tulip, Red Tulip, White Tulip, Allium, and Peony flowers now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Fallen Palm, Oak, and Jungle trees now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Moss Lakes and Basins now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Cattails now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Moss basins now generate in Jungle and Sparse Jungle biomes.
- Podzol basins now generate in Bamboo Jungle biomes.
- Fallen Acacia and Oak trees now generate in all Savanna biomes.
Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Old Growth Spruce Taiga, Old Growth Pine Taiga:
- Small Mega Spruce trees now occasionally generate in all Taiga biomes.
Sunflower Plains:
- Added Flower Forest flowers to Sunflower Plains to make up for a relative lack of vegetation compared to the new Flower Field biome.
Cherry Grove:
- Pollen now generates in Cherry Groves.
- Fallen Cherry trees now generate in Cherry Groves.
- Cherry Trees are now more varied in height.
- Added Tall Cherry Tree variant.
- Added Dying Cherry Tree and Dying Tall Cherry Tree variants.
- Bushes now generate in Cherry Groves.
- Seeding Dandelion, Datura, Rose Bush, Poppy, Lilac, Pink Tulip, and Peony flowers now generate in Cherry Groves.
Jellyfish Caves:
- Large Mesoglea paths and pillars now generate throughout the biome, adding more incentive to explore them and find hidden areas.
Other worldgen changes:
- Fallen Trees can now generate on any block and underwater.
- Tweaked rarity of Fallen Trees.
- Dying Trees now generate Vines on their leaves as well.
- Pollen can rarely generate on some trees, even when grown from saplings.
- Tweaked placement of many worldgen features.
Sculk Changes:
- Reworked Osseous Sculk Generation:
- In worldgen, Osseous Sculk now generates more frequently on floors.
- In non-worldgen, Osseous Sculk no longer relies on noise to generate, allowing it to be reasonably obtained.
- Optimized Osseous Sculk generation overall.
Chest Changes:
- Waterlogged Chests now bubble when opened.
- Waterlogged Chests now use unique sounds when opening and closing.
- Waterlogged Chests in Shipwrecks now have a chance of spawning a Jellyfish when opened.
Termite Changes:
- Updated Termite particles to swarm around the block.
- Updated Termite mound texture.
- Player-placed mounds now strip, then hollow logs.
- Played-placed blocks are no longer eaten by Termites.
- Can now be obtained without Silk Touch.
- Now displays whether Termites are awake or not.
Cypress Changes:
- Only the "Swamp" variant of Cypress generate in water.
-As such, only this variant will be grown from waterlogged saplings.
- Cypress Saplings can now only be placed if water is shallow enough.
Jellyfish Changes:
- Jellyfish can now shrink back into Mesoglea and Nematocyst if spawned naturally and far enough from the player.
- Jellyfish can only spawn up to a third of their spawn cap in biomes where Pearlescent Jellyfish don't spawn.
- This means that Warm Oceans will no longer be flooded with Jellyfish.
- Jellyfish can now spawn in Lukewarm Oceans and Deep Lukewarm Oceans.
- Jellyfish can no longer swim through the bottom or sides of Mesoglea unless they're a passanger or are leashed.
- This is controlled by a tag, containing only Jellyfish by default.
Mesoglea Changes:
- Updated Dripping Mesoglea particles to no longer face upwards or downwards while hanging.
- Waterlogged Mesoglea now allows Jellyfish to spawn inside of it.
- Dry Mesoglea now renders when inside Waterlogged Mesoglea.
- Mesoglea can now optionally be rendered as a liquid whilst Sodium is not being used.
- Fixed countless bugs and inconsistencies overall.
- Changed the way worldgen features are registered to allow for more consistency between 1.19.2 and 1.19.3+.
2.0 (1.19.4)
- Added Oasis biome
- Added Warm River biome
- Added Arid Forest biome
- Added Arid Savanna biome
- Added Parched Forest biome
- Added Birch Jungle biome
- Added Sparse Birch Jungle biome
- Added Birch Taiga biome
- Added Semi Birch Forest biome
- Added Dark Birch Forest biome
- Added Flower Field biome
- Added Rainforest biome
- Added Temperate Rainforest biome
- Added Dark Taiga biome
- Added Old Growth Birch Taiga biome
- Added Old Growth Dark Forest biome
- Added Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biome
- Added Tumbleweed and Tumbleweed Stem blocks
- Added Tumbleweed entity
- Added Bush block
- Added Prickly Pear block and item
- Added Peeled Prickly Pear item
- Added Palm Trees
- Added Palm Blocks
- Added Coconut and Split Coconut items
- Added Small Sponge block
- Added Stripped Stem blocks
- Added Stripped Hollowed Log and Stem blocks
- Added wind
Wind: Hear- no. Feel- no. See- maybe. See the effects of wind before your eyes!
