「你处于严重的危险之中」 (Youre in Grave Danger)
该模组旨在兼容大多数,如果不是所有的库存模组。目前「你处于严重的危险之中」提供了对inventorio [所有版本]、trinkets [所有版本]、curios [1.16]、旅行者背包 [1.16, 1.17]的兼容。
其他库存模组也与此模组兼容,包括backslot, extra inventory和BigInv。该模组也将与infinitory一起工作,但这种兼容性尚未经过充分测试。如果任何列出的模组不兼容,或者你了解其他影响库存的模组,请在模组的github存储库中提出一个问题,或在Discord服务器中进行报告。
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.13
### Fixes
* Fixed crash when extraItemsReceived config in the respawn component is changed
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.12
### Changes
* Improved compatibility with Beans Backpacks, by dropping the backpack instead of the
items inside it when it's supposed to be dropped
* Added compatibility with "Respawn Obelisks" mod
### Fixes
* When using drop percent for XP, XP returned is no longer rounded down to nearest level
* Game no longer crash if there's a grave in a dimension that is reset
* Random-spawn UUID is no longer treated as a string, but a UUID nbt object, meaning
skulls should now render properly
* Graves can no longer generate where block entities are placed
* Dropped items will now remain in GUI
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.11
### Fixes
* Fixed mod clearing player inventory when trying to claim a grave that had generated
before removing a compatible inventory mod
* Fixed crash with Beans Backpacks
* No longer sending error message to player when claiming the grave by breaking it
* Default trinket drop rule will now actually be default
* Fixed adaptive grave renderer, so it renders the grave properly
* Fixed issues where grave robbing didn't work outside very specific conditions
* Numismatic overhaul coins should no longer be duplicated when dying
### Changes
* Added config to consume death scroll on use
* Removed conditional registration of items, causing servers to be in control of weather
the items are enabled or not, without having to change client configs
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.10
### Changes
* Added compatibility with beans backpacks
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.9
### Changes
* Added `/yigd whitelist list` command to list all whitelisted/blacklisted players
* Improved precision of player position when dropping items that couldn't fit in
player inventory after merge of grave and player inventory, when using commands
* Now adds items in inventory after inventory merge, if they can fit, instead of
dropping them from the grave
* If a grave would happen to be destroyed due to a bug, the game will let that player
know, and give directions to how to restore it (can be disabled through config)
* Added a new config option to drop all contents of a grave when it's destroyed
(false by default, as this includes breaking graves in creative mode)
* Added translation for "the bumblezone" dimension in grave GUI
* Added compatibility with orpheus' "orpheus lyre"
### Fixes
* Columns of items added by mod inventories that are shown in the grave overview GUI,
will now be rendered on the same row as the other columns
* Fixed curse of binding now being stuck when claiming a grave, (unless the cursed
item is in the grave)
* Curse of binding trinkets will now be removed from its slot in a grave when dying,
as well as stay in the player inventory when claiming a grave
* Curse of binding soulbounded will no longer be stuck in the same slot upon respawn
* Theoretically fixed duplication when standard drop rule was set to DROP (untested)
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.8
### Changes
* Added overlay messages when failing to claim/rob graves due to a few reasons
* Added new config options for XP drops. These are BEST_OF_BOTH and WORST_OF_BOTH,
dropping the highest of VANILLA and PERCENTAGE, respectively the lowest of the
two options.
* Modified layout in grave overview GUI, and added more buttons
* New GUI button (if grave keys are enabled, and button is allowed) to create a key
to the grave
* New GUI button (if player has a recovery compass in inventory) to create a grave
compass to the grave
* Grave compasses are now called "Grave Compass"
* Graves can now point to the closest grave, either owned by the player, or all
graves. This is configurable in the config file
### Fixes
* Fixed compatibility issue with "utility belt". Items inside belt should no longer be
deleted on death.
* Travelers backpack will no longer be deleted on death whenever trinket integration is
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.7
* Improved backup system. Now all items are backed up, no matter drop rules.
Through the backup in game GUI you can now also restore items with specific drop rules
* Updated enchantment configs so that you can configure how the enchantments are accessed.
