Minewache Modpack (Minewache Modpack)
重要提示: 请注意,为避免错误,仅需安装一次模组包(重新安装前请务必删除旧有模组)。
内存需求: 至少需要6GB内存,建议8GB。
自动安装(推荐): 您可以在这里下载 CurseForge 启动器进行自动安装。
Mod 列表:
ConnectedTexturesMod (by tterrag1098)
FPS Reducer (by bre2el)
Chunk-Pregenerator (by Speiger)
Chisel (by tterrag1098)
Fullscreen Windowed (Borderless) for Minecraft (by hancin)
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (by MrCrayfish)
ACsGuis (by AymericRed)
FreeCam by Zergatul (by Zergatul)
Konkrete [Forge] (by Keksuccino)
Security Craft (by Geforce132)
Customizable Player Models (by tom54541)
Webdisplays Remastered (by zacktherat1313)
BetterFps (by Guichaguri)
Timos Scenes (by TiHi2k8)
ModularWarfare - Guns & more (by protoxy22)
Macaw's Windows (by sketch_macaw)
ItemPhysic Full (by CreativeMD)
Kiro's Basic Blocks (by KiroKadura)
Traffic Control (by CSX8600)
BNBGamingLib (by bloodnbonesgaming)
Macaw's Fences and Walls (by sketch_macaw)
[FCL] Fexcraft Common Library (by Ferdinand)
MalisisCore (by Ordinastie)
PTRLib (by RazzleberryFox)
VanillaFix (by Runemoro)
BiblioCraft (by Nuchaz)
Controlling (by Jaredlll08)
Grappling Hook Mod (by yyonne)
A Little Extra Tiles(Formerly LTPhoto) (by l_Doc)
Simply Light (by Flanks255)
OreLib (by OreCruncher)
Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR)
Resource Loader (by Lumien231)
[FVTM] Fex's Vehicle and Transportation Mod (by Ferdinand)
Minewache Mod (by Sarocesch)
Camera Mod (by henkelmax)
MixinBootstrap (by LX_Gaming)
NotEnoughIDs (by fewizz_)
Macaw's Doors (by sketch_macaw)
MalisisDoors (by Ordinastie)
Natural Decor Mod (by marioz170)
Saro´s Money (by Sarocesch)
Decocraft (by RazzleberryFox)
Macaw's Roofs (by sketch_macaw)
LittleTiles (by CreativeMD)
ModularMovements (by protoxy22)
CMDCam (by CreativeMD)
ArtemisLib (by Cammie)
ArchitectureCraft - TridentMC Version (by darkevilmac)
TexFix (by Speiger)
MCEF Remastered (by zacktherat1313)
MCglTF (by protoxy22)
MacroKey Keybinding (by MattsOnMc)
WorldEdit (by sk89q)
Fureniku's Roads (by Fureniku)
DynamX Physics Mod (by Yanis_BDF)
JourneyMap (by techbrew)
Loading Screens (by bloodnbonesgaming)
Dynamic Surroundings (by OreCruncher)
Complementary Shaders - Unbound (by EminGTR)
Optifine Check (by KettleMC_NET)
It's the little things (by Zlepper)
FoamFix (by asiekierka)
FancyMenu (by Keksuccino)
Saro's No Hud Pack (by Sarocesch)
Chameleon (by Texelsaur)
MrCrayfish's Device Mod (by MrCrayfish)
CreativeCore (by CreativeMD)
Shadowfacts' Forgelin (by ShadowfactsDev)
Custom NPCs (by Noppes_)
Timo Numbers and letters (by TiHi2k8)
Gulliver Reborn (by Cammie)