- Can push and pull certain particles
- Clouds now move with the wind
- Is used to control Tumbleweed
Oasis: A luscious apparatus!
- A more lively variant of Deserts!
- Palms, Bushes, Sugar Cane, grass patches, moss patches, and water pools generate naturally in Oases.
- Water here is much brighter than your typical desert.
- Desert villages, Desert temples and Desert wells also generate here.
Warm River:
- A sandier, brighter alternative to rivers in warmer climates.
- Generates with seagrass on the floor.
Rainforest: Flashy! Wet! Dirty!
- A new variant of Forests.
- Contains many flowers, bushes, moss patches, moss basins, moss lakes, and vine-covered trees.
Old Growth Dark Forest: Dark and dreary, mystic-dreamy.
- A variant of the Dark Forest with taller trees.
- Contains mushroom-covered Podzol paths.
- Some trees may be covered with cobwebs.
Old Growth Snowy Pine Taiga:
- Replaces non-snowy Taigas in freezing climates.
- Covered with tall Pine trees and snow!
Temperate Rainforest: Bright! Wet! Exotic!
- A new variant of the Taiga.
- Contains Spruce, Oak, and Birch trees, covered in vines.
- Contains mushroom-covered Podzol paths.
- Generates with moss lakes, podzol basins, and bushes.
TRANSITION BIOMES: Transition biomes are a new category of biome we're introducing.
- These help with reducing and cleaning up sharp borders between biomes.
Arid Forest:
- A combination of the Desert and Forest.
Arid Savanna:
- A combination of the Desert and Savanna.
Parched Forest:
- A midway-point between the Forest and Savanna biomes.
Birch Jungle:
- A combination of the Jungle and Birch Forest.
Sparse Birch Jungle:
- A combination of the Sparse Jungle and Birch Forest.
Birch Taiga:
- A combination of the Taiga and Birch Forest.
Old Growth Birch Taiga:
- A combination of the Taiga and Old Growth Birch Forest.
Semi Birch Forest:
- A midway point between the Forest and Birch Forest biomes.
Dark Birch Forest:
- A combination of the Dark Forest and Birch Forest.
Dark Taiga:
- A combination of the Dark Forest and Taiga.
Flower Field:
- A midway point between the Plains and Flower Forest biomes.
- Appears much like Flower Forests, only without frequent trees.
Tumbleweed: Who wants bouncy balls when you can have bouncy blocks?
- Tumbleweed are a new entity that get carried along with the wind.
- Will stop moving and eventually decay without wind.
- Will decay if left in water for too long.
- Note that Tumbleweed can safely remain in Mesoglea.
- Spawn in Desert, Badlands, Wooded Badlands, Eroded Badlands, and Windswept Savanna biomes.
- Can spawn with loot. The chances of spawning with loot increase with difficulty.
- Can pick up one item.
- Drops sticks when broken.
Prickly Pear: Ow. That hurt. A lot. Help. I ate it. Why.
- Prickly Pears generate in Badlands biomes, putting some greens into the dull reds of the biome.
- Can be picked. Doing so without shears will hurt the player.
Bush: It's alive!
- An alive decorative plant.
- Can grow into a 2-block-tall version of itself, giving more decorative options to players.
- Can be sheared, decreasing its growth by one stage.
Tumbleweed Stem:
- Grows into a dead Tumbleweed, which can snap off and roll around.
- Will regrow.
- The Tumbleweed can be snipped off with shears.
- Can only be obtained by hitting a Tumbleweed entity with Silk Touch or Shears.
- Once placed, can be snipped off and turned into an entity with shears.
Coconut and Palm Sapling:
- Coconuts grow and hang from Palm trees.
- Can be knocked down with projectiles.
- When fully grown, will drop Coconuts.
- Can be planted, placing a Palm Sapling.
- Can be thrown, damaging entities.
- Upon landing, may split.
- Can be used as fuel.
Palm Crown:
- Generates at the top of Palm trees.
- Is used to prevent Palm Fronds from decaying.
Scorched Sand: IT BURNS.
- Comes in regular and red variants.
- Has two stages.
- When mined, the item will retain the stage of the block.
- Can be obtained by burning Sand with Lightning Bolts, Fire, Lava, or Lava dripping from Dripstone.
- Can be reverted by hydrating sand with Rain, Water, or Water dripping from Dripstone.
- Can also be reverted through brushing.
- Can be used to craft Sandstone.
Prickly Pear:
- Can be eaten, at the expense of damaging the player.
- Can be peeled in a crafting table to be eaten without damaging the player.
- Doing this, however, will prevent you from replanting the Prickly Pear.
Split Coconut:
- Can be eaten.
- Can be crafted into Bowls.
- Can be crafted into White Dye.