Note that if you had soulbound disabled you'll need to disable it again in the config
* Added grave compass. Configurable in the config file
### Fixes
* Game will no longer crash when dying if Travelers backpack is installed
* Keep inventory will no longer duplicate items
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.6
### Changes
* Added back soulbound blacklist tag. Items in this tag can't be enchanted with soulbound
### Fixes
* Players can't retrieve their graves while dead anymore
* Restore command should now delete the grave appropriately
* Restore/rob command should no longer crash the game if being called twice
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.5
### Fixes
* Fixed issue where no graves generated while origins was loaded
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.4
### Fixes
* Graves generating inside the world when dying outside the world (like falling
out of the end) will now store the grave data
* Origins inventories will now properly handle its own drop rules
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.3
### Changes
* Added config to drop contents of deleted graves, when deleted due to the max grave
count reached.
* Config now uses GSON instead of jankson (config file is now yigd.json instead of yigd.json5)
### Fixes
* Graves will no longer unlock when closing and reopening the game
* Added translation keys for enchantments
* Fixed error where game could not read config file, so you could not change the configs
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.2
Small update to fix an issue with iris
### Fixes
* Using iris, graves used to render completely white when glowing grave render config
was enabled. It should now appear normally with just a white glowing outline
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.1
**NOTE: This version is a rewrite of previous versions of the mod for minecraft 1.20
and above. It will not be backwards compatible with previous versions of the mod.**
Also note this is a beta release, and may contain bugs. If you encounter such
things, please report them on the mod's github.
Every feature has been reimplemented from scratch. If there's something from
previous versions that didn't make the update, also let me know over on github.
I (the mod dev) have tried to remember everything, but might've still missed some stuff
### Notable features
* Changed the config file. Both in structure, but also format. Should hopefully
be easier to traverse
* Although it's been in the mod previously, graves are optional. However, in
this version, the mod has been developed with this more in mind than previously.
This means that it is easier to use YiGD as a death handler mod, without graves,
than it has previously been.
* Added new respawn configurations. You can now respawn with custom potion effects,
you can configure respawn health, hunger, and more.
* Compatibility is now more configurable, where you can configure drop rules
from different mod inventories, and also toggle the compatibility implementations
from loading.
* Inventory NBT is no longer stored in the block entity itself. If you have previously
had trouble with this overloading chunks with NBT data, it should now be fixed.
All data is now stored in the backup file, which means if it's lost, the grave contents
will be too.
You're in Grave Danger 1.6.0
- Added numismatic overhaul compat
- Destroyed unclaimed graves will now drop all its contents,
or the grave containing the items, on the ground (or nothing, configurable)
- Re-added the graveyard compat
### Fixes
- Will no longer crash with uwrad when restoring a "travelers backpack" backpack
- Fixed item loss behaving incorrectly
- Fixed issue with moderate command
You're in Grave Danger 1.5.2
- Added numismatic overhaul compat
- Destroyed unclaimed graves will now drop all its contents on the ground
- Re-added the graveyard compat
### Fixes
- Will no longer crash with uwrad when restoring a "travelers backpack" backpack
- Fixed item loss behaving incorrectly
- Fixed issue with moderate command
You're in Grave Danger 1.4.9
- Destroyed unclaimed graves will now drop all its contents,
or the grave containing the items, on the ground (or nothing, configurable)
- Added numismatic overhaul compat
### Fixes
- Will no longer crash with uwrad when restoring a "travelers backpack" backpack
- Fixed item loss behaving incorrectly
- Fixed issue with moderate command
You're in Grave Danger 1.3.15
- Destroyed unclaimed graves will now drop all its contents,
or the grave containing the items, on the ground (or nothing, configurable)
- Added numismatic overhaul compat
### Fixes
- Will no longer crash with uwrad when restoring a "travelers backpack" backpack
- Fixed item loss behaving incorrectly
- Fixed issue with moderate command
You're in Grave Danger 1.5.1
### Change
- Amethyst imbuement soulbound totem compat
### Fix
- Fixed graves from emptying when reloading/rejoining the world/dimension
You're in Grave Danger 1.4.8
### Change
- Amethyst imbuement soulbound totem compat
You're in Grave Danger 1.3.14
