Yttr (Yttr)
Yttr是一个有关虚空、过去和未来的模组,结合了原版游戏大修与内容扩展。它是Fabric Quilt的一个庞大模组,可以说是对1.4-1.6模组的一封情书。Yttr包含许多常见功能的新视角,有趣的世界生成,定制音乐以及全新的机制。
在Yttr中,第一个“进度门”是使用多模式Yttric Rifle向基岩上的黑曜石/钻石尖刺射击,打开基岩,引出液态虚空的喷泉 —— 多年(或多版本)前由于炼金术灾难而创造,也导致了熟悉的荒漠生物群系的形成。经过充分准备,甚至可以穿越虚空快速前往你(或你的朋友(或对手))在其他地方开采出涌泉的地方。如果你准备不足,即使你的物品也无法免受虚空的全面溶解......
连续性之根可以在浮空的末地岛下找到,用镐头敲碎它们会产生一滴连续性,将岛屿掉入深渊 —— 然而,你可能要当心......
此外,还提供了“畸变体”,提供了一种不仅仅是有趣贴图的自动合成和物品排序解决方案。 (好吧,它是一个有趣模型的方块。) 将骷髅放在桌上,手术地结合蠕虫和苦力怕并将它们关在蜂巢里,或者将末影人和僵尸拼接在一起并将它们神奇地绑定到漏斗上 —— 因为当然要让你的物流更容易,~~你这个怪物~~。
Yttr将合成视为一种机制而非界面,紧密集成到周围的世界中。从自动压碎和灌装气态发光菌,到将骷髅塞进陷阱并疯狂地将其捆绑到桌子上,Yttr试图避免可以由数字存储系统解决的合成。每种合成类型都配备了详细的 [EMI][emi] 集成。
还包括大量有用的“Vanilla+”物品 —— Dopper,双输出循环漏斗;Flopper,侧向漏斗;Chute,允许你向下发送物品或中心物品从投掷器射出;Yttrium Button,一刻的按钮;半刻延迟的音符方块,甚至还有一些其他东西。
这个模组还有更多内容 —— 可溶性可焊塑料方块,时髦灯,永久的钕磁铁,离心机,深海挤压树的美味,多个新附魔和诅咒,从红外石英派生的一种新形式的电路(尚未完成),......
查看 [wiki][wiki] 以彻底解释 ~~一切~~ 一些事情 —— 它还没有更新到最新版本,并且停留在v0.4.3。我们正在努力更新它。您也可以在 [Discord][discord] 或 [Matrix][matrix] 上来讨论一下。
* Added more inanimate entities to the screeper_immune tag; minecarts, armor stands, xp orbs
* The following only apply if you use a datapack to add spawners to the yttr:snareable block tag:
* Snared spawners will continue to tick, spawning mobs
* Snared spawners are no longer stable, breaking containment after ~2:20
* Removed some obsolete mixins and utilities now handled by Lib39
* Might fix networking jank
* New texture for carbon blocks
* Haemopal is now a piece of your soul
* Continuous Platform blocks are now broken with *left*-click, and break instantly if not immortal
* You can now replace your soul with soup
* Fixed lazor emitters being half waterloggable
* Added Continuous Platforms, a new sole-slot trinket that lets you sneak to walk on air anywhere
* Fixed ore recipes not recognizing deepslate ores
* Fixed cleaved block mesh caching
* Fixed rifle scope persisting when switching items
* Rifle now unscopes on overcharge
* Fixed cleaved block collision sometimes bugging out
* Reimplemented Disjunction and Vorpal to be less janky
* Disjunction now uses the #yttr:disjunctible entity tag instead of being hardcoded
* Control hints are no longer blurry on some GUI scales alongside QDAA
* Updated Lib39 to 1.5.0-pre3
* Fix Shifter-immortalized Continuous Platform blocks keeping their speedy state
* Added the Continuous Diffractor, an active cloaking device that's better than invisibility potions
* Fix on servers. Again
* Added a new "Break Bedrock Anywhere" config option
* Various mechanisms are now valid bases for Hypervelic Resin (such as pistons and hoppers)
* Glowdamp can now be thrown, creating a cloud of temporary light and harming undead
* Glowdamp now stacks to 64 (consistent with Dragon's Breath)
* Transferent Fungus spore placement on piston retraction is now much more reliable
* Added IR lazors, which are invisible, do not emit light, and do not harm entities, but are still detectable with redstone
* Added missing EMI recipe defaults
* Slightly reduced lazor brightness for less lag; the full 15 isn't necessary with 1.18 spawn rules
* Possible fix for dyed project tables not showing as dyed in some cases
* Chutes can now be put below replicators to intelligently keep dropped items stocked
* Various mechanisms are now valid bases for Hypervelic Resin (such as pistons and hoppers)
* Glowdamp can now be thrown, creating a cloud of temporary light and harming undead
* Glowdamp now stacks to 64 (consistent with Dragon's Breath)
* Transferent Fungus spore placement on piston retraction is now much more reliable
* Added IR lazors, which are invisible, do not emit light, and do not harm entities, but are still detectable with redstone
* Added missing EMI recipe defaults
* Slightly reduced lazor brightness for less lag; the full 15 isn't necessary with 1.18 spawn rules
* Possible fix for dyed project tables not showing as dyed in some cases
* Chutes can now be put below replicators to intelligently keep dropped items stocked