- Can be used as fuel.
- Cacti can now be placed next to any block.
- Dandelions can now be bonemealed into Seeding Dandelions.
- Fixed Glory Of The Snow bonemealing.
- Improved Algae bonemealing.
- Pollen particles now grow and shrink out of existence, fall in rain, and can no longer exist in water.
- Added Tumbleweed Stem, Tumbleweed, Prickly Pear, and Bush Blocks.
- Fixed missing/broken loot tables
- Sculk Shrieker, Echo Glass, Beehive, and Bee Nest items now display their proper unique textures according to their block states (Souls Taken, Damage, and Honey Level)
- Sand and Red Sand can now be scorched with dripping lava, dripping water, lava, water, and fire above them, or lightning strikes.
- Added Stripped Hollowed Logs, as well as all Hollowed Stem variants.
- Logs and Stems can now be hollowed by using an Axe on their tops.
- Hollowed Logs can now be stripped.
- Swapped out all wooden blocks in Desert Villages for their Palm counterparts.
- Tumbleweed Stems now generate in Deserts.
- Tumbleweed now spawn naturally in Deserts.
- Scorched Sand now generates in Deserts.
- Scorched Rad Sand now generates in all Badlands biomes.
- Prickly Pears now generate in all Badlands biomes.
- Large bushes now generate in Badlands biomes.
- Tumbleweed Stems now generate in all Badlands biomes.
- Tumbleweed now spawns naturally in all Badlands biomes.
Dark Forest:
- Carnation and Milkweed flowers now generate in Dark Forests.
- Fallen Oak and Birch trees can now generate in Dark Forests.
- Cattails now generate in Dark Forests.
Jungle, Sparse Jungle, and Bamboo Jungle:
- Carnation, Milkweed, Datura, Seeding Dandelion, Lilac, Blue Orchid, Orange Tulip, Pink Tulip, Red Tulip, White Tulip, Allium, and Peony flowers now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Fallen Palm, Oak, and Jungle trees now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Moss Lakes and Basins now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Cattails now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Moss basins now generate in Jungle and Sparse Jungle biomes.
- Podzol basins now generate in Bamboo Jungle biomes.
- Fallen Acacia and Oak trees now generate in all Savanna biomes.
Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Old Growth Spruce Taiga, Old Growth Pine Taiga:
- Small Mega Spruce trees now occasionally generate in all Taiga biomes.
Sunflower Plains:
- Added Flower Forest flowers to Sunflower Plains to make up for a relative lack of vegetation compared to the new Flower Field biome.
Cherry Grove:
- Pollen now generates in Cherry Groves.
- Fallen Cherry trees now generate in Cherry Groves.
- Cherry Trees are now more varied in height.
- Added Tall Cherry Tree variant.
- Added Dying Cherry Tree and Dying Tall Cherry Tree variants.
- Bushes now generate in Cherry Groves.
- Seeding Dandelion, Datura, Rose Bush, Poppy, Lilac, Pink Tulip, and Peony flowers now generate in Cherry Groves.
Jellyfish Caves:
- Large Mesoglea paths and pillars now generate throughout the biome, adding more incentive to explore them and find hidden areas.
Other worldgen changes:
- Fallen Trees can now generate on any block and underwater.
- Tweaked rarity of Fallen Trees.
- Dying Trees now generate Vines on their leaves as well.
- Pollen can rarely generate on some trees, even when grown from saplings.
- Tweaked placement of many worldgen features.
Sculk Changes:
- Reworked Osseous Sculk Generation:
- In worldgen, Osseous Sculk now generates more frequently on floors.
- In non-worldgen, Osseous Sculk no longer relies on noise to generate, allowing it to be reasonably obtained.
- Optimized Osseous Sculk generation overall.
Chest Changes:
- Waterlogged Chests now bubble when opened.
- Waterlogged Chests now use unique sounds when opening and closing.
- Waterlogged Chests in Shipwrecks now have a chance of spawning a Jellyfish when opened.
Termite Changes:
- Updated Termite particles to swarm around the block.
- Updated Termite mound texture.
- Player-placed mounds now strip, then hollow logs.
- Played-placed blocks are no longer eaten by Termites.
- Can now be obtained without Silk Touch.
- Now displays whether Termites are awake or not.
Cypress Changes:
- Only the "Swamp" variant of Cypress generate in water.
-As such, only this variant will be grown from waterlogged saplings.
- Cypress Saplings can now only be placed if water is shallow enough.
Jellyfish Changes:
- Jellyfish can now shrink back into Mesoglea and Nematocyst if spawned naturally and far enough from the player.
- Jellyfish can only spawn up to a third of their spawn cap in biomes where Pearlescent Jellyfish don't spawn.
- This means that Warm Oceans will no longer be flooded with Jellyfish.