### Change
- Amethyst imbuement soulbound totem compat
You're in Grave Danger 1.5.0
### Changes
- Updated to 1.19.3
- Changed blacklistDimensions config into taking dimension string IDs, and not integer IDs
- Disabled some compatibilities as mods hasn't updated. These mods are:
- Ftb Chunks
- LevelZ
- Origins (inventory power)
- Travelers backpack
- Changed how glowing graves are rendered. This might be able to fix some rendering issues
- Added config to tell all players where the latest grave to the player who just logged of is located
- Changed `putXpInGrave` config to `xpStorage`, allowing XP to be stored past death
- Merged `trySoft` config and `trySoftApproach` config into one `trySoft` config
### Fixes
- Fixed some issues with item-loss config not working properly, and sometimes crashing
- Fixed issue with `/yigd grave [user]` command bringing up a GUI for the player in question, not the one using the command
You're in Grave Danger 1.4.7
### Changes
- Changed glowing grave rendering. Will *maybe* solve issue for some people with invisible graves. Maybe not
### Fixes
- Fixed crash error with item loss config enabled
- Fixed item loss feature from only deleting air, to actual items
- Fixed issue with travelers backpack trinket integration causing backpack to disappear
- Fixed `/yigd grave [user]` bringing up GUI for wrong user
You're in Grave Danger 1.3.13
### Changes
- Changed glowing grave rendering. Will *maybe* solve issue for some people with invisible graves. Maybe not
### Fixes
- Fixed crash error with item loss config enabled
- Fixed item loss feature from only deleting air, to actual items
- Fixed issue with travelers backpack trinket integration causing backpack to disappear
- Game will no longer crash when twilight bosses try to destroy graves
- Fixed issue with `/yigd grave [user]` showing the GUI for the wrong user
- Added config to spawn the grave where you last touched the ground
- Added origins keep inventory power support
### Fixes
- Improved packet networking, meaning servers should no longer crash if too many people play on it
- Travelers backpack were disappearing when "trinket mode" in travelers backpack config was enabled
- XP progress did not save when dying above level 17
- Mincells boss doesn't destroy graves
- Fixed incompat (crash) with inventory tabs
- Added config to spawn the grave where you last touched the ground
- Added origins keep inventory power support
### Fixes
- Improved packet networking, meaning servers should no longer crash if too many people play on it
- Travelers backpack were disappearing when "trinket mode" in travelers backpack config was enabled
- XP progress did not save when dying above level 17
- Fixed incompat (crash) with inventory tabs
- You can now configure the graves to only be loot-able when holding a shovel. Default disabled
- You can configure probability of any entity spawning when looting a grave. Default disabled (0%)
- The entity can be configured to which entity, and also completely custom NBT
- Nbt can contain special values representing player name (of grave owner or looter), player UUID
- Nbt can also contain any item (based on which slot) in the grave, and even if this item should be "used up" (deleted from grave) or not
- Improved grave area overrides to handle keep inventory zones
- Added config for block not generating under graves in spawn protected area or claims
- Added "inventory origins" compat
### Fixes
- Grave scroll is now craft-able when not disabled
- Twilight bosses can no longer destroy graves
- You can now configure the graves to only be loot-able when holding a shovel. Default disabled
- You can configure probability of any entity spawning when looting a grave. Default disabled (0%)
- The entity can be configured to which entity, and also completely custom NBT
- Nbt can contain special values representing player name (of grave owner or looter), player UUID
- Nbt can also contain any item (based on which slot) in the grave, and even if this item should be "used up" (deleted from grave) or not
- Grave area overrides now use drop types (keep, drop or grave) instead of just saying grave or no grave
- Added config for block not generating under graves in spawn protected area or claims
- Added "inventory origins" compat
### Fixes
- Grave scroll is now craft-able when not disabled
- Twilight bosses can no longer destroy graves
- Item name of the grave compass is now properly translated
- When retrieving items, and an items assigned slot is occupied, it will look for a slot to stack in
### Fixes
- Fixed an issue where when retrieving items, equipped items would get empty nbt elements, causing them unable to stack with other items of same type
- Fixed an issue where when using the command `/yigd grave [player]` on a non OP, while having proper permissions, "cheat buttons" did not show up
- Fixed an issue when using latest levelz version (1.4.0), game would crash on death
- When retrieving items, and an items assigned slot is occupied, it will look for a slot to stack in