- Jellyfish can now spawn in Lukewarm Oceans and Deep Lukewarm Oceans.
- Jellyfish can no longer swim through the bottom or sides of Mesoglea unless they're a passanger or are leashed.
- This is controlled by a tag, containing only Jellyfish by default.
Mesoglea Changes:
- Updated Dripping Mesoglea particles to no longer face upwards or downwards while hanging.
- Waterlogged Mesoglea now allows Jellyfish to spawn inside of it.
- Dry Mesoglea now renders when inside Waterlogged Mesoglea.
- Mesoglea can now optionally be rendered as a liquid whilst Sodium is not being used.
- Fixed countless bugs and inconsistencies overall.
- Changed the way worldgen features are registered to allow for more consistency between 1.19.2 and 1.19.3+.
2.0 (1.19.3)
- Added Oasis biome
- Added Warm River biome
- Added Arid Forest biome
- Added Arid Savanna biome
- Added Parched Forest biome
- Added Birch Jungle biome
- Added Sparse Birch Jungle biome
- Added Birch Taiga biome
- Added Semi Birch Forest biome
- Added Dark Birch Forest biome
- Added Flower Field biome
- Added Rainforest biome
- Added Temperate Rainforest biome
- Added Dark Taiga biome
- Added Old Growth Birch Taiga biome
- Added Old Growth Dark Forest biome
- Added Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biome
- Added Tumbleweed and Tumbleweed Stem blocks
- Added Tumbleweed entity
- Added Bush block
- Added Prickly Pear block and item
- Added Peeled Prickly Pear item
- Added Palm Trees
- Added Palm Blocks
- Added Coconut and Split Coconut items
- Added Small Sponge block
- Added Stripped Stem blocks
- Added Stripped Hollowed Log and Stem blocks
- Added wind
Wind: Hear- no. Feel- no. See- maybe. See the effects of wind before your eyes!
- Can push and pull certain particles
- Clouds now move with the wind
- Is used to control Tumbleweed
Oasis: A luscious apparatus!
- A more lively variant of Deserts!
- Palms, Bushes, Sugar Cane, grass patches, moss patches, and water pools generate naturally in Oases.
- Water here is much brighter than your typical desert.
- Desert villages, Desert temples and Desert wells also generate here.
Warm River:
- A sandier, brighter alternative to rivers in warmer climates.
- Generates with seagrass on the floor.
Rainforest: Flashy! Wet! Dirty!
- A new variant of Forests.
- Contains many flowers, bushes, moss patches, moss basins, moss lakes, and vine-covered trees.
Old Growth Dark Forest: Dark and dreary, mystic-dreamy.
- A variant of the Dark Forest with taller trees.
- Contains mushroom-covered Podzol paths.
- Some trees may be covered with cobwebs.
Old Growth Snowy Pine Taiga:
- Replaces non-snowy Taigas in freezing climates.
- Covered with tall Pine trees and snow!
Temperate Rainforest: Bright! Wet! Exotic!
- A new variant of the Taiga.
- Contains Spruce, Oak, and Birch trees, covered in vines.
- Contains mushroom-covered Podzol paths.
- Generates with moss lakes, podzol basins, and bushes.
TRANSITION BIOMES: Transition biomes are a new category of biome we're introducing.
- These help with reducing and cleaning up sharp borders between biomes.
Arid Forest:
- A combination of the Desert and Forest.
Arid Savanna:
- A combination of the Desert and Savanna.
Parched Forest:
- A midway-point between the Forest and Savanna biomes.
Birch Jungle:
- A combination of the Jungle and Birch Forest.
Sparse Birch Jungle:
- A combination of the Sparse Jungle and Birch Forest.
Birch Taiga:
- A combination of the Taiga and Birch Forest.
Old Growth Birch Taiga:
- A combination of the Taiga and Old Growth Birch Forest.
Semi Birch Forest:
- A midway point between the Forest and Birch Forest biomes.
Dark Birch Forest:
- A combination of the Dark Forest and Birch Forest.
Dark Taiga:
- A combination of the Dark Forest and Taiga.
Flower Field:
- A midway point between the Plains and Flower Forest biomes.
- Appears much like Flower Forests, only without frequent trees.
Tumbleweed: Who wants bouncy balls when you can have bouncy blocks?
- Tumbleweed are a new entity that get carried along with the wind.
- Will stop moving and eventually decay without wind.
- Will decay if left in water for too long.
- Note that Tumbleweed can safely remain in Mesoglea.
- Spawn in Desert, Badlands, Wooded Badlands, Eroded Badlands, and Windswept Savanna biomes.
- Can spawn with loot. The chances of spawning with loot increase with difficulty.
- Can pick up one item.
- Drops sticks when broken.
Prickly Pear: Ow. That hurt. A lot. Help. I ate it. Why.
- Prickly Pears generate in Badlands biomes, putting some greens into the dull reds of the biome.
- Can be picked. Doing so without shears will hurt the player.
Bush: It's alive!
- An alive decorative plant.
- Can grow into a 2-block-tall version of itself, giving more decorative options to players.
- Can be sheared, decreasing its growth by one stage.
Tumbleweed Stem:
- Grows into a dead Tumbleweed, which can snap off and roll around.
- Will regrow.
- The Tumbleweed can be snipped off with shears.
- Can only be obtained by hitting a Tumbleweed entity with Silk Touch or Shears.
- Once placed, can be snipped off and turned into an entity with shears.
Coconut and Palm Sapling:
- Coconuts grow and hang from Palm trees.
- Can be knocked down with projectiles.
- When fully grown, will drop Coconuts.
- Can be planted, placing a Palm Sapling.
- Can be thrown, damaging entities.
- Upon landing, may split.
- Can be used as fuel.
Palm Crown:
- Generates at the top of Palm trees.
- Is used to prevent Palm Fronds from decaying.
Scorched Sand: IT BURNS.
- Comes in regular and red variants.
- Has two stages.
- When mined, the item will retain the stage of the block.
- Can be obtained by burning Sand with Lightning Bolts, Fire, Lava, or Lava dripping from Dripstone.
- Can be reverted by hydrating sand with Rain, Water, or Water dripping from Dripstone.
- Can also be reverted through brushing.
- Can be used to craft Sandstone.
Prickly Pear:
- Can be eaten, at the expense of damaging the player.
- Can be peeled in a crafting table to be eaten without damaging the player.
- Doing this, however, will prevent you from replanting the Prickly Pear.
Split Coconut:
- Can be eaten.
- Can be crafted into Bowls.
- Can be crafted into White Dye.
- Can be used as fuel.
- Cacti can now be placed next to any block.
- Dandelions can now be bonemealed into Seeding Dandelions.
- Fixed Glory Of The Snow bonemealing.
- Improved Algae bonemealing.
- Pollen particles now grow and shrink out of existence, fall in rain, and can no longer exist in water.
- Added Tumbleweed Stem, Tumbleweed, Prickly Pear, and Bush Blocks.
- Fixed missing/broken loot tables
- Sculk Shrieker, Echo Glass, Beehive, and Bee Nest items now display their proper unique textures according to their block states (Souls Taken, Damage, and Honey Level)
- Sand and Red Sand can now be scorched with dripping lava, dripping water, lava, water, and fire above them, or lightning strikes.
- Added Stripped Hollowed Logs, as well as all Hollowed Stem variants.
- Logs and Stems can now be hollowed by using an Axe on their tops.
- Hollowed Logs can now be stripped.
- Swapped out all wooden blocks in Desert Villages for their Palm counterparts.
- Tumbleweed Stems now generate in Deserts.
- Tumbleweed now spawn naturally in Deserts.
- Scorched Sand now generates in Deserts.
- Scorched Rad Sand now generates in all Badlands biomes.
- Prickly Pears now generate in all Badlands biomes.
- Large bushes now generate in Badlands biomes.
- Tumbleweed Stems now generate in all Badlands biomes.
- Tumbleweed now spawns naturally in all Badlands biomes.
Dark Forest:
- Carnation and Milkweed flowers now generate in Dark Forests.
- Fallen Oak and Birch trees can now generate in Dark Forests.
- Cattails now generate in Dark Forests.
Jungle, Sparse Jungle, and Bamboo Jungle:
- Carnation, Milkweed, Datura, Seeding Dandelion, Lilac, Blue Orchid, Orange Tulip, Pink Tulip, Red Tulip, White Tulip, Allium, and Peony flowers now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Fallen Palm, Oak, and Jungle trees now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Moss Lakes and Basins now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Cattails now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Moss basins now generate in Jungle and Sparse Jungle biomes.
- Podzol basins now generate in Bamboo Jungle biomes.
- Fallen Acacia and Oak trees now generate in all Savanna biomes.
Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Old Growth Spruce Taiga, Old Growth Pine Taiga:
- Small Mega Spruce trees now occasionally generate in all Taiga biomes.
Sunflower Plains:
- Added Flower Forest flowers to Sunflower Plains to make up for a relative lack of vegetation compared to the new Flower Field biome.
Cherry Grove:
- Pollen now generates in Cherry Groves.
- Fallen Cherry trees now generate in Cherry Groves.
- Cherry Trees are now more varied in height.
- Added Tall Cherry Tree variant.
- Added Dying Cherry Tree and Dying Tall Cherry Tree variants.
- Bushes now generate in Cherry Groves.