### Fixes
- Fixed issue where when retrieving items, equipped items would get empty nbt elements, causing them unable to stack with other items of same type
- Fixed issue where when using the command `/yigd grave [player]` on a non OP, while having proper permissions, "cheat buttons" did not show up
- Added back FTB Chunks compat
- Added config to break or click on graves to claim them (2 in 1)
- Added config to make soulbound level decrease when used (on death)
- Added command to see coordinates for your latest death
### Fixes
- All custom resource files now support UTF-8 encoding
- Trinket destroy and keep slot types are now supported
- Added config to break or click on graves to claim them (2 in 1)
- Added config to make soulbound level decrease when used (on death)
- Added command to see coordinates for your latest death
### Fixes
- All custom resource files now support UTF-8 encoding
- Trinket destroy and keep slot types are now supported
- Added back FLAN compat
- Updated to 1.19.2
- You can now see who robbed your graves (configurable)
- Added zh_cn translation, thanks to @deluxghost
- TrySoft config is now more customizable, and you can config graves to keep same x and z, but change y coordinate
- Graveyard spots can now be designated to specific players
- You can now change in which dimension the graveyard should work in (default overworld)
- You can now configure graveyards to generate graves at the closest place to the dying player
- Dimension names in GUIs can now be changed with resource packs
- Notifications for robbed graves can now be disabled
- Graves can now be configured to stay after being claimed. You can click them to see when you died (which minecraft day) and you can move this grave with silk touch
- Added config to keep all trinket items
- Added grave compass item (normal compass pointing to your grave)
### Fixes
- Fixed backslot compat
- Fixed a crash with `/yigd moderate`
- Grave timer for robbing and expiration is no longer reset on world restart
- GUI buttons will now also check permission api permissions
- Unlocking graves now works
- You can now see who robbed your graves (configurable)
- Added zh_cn translation, thanks to @deluxghost
- TrySoft config is now more customizable, and you can config graves to keep same x and z, but change y coordinate
- Graveyard spots can now be designated to specific players
- You can now change in which dimension the graveyard should work in (default overworld)
- You can now configure graveyards to generate graves at the closest place to the dying player
- Dimension names in GUIs can now be changed with resource packs
- Notifications for robbed graves can now be disabled
- Graves can now be configured to stay after being claimed. You can click them to see when you died (which minecraft day) and you can move this grave with silk touch
- Added config to keep all trinket items
- Added grave compass item (normal compass pointing to your grave)
### Fixes
- Fixed backslot compat
- Fixed a crash with `/yigd moderate`
- Grave timer for robbing and expiration is no longer reset on world restart
- GUI buttons will now also check permission api permissions
- Unlocking graves now works
- Added back graveyard compat
- Added back ftb chunks compat
- Added back levelz compat
- Commands can now restore/rob graves based on coordinates
- Added compat with common protection api (land claim api)
- Added back inventorio compat
- Added back travelers backpack compat
- Inventory will no longer be cleared when respawning, before soulbound items are given back (configurable)
- User will now be prompted with a screen complaining, if the yigd config file is broken
- Graves can now be configured as of what will cause them to generate. Player death or when the inventory would usually drop (both still when player dies)
- Improved modded inventory storage in grave data and soulbound data
### Fixes
- Removed error print in log when death scroll is disabled
- Other bug fixes
- Re-added requiem compat (for fake players and possessed mobs)
- Graves can now be restored/robbed using coordinates
- When a player respawn after dying their inventory is no longer cleared (can be toggled with config)
- Replaced goml compat with common protection api compat
- Players will now be told when starting their game if the config is broken, and how to fix it
- You can now configure any of two places in the code where graves can generate, this to fix potential issues
### Fixes
- Graves can now be robbed when configured to claim on destroy
- The game will now start when the config file is broken, but will print an error
- When opening grave GUI data will be sent in smaller parts allowing much more data to be sent
- Game will no longer crash when graves drop items on the ground
- Stopped parsing error with death scroll item from showing
- Fixed an issue where levelz could cause soulbound items from inventorio and/or travelers backpack to disappear
- Fixed botania resolute ivy behaviour
This update will add some new things and overall improves the user experience (I hope)
### Changes
- Added compatibility with The Graveyard!