- Seeding Dandelion, Datura, Rose Bush, Poppy, Lilac, Pink Tulip, and Peony flowers now generate in Cherry Groves.
Jellyfish Caves:
- Large Mesoglea paths and pillars now generate throughout the biome, adding more incentive to explore them and find hidden areas.
Other worldgen changes:
- Fallen Trees can now generate on any block and underwater.
- Tweaked rarity of Fallen Trees.
- Dying Trees now generate Vines on their leaves as well.
- Pollen can rarely generate on some trees, even when grown from saplings.
- Tweaked placement of many worldgen features.
Sculk Changes:
- Reworked Osseous Sculk Generation:
- In worldgen, Osseous Sculk now generates more frequently on floors.
- In non-worldgen, Osseous Sculk no longer relies on noise to generate, allowing it to be reasonably obtained.
- Optimized Osseous Sculk generation overall.
Chest Changes:
- Waterlogged Chests now bubble when opened.
- Waterlogged Chests now use unique sounds when opening and closing.
- Waterlogged Chests in Shipwrecks now have a chance of spawning a Jellyfish when opened.
Termite Changes:
- Updated Termite particles to swarm around the block.
- Updated Termite mound texture.
- Player-placed mounds now strip, then hollow logs.
- Played-placed blocks are no longer eaten by Termites.
- Can now be obtained without Silk Touch.
- Now displays whether Termites are awake or not.
Cypress Changes:
- Only the "Swamp" variant of Cypress generate in water.
-As such, only this variant will be grown from waterlogged saplings.
- Cypress Saplings can now only be placed if water is shallow enough.
Jellyfish Changes:
- Jellyfish can now shrink back into Mesoglea and Nematocyst if spawned naturally and far enough from the player.
- Jellyfish can only spawn up to a third of their spawn cap in biomes where Pearlescent Jellyfish don't spawn.
- This means that Warm Oceans will no longer be flooded with Jellyfish.
- Jellyfish can now spawn in Lukewarm Oceans and Deep Lukewarm Oceans.
- Jellyfish can no longer swim through the bottom or sides of Mesoglea unless they're a passanger or are leashed.
- This is controlled by a tag, containing only Jellyfish by default.
Mesoglea Changes:
- Updated Dripping Mesoglea particles to no longer face upwards or downwards while hanging.
- Waterlogged Mesoglea now allows Jellyfish to spawn inside of it.
- Dry Mesoglea now renders when inside Waterlogged Mesoglea.
- Mesoglea can now optionally be rendered as a liquid whilst Sodium is not being used.
- Fixed countless bugs and inconsistencies overall.
- Changed the way worldgen features are registered to allow for more consistency between 1.19.2 and 1.19.3+.
2.0 (1.19.2)
- Added Oasis biome
- Added Warm River biome
- Added Arid Forest biome
- Added Arid Savanna biome
- Added Parched Forest biome
- Added Birch Jungle biome
- Added Sparse Birch Jungle biome
- Added Birch Taiga biome
- Added Semi Birch Forest biome
- Added Dark Birch Forest biome
- Added Flower Field biome
- Added Rainforest biome
- Added Temperate Rainforest biome
- Added Dark Taiga biome
- Added Old Growth Birch Taiga biome
- Added Old Growth Dark Forest biome
- Added Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biome
- Added Tumbleweed and Tumbleweed Stem blocks
- Added Tumbleweed entity
- Added Bush block
- Added Prickly Pear block and item
- Added Peeled Prickly Pear item
- Added Palm Trees
- Added Palm Blocks
- Added Coconut and Split Coconut items
- Added Small Sponge block
- Added Stripped Stem blocks
- Added Stripped Hollowed Log and Stem blocks
- Added wind
Wind: Hear- no. Feel- no. See- maybe. See the effects of wind before your eyes!
- Can push and pull certain particles
- Clouds now move with the wind
- Is used to control Tumbleweed
Oasis: A luscious apparatus!
- A more lively variant of Deserts!
- Palms, Bushes, Sugar Cane, grass patches, moss patches, and water pools generate naturally in Oases.
- Water here is much brighter than your typical desert.
- Desert villages, Desert temples and Desert wells also generate here.
Warm River:
- A sandier, brighter alternative to rivers in warmer climates.
- Generates with seagrass on the floor.
Rainforest: Flashy! Wet! Dirty!
- A new variant of Forests.
- Contains many flowers, bushes, moss patches, moss basins, moss lakes, and vine-covered trees.
Old Growth Dark Forest: Dark and dreary, mystic-dreamy.
- A variant of the Dark Forest with taller trees.
- Contains mushroom-covered Podzol paths.
- Some trees may be covered with cobwebs.
Old Growth Snowy Pine Taiga:
- Replaces non-snowy Taigas in freezing climates.
- Covered with tall Pine trees and snow!
Temperate Rainforest: Bright! Wet! Exotic!
- A new variant of the Taiga.
- Contains Spruce, Oak, and Birch trees, covered in vines.
- Contains mushroom-covered Podzol paths.
- Generates with moss lakes, podzol basins, and bushes.
TRANSITION BIOMES: Transition biomes are a new category of biome we're introducing.
- These help with reducing and cleaning up sharp borders between biomes.
Arid Forest:
- A combination of the Desert and Forest.
Arid Savanna:
- A combination of the Desert and Savanna.
Parched Forest:
- A midway-point between the Forest and Savanna biomes.
Birch Jungle:
- A combination of the Jungle and Birch Forest.
Sparse Birch Jungle:
- A combination of the Sparse Jungle and Birch Forest.
Birch Taiga:
- A combination of the Taiga and Birch Forest.
Old Growth Birch Taiga:
- A combination of the Taiga and Old Growth Birch Forest.
Semi Birch Forest:
- A midway point between the Forest and Birch Forest biomes.
Dark Birch Forest:
- A combination of the Dark Forest and Birch Forest.
Dark Taiga:
- A combination of the Dark Forest and Taiga.
Flower Field:
- A midway point between the Plains and Flower Forest biomes.
- Appears much like Flower Forests, only without frequent trees.
Tumbleweed: Who wants bouncy balls when you can have bouncy blocks?
- Tumbleweed are a new entity that get carried along with the wind.
- Will stop moving and eventually decay without wind.
- Will decay if left in water for too long.
- Note that Tumbleweed can safely remain in Mesoglea.
- Spawn in Desert, Badlands, Wooded Badlands, Eroded Badlands, and Windswept Savanna biomes.
- Can spawn with loot. The chances of spawning with loot increase with difficulty.
- Can pick up one item.
- Drops sticks when broken.
Prickly Pear: Ow. That hurt. A lot. Help. I ate it. Why.
- Prickly Pears generate in Badlands biomes, putting some greens into the dull reds of the biome.
- Can be picked. Doing so without shears will hurt the player.
Bush: It's alive!
- An alive decorative plant.
- Can grow into a 2-block-tall version of itself, giving more decorative options to players.
- Can be sheared, decreasing its growth by one stage.
Tumbleweed Stem:
- Grows into a dead Tumbleweed, which can snap off and roll around.
- Will regrow.
- The Tumbleweed can be snipped off with shears.
- Can only be obtained by hitting a Tumbleweed entity with Silk Touch or Shears.
- Once placed, can be snipped off and turned into an entity with shears.
Coconut and Palm Sapling:
- Coconuts grow and hang from Palm trees.
- Can be knocked down with projectiles.
- When fully grown, will drop Coconuts.
- Can be planted, placing a Palm Sapling.
- Can be thrown, damaging entities.
- Upon landing, may split.
- Can be used as fuel.
Palm Crown:
- Generates at the top of Palm trees.
- Is used to prevent Palm Fronds from decaying.
Scorched Sand: IT BURNS.
- Comes in regular and red variants.
- Has two stages.
- When mined, the item will retain the stage of the block.
- Can be obtained by burning Sand with Lightning Bolts, Fire, Lava, or Lava dripping from Dripstone.
- Can be reverted by hydrating sand with Rain, Water, or Water dripping from Dripstone.
- Can also be reverted through brushing.
- Can be used to craft Sandstone.
Prickly Pear:
- Can be eaten, at the expense of damaging the player.
- Can be peeled in a crafting table to be eaten without damaging the player.
- Doing this, however, will prevent you from replanting the Prickly Pear.
Split Coconut:
- Can be eaten.
- Can be crafted into Bowls.
- Can be crafted into White Dye.
- Can be used as fuel.
- Cacti can now be placed next to any block.
- Dandelions can now be bonemealed into Seeding Dandelions.
- Fixed Glory Of The Snow bonemealing.
- Improved Algae bonemealing.
- Pollen particles now grow and shrink out of existence, fall in rain, and can no longer exist in water.
- Added Tumbleweed Stem, Tumbleweed, Prickly Pear, and Bush Blocks.
- Fixed missing/broken loot tables
- Sculk Shrieker, Echo Glass, Beehive, and Bee Nest items now display their proper unique textures according to their block states (Souls Taken, Damage, and Honey Level)
- Sand and Red Sand can now be scorched with dripping lava, dripping water, lava, water, and fire above them, or lightning strikes.
- Added Stripped Hollowed Logs, as well as all Hollowed Stem variants.
- Logs and Stems can now be hollowed by using an Axe on their tops.
- Hollowed Logs can now be stripped.
- Swapped out all wooden blocks in Desert Villages for their Palm counterparts.
- Tumbleweed Stems now generate in Deserts.