- You can configure so that dying close to a graveyard will have your grave spawn in that graveyard. Your grave will change place with a grave there, and if there are no free graves at that structure, your grave will generate where you died as normally
- Change the tag `data/yigd/tags/worldgen/configured_structure_feature/graveyard_structures.json` to configure which structures graves can be replaced in. Default to all graveyards
- Search radius for closest acceptable graveyard can be configured
- Slightly toned the player color down in the `/yigd moderate` command from vibrant green to darker green
- Added compatibility with fabric permissions api
- Added a very basic search function for the player select in the GUI you get when executing `/yigd moderate`
- Some commands can now be used from server console, command blocks, and similar
- Added back travelers backpack compat
- Added compatibility with botania resolute ivy
### Fixes
- Filters will no longer reset when changing pages in the GUIs
- Fixed graves that very rarely was placed in the wrong dimension
- Graves will now ignore blocks as grass, snow layers, ferns, and dead bushes when generating (added to block whitelist)
- Added compatibility with botania resolute ivy
- Some commands can now be used from server console, command blocks, and similar
- You will no longer lose all your items if you die in spectator mode
- Fixed a potential issue if player had their inventory full of soulbound items, and had both curse of binding and soulbound on their armor, the armor would either disappear, or the game would hang, or it would work. Anyway now it works better
- Fixed `/yigd` and `/yigd grave` not working for non OPs, even if selfView config was enabled
- Added 2 new configs. voidSlots and soulboundSlots
- voidSlots: You can configure slot IDs for some slots that will never get saved in your grave.
- soulboundSlots: You can configure slot IDs for some slots that will always receive the soulbound trait.
- Slot IDs are available to read in the wiki. If any mod extending the inventory is included, the IDs will not be the same (for example BigInv mod)
- Made enchantments more configurable. You can now decide where and when you can receive them (requires change in config file)
Teleport scroll should be more reliable now
Corrected a typo
Dying in spectator mode will no longer lose all your items
`/yigd grave` and `/yigd` should now work properly again
- Added soulbound item blacklist tag
- Added a button in the grave GUI to restore grave (for OPs)
- Added a button in the grave GUI to rob graves (for OPs)
- Grave backups are no longer deleted once the grave is claimed
- Grave backup status is now tracked, meaning you can see which graves have been claimed or destroyed in some way
- Added filters and display options for the newly tracked grave statuses when using the GUI
- Added command to clear grave backups
- If grave overrides a block when it spawns, this block will replace the grave once it's claimed
- Changed default configs to now place grave more accurately where you died.
- You can now right click with skulls on decorative graves to attach the skull to the grave
- Core command name is now configurable
- The `/yigd` command now has the same functionallity as `/yigd grave`
- Added commands to whitelist/blacklist users from generating graves on death
- Added datapack file that can create areas in your world where graves can't spawn
- Added grave keys (configurable)
- Paired to either a grave, a player, or will work on all graves
- Retrieved from death and/or GUI
- If made craftable with datapack they are bound to the player crafting them
- Rebindable with shift + right click (configurable on/off)
- Combining soulbound with curse of binding will not equip armor when you respawn anymore
- Added config that can allow players to unlock their graves through GUI for everyone to rob it
- You can now decide what happens with your items when you die in spawn protected area (grave/keep items/drop items)
- Added compatibility with levelz's XP (configurable)
- Added compatibility with 3 claim mods. You can now configure what happens when you die in claims from these mods. Keep items/drop items/generate grave.
- GoML ReServed
- FTB Chunks
Bug fixes
- "Magna tools" (like indrev drill or hammers) can no longer destroy graves with the help of extended mining area
- Fixed position error when gamerule doImmediateRespawn enabled
- Graves should not be able to spawn where the end portal or dragon egg can generate
- Fixed a crash connected to glowing graves
- Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes freeze with the itemLoss config enabled
- Added soulbound item blacklist tag
- Added a button in the grave GUI to restore grave (for OPs)
- Added a button in the grave GUI to rob graves (for OPs)
- Grave backups are no longer deleted once the grave is claimed
- Grave backup status is now tracked, meaning you can see which graves have been claimed or destroyed in some way
- Added filters and display options for the newly tracked grave statuses when using the GUI
- Added command to clear grave backups
- If grave overrides a block when it spawns, this block will replace the grave once it's claimed
- Changed default configs to now place grave more accurately where you died.
- You can now right click with skulls on decorative graves to attach the skull to the grave
- Core command name is now configurable
- The `/yigd` command now has the same functionallity as `/yigd grave`
- Added commands to whitelist/blacklist users from generating graves on death
- Added datapack file that can create areas in your world where graves can't spawn
- Added grave keys (configurable)
- Paired to either a grave, a player, or will work on all graves
- Retrieved from death and/or GUI
- If made craftable with datapack they are bound to the player crafting them
- Rebindable with shift + right click (configurable on/off)
- Combining soulbound with curse of binding will not equip armor when you respawn anymore
- Added config that can allow players to unlock their graves through GUI for everyone to rob it
- You can now decide what happens with your items when you die in spawn protected area (grave/keep items/drop items)
- Added compatibility with levelz's XP (configurable)
- Added compatibility with 3 claim mods. You can now configure what happens when you die in claims from these mods. Keep items/drop items/generate grave.