- Tumbleweed now spawn naturally in Deserts.
- Scorched Sand now generates in Deserts.
- Scorched Rad Sand now generates in all Badlands biomes.
- Prickly Pears now generate in all Badlands biomes.
- Large bushes now generate in Badlands biomes.
- Tumbleweed Stems now generate in all Badlands biomes.
- Tumbleweed now spawns naturally in all Badlands biomes.
Dark Forest:
- Carnation and Milkweed flowers now generate in Dark Forests.
- Fallen Oak and Birch trees can now generate in Dark Forests.
- Cattails now generate in Dark Forests.
Jungle, Sparse Jungle, and Bamboo Jungle:
- Carnation, Milkweed, Datura, Seeding Dandelion, Lilac, Blue Orchid, Orange Tulip, Pink Tulip, Red Tulip, White Tulip, Allium, and Peony flowers now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Fallen Palm, Oak, and Jungle trees now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Moss Lakes and Basins now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Cattails now generate in all Jungle biomes.
- Moss basins now generate in Jungle and Sparse Jungle biomes.
- Podzol basins now generate in Bamboo Jungle biomes.
- Fallen Acacia and Oak trees now generate in all Savanna biomes.
Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Old Growth Spruce Taiga, Old Growth Pine Taiga:
- Small Mega Spruce trees now occasionally generate in all Taiga biomes.
Sunflower Plains:
- Added Flower Forest flowers to Sunflower Plains to make up for a relative lack of vegetation compared to the new Flower Field biome.
Cherry Grove:
- Pollen now generates in Cherry Groves.
- Fallen Cherry trees now generate in Cherry Groves.
- Cherry Trees are now more varied in height.
- Added Tall Cherry Tree variant.
- Added Dying Cherry Tree and Dying Tall Cherry Tree variants.
- Bushes now generate in Cherry Groves.
- Seeding Dandelion, Datura, Rose Bush, Poppy, Lilac, Pink Tulip, and Peony flowers now generate in Cherry Groves.
Jellyfish Caves:
- Large Mesoglea paths and pillars now generate throughout the biome, adding more incentive to explore them and find hidden areas.
Other worldgen changes:
- Fallen Trees can now generate on any block and underwater.
- Tweaked rarity of Fallen Trees.
- Dying Trees now generate Vines on their leaves as well.
- Pollen can rarely generate on some trees, even when grown from saplings.
- Tweaked placement of many worldgen features.
Sculk Changes:
- Reworked Osseous Sculk Generation:
- In worldgen, Osseous Sculk now generates more frequently on floors.
- In non-worldgen, Osseous Sculk no longer relies on noise to generate, allowing it to be reasonably obtained.
- Optimized Osseous Sculk generation overall.
Chest Changes:
- Waterlogged Chests now bubble when opened.
- Waterlogged Chests now use unique sounds when opening and closing.
- Waterlogged Chests in Shipwrecks now have a chance of spawning a Jellyfish when opened.
Termite Changes:
- Updated Termite particles to swarm around the block.
- Updated Termite mound texture.
- Player-placed mounds now strip, then hollow logs.
- Played-placed blocks are no longer eaten by Termites.
- Can now be obtained without Silk Touch.
- Now displays whether Termites are awake or not.
Cypress Changes:
- Only the "Swamp" variant of Cypress generate in water.
-As such, only this variant will be grown from waterlogged saplings.
- Cypress Saplings can now only be placed if water is shallow enough.
Jellyfish Changes:
- Jellyfish can now shrink back into Mesoglea and Nematocyst if spawned naturally and far enough from the player.
- Jellyfish can only spawn up to a third of their spawn cap in biomes where Pearlescent Jellyfish don't spawn.
- This means that Warm Oceans will no longer be flooded with Jellyfish.
- Jellyfish can now spawn in Lukewarm Oceans and Deep Lukewarm Oceans.
- Jellyfish can no longer swim through the bottom or sides of Mesoglea unless they're a passanger or are leashed.
- This is controlled by a tag, containing only Jellyfish by default.
Mesoglea Changes:
- Updated Dripping Mesoglea particles to no longer face upwards or downwards while hanging.
- Waterlogged Mesoglea now allows Jellyfish to spawn inside of it.
- Dry Mesoglea now renders when inside Waterlogged Mesoglea.
- Mesoglea can now optionally be rendered as a liquid whilst Sodium is not being used.
- Fixed countless bugs and inconsistencies overall.
- Changed the way worldgen features are registered to allow for more consistency between 1.19.2 and 1.19.3+.
1.1.15 (1.19.4)
1.1.15 (1.19.3)
1.1.14 (1.19.4)
- Changed some things internally
- Updated included FrozenLib to 1.2.0
- Fixed Ancient Horn rendering on 1.19.4