- GoML ReServed
- FTB Chunks
Bug fixes
- "Magna tools" (like indrev drill or hammers) can no longer destroy graves with the help of extended mining area
- Fixed position error when gamerule doImmediateRespawn enabled
- Graves should not be able to spawn where the end portal or dragon egg can generate
- Fixed a crash connected to glowing graves
- Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes freeze with the itemLoss config enabled
- Graves ignoring robbing config if configured to drop contents when retrieved
- `/yigd moderate` will offset buttons wrongly on other "pages"
- Graves ignoring robbing config if configured to drop contents when retrieved
- `/yigd moderate` will offset buttons wrongly on other "pages"
Called 1.3.0 because of a lot of changes in the vanilla code
- XP will now drop when graves are configured to drop items on ground when retrieved
- The game will no longer crash when a grave with xp in it expire
- Percent of XP given back from graves will now be more accurate when you die past level 16
- Fixed an issue loading a json file included in the mod.
- Renamed the tp_scroll namespace to death_scroll
- Added more configs for the death scroll item
- The scroll can now be configured not only if it should load or not, but also what it should do. It will either teleport you to your grave, or show info of your grave.
- The scroll can now be configured to be given to you when you die
- Added configs for items to be deleted from your inventory on death
- A new item tag has been added as blacklist from being removed. If this feature is enabled, backpacks, shulker boxes and similar should be put here (empty by default)
- A range of items can be deleted. Either x to y items, or x% to y% of your inventory.
- Range can either target single items or full stacks
- A percentage can be set to the likelyhood of each item trying to be destroyed to actually be destroyed/deleted.
- Can either ignore soulbound items or not
- Will take effect before curse of vanishing (meaning if you have the mod configured to remove 1 item, it might remove a curse of vanishing item).
- Not compatible with items in backpacks. If a backpack is found then the entire backpack will disappear, even if it's configured to not delete entire stacks
- Added compatibility with optifabric (not recommended to use, but now it will work)
This will also apply to the gauntlet boss from the Bosses of Mass Destruction mod
I have no idea how this wasn't already implemented
This will also apply to the gauntlet boss from the Bosses of Mass Destruction mod
I have no idea how this wasn't already implemented
This will also apply to the gauntlet boss from the Bosses of Mass Destruction mod
I have no idea how this wasn't already implemented
- All hardcoded text messages have been changed to work with lang files
- A proper logger is now used
- Different players can now have different retrieval priorities as that config will sync from client to server
- Added Death Sight enchantment (disabled by default, togglable in config). Added to helmets. When equipped all graves will always render with the glowing effect, no matter who's it is or your glowing configs
- Grave View GUI will now display the dead user if the client can find them
- Fixed some problems with mods extending the vanilla inventory (extra inventory and bigInv among others)
All these features (along with every other feature for the mod) can now be found for 1.16 and 1.17 as well
- Fixed spawn protection ignore config (spawn protection can now be ignored)
- Glowing render will now render as a proper glowing effect (the one mobs and players get from spectral arrows)
- Changed the glowMinDistance config to 0, causing the glowing render to always be applied if enabled
- Added config for letting xp drop outside graves on death
- Added curse of bidning toggle (how it is applied when retrieving items from graves, NOT a toggle for the enchantment completely)
- Fixed an issue where graves disappeared from the end spawn platform when going back to the end
- Added config to ignore spawn protection for graves. Set to true by default (that graves do override spawn protection)
- Fixed an issue where your game would crash when respawning
* Added item soulbound data tag for items that should always have the soulbound trait, no matter enchantment
* Changed default configs to be more server friendly. Graves can now be robbed after 1 hour
* Added compatibility with FTB Chunks
* Added a new item (configurable, off by default), that will teleport you to your latest grave. Texture provided by @Kai-mbe
* Changed the command `/retrieve_grave` to `/yigd restore`
* Added `/yigd rob [user]` command for remotely robbing graves. Requires OP
* Added `/yigd grave [user]` command for viewing all your/someone else's grave. Requires OP to view other's graves. Does not require OP to view your grave.
* Added `/yigd moderate` command for viewing all players with graves (and their graves) on the server/world. Requires OP. Note that this will not actually let you restore any graves from the GUI, just watch their contents
* Old graves can now be restored even if a newer grave from the same player just got restored/retrieved
* Version bump
* Graves would disappear if you claimed it the same tick as you died. This is now fixed
* Fixed an issue where inventorio inventory disappeared from the grave if you closed and opened the world again.
* Fixed an issue where graves could not be restored if you closed and opened the world again.
* Fixed an issue where if you closed the world instead of respawning, joined another world and died, and then rejoined the first world, your soulbound items would be lost
* Fixed a minor issue where the game would send a huge error message if Cammie's Wearable Backpacks were not installed (this is a compat thing)
* Graves generated when more trinkets mods were loaded will no longer clear your inventory on retrieval (less trinket slots available than when grave generated)
If a requiem player shell dies, their graves will now be the same as the shell user.
Fixed an issue where `/reload` did not work
Added a config for changing the glowing effect render distance
You can customize the appearance of graves with a resource pack in `assets/yigd/models/block/grave.json`. This file will work as any normal block model file, except it will feature a few extra features, as well as generating its hitbox shape based on the shape defined by the json model file. The extra features included will let you customize the optional skull and/or grave text. See the wiki for [custom grave models](https://github.com/B1n-ry/Youre-in-grave-danger/wiki/Custom-Grave-Models) for info on how you can create new models.
This update has also added the feature to decide in which directions graves should generate in graveyards (customizable per block)
Graves will no longer use a static model, which can allow the graves to render the adapted ground renderer better.
The adapt renderer will no longer look squished, but will only work with full opaque blocks (not glass, leaves, stair or slabs for example)
The ender dragon can no longer destroy graves
Graves will now only generate when you either have items in your inventory or xp equipped. In other words graves will not generate unless they serve a purpose. This can be configured to work as it has in the past
There was a compatibility issue with botania where graves was destroyed during the guardian of gaia fight. This should no longer happen.
If a grave fails to generate, it will try again, and (hopefully) exceed.
Some of an xRay has been added where if the server AND client has a config enabled, grave owners will be able to read their name on the grave through blocks. This is not the intended final result, so expect visual bugs.
I've also added a few other configs and fatures in this version:
* You can now customize which items should try and be forced on to the same slot as before looting a grave. This can be useful if some items are not supposed to be in any other slot than the chest slot for example. This feature can be used together with cammie's wearable backpacks mod. Forced slots will only work on armor slots.
* Added a recipe for crafting the grave. You can disable this feature with a datapack easily.
* The mod will now require fabric loader version 0.12.9 as a minimum
* Added "Drop Grave Block" config, which will, if enabled, cause the grave to drop as a block when grave is looted.
* Added "Require Grave Item" config, which will instead of generating a new grave on death, use a grave from your inventory. If you are not carrying a grave around, your items will drop on the floor
* Updated the mod to 1.18.1
You can now let your graveyard spawn in between two coordinates. If you have a datapack utilizing this feature PLEASE UPDATE THE DATAPACK FILE
You can now add a list of damage sources that should not generate a grave if it's your cause of death
Added inventorio compat back to the mod since it got updated to 1.18
You can now configure if your head should drop when you die (works both with and without graves)
Mods without compat should hopefully not delete all its items anymore
Mod is now a lot smaller due to not including cloth config. This mod will now require cloth config to start instead
End city loot was previously not able to generate. It is now
Cammie's wearable backpacks disappeared due to not having their default slot as chest armor slot. This is now fixed and should be a fix if there are any other similar cases in any other mod
Also added a config for deciding if grave content should drop if and when grave will expire
End city loot was previously not able to generate. It is now
Cammie's wearable backpacks disappeared due to not having their default slot as chest armor slot. This is now fixed and should be a fix if there are any other similar cases in any other mod
Also added a config for deciding if grave content should drop if and when grave will expire
Added configs that can decide time for expiration of graves
Graveyard graves will now always generate in the overworld, and not at the specified coordinates but in the dimension you died in
Fixed a few other bugs
Added a wiki describing how to set up the mod as a modpack developer and/or server admin (on github)
Added configs that can decide time for expiration of graves
Graveyard graves will now always generate in the overworld, and not at the specified coordinates but in the dimension you died in
Fixed a few other bugs
Added a wiki describing how to set up the mod for modpack developers and/or server admins
* The mod now has a semi advanced grave robbing system. In the configs you can change if only graves are robbable, if only the attacker can rob the grave or not, and after how long the grave can be robbed.
* You can now specify in the config what inventory you want to stack on top of which. The inventory you prioritize will be the one the layout remains the same in. There's a separate config for when looting graves if you want to prioritize another inventory when the grave is not yours
* The grave placement can now go by both a block whitelist and block blacklist. They are both configurable. The whitelist are called Soft Replace, and blacklist Strict Replace. This way you can try at first to find a nearby air block (or any other of your choice) so you won't have to mine if you suffocate to death. In case one of the whitelisted blocks are not within reach however, the grave will find the closest block that's not on the strict blacklist. These block lists can be changed with a datapack at `data/yigd/tags/blocks/soft_whitelist.json` and `data/yigd/tags/blocks/replace_blacklist.json`.
* The whitelist for generating a block under the grave have now been moved to `data/yigd/tags/blocks/support_replace_whitelist.json`
* Added a graveyard feature!
This is not a world generation feature, but a way map makers, server admins, and possibly mod pack developers can specify a couple of blocks that graves will try to generate at first. If you die and one of the specified block coordinates are empty (air), your grave will generate there. Otherwise it'll generate as usual where you died. Can add/remove/change these in the config
* Updated build version to 1.18-rc4
* The mod now has a semi advanced grave robbing system. In the configs you can change if only graves are robbable, if only the attacker can rob the grave or not, and after how long the grave can be robbed.
* You can now specify in the config what inventory you want to stack on top of which. The inventory you prioritize will be the one the layout remains the same in. There's a separate config for when looting graves if you want to prioritize another inventory when the grave is not yours
* The grave placement can now go by both a block whitelist and block blacklist. They are both configurable. The whitelist are called Soft Replace, and blacklist Strict Replace. This way you can try at first to find a nearby air block (or any other of your choice) so you won't have to mine if you suffocate to death. In case one of the whitelisted blocks are not within reach however, the grave will find the closest block that's not on the strict blacklist. These block lists can be changed with a datapack at `data/yigd/tags/blocks/soft_whitelist.json` and `data/yigd/tags/blocks/replace_blacklist.json`.
* The whitelist for generating a block under the grave have now been moved to `data/yigd/tags/blocks/support_replace_whitelist.json`
* Added a graveyard feature!
This is not a world generation feature, but a way map makers, server admins, and possibly mod pack developers can specify a couple of blocks that graves will try to generate at first. If you die and one of the specified block coordinates are empty (air), your grave will generate there. Otherwise it'll generate as usual where you died. Can add/remove/change these in the config
- You will no longer lose all your items by going back to the overworld from the end
- Will now work with new overworld world height
- Tell Grave Pos will now tell you where the grave generated and not where you died (sometimes the coordinates where off)
- Previous update made xp drop from both player and grave. Now it will only drop from one of them. Xp drop configs will also now work with the graves disabled
- You will no longer lose all your items by going back to the overworld from the end
- You can now use worlds with custom world height (not tested in 1.17)
- Tell Grave Pos will now tell you where the grave generated and not where you died (sometimes the coordinates where off)
- Previous update made xp drop from both player and grave. Now it will only drop from one of them. Xp drop configs will also now work with the graves disabled
This version will add all features from the latest 1.17.1 version, except some mod compatibilites as these mods has not been updated to 1.18 yet
Added a config to disable the built in soulbound enchantment (requires restart to work)
Soulbound items will now also render in your inventory when you die, while other items will not (as they will end up in your grave, and not in your inventory when you die)
Items in modded inventories like trinkets or inventorio will now work with soulbound
Adapt Render: If true, this will draw the sprite of the block under the grave on top of the grave ground layer.
This can look a bit buggy, since it will compress the sides.
Note that this feature will only draw the sprite on top of the block. Blocks that are transparent you'll be able to see the actual grave texture through
Fixed a bug where if you added experience levels to your user with the /xp command, these levels would not be restored in your grave
Added a command /retrieve_grave <user> to retrieve lost items. Using the command without the user argument, your items will be restored. If you use the argument, the selected players items will be restored. You can not retrieve someone elses grave.
The grave is now water loggable and will by default be water logged if you die